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12575319 No.12575319 [Reply] [Original]

If the government succeeded in taking your guns would it facilitate the forming of socialism or communism since they could then take your assets like gold and property simply because you would have no way to defend your property? Is that why the invention of Bitcoin is so important - so that there would be something in the world that holds value and is unconfiscatable?

>> No.12575336

>there would be something in the world that holds value and is unconfiscatable
>holds value and is unconfiscatable
>holds value
Absolute fucking kek
good one anon

>> No.12575347


store of value

>> No.12575359
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>store of value

>> No.12575388
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>If the government succeeded in taking your guns
First of all that's never happening, although we might have to watch out for drone swarm tech emerging.
But yes, this new economic dynamic directly contradicts the desire of governments to impose monopoly pricing for protection services. As you suggested, governments will lose their power of compulsion over money. In the past, megapolitical transitions have been associated with changes in the character of money.

>> No.12575536
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Every system has its own rules due to their rulers making sure that everyone gets a standard of culture through education or employment. Humans are programmed through cultish behaviour. When it suits them, they call it appropriate. When it doesn't, they deny any involvment in it.

We make up systems for which we lie to perpetuate our false sense of security. Think of study, work, and retirement. Which we like to claim helps to secure our survival. Everything is temporary, and it would be much better to let old institutions that no longer serve their main purpose die.

The government is one of such systems and its culture is completely manifactured through systems of mass information and right-think enforcement. Think private information (media) companies, schooling, and corporate behaviours. Every centralized system will be replaced by decentralized systems in due time.

The great thing about decentralized systems, such as language and bitcoin is that they outlast any other form of proprietary systems. Centralized systems are doomed to expire faster due to the false understanding of property. It ought to be shared.

Please do not fall for politics, remain apolitical. There is no point in having a biased opinion. You are limiting yourself. In the future, we won't even have to care for currency, but at this point, our best leaders are myopic and engage in irrational behaviour. Remember how inbred they used to be. Did that even change?

>> No.12575545

jewish people will find a way to take your assets no matter what. I'm sure some jewish people somewhere are creating a list of bitcoin owners incase it becomes big, so they can tax and steal from you. Instead of elevating bitcoin to importance to prevent this problem the extermination of the jewish people should be done instead.

>> No.12575602
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store of regret

>> No.12575613
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>reddit spacing
>Please do not fall for politics, remain apolitical. There is no point in having a biased opinion. You are limiting yourself. In the future, we won't even have to care for currency, but at this point, our best leaders are myopic and engage in irrational behaviour. Remember how inbred they used to be. Did that even change?
Why on earth would you restrain yourself from acting in your own interests? And how is doing so considered to be irrational? If you artificially force your behavior to be as though you are living in a post-scarcity utopia, you are guaranteed to never live to see it.

>> No.12575621

>would it facilitate the forming of socialism or communism
We'll just go full slave state that can't fight back in any way.
That's all.

>> No.12575716
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dubs of truth?

>> No.12575729

Acting in ONLY your own interests is acting against yourself if you've realized that everything is a part of which you are part of. It is called non-duality or the universe. What is irrational is not setting up decentralized systems to render current centralized systems obsolete and improve the standards of living of everyone on Earth. There is no such thing as artificially forcing yourself. All brain programming is what it is. It's not natural or artificial. It just is and those are fallacies. We process symbols and that's how we understand. We make references to things. It all comes from what we think is real. Nothing is real though. You can truly work your ass off and be anyone if you can become smart and hardworking enough. You aren't simply born that way. Well maybe you are. Maybe you chose exactly how you wanted to be before you were instantiated into this simulation. I think that you don't need to reprogram people from birth to see a post-scarcity society. They just have to learn how to reprogram themselves.

>> No.12575796

The amount of energy required to make bitcoin has invested value.

>> No.12576418

good one anon very good

>> No.12576477

Why would the Govt care about taking your guns when a single missile can destroy an entire city or more accurately your house and everyone inside?

>> No.12576507

>Missiles can hold terrority
>Destroying your own cities is a good plan that people will support including the military members which have to willingly kill their own people for their kike masters
You are a fucking moron if you think that whoever issued such an order would get a bullet to the head from the person they issued it to.

This isn't a comic book. The military is made up of actual people who LIVE in the country you think they would attack.

>> No.12576517

pushing a button is not the same as chopping people with machetes nigger
also you have no right to even ask anything

>> No.12576528

You really are a fucking moron if you think that the only thing that goes into it is pressing a button. How fucking detached from reality are you? And no right to even ask anything? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.12576556
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>government makes encryption illegal
>encryption of finances illegal
>makes not disclosing public key of your held crypto illegal
>has AI which can identify public key owners based on purchase/withdrawal/spending habits
>makes holding privacy crypto illegal (muh terrorism)
>makes holding/exchanging crypto only legal for "experts" just like investing where you have to utilize a broker
>makes crypto license only available for the already wealthy (brokers)

Btw this all already happened with gold in several other countries, notably Australia where it is illegal to stack precious metals.

