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12570268 No.12570268 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you NEETs getting a job?

Don't you know the boomer NEED your help to retire?

>> No.12570275

shouldn't of fucked us over then

>> No.12570285

They can kill themselves and starve to death for what they did to the country (liberal socialism). I'm not buying into their JEWISH PONZI SCHEME. I'm not buying their bags. I'm all in on crypto and the boomers can die in a fire

>> No.12570292

Based and redpilled

>> No.12570307

Faggot commies like you need to seriously die

nice false flag

>> No.12570311

Based and redpilled. Fuck boomers

>> No.12570316

>and immigrants
>Come to America, colored man! We need your labor to support our lifestyle!
2019 or 1819?

>> No.12570344

This defies logic. If there's fewer people, things cost less, and people get paid more. If there are fewer people, the demand curve for all goods drops, while the supply curve of all labor drops, increasing wages. With fewer people and the same amount of resources, each person becomes more powerful and autonomous in the market. The only people who lose out are the owners of large factories an warehouses who make money through very thin margins over massive quantities sold. Why is this a problem?

>> No.12570390

>(((Noah Smith)))

>> No.12570777

>supply curve of all labor drops, increasing wages

Tell that to eastern europe.

>> No.12571585
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>they basically admit its a literal pyramid scheme where we have to keep overpopulating the earth until it all breaks down

>> No.12571603
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My dad said I’m one of the reason why the word is collapsing.

Fucking boomers.

>> No.12571723

Scarcity is a myth.
The lie is to keep the animals on the farm.

>> No.12571833

Overpopulation is a meme. There's enough resources and space for everyone, the ones at the top are just hoarding it and fucking everyone else.

>> No.12572075

No they don't. They can pull themselves up by the boot straps. I take a perverse and obscene pleasure knowing that these boomer-elected republican right-wingers are slowly dismantling the welfare state and throwing out all these bed-ridden invalids out in to the streets to fend for themselves.

>> No.12572121


>> No.12572127

Fuck you retarded boomer. Vote for even larger government while you still can!

>> No.12572147

Neets should be rounded up and forced to work if they can't hold a job themselves. Think of it as a school, except you live and sleep there and everyday you make actual contributions to society.

>> No.12572196

Pure coincidence.

>> No.12572205

>The only people who lose out are the owners of large factories an warehouses who make money

Do you think they're just going to let it happen though?

>> No.12572214

based and slavepilled

>> No.12572238

Fuckin Zoomie Zoomers don't understand Friedman doctrine/Nixon removing gold.

Also fiat banking i.e interest

>> No.12572245

>There's enough resources and space for everyone

If we live like bugmen and start eating insects, maybe.

But that shit isn't happening anytime soon and we're heading towards peak human population by 2050

>> No.12572274

i hate boomers so much. my boomer mother that never worked a day in her life and spent the last 30 years whoring around now only get like $600 a month in SS and her husband wants a divorce now she's trying to move in on me and ruin what little youth i have left. she's gonna get fooled though because my bags are already packed and I'm leaving this town behind.

>> No.12572312

Because the ones at the top are a lot smarter than the ones at the bottom

>> No.12572333
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This is what I'm talking about.

>> No.12572335
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based all-in poster

>> No.12572342

This unironically.

>> No.12572349

They they will all be Worry Free

>> No.12572356

Maybe some are, but there's a whole lot of generational wealth out there that was definitely not earned by superior intellect. At least, not superior intellect from the current generation.

Half the fucking world has been eating insects for centuries, there's literally nothing wrong with it besides the western conditioning that it's "gross"

>> No.12572494


>> No.12572603


Based lad

>> No.12572610


This times a million

>> No.12572614

No 1 reason people can't retire normally is due to a simple thing: Not enough savings or failing putting money into a retirement account of some sort. People basically spend spend spend anymore. Most time its on stupid shit to. So they get up to there ass in debt and then they spend double that amount with interest fees and shit tacked on paying it all off.

So your 10k in the hole, you pay just the min amount each month, by the time your debt free you've forked over 20k to your credit card company. Don't get in debt unless you don't got a choice ; ie house, school loan or car repair.

>> No.12572629

Death is free.

