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12580979 No.12580979[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit.
Adderall is incredible.
Is there any downside to this?

>> No.12580989

no drugs never have any downside

>> No.12580990

Did you just start? it fucking destroys your body, mind, energy. Good luck with not having a stroke.

>> No.12581005

the side effects of amphetamine, dude.

>> No.12581017

Not at all OP, you can do it for the rest of your life without any negative effects, now you know why there are billionaires and millionaires. Enjoy :)

>> No.12581026

Don't listen to them anon, it's seriously bad.

>> No.12581043

literally makes you dumb longterm
/sci/ was btfo when the article came out

>> No.12581045
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>> No.12581063

yeah I went from a loser to a winner mentality in just one dose. its insane

>> No.12581087

you go from a loser, to a winner, to a fucking deadbeat piece of shit loser.

>> No.12581111

Makes me horny but I'm a degenerate porn addicted serial fapper. Then it takes like an hour to nut.

>> No.12581112
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Mfw I already have all the side effects even I don't take Adderall

>> No.12581113
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I take 20mg XR daily.

Use it intelligently, respect the drug, and you'll be getting stuff done at an incredible rate.

Don't browse 4chan while on it though, it's way too stimulating and will fuck with your productivity.

>> No.12581134

I have super high blood pressure, 3 family members have died from heart attacks but fuck it adderall is the only way I'll make it.

>> No.12581146

You are literally just borrowing energy from the future. Zero sum game. Gave me hella-kidney stones too.

>> No.12581163

Yup. Same here. I cannot stress enough how adderol turns lazy losers into ambitious successful millionaires in just 1 dose. Unbelievable!

>> No.12581179

hell no bro youre only doing pure meth/cocaine, aint no drawbacks for that shit!!

>> No.12581236

My wife has these and she microdoses it. She'll crunch up a pill into powder and use that single pill over a week or two by putting little bits into gatorade.

>> No.12581248

this. (((they))) dont want you to know this so they vilify drugs

>> No.12581249



I was unironically addicted about 5 years ago. Couldn't function without it, would go days without sleeping, health deteriorated rapidly and began having episodes of psychosis. Been off it for about 4.5 years and still have never returned to my old self (the way I was before I started taking them). Don't be retarded like me. You should avoid them at all cost

>> No.12581253

Drink less coffee, energy drinks and soda then.

>> No.12581263

Never done stims of any kind, but I've heard good things about modafinil. Can anyone weigh in?

>> No.12581273
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>Is there any downside to this?
You haven't fixed the problem of why you're apathetic and need drugs in the first place

Adderall is your ticket to the mouse utopia, Beautiful One.

>> No.12581302

To some degree, most of us are beautiful ones. Otherwise we wouldn't be on this board.

>> No.12581304
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It absolutely wrecks your ability to concentrate when you're not taking them. They're not 'smart pills', they're just prescribed amphetamines

>> No.12581320

>Psychological projection is a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting.

>> No.12581368

Also ruins you psychologically, forever. It's how they convinced the werrmacht to kill civilians and what the psychos of isis also use.

Disassociation from the whole of humanity along with psychotic lack of empathy isn't a side effect btw, it's the intended effect of amphetamines taken as anything other than a once in a blue moon party drug

>> No.12581381

I am going to be so ecstatic when all these millennial college kids who think they can take this stuff every day with no consequences end up mentally deteriorated zombies in 10 years

>> No.12581384

It's like crystal meth in a pill basically.

>> No.12581446

so you guys were all losers raised by single moms who put you on Adderall as kids, eh?

Seems about right. I'm sure that one pill is to blame for all of your life's problems.

>> No.12581458

>does amphetamine have any downside

>> No.12581524

if you're stupid enough to believe this you unironically deserve to miss longevity escape velocity

>> No.12581536

No, only started fucking with a few years ago because of a girlfriend who did it, got caught up in it, got burnt.

>> No.12581543

Modafinil is much more manageable you fucks

>> No.12581556

Yeah, just careful you aren't one of the few who get serious skin burns. Shit seems pretty nasty.
Imo the best remedy to brain fog is a healthy lifestyle.

>> No.12581561

t. first year psychologyfag

>> No.12581585

Use once every couple of months maybe, never had any side effects. I wouldn't fuck with anything everyday.

>> No.12581596

No, it’s amazing.

>> No.12581609
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Been taking them since I was a child, I feel fine.

>> No.12581621

i took it for over a year (not every day, sometimes only once every 2 weeks)
it helped me make a lot of money in the 2017 bull run
then it ruined my liver and now I'm a useless piece of shit who can't even drink a glass of wine with dinner anymore :)

>> No.12581670

Microdose, drink a fuck ton of water, no caffeine and you'll be fine. L-Dopa if you have a lot of side effects.

