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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12576972 No.12576972 [Reply] [Original]

When did this board change? LINK was always shilled quite heavily but FUD was fun and marines joined into threads to fud the project to death. It also worked as a reality check which we shouldn't stop doing. Now when you post obvious pasta/fud some dumb ATH buying newlinker tells you you're a swinglinker and wants to cope. What has this board become? We shouldn't ever stop fudding because it's what we inherently were. The project was discussed, found to be a true gem and then got retested over and over again. Yes we had over 1.5 years to accumulate but don't you want your dog to have a golden toilet too? It makes DCAing for all of us easier and again it's a fun activity to do as marines. Sometimes there were threads popping up starting as a dumb thought experiment to sound smart and fud but then an actual issue got discussed and answers to further questions were found. This is what separates us from other boards, this makes us true marines. Keep fudding, keep shilling, praise pregnant Sergey. Muslim man out.

>> No.12577057

based and redpilled

>> No.12577230


>> No.12577345
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Link bagholders are finally realizing that their token is dogshit. The first mover advantage is virtually lost. Even the most fanatic linkies are running out of excuses as to why Sergey can barely stutter through a fireside chat, even though it's the same rehashed talking points he's given for the last 18 months.

>> No.12577400


Every month brings us closer to mainnet, so it will keep ramping up.
Gonser, one of the foundation players in introducing legally enforceable digital agreements sat 1 on 1 with Sergey and went through the ins and outs of the project. The spiel was the same but the context was extremely important considering who he is. This isn't even a remarkable endorsement for Chainlink when you consider Cornell, 4th Industrial Revolution, also the creator of Solidity, etc etc. The list of things going for Chainlink and its concept is exhaustive.

The FUD is pointless and the faggots are getting desperate. The writing is on the wall.

>> No.12577441

Checked and based. The fudders dogging this project are not going to make it, nor do they deserve it. The time is on Marines to get behind it and support it. You were blessed with this opportunity, to continue to insult and rip it apart with lies for personal gain is wrong, and those that do it for greed will not make it.

>> No.12577508

It doesn't even have a reason to hire a second actual developer now that witnet popped up with a working product.

>> No.12577533

This. Also, there are many more approaches to the solution that are viable and could be more secure and cheaper.

>> No.12577588

^best case scenario: Sergey soldiers on, like Richard Stallman before him, with a doomed useless project (Hurd), and insists everyone call witnet chainlink/witnet. Lulzy

>> No.12577599
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All in on witnet

>> No.12577608

hahah this worth less shit coin is tanking as we speak. 10k sats end of day!

>> No.12577738

>McDonalds' food is cheap and edible
>Why doesn't everyone eat McDonalds?

>> No.12578052

Once upon a time, in a timeline where the singularity did not occur EOY, lived a wojak. He had heard stories of there being other wojaks and perhaps in theirs LINK sky rocketed and they left humanity behind. Not in this timeline. Wojak clenched his fists. January 2019. He felt his vision blur a little as he filled flicked through the job application form. TradeView was open in another tab, and LINK kept dumping. He had to close that one.

Soon, he will be back in the work force, another cog in the cage, and Wagie Wojak will shuffle in among the nameless herd of Wojaks to his place. “Am I the last marine who held?” He wondered.

After months of applying vigorously to dehumanizing interviews, having to jump through flaming hoops and pass penis inspection tests, Wagie Wojak finally landed a job and was fitted with his very own call center muzzle headset and strapped into his 8 hour time released chair.

>> No.12578062


“Get to work, Wagie,” he heard his boss Mr. Pepe as he walked by his cage and peed against Wojak’s leg. The smell of tendies wafted through the air.

After work, Wojak slogged through the street, too drained by his work day. The 800 calorie sludge that piped through his nozzle was not at all filling despite being pumped full of chemicals. He heard a voice.


It felt like it was whispered right next to his ear. Wojak quickly turned around to look. “I must be hearing things.”

“Tonight. It’s happening.”

Wojak screamed. “Stop mocking me!” And he ran through the streets, bolting towards his tiny 1 bedroom studio not much bigger than his “cubicle” at work.

“Get ready Wojak.”

He heard the voice.