>> No.12572706

Dude just get rid of weird government programs thay feed the unproductive and let those neets get fucksd over

>> No.12572758

Not true

Many pension funds fail to pay out anything near what was advertised because most of the money "vanishes" along with the fund managers. This is why final salary was stopped and the state stepped in to regulate it.

>> No.12572768

Not a problem. Send in the immigrants.

>> No.12572788

>as advertised
what are you talking about, state and federal pensions in the US are and have always been fucking great? don't tell me boomers literally believed the social security meme when a shit ton of them didn't have kids/only had one kid?

>> No.12572796

>send in the net drain on the economy so booms can retire for a few years while the rest of the country is doomed to old age poverty

here's your (you)

>> No.12572870

Its the way of the world anon. Our parents beat the Nazi's hence we made the rules. Now you dipshits need to go fight so your kids can be spoiled fucks. Wealth skips a generation for a reason.

>> No.12572889


God damn they're desperate for those juicy immigrant votes, they'll publish anything to a dumb American to make it sound like a good idea to bring more aliens in.

>> No.12573028

Maybe if you socially awkward fucks were capable of repopulating the country we wouldn't have to rely on pedro and tyrone to impregnate your women.

>> No.12573107

>send in the immigrants for low skill jobs
>years before automation will eliminate tons of low skill jobs

Yes that will end well

>> No.12573122

boomers are the poster children for type 2 diabetes, heart conditions and dementia, most of them probably aren't going to make it far into retirement. Im just hoping the delay period between them dying and life expectancy of the rich increasing exponentially is no more than 50 years.

>> No.12573148

What other options are there? This generation is having less kids. They could create incentives to having kids with tax breaks or bonuses but only non-whites would take advantage/abuse them. You kids need ro start fucking again. What the hell is your problem? Its free and its fun.

>> No.12573151

>Why arent NEETs getting a job
All of the entry level production jobs are in China now, and whose bright idea was that?

>> No.12573193
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>> No.12573200

The boomers shouldn't have allowed the government and massa business to pourposely poison the last three goddamned generations with terrible foods, vaccinations, posions and chemicals in the water and air, bc, circumcisions, and social media designed to emotionally wound and confuse them.
The great slave experiment worked.
Now they just need new truly STUPID slaves from overseas they can start over with using their perfected methods to replace the broken ones, us the westerners.

You honestly think those jobs that the boomers are in are going to magically become open to the next gen because they die off or are fired?
Hell no stupid. Those jobs are gone.

The "the slaves from across the boarder and over seas are only doing the things that are too minial for you to do, you're on the top of the food chain buddy!" lie..
Oh god that's precious. There are people who honestly believe that moving jobs and fillng jobs with people who are in fact a completely subservient slave class is good for the economy.

>> No.12573219

Kids are fucking expensive, I'm not even going to get a girlfriend much less a wife until I have $200k in the bank. 24 now, hopefully I'll have that by around 28. If I somehow make a lot of cash I'll have as many white kids as possible.

>> No.12573225


>wants younger workers to be taxed to pay for Medicare and SSI
>calls us faggot commies


>> No.12573250

The 99%/march on wallstreet was a major riot.
But guess what.
Every fucking social network, piece of fucking media and most notably google BLOCKED IT and fucking redirected people away from it till people started to see how deeply entwined the media buisness academic and government sectors were entwined and how they were manipulating info.
THEN they started to ship in the lunatics and absolute fucking retards and actors to stand in front of well placed cameras to make the entire thing look like shit.
Then they started to flood the net and media wiht people to DENIGRATE it and the very notion that the middle class is fucked and the common worker from the bottom to the middle is screwed in america.
Even spent god knows how much on pushing "1% is good don't you want to be part of the 1%" in many places in media so they could stomp out any single fires of subconscious doubt in the people who are thinking about it on some level.

There will never be a real riot or fight over this.
Not one that won't get VERY bloody and VERY destructive.

Don't reproduce.
Let slaves who can have a dozen children and survive off of a job picking oranges and doing back breaking labor where they don't even need to speak the language for nickels.
It makes perfect sense.