>> No.12581681

You need to make sure you're getting sleep, eating, etc.
If your brain cant replenish serotonin you will start to withdraw and feel addicted. Just take a day off every week and make sure you sleep.

>> No.12581684

Post here: >>12580317

>> No.12581686
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Depending on drugs to accomplish things is never a good thing, but yeah, it's true... adderall is truly incredible - especially when it comes to making money.

The trick is learning to harness it's power, or else you'll get rekt like 90% of the people that take it. If you have a regular supply like I do then it's VERY important to take regular days off to keep your dopamine levels stable and your mental state consistent. Never let it interfere with your sleep, nutrition, or your social life. Don't let your off-days be unproductive or else you'll develop a dependency on it just to complete routine tasks. Never increase your dose over time or you'll get JUSTed fast. It's all discipline.

Personally, I only take my 20mg XR prescribed dose. It was a major catalyst for my endeavors in investing and making money, and I've been able to keep the moment going with or without it. It's high risk, however; so I can't say I'd "recommend" using it - as hypocritical as that may sound.

>Don't browse 4chan while on it though, it's way too stimulating and will fuck with your productivity.
Also this kek

>> No.12581699


The cost will be your health.

Get off stimulants. Your mind is your own making, and relying on stims to change your mindset will be disastrous in the long run.

>> No.12581713

>then it ruined my liver

I thought that was only a problem with adrafinil.

>> No.12581734

Not heard of liver issues with modafinil, the metabolites are non-toxic apparently.

>> No.12581749

Did 1-2 doses a day 3 days in a row, then was horribly ill and depressed for a week afterwards. Do 1 dose if you NEED to go robo-focus mode, then take a week off.

>> No.12581750

>Get off stimulants. Your mind is your own making, and relying on stims to change your mindset will be disastrous in the long run
Don't listen to this shithead. Stimulants will allow you better planning on how to use stimulants successfully, in addition to straightening your life out.

>> No.12581769

within a year or two max you will have 0 impulse control, be super irritable, twitchy and burnt out. the tolerance is fucked, you will become insane. it's not worth it.
also this is true and terrible
nigga ur homeless behind home depot don't lie

>> No.12581773
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>Stimulants will allow you better planning on how to use stimulants successfully

>> No.12581788

I remember my brother giving me one in high school. I got a gf and then went home and played Bloons for 6 hours straight. Best day of my life sadly. Stayed with the girl for like 6 months. My first gf all because Adderall turned me into Chad for a day.

>> No.12581801

I got a prescription for adderrall. Within a year, I had a career, got married, and had my life sorted out. I was good at work, productive, and paid attention to detail. Eventually I got fired. I stopped taking adderall, because I don't like the idea of having to take amphetiamines on a dialy basis to be a functioning member of society. I can no longer feel joy, excitement, or passion about anything. My brain is fucking fried. I can't focus on anything other than 4chan for a few minutes. I don't even have the motivation to update my resume. I'm getting evicted in a few days. My wife is leaving me.

This is truly an awful feeling. Once you start them, you cannot stop.

>> No.12581809

also on this note I forgot to mention, when I stopped after a few months of use I got sick for around 2 weeks, this could have been coincidence.

>> No.12581819

>This x 100000.

I assume OP is trolling and knows addy is a shit drug, but in case you don't just know your tolerance will grow extremely fast and very soon it'll take 2-3 pills just to get 1/2 the effect you're getting now. The withdrawals/side-effects when you're not on it will be awful. Don't embarrass yourself by getting addicted to a meme drug that shouldn't even exist since 99% of people prescribed it don't need it. More or less you act like a meth addict when hooked on addy, I knew a lot of idiots in college believe me stay away from the shit unless it's a rare occasion maybe 2-3 times a semester if needed.

>> No.12581821
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>I was good at work
>Eventually I got fired

>> No.12581827
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I took 90mg this morning and paranoid as a mother fucker

>> No.12581864
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>> No.12581866

dexedrine's king, bitches

>> No.12581888

Hahahhaa the eternal addicts lie lives again.
>I work better when I'm on (insert addiction here)
>Takes (insert addiction here) daily because he feels he now can't function as well without it
>Soon, being on (insert addiction here) is the only thing that feels normal. It no longer feels like being high, it's just what he "needs" to get by.
>Starts acting angry, irrational, bipolar on days when (insert addiction here) isn't available to him... but still refuses to admit (insert addiction here) is an addiction, or that it has any effect on his mood.

Yep, I've seen this one play out many times first-hand. Vicious cycle.