>> No.12576569

Who the fuck are you to them?
And why the fuck should they care?

>> No.12576572

The Suits already knows and control everything from your finances to your person.

>> No.12576576

The us military is composed of mutts, spics, niggers, Women, and so yim. They would instantly gun down a bunch of white Americans they were told are evil.

All it would take is a couple false flags and some fake news propaganda and they would be all on on kill whitey. Believe it.

>> No.12576586
File: 43 KB, 741x781, Really now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who the fuck are you to them
One of their countrymen who could just as easily be a family member. What did you forget that the people in the military not in fact robots? That they have familial ties and in fact the city they are being ordered to destroy may in fact contain their family members or family members of those they know either in or even OUT of the military?

That if it was caught wind that they were planning on attacking a US city directly the person who issued that order would be executed?

You can't just attack a fucking city.

See pic related that is quite untrue. The military is mostly white males.

>> No.12576593
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>thinking some zoomer feminist usaf mattress wouldn't push a button and happily drone strike a functional white family resisting taxation or something.
>thinking deep state goons which already massacre us citizens in false flags wouldn't happily disappear and murder whites over crypto resistance
>not being able to fathom the idea of an angry nigger army kill squad going door to door hosing down white kids, because they were told "muh racist terrorists!!!"

All of this has already happened before in history, just with different tools.

>> No.12576600

I mean you made a false statement and I proved you wrong only for you to jump on another bandwagon because you were proven wrong to keep your fantasy going. Are you going to address the fact that the military is mostly white males or just going to ignore it?

>> No.12576608

Could be anything.
Rebels? Secessionism?
These Animals would murder anything for a paycheck ,especially when it's time to thin the herd.
The General public is too jaded and divided to fight back and the media fully controlled by the Police state
(Even News article are copied and pasted from FBI/CIA/NSA transcripts for God's sake.)

They even have infiltrators and agents every religious/political/racial group in North America.

And they do not have a problem making the annoyances disappear, let alone you.

>> No.12576619

Now show the breakdown by job classification

Oh, right....you don't have THAT one.

Gee whiz that's a lot of gun toting niggers and spics!

>> No.12576630

So you decided that after being blown out you would make baseless claims and just keep on trucking because you clearly have an agenda. So just keep moving goalposts and making claims.

But no you are right every single white in the military is in a non-combat role despite outnumbering every other ethnicity 3 to 1. Dishonest cocksucker.

>> No.12576651

Let me re-iterate who the fuck do you think you are to them?
One example:

Even during the Native American Dakota Pipeline protests, they hired fucking PMC to clear them out.
You must be a retard and think yourself to be some kind of fancy snowflake if you don't think they won't do the same to you.

>> No.12576653

look at this retard
boot licking cuck

>> No.12576660

If law enforcement tried to enforce gun confiscation those officers families would be slaughtered.

>> No.12576674

>doesn't even know what moving goalposts means

Lmao dumbfuck. Also your reading comprehension is nigger tier. I mentioned the character of the white demographic within the is military already. The old guard has been kicked out. All that is left are little commie faggots and npcs.

The last holdout is special forces and aviation. Everything is niggerfied and specified to hell. Oh and """""white""""" means anything that isnt dark as a coffee turd and anything that doesn't speak with a Mexican accent.

See I'm a contractor and I work in a warzone, so I see the actual gun carrying jigaboos on the daily. Infantry is 30% anglo Saxon/ Aryan AT BEST. At best.

>> No.12576677

>People in the military have families and won't fucking fire a missile at a city
You really are dishonest.

>The military is mostly white and is not in fact composed entirely of nigger and spic white killing squads
Again dishonest. You people sicken me just as much as the fucking liberals that pull this same dishonest shit.

Argue honestly and you get honest arguments in return. Argue like this and people just see you for the deluded fucks that you are.

>> No.12576680

Samsung doesn't think spicified is a word. Learn you something today you gook piece of shit.

Spicified - the act of shoving spics into a place where they don't belong.

To spicify.

>> No.12576683

I'm done with this thread and done with you. You have no intention of discussing this in good faith so you are just another nigger with an unsupported again with no evidence other than hearsay and fear mongering.

You argue like a nigger. Have fun.

>> No.12576684
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You glow in the dark CIA nigger. I'll save one just for you.

>> No.12576689

I saw a military poll and i was surprised to see only 60% of the military supports trump. I would have thought it would be at least 75%.

If you brought military people back from the dead who fought in WW2 or even vietnam....support for a guy like trump would be 90% easy.

>> No.12576691

BTFO faggot. My "hearsay" is living in a fucking deployed location for 2 years and watching battalions of SPICS AND NIGGERS roll through every 6 months to a year. The is military is made of mud, except of course aviation and special forces because you can't fly a plane or do wet shit with sub 90 is.

>> No.12576712

>This guy knows
The amt of terrorists trained by OUR own damned special forces are too fucking many.
I can't imagine Europe being too pleased having to deal with our trash.