>> No.12573257
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>tenfold increase in productivity + new technology ain't enough to support a slightly aging population

Fuck this jew shit.

>> No.12573262
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Thank me later (you will retire)

>> No.12573311

See this is the actual problem. Whats wrong with building a life together. Both of my kids were "accidents" but we made it work and we had next to nothing. We went through hard times yes, but we knew we had to do it for the sake of our children. You are so concerned with accumulating wealth, you are letting your best years pass you by. That is greedy and selfish. Money isnt everything. Drive and determination are what will make you wealthy and there is no better driver than a family that depends on you. You are a generation of chicken shits who want everything made for you. Make your own life. Take hold of your own destiny.

>> No.12573314


>> No.12573357

Because all you're doing is dooming your kids to have the same mediocre middle class, mostly suicidal wage slave life you have. What is the point of that? Legacy? Who cares call up your great-great grandfather and see if he give a shit about his legacy continuing. Western Civ has never given a shit about me, so why should I give a shit about it. After the downfall of religion there is literally no reason not to live like a hedonistic asshole.

>> No.12573372

If you really don't want to buy into their Ponzi scheme you should be owning at least a decent account of gold and silver too

>> No.12573381

WRONG nobody is hoarding SHIT.

Everyone is getting poorer because of central banking and we went off a gold standard.

Jeff Bezos isn't worth 140 billion. Most of that is his stock wealth. He can't cash that shit out

>> No.12573387

This is partially right... but prices going up is the problem. Everyone is getting poorer.

>> No.12573411

>Fuck you
>Stop having children
>Be replaced by a new genaration of slaves from over seas who'll repopulate and will kick you out of your neighborhoods and be beholden to the wealthy oligarchs

This is what people are paid to post across the net. And it works.

>> No.12573416

>You kids need ro start fucking again. What the hell is your problem? Its free and its fun.
Birth control. Nobody I know (both men and women) want kids.

>> No.12573431

I really dont want to sound like a preachy asshole anon but you say that while never having held your newborn son in your arms and having him look up at you and smile with the same goofy smile you have had to live with your whole life, knowing that a part of you is inside. I know it sounds cliche but there is nothing like it and it will change your perspective and your sense of purpose. A fancy car wont do that for you, I've had a few. There is nothing mediocre about it. It is pure joy.

>> No.12573447

Who gives a shit, I'll fucking move. Oh yeah and I'll be loaded cause I'm not wasting my finite existence on little shits who will put me in a fucking nursing home like my parents did to my grandparents.

Fuck off back to pol. You faggots are single handily ruining this board.

>> No.12573462

Based wrong grammer kid

>> No.12573478

Worthless fucking nigger.

>> No.12573481

>You are a generation of chicken shits who want everything made for you. Make your own life. Take hold of your own destiny.

The fuck are you talking about, that's exactly what I'm doing. I grew up with no healthcare and little food, having to help provide for my parents starting at 14 years old. It fucked up my personal development hard and I would never want my future children to have to go through that. I don't care about having fancy cars, a nice house, the reputation of being "successful," but I want to have children who grow up safe and comfortable. I would have absolutely nothing to live for if I didn't have that goal.

>Money isnt everything.

You're right, but money is security and I want security.

>> No.12573543

Well, have fun dying alone in a nursing home granma/grandpa.

By the by, none of my grandparents are in or were put in a nuring home.
They stayed home and were taken care of by the rest of us till their final days.

>> No.12573583
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Nvm. I'm taking everything I said on this thread. This anon is right. I'm just pissed cause I'm scared about my grandma , because she is going into a nursing home and all my boomer aunts and uncles and parents are circling like vultures. Also my girlfriend is a fucking thot and I'm dumping her soon. I'm 28, my parents were already fucking married popping out kids at this point.

Sorry anons in this thread, good luck and God speed. I hope it works out for you guys

>> No.12573622
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>tfw 34 and never paid any taxes except road car tax in my life
Suck it boomers, your greed has flooded us with shitskins and fucked the housing market with your 3 holiday homes and (((rental))) properties.
Eat my dick.