>> No.12581895

The only drug a man needs to be productive is pussy. The only drug a man needs to come down from that is booze. Prove me wrong druggies

>> No.12581917
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My first time taking adderall, I played CS:GO and was the #1 player for 10 rounds. Didn't die a single time. Everyone was convinced I was hacking. I wonder if those pro-gamer kids use that shit

>> No.12581921

This, you should up your dosage and take it daily anon

>> No.12581930

Replace the boomer drug (booze) with it's superior in every single aspect younger brother (weed) and you're golden.

>> No.12581966

just like smokers.

why are most people so fucking stupid?


>> No.12581977

they do and they are against the rules as performance enhancers. Similar story years ago. Playing MW2. Absolutely unstoppable. Social as fuck and never felt so good.

>> No.12582026
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I hate murderers, therefore I'm a murderer?

>> No.12582054

yea you'll go psychotic

>> No.12582098

100% in the csgo pro scene. there are some clips of c9 players tweaking the fuck out mid round, weird jaw and eye ticks.

>> No.12582186

friend was a pro gamer for a while. He told me theres a limit on caffeine use as well.

>> No.12582202

Try snorting it anon

Big fuckin yes and rush

>> No.12582243

vasoconstriction, if you get erection and jerk it too hard you can damage your penis because it's not fully engorged.

It boosts memory at the cost of psychosis, it encodes short term memory instantly but it means you get deja vu a lot

you wont notice youre hungry which is terrible, your brain needs glucose and water to function and if you go without eating your performance will suffer even though you wont be aware of it while it's happening, it will increase anxiety during this time.

that's about it, other than those it's fucking awesome

>t. "diagnosed" with severe adult ADHD on 10mg dexedrine a day

>> No.12582334
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boys, when you're coming down from fucking with addies, remember to take your l-tyrosine+bvitamins+vitaminc (together) and magnesium.
the idea is sustainability.
and remember, you socially defective cum-guzzling gutter sluts, drugs amplify your BASE.
if your BASE you is shit, it will make things marginally better. but if your base you is healthy, strong, etc, everything you experience is gonna be that much better because everything's greased and good to go.
this is true for many drugs and reinforces one of the key truths of a sober life.
don't neglect taking care of yourself unless you're really into masturbatory burnout suicide, in which case you better fucking be in a band or else it's just kind of pathetic

stims are kinda gay though. you can end up getting too numb, and way too self-obsessed, real easy.

>> No.12582378

not at all, slight side effects like stunt of growth and shrinkage of brain tissue but nothing major =D


>> No.12582383

does this drug help with programming? i'm already a well-above average code monkey but will taking this make me unstoppable?

like i heard you can go on 15 hour coding sprints on this shit

>> No.12582410

>all these nay-sayers
just cycle it and it'll be okay, you dumbasses

>> No.12582418

>I use an aspirin-tier drug once every few months

>> No.12582484

I asked my doctor and did an earnest attempt to portray my ADHD symptoms so he would prescribe me Adderall or Dexedrine and he basically just said I should exercise.

Hate to sound shady but does anyone have tips on “doctor shopping”? My doc is a good doc but he doesn’t see or doesn’t care how much mental anguish I’m in 24/7.

>> No.12582552

Do you exercise regularly?

>> No.12582581

I exercise enough to know that physical activity will not cure my ADHD.

>> No.12582656

Zzz, so boring. Keep watching movies and playing video games you non addict.

>> No.12582661

unlike you, a pleb, i will not click a link where i hover over embed and see a man who looks like a pedophile i would be wary of and ready to punch in the face for assaulting a small child in public.

weed = better sex for both of you, various clinically proven health benefits, better recovery from the gym, more enjoyment of food, and just being chill in general.

booze = only good for a very short time while drunk, tolerance increases rapidly and you quickly require several shots/beers to even feel a buzz, followed by headaches/vomiting from being hungover, countless other negative health side-effects including alcoholism which is one of the most widespread diseases in the US.

>> No.12582753

>I got a prescription for adderrall. Within a year, I had a career, got married, and had my life sorted out. I was good at work, productive, and paid attention to detail. Eventually I got fired. I stopped taking adderall, because I don't like the idea of having to take amphetiamines on a dialy basis to be a functioning member of society. I can no longer feel joy, excitement, or passion about anything. My brain is fucking fried. I can't focus on anything other than 4chan for a few minutes. I don't even have the motivation to update my resume. I'm getting evicted in a few days. My wife is leaving me.
did you use them daily?
you just got used to functioning with speed bro, it's fine
just take it every few days

>> No.12582834
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Bad circulation, erectile dysfunction, hypersexuality, irritability, weight loss, depression. I used to take it, but I just take caffeine pills now. Much easier on my system, and still stimulating.