“I don’t want to hold anymore! I’m going to sell all my LINK! Don’t remind me!” He turned around furiously searching for where the voice came from. He rushed to his computer and he raced to place sell orders for his LINK. It was incredible, the price was dumping before his eyes. What was a 50% loss became a 75% loss, became an 80% then a 90% loss. Wojak spam clicked “limit sell” until finally he let go of all hope and pressed “market sell all”. And once that went through, he felt both relieved but empty. LINK had crashed to less than a penny. He had sold all of his LINK for an average price of $0.005. Wagie Wojak had lost everything. He had truly hit rock bottom.

>> No.12578071

He had heard later that he was one of the unlucky ones but not the very last. Over Twitter he found that LINK had already been out competed by more efficient competitors, and all the previous sponsors of LINK had dispersed. Sergey had been arrested of fraud, tried, and sentenced to 20 years in prison. His team was discovered to be full of criminals or even made up personas. “I feel sorry for anyone who bought into LINK,” the news reported announced, “he has scammed those hopeless few with delusional dreams. He should be ashamed of taking advantage of the mentally challenged.” Wojak thought to himself, “I’m going to have to tell people I lost all my money on gambling or stocks or something. I can’t let them know I was such a fool.” The news was followed by exciting developments by other competitors in the oracle race.

June 2019. The summer was hot, and the cages were suffocating. Bossman Pepe had cut back on air conditioning and reduced the lunchtime gruel to 400 calories, to be force fed within 5 minutes. Bathroom breaks had been replaced by mandatory catheters, and often Wagie Wojak wondered if the bags were reused. He heard rumors that even lunchtime would be exchanged for an IV drip, and there will be fap times demanded at 8:00 am at work arrivals to eliminate any remaining sexual energy in the workers so that they could stay on task.

>> No.12578082

Perhaps because of these changes, Wagie Wojak felt suddenly nostalgic for a time when he worked in fast food, when he felt hope, when he served Big Macs to a guy he suspected was Sergey, or pretended he was. He remembered LINK and wanted to buy back a piece of that memory.

Like any Ponzi scheme and penny stocks, the LINK graph had its peaks and valleys, then plummeted to a flat line of exactly where it was when he sold it months ago. Wagie Wojak hesitated for a minute, then bought back a portion of his stack. A hand burned once knows better than to touch the stove again. He was careful to only spend one months paycheck on it, a mere crumb compared to his previous stack.

December 9, 2019.
“We held! We held! And we never selled!” Wojak heard a chant outside his window.
“WOOHOOOHOO!!” He heard yells of joy.
He stumbled out of bed to the dirty window.
“Check the news, marine!” Someone smiled, looking directly at wojak.
Something incredible was happening. All over Twitter, Medium, every single possible forum, blogpost, and YouTube channel was panicking. “Buy LINK! Buy it now, before it’s too late!” What’s happening? The price had began to climb, it was far over a dollar by the time Wojak checked it.

>> No.12578094

But it was still no singularity price, from back when he believed he would “only sell at $1,000!!”
But before he could find out why, he heard a loud pounding at the door. Wojak looked through the peephole.
“It’s singularity time, baby!”
“How did you know I was a LINK holder?” Wojak reached for his phone, terrified, but it felt wrong to call himself a holder when he had sold at one point.
“You think Sergey doesn’t remember you? He remembers every single LINK holder!”
“Come on out! It’s time! It’s happening tonight! We’re celebrating at the bar downstairs!”

Wojak was in disbelief. He heard a ruckus as marines cheered and chanted and laughed, reciting both their favorite pastas - fud and fomo alike. Every round of drinks was paid for. Someone set down a big old burger in front of Wojak, stacked as high as his arm and sopping with grease. “A homage to Sergey!” But Wojak grew worried. He knew in the pit of his stomach he didn’t belong here. He had weak hands.

Someone tapped their glass. *ting ting ting*
“May I have your attention please?”

>> No.12578107

A man in a blue plaid shirt smiled. In fact, Wagie Wojak noticed many of them were sporting their favorite Levi’s Blue Flannel in XXL in their meetup.
“Cheers to all of us who never sold!”
Marines raised their glasses. “Tonight!” “Tonight!” They responded in chorus.

Wojaks hands shook. He tried to bring the glass of beer to his mouth, but found it toppled out of his hands. His weak hands.

“I’m sorry! I sold!” Wojak cried. His heart raced. Would his marines forgive him.

Those sitting across from him suddenly scowled. Their faces seemed hostile all of a sudden.

“Get out.”

Wojak trembled. Had he heard wrong? Should he take it back.

“Get out, NOW.”

“We- we’re all marines here right?”

