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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12576882 No.12576882 [Reply] [Original]

>look up founder/CEO of any company
>is jewish or related to jews E V E R Y T I M E
Why are jews so successful in business /biz/?

>> No.12576885

Superior dna

>> No.12576887

highest average IQ

/pol/ can't handle it

>> No.12576919

they have no problem extorting, manipulating, and hurting others

>> No.12576926

probly these, /pol/ will accept race realism but then say that jews actually arent high IQ and theyve manipulated the numbers. i think the reality is that certain jewish ethnicities are up there with the smart asian countries.

>> No.12576934

they take care of eachother

>> No.12576938

This. It's a past-time of theirs. Their in-group interactions consist of exactly that as well.

>> No.12576947


all three of these. jews are on average smarter, far more ruthless and absolute nepotistic kikes. that and tribal mechanics. take a jew's success and divide it by 3, that's what any other race would be.

>> No.12576954

I personally believe Jewish numbers are much higher. I've met way too many Jews in my life for there to only be 15 million of them world wide. I would agree they are smart. But lacking morals, they will do things that I wouldn't. I've witnessed it first hand.

>> No.12576987

you from jewyork ? if so, remember the world is much more than the US

>> No.12577031

Superior culture. Specifically: superior child-rearing culture.
They have overbearing parents who value education and push them to get the highest possible grades when they're little
And by the time they're grown up they're often a little damaged and have shaky relationships with their folks, but they're also the highest-achieving members of our society
It's the exact same reasons Asians do so astronomically well. Look it up.

>> No.12577117

if you are intelligent and business oriented you will over sample. (it's biz so...) they are there to displace the native ruling class

>> No.12577149

hard cope. no one denies higher average iq. not the dstormer and not any of the previous generation

>> No.12577209
File: 63 KB, 480x672, 3920329323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey there JIDF! What's the average IQ of Israel again? Just post a link to any public source, go on. Prove us wrong. Do it.

>> No.12577214

not even from the North East or California

>> No.12577240

>nobody denies it.
It's another lie anon - is there ANYTHING about them that isnt? Here's a non-political source (looks like pajeets posting it actually, definitely not pro-white propaganda), so they can't screech about how it's either far-Right (or far-Left, old school commies are getting pretty tired of their shit as well):


Jewgle it yourself - "Average IQ Israel". Go ahead. Then come back so you can laugh & point at the JIDF trolls with us.

>> No.12577432

well, the context was ashkenazi or diaspora. but if you want to look at Israel instead you can. not sure what that accomplishes

>> No.12577453

Jews have no escape plan for their ever ascending debt spiral.

>> No.12577474

15MM jews worldwide by highest estimate
600MM whites worldwide
claimed average askhenazi IQ = 110
average white IQ = 95
-> one standard deviation difference
standard distribution roughly implies 15% of whites above 110 IQ
15% of 600MM = 90MM
same logic implies 50% of jews above 110 IQ
50% of 15MM = 7.5MM
do we need to breakdown whether 90 is bigger than 7.5 and by how much for your brainlet asses?
fucking retards failing at middle school math, and you mongs are allowed to vote...

>> No.12577504

The creaters of goodfriend are jewish

>> No.12577513

You mean Alex?
He doesn’t seem like a Jew.

>> No.12577517

Jews are not the ones in debt

>> No.12577519

Social cohesion and favoritism.
Jews are also indistinguishable from your average White Bread American

>> No.12577523

His last name is Stein you idiot

>> No.12577529

>reads The Money Code
>reads Business Secrets of the Bible
>reads Jewish Wisdom for Business Success
>reads Breakinf The Jewish Code
>reads Thou Shalt Prosper
>still learns fucking nothing
What are the Jews keeping from us? I feel jewed.

>> No.12577530

It is called I S R A E L
Failing that, there are several safezones in the Caribbean/Atlantic where they are safe from everything that is to come

>> No.12577544

They gave meme responses like “give money to charity” and “be honest in your business dealings” which makes absolutely no fucking sense because everyone does that and I’ve never heard of any Jews doing that, so I think they’re Jewing the public. I’m reading the fucking Bible at the moment cover to cover so far God told them all the different ways to kill a bull, but not how to make money. Wtf. What are the Jews keeping from us?

>> No.12577549

We get it, Polberg. Now go put your gigantic nose into someone else's business.