>> No.12573655

I'm not holding off on having a family because I want fucking cars and vacations you dumb boomer. I despise this slave life and refuse to condemn my offspring to the same fate. If I can't buy my own freedom then my children have no chance. Let the shitskins fill up the slave caste, I hope they have a commie revolution and murder you assholes before they fuck this civilization into the dirt.

>> No.12573694

You think it's the boomers that are shipping in slaves and decimating the housing market?

>> No.12573736

Partly, it's a whole ton of reasons but cba to write an essay, ill summarise.
>jewish media and marxist/left-wing ideologies from university hippie era educated the boomers
Snowball effect

>> No.12573788

This guy is right, its absolutely fucking retarded to produce more people to fuel the boomer ponzis.
Just let it crash and burn.

>> No.12573814

>slave life
You are a spoiled fuck who has no concept of what it means to struggle and thinks he is a slave because he cant buy the latest version of playstation. You have lived off the fat of the land and know nothing about hard work. Im at the end of my cycle and its been a hell of a ride. There's nothing any young person can do to change that. I could die tomorrow having experienced more than you ever will in 2 of your insignificant lifetimes. Its going to take a major social shift before you realize just how good you've had it and by then it will take too late. Get off your lazy ass pissant no one give a fuck about your petty problems. The immigrants are coming and actually appreciate the opportunity you take for granted. I hope I live long enough to witness your rude awakening.

>> No.12573820

Fuck that shit.
I'm gonna get mine.
I'm going to ruin the lives of the boomers and retards who enable them and the system
Going to have a bunch of little bastards
Buy a massive chunk of land
Build a house that will last at least 5 fucking generations and then invite my family to live on my land and help them build their own homes.
Will even invest in crypto and buy gold and more land and homes.

Why would I sit in a building with my dick out and let it burn down around me when I can put the fire out in my part of the building and start rebuilding on the ashes?

>> No.12573831

Cancer will be so prevalent by 2049 that there is literally nothing to worry about, besides the cancer of course

>> No.12573837

Could you faggots go shill "IMMIGRATION AM GOOD" somewhere else. We can all see through your bullshit and it's going to make the coming fight between natives and immigrants worse.

>> No.12573848
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>> No.12573855

You are just an NPC thats why you don‘t understand.

>> No.12573862

I have three sons and they make me proud but you're making it sound gay. They are annoying little monsters and the real joy is just succeeding at breeding. Chasing money is gay too if you don't even manage to reproduce. Dirt farmers are beating you at life and will replace anyone who values comfort and hedonism over irresponsible and short sighted breeding

>> No.12573866

Not my fault they had to have a new car instead of saving. Fuck em

>> No.12573876

Should have saved money and not relied on pensions and/or social security.

>> No.12573884

Or maybe just cut the funding to public schools since you retards dont work anyway

>> No.12573929

I'm already awakened you stupid boomer nigger, that's the problem isn't it? When those imported nonwhites start a communist revolution I might be able to escape, but you won't.

>> No.12573940

>If we live like bugmen and start eating insects, maybe.
At this rate we don't have a choice unless we confine others to their own boarder.
The instant you have something better and also 'open up' you will get swarmed.
Africa is expected to quintuple it's population, but with not improvement in 'quality of life' like we have. Literally hives of increasingly poor, and dumber people.
I seriously, truly believe that if we don't get all our shit together we will have to start 'manually controlling' population growth in developing countries because they are too dumb for their own good.
I mean shit, once AI and machines become cheaper than hordes of 3rd world workers, what the fuck is going to happen? Are they ALL going to learn to code? Great, so now that market is boiling with hacks and the value of it is in the toilet.
There's no out of this scenario except to become one of the elite and control your prole workforce.
This is like a fucking 40k Hive planet or some Huxlyean shit where the wealthy live for uver 100 years and everyone else lives for ages but in misery.
Fuck, and then the environment too, so Africa will become uninhabitable, fucking China and Asia will be cooked.
Holy shit, we might very well just have to start over unless we start colonising other planets.

>> No.12573942
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It was never about playstations or nintendo shit, it was always about having shelter (a house), finding love (lol modern women), and raising children in a good environment (lol school shootings, shitskin nation, and no access to jobs). Yeah sounds like a great future for our children. I don't care about buying worthless crap like video games, I just want a good life for my children. You misinterpret what most young people are going through right now, most of them would give up their empty hedonistic lives for true happiness of a family if they could guarantee that it would be a good upbringing for their kids.