“Get out you fucking normie you only bought when you heard the news!” A few of the big guys rushed towards him, grabbing his arms. “We held all the way down until it was a penny, and you sold!” Wojak struggled, it was futile, he knew he deserved this. His cursory random purchase had nothing to do with holding to the end.

When Wojak returned home, he hesitated to look up his favorite meme coin. What he discovered was astounding. All of it. All of it was untrue.

>> No.12578117

The competitors? Complete psy-ops. From the very beginning they had all been working for Sergey.

The man they arrested? A doppleganger. Wojaks eyes widened. He was one of five doppelgängers hired to live as Sergey, for the past 2 years, to ensure the safety of the REAL Sergey.

Every single man that had been accused of fraud had been set free, with big smiles plastered on their faces during the interview.
“Jail was the safest place to be,” one of the developers laughed. All along, every single competitor that had threatened or proved to outmatch Chainlink were completely fabricated and under the thumb of a mastermind. Wojak could not believe the scope of this conspiracy. Every single person who held to the end were right.

Finally, it was time to check the price. Wojak, as hard as his life was now, made a decision he would keep none of the profits. He knew the real reward belonged to those who held.

Wojak threw up. The room spun. He clutched the carpet. Can he really sell now? Couldn’t he keep just some of the profit?

“No.” Wojak told himself. He determined to slave away the rest of his days, just like any normie who didn’t buy LINK. He was no marine. In fact, he wanted to see if the price would fall. “Better yet, perhaps I should transfer them all the true marines, to make sure I keep none of it.

He laid next to his vomit, imagining all the days back at the cage he would spend, but at least he would keep his integrity.

>> No.12578131

December 14, 2019
Wojak had announced he was giving away his LINK. They were swallowed up in a flash by strangers. The price was astronomical now. “$37,877.33”

December 24, 2019
Work hours had increased, and Wojak was allowed 1 hour off for Christmas. If he didn’t report to work at 1:00AM he would be fired, and at this rate his company had actually one of the more lenient set ups. He was prescribed drugs to remove his need for sleep so that he could call at all hours of the day, so that they could compete against India. However those pills came out of his paycheck, because if he had been an Indian he wouldn’t need drugs.

He heard sleigh bells.

“Ho Ho Ho!” He heard outside. Wojak clambered towards the door.

A man grinning from ear to ear behind an oddly friendly beard looked back at him. Wojak opened the door.

“Sergey remembers every single LINK holder.”

Wojak was trying to remember where he had heard this. “But I sold! I’m no LINK holder!”

“Everyone who had held it to under a penny held to the end.”

Wojaks eyes widened. The man held out something in his hand. It was a ledger.

“Every LINK you had ever held is in here.”

“Merry Christmas, marine.”

>> No.12578169
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That is the most based cube in existence.

>> No.12578206


You just made me feel better about buying the literal top

>> No.12578331
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15.8? It's ok, that will be the new bottom in a couple months.

>> No.12578364
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> He was prescribed drugs to remove his need for sleep so that he could call at all hours of the day, so that they could compete against India. However those pills came out of his paycheck, because if he had been an Indian he wouldn’t need drugs.
Fucking kek

>> No.12578454
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Close enouh, like 14-15.2 sats, I’m a student and my family had an emergency last year so I had to save my money to pay for those expenses. Family Situation finally looks like it is getting better so i took the money I had left over with and went all in just to be safe, I was worried Sergey and Gosner would drop the mic and announce mainnet (impossible I know). My parents encouraged me to do it since they knew how much obsessed I was all last year. I still have some on the side in case things worsen but having LINK is better than no LINK.
Thank you for the comforting words fren. I was only able to buy a total of 4000 linkies last year, so even though i am down now I don’t feel like I’ll miss it.
I don’t normally swing LINK but I managed a few linkies on this down trend.
Did you write that or is it pasta? It’s fucking amazing. I could see it all in my head. I have to get up now and I had a hard time sleeping, but you’re story just made my day!!! Have a good day fren. Pic related is me after reading your story.

>> No.12578565

Qualify higher than usual, good read

>> No.12578574


>> No.12578640

Cause RLC and HOT mooned, and weak handed fucks jumped ship

>> No.12578681


The only thing that ChainLink has in its favor is owning TC. Sell TC to winent and we are gold.

>> No.12578689


>> No.12578760
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Based and linkpilled.
We will all make it friends.

>> No.12578778
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Nice bedtime story fren.

>> No.12579107
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>> No.12579249
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