>> No.12582877

use it responsibly. every couple days. frequent breaks

>> No.12582947

You need to visit a psychiatrist specialist, that’s 80% of the battle. Then you have to tell them you always had it and your family has adhd.
But desu like the other posters said I’d just recommend drinking coffee

>> No.12582954

Not quite the same stimulation and tolerance for caffeine skyrockets with consistent use. As for addy or finil for example, cycling is absolutely necessary.

>> No.12582974

>I assume OP is trolling and knows addy is a shit drug, but in case you don't just know your tolerance will grow extremely fast and very soon it'll take 2-3 pills just to get 1/2 the effect you're getting now. The withdrawals/side-effects when you're not on it will be awful. Don't embarrass yourself by getting addicted to a meme drug that shouldn't even exist since 99% of people prescribed it don't need it. More or less you act like a meth addict when hooked on addy, I knew a lot of idiots in college believe me stay away from the shit unless it's a rare occasion maybe 2-3 times a semester if needed.
the therapeutic benefits remain and the euphoria disappears, you dumb junkie

>> No.12582984

>remember to take your l-tyrosine+bvitamins+vitaminc (together)

>> No.12582994

>As for addy or finil for example, cycling is absolutely necessary.
Any idea if finil has cross-tolerance with addy?

>> No.12583020

the subject of this news story is my good friend.
he fucked around with adderall and lost his mind for a while. wound up stealing a bus for a joyride.

downside? you tell me.


>> No.12583066
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>therapeutic benefits
>bad circulation, erectile dysfunction, hypersexuality, irritability, weight loss, depression

>> No.12583250

I'm a grown up from the time before putting kids on amphetamines was a thing, you fucking retard.

Whoever is doing amphetamines as anything other than a party drug is an idiot

>> No.12583287

Go get some help man don’t let your life slip away.

>> No.12583527

Take lsd and use the profound experience to find answers to the best stocks.
Become billionaire.
Steve jobs did it.

>> No.12583562

I got mild case of sjs from modafinil and I will never take any drugs again.

>> No.12583581

You poor fucking idiot. Enjoy your new fetishes and ruined brain.

>> No.12583593

>erectile dysfunction, hypersexuality

>> No.12583642


nobody gets laid from weed. its like mainlining estrogen

>> No.12583651
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is adderall causing this?

>> No.12583661
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use this for a base degenerate

>> No.12583669

interesting how half of /biz/ seems to be drinking the public school anti-drug kool-aid

>> No.12583685

I get all that from coffee and energy drinks anyway, what's the big deal?

>> No.12583700

>Don't browse 4chan while on it though
Been shitposting non-stop for 12 hours straight.

>> No.12583702

Where do you get Adderall? I looked it up on some dark web markets before and it seemed ridiculously expensive.

>> No.12583738
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> I can no longer feel joy, excitement, or passion about anything.
fuck man I already feel this way and I've never even done any drugs (except crypto). Is there any hope for me?

>> No.12583746

Find someone with a prescription. Really easy in college towns.

>> No.12583750

how was it, OP?

>> No.12583784

It's funny because I went to my doc for depression once and he immediately no-questions-asked referred me to what turned out to be a total amphetamine-slinging crank of a doctor. He gave me some bullshit tests which I passed with flying colors (because I'm not a retard) but still told me I was barely functioning and should start adderall immediately. I was terrified of starting itbecause I've heard so many burnout stories so I just asked for some ritalin instead, took it for a week, it made me tweak out like a motherfucker and didn't help my mood or focus at all. So I ditched it and just went back to being depressed all the time. And here I am today.

I tried the mrhappy stack once and even at tiny doses (like 50mg uridine and 50mg cdp choline) it sucks all the life out of me and turns me into a unpredictable whinging bitch. Which is like the opposite of what it's supposed to do.

>> No.12583800

>party drug
It makes me wanna get shit done, not party.

Also your interactions become weird when you're on it. People can definitely notice you're on something.

>> No.12583826

Ive gone 3 days straight... but I am going to tell you right now that, no. It is not. At least it wasnt for me. I ended up over analyzing every single detail, sometimes to the point of redoing things over and over and getting stuck in a loop. Nothing was ever pure enough code.
At the time I thought I was being a code ninja, but the reality is I look back at the code and now disagree.

>> No.12583838

>At the time I thought I was being a code ninja, but the reality is I look back at the code and now disagree.
Simply because you become better over time.

>> No.12583882

Well, of course there is an element of that, but I am an old fag. This wasn't all that long ago. It was more along the lines of while on adderall, the code that came out was trying to be a bit too clever. Trying to condense too much. I ended up rewriting some of it after the fact.

>> No.12584001

I used to take amphetamines and became reliant on them to motivate me. As others have mentioned you develop a ridiculous tolerance and end up burnt out eventually. I experienced severe depression when I didn't take them too, I guess my serotonin was depleted.. Luckily I managed to get off them and haven't taken any in years.