>> No.12573951

Yeah but ill be dead of natural causes by then, so there's that.

>> No.12573977
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>> No.12573984

I thought you had kids.

>> No.12573985

You'll die of neglect or abuse from the sub-80 IQ brown staff in your dingy nursing home that siphons whatever's left of you meager assets, leaving your children with absolutely nothing in a kiked world that hates them.

>> No.12573996

Good goy.

>> No.12574002

I already addressed that point. There is no good time. You think in the 60's we had millions in the bank out of highscool? Where does this meme come from? It was the same fucking shit. Worrying about bills, work medical bills, our kids schools. There was no one handing out free money. The economy was better, sure but the economy changes, it's life. You dont just give up.

>> No.12574008

>Africa is expected to quintuple it's population, but with not improvement in 'quality of life' like we have. Literally hives of increasingly poor, and dumber people.

And, they will never leave the borders of africa and if the white euro's leave and chinese are forced to leave after they have their inevitable class war/civil war they'll sort shit out
It's not like they ever really wanted to leave.
Lot of westerners want them to come to their country that was slowly murdered by plans laid by men in tiny rooms with short visions.
Africans would rather stay within their borders and build something for themselves.
Which is good.

As for AI and machines...I don't see the average person actually being a-okay with those things taking their jobs.
I honestly don't see the buisness sector being able to push this onto the public and normalizing them removing jobs without generations of brainwashing.

>> No.12574010

I do they are in their 50's

>> No.12574025

you will go to hell, boomer.

>> No.12574028
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>tenfold increase in productivity
Yep. Now work harder, unpaid of course, because even though you're more productive THAT JUST MEANS I can get MORE work out of you
>B-but technology was meant to set us fre-
Nonono, you see it's AUGMENTED you now, so those two hours of 'reasonible overtime' are expected if you want to get ahead.
And by get ahead I mean not get replaced by someone willing to work harder for less.
Or even a machine because really we don't need your position anymore, we can get Jerry to work two jobs but only pay him for one :^)
You should be grateful really that I'm giving you this opportunity, you're very entitled y'know.

>> No.12574042

When has disruption ever been permissioned?
AI is coming and it will disrupt because it's easier to use and better than existing options.
One day you will just watch the next season of breaking bad generated from an AI, because it is better than what a room full of writers and actors can come up with.

>> No.12574047


>> No.12574066


No you boomer faggot, you guys grew up in a WHITE nation that was relatively safe. Now I have to actually think about where my kids grow up because even white towns are filled with heroin junkies, shootouts, and ghetto shit. The very town I grew up in as a child was one of the nicest and safest places and it's a complete travesty now. We hadn't had anyone die from getting shot since the 1970s and now we have someone getting shot at least several times a year since the junkies moved in. YOUR AMERICA FROM THEN IS NOT THE SAME AS THE AMERICA MY CHILDREN WILL GROW UP IN. Get that through your fucking skull.

>> No.12574081

Hey man, guess what? I have a genetic condition that 100% will be passed on to any children I have.
Had I not come from a well off family, over my 27 years of life, the 100's of 1000's of dollar spent on bone aching surgery not to fix it, but just to hold me together enough to not be an invalid, would have bankrupt and lesser family.
so no, you are unequivocally wrong. In fact I my gf and I had an abortion because we both knew neither of us were in a position to pay $20-30k per year for the excruciating shit I have to go through.
You are in fact the problem frendo, enjoy damning your own children to a life of suffering because you wanted to fulfill your base biological imperative. And remember to just tell them they have to work harder and just get better jobs :)

>> No.12574093

Anon, you can't win. If your kids are too sheltered from the nature of low class scum, they'll end up getting beheaded in Morocco or some shit.

If you let them get exposure to low class scum, they may imitate them and become them.

>> No.12574103

>All my friends are shooting smack
>look what you have created!!
No fuckface, no one is making you shits shoot heroin. Keep playing the victim though, its worked so well this far.