>> No.12577591
File: 323 KB, 710x567, ZeldaLinkJewN64meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ here, there's a big difference in western jews and israeli jews, the latter are closer to muslim intelligence levels i.e. stupid
western jews have been practicing selective breeding to improve overall group intelligence for centuries within the "elites", goys included, the most blatant example of this is ironically trump's daughter and jared kushner
gilad atzmon (a jew) explains the practice and much more
i read somewhere a lot of influential media and government people are connected by marriage, can't find source atm though

>> No.12577613


congo has more geniusses in total than germany

your point?

>> No.12577783

It used to be illegal for Christians to give out loans to other Christians so the kikes did the banking. Ever since it's been carried from generation to generation

>> No.12577790

Kek, would love to see a source on that

>> No.12577823

false. this is npc propaganda cope. lending has little to do with genetic selection. it's like saying they're insular because of racism. it inverts cause and effect

>> No.12577864

notice the common thread: the suggestion is that it's the Christians fault. Does that sound like it makes sense to you? That the Jews were part of a 1,000 year accidental breeding program by Christians? How about they chose their own destiny instead.

>> No.12577871

They have their little communities where they help each other success
It's the same with Poles in art, almost every single famous modern artist from USA is a Pollack nowadays.
I guess it has to do with inherent tribal nature of humans. When you don't have a tribe, you're lost.

>> No.12578701


you dont get the point. that a country has on average lower iq but larger in amounts doesnt mean it is smarter.

if congo has 300 000 000 people and germany has 60 000 000 but 10% of congo has iq over 110 and 20% of germans have an iq over 110 then there will be many more "smart" congo people than germans

my point is exactly that absolute numbers dont mean shit, relative ones do

>> No.12578716

They work hard snd they make connections instead of being frog worshiping neets.

>> No.12578755

If it was just about IQ that would mean asians would have to be more "successful" than whites and almost at the level of jews yet they aren't.

>> No.12579240
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Because jews are getting taught very early to study hard and to found a new company or be independent in other words their parents tell them to not become wagecucks like ours do.

>> No.12579319

>average IQ
the average IQ is irrelevant, even if the reported 115 for ashkenazi is correct (it probably is), 115 is retard tier and theres no 115IQ ceos of any race. its at the top end of the bell curve that matters and in the 140+ range whites and asians outnumber the jews worldwide by dozens of millions. my IQ is 138 and that makes me smarter than 90% of them, which shows when negotiating with them in work, yet im not more successful than 90% of them.
what differentiates jews from everyone else is being morally absolved of guilt by the talmud when committing all manners of evil against the goyim and ingrained nepotism after generations of viewing themselves as a trans-national single entity.

>> No.12579493

nailed on the fucking head my brother

>> No.12579714

>t. Posts that Jews have the highest IQ.
>Post link to IQ test results demonstrating this is bullshit
>"N..nah, Jews outside Israel are magically way smarter. Not sure what your point is"

What did old uncle Adolf say about arguing with kikes again? Never change do you?

>> No.12579737

>Why are jews so successful in business /biz/?
A culture of entrepreneurship and competition fostered from a young age.

>> No.12580531


>> No.12580863
File: 28 KB, 780x917, 1538547533010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iq correlates with frontal lobe volume
Except jews! Theyre just higher iq, its not because their embedded groupthink psychology allows them work together to acheive their goals of oppression or anything.

>> No.12581150

no one denies this. Its more that their high IQ translates to self serving cunning rather than constructive, world building IQ.

>> No.12581290

>western jews have been practicing selective breeding to improve overall group intelligence for centuries
They were and still are willing to give their daughters away to high iq individuals. Doesn't matter if they are dirt poor or little autists on the side.

>> No.12581374
File: 210 KB, 371x376, 1547168334664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, we are smarter than you smoothbrained peons

lmao, low IQ /pol/let cope
PS ur an amerimutt and aren't really white, Cletus

>> No.12581425

Who the fuck cares? If you stopped worrying about other people and started focusing on yourself then maybe you'd actually make some money.

>> No.12581436

I'm literally the definition of a rich jew.

I never met my dad until later in life. When I met him I found that was interested in the exact same things as him and getting into the same line of work as him ( finance ) after making a shit ton of money on crypto. As far as we remember there hasn't been a male member of our family line that wasn't either involved in finance or part of a government. After a couple weeks of meeting we are already opening our own crypto hedge fund.

I get fucking annoyed when I see non-jews on talking about the market. I can see everything clearly. It's in my DNA.

>> No.12581475

based and jewpilled

>> No.12582655

Lower IQ apes tend to fuck shit up the moment they see shiny.