>> No.12574106

>They stayed home and were taken care of by the rest of us till their final days.
Ahhh, so you're from one of THOSE countries.
Nice try poor person.

>> No.12574130

>Its going to take a major social shift before you realize just how good you've had
Funny that.

>> No.12574142


The drug problem was caused by boomers making poor decisions, causing an economic recession. Before I even graduated HS, we already had junkies forming gangs and their parents (boomers) letting them do it, because they needed money. There's a lot of plans I've had to make so I can have kids, and it might take another 5 years before I'm even ready at this rate, with economic depression on the horizon. The problem is boomers aren't planners, they just do things without thinking.In the end, it didn't work out for them or their children.

>> No.12574152
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>the real joy is just succeeding at breeding
>has two mongrel kids
kek git gud scrub

>> No.12574199

nice try shlomo

>> No.12574225

Anon, what makes you think that what is created by AI and the jobs that are taken by AI will be used?

That's all well and good, but you act as if people don't have a choice.
That they will allow it and not just..you know...not use those services.

>> No.12574226

Again with the blame game. You realize taking drugs is a choice made by a drug user right? Why is everything everyone else's fault? Why cant you take ownership? You play the hand you are dealt. Literally no one is going to give a fuck about why you are a fuck up, only that you are one. If you want my honest advice its to never make another excuse for your shortcomings again, ever. Even if its not your fault, the reason you failed was simply because you lacked the experience to know better. Now that you have failed you should know better.
Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one but no one really wants to hear it.

>> No.12574229

You mean America?
Tossing out the older generation and their wisdom(unless it has something to do with WW2 for some reason) and letting the creeps in media government academia raise their children is why every nation inevitably falls.

>> No.12574231

> inb4 brap

>> No.12574252

>unless it has something to do with WW2 for some reason
Do I have to say it?

>> No.12574253

Once I hit 60 I will have a total of 3 accounts ONLY used for pension a savings account and hopefully a stocks and shares ISA I can put a couple of quid into a week and watch it boom/bust. The days of Social Security/ Government pension are over.

>> No.12574271

Learn a bit of farming, ask help to your parents while you show them op`s article

>> No.12574297


Having a child when you live in a better area and are better off financially is not being a failure. Letting your kids live in a country full of shitskins that you WILLINGLY let in via illegal immigration and then blaming us for not finding jobs after shipping them all out is the problem. And even if I kept blaming you it still wouldn't solve the problem so I agree with you there. But the issues we have now aren't like trying to save a sinking ship.

>> No.12574308
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I thought I raised you better than this Son

>> No.12574321
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Based chadposter

>> No.12574364

Yeah that article appeared in my feed too.
>shitpost: the thread

>> No.12574395

This is exactly the reason 50% of my paychecks go into Bitcoin. Fuck the boomers for selling us out.

>> No.12574444
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>Having a child when you live in a better area and are better off financially is not being a failure.
Ok but that is not what is happening. White Americans arent waiting longer to have kids, they simply aren't having them. I dont want to get too deep into the ins and outs of the tax burden but an inverted population is unsustainable. Argueing that you'll just "let us starve" might sound fun but we make up too much of the voting block so it wont happen. Its just childish and pedantic. Id obviously rather have the economic support come internally since it far more economical to have a worker who is already trainned and educated on American soil but its not happening, like it or not. So we can all have the chicken/egg discussion about immigration is necessary because of low birthrates/ low birthrates are the result of immigration but it wont change the reality. Its not evil for boomers to vote in their own interests, it would be unnatural not to. I'm not going to blame your generation for causing me to vote against my better instincts, Im just going to do it because self preservation dictates I do.
You really think you'd do anything differently?

>> No.12574458
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Based. Boomer removal squads when? Sign me up.

>> No.12574525

>my kids would just put in a nursing home
>but if i don't have kids I'll just look after myself as i grow more frail
Almonds activated.
Oh and if you think you'll be able to pay for quality home care, you won't. There won't be any white people left to do it, only swarthy brownoids who will steal your stuff, beat you and leave you for hours covered in your own excrement.

>> No.12574717

Quads checked. Take your phone off the charger, gramps. You're only damaging the battery past 90%.

Also do you realise you are forecasting the collapse of america here? You can't out vote reality, you will starve once this ponzi reaches breaking point.

>Its not evil for boomers to vote in their own interests, it would be unnatural not to.
At this point your best interests should be the future of your children. Boomers are dooming the future generations with their sighted, self centred actions. This is why you're going to hell.

>> No.12574722
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>Its not evil for boomers to vote in their own interests
Spoken like a true boomer. Unironically KYS.

>> No.12574758
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You use the "it's in my best interests" argument yet get pissed off when Millenials do the same back, but not having kids that is in their best interests but also any children they yet to have, as they will be in a better position later on to feed and house them. How the fuck is that any different? Do boomers have some sort of complex where not knocking up some girl at the high school prom and her leaving you before 30 is a failure?

>> No.12574769

>charging past 90 is bad for your battery
Yeah okay you're the fucking boomer here pal.

>> No.12574864

You don't need 7 billion people in the world. Why the fuck do we need that many people? We need to go back to like 1600 levels (500 million).

>> No.12574894

t. boomer

>> No.12574906
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The green line is how boomers treat the economy and their phones.

>> No.12574954

The only reason we aren't having kids is because we can't afford it dumb fuck. Most of us can barely support ourselves. We're gonna bring kids into it? Fuck you. At least years ago when people had kids with no money it was okay because things were constantly getting better economically, so they really weren't taking a risk. But nowadays, there's no merit to taking the risk because it's blatantly obvious that things will get shittier and shittier every year.

>> No.12574991

fuck off with this attitude

>> No.12575071

literally this.

>> No.12575615

>firm handshake

>> No.12575626

How fucked am I as an Elder Zoomer/babby millenial

t. ‘96er

>> No.12575813


Most people I know are more like 300k in the hole and have no plans to pay it off

>> No.12575822

>if the population doesn't continuously increase forever the system falls apart
who thought this was a good idea? regardless it's just obvious immigrant propaganda

>> No.12575824

>There is no good time
You're right, there is no good time. I'm getting a vasectomy.

>> No.12575842


You greedy assholes wanted free shit, so now women fuck around instead of selecting for intelligence and work ethic. Calhoun's rat utopia experiment, read a book nigger.

>> No.12575865


Every day I program, I'm working on software to replace old people and their pet niggers. Feels good man!

>> No.12575889


I can't go outside anywhere without hearing Arabic in my nation

>> No.12575895

the solution is death or genetically engineered flu epidemic

>> No.12575922


>millions of hostile foreign soldiers now occupy my country
>my income is taken from me through taxes and inflation
>the entire world economy runs on crippling debt funded by the labor of future generations that are not being born
>the globalist banking system is about to collapse and anyone who isn't prepared is probably going to die

Good times, thanks for voting in commies old people

>> No.12575932


Don't keep your money in stocks or a bank, they're about to go down

>> No.12575952


Stealing is evil, but it's okay

>store up food
>put all savings in crypto
>quit job to avoid income taxes
>watch the stock markets burn
>boomer problem solves itself in two months

Vote all you want, I don't give a fuck. You're going to have to be made an example of.

>> No.12576026
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reminder not to fall for the jew propaganda

>> No.12576035
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>> No.12576046
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>immigrants are the solution

>> No.12576070


>> No.12576086

This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.12576133

Its much worse for your battery to let it drop below 70 then to just keep it at 100. Best range is 70-90% though.

>> No.12576134


> Liberal socialism

Jesus if that's not an oxymoron, you do know liberalism and socialism are ideologically opposed to one another right?

>> No.12576511


Many [female rats] were unable to carry pregnancy to full term or to survive delivery of their litters if they did. An even greater number, after successfully giving birth, fell short in their maternal functions. Among the males the behavior disturbances ranged from sexual deviation to cannibalism and from frenetic overactivity to a pathological withdrawal from which individuals would emerge to eat, drink and move about only when other members of the community were asleep. The social organization of the animals showed equal disruption.

Ho lee fak is this the mousepill?

Describes modern degeneracy to a T(abortion,terrible mothers,dog-eat-dog world,chads,neets).

Thanks for the source fren.