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File: 9 KB, 200x200, FLO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12569529 No.12569529 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy the dip? The 1d chart looks bullish

>> No.12569573

No volume and I say this as someone holding a 6 figure amount of this shit. It is has rather high chance of hitting the mid 1K region within the next week. However there is a real possibility of it getting media coverage in the next few weeks as tZero went live Friday and it might get exposure by proxy as the media covers that.

There is also the ever looming possibility of it being shilled by Dave Rubin but I wouldn't bet my ass on that as it seems very unlikely. Waiting is usually the safest bet. It isn't exactly flying off the shelves.

>> No.12569584

Btw, assuming tzero is indeed using the FLO blockchain, why do they never mention it? Yeah, you could see it for like 5 seconds in that one video, but other than that they're completely silent about it.

>> No.12569625

They mention OIP but they don't really talk about FLO. It is really weird I will admit. I think they are just bullish on OIP itself and are trying to get it adopted. FLO is just the background for it.

>> No.12569629

Thanks for the response.

Dave Rubin...? How is he involved?

>> No.12569637

Both OIP and tZero are built on the FLO blockchain.

>> No.12569752

Dave Rubin along with Peterson recently left Patreon. Dave Rubin was talking about trying to figure out a way to avoid censorship on the internet. The twitter link happened and a week or two later Devon one of the developers behind OIP and Alexandria said that we might hear more about that in the coming weeks but it is best to not speak much about it.


>> No.12569881
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>fully independent blockchain
>novel metadata feature
>no premine
>no influencer
>launch in 11/2013
>150,000,000 circulating coins
>20-40% dead wallets from cryptsy
>t0 using flo
>rubin and peterson moving to flo

is the marketplace delusional or am i missing something... the deep value on this coin is nuts. how in the hell is it only .07c?

>> No.12569883


>> No.12569905

Questionable value proposition, bear market and Bittrex is the only real exchange it is on.

Peterson was never involved and Rubin is only a theoretical. t0 using it is super great and it being shilled by them to the state of Wyoming is also super bullish. The market is the market however.

>> No.12569981



>> No.12570042

With all the involvement from Overstock with OIP, Medici, Tzero, etc its mindblowing how FLO still has a sub $10 million marketcap

>> No.12570104

Hasn’t hit the mainstream yet.

>> No.12570135


It's like being bullish on blockchain and not the coin that is powering it LOL

You cannot be bullish on OIP without being bullish on FLO, the coin + metadata field that is powering OIP

>> No.12570149


If Raven hit over 100M in marketcap with Overstock behind it, you best be sure that FLO will do the same very soon

>> No.12570151
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>> No.12570202

Very positive

>> No.12570262
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OIP is being created by a company that is not affiliated with FLO, it's like being bullish on Coinbase share price but not BTC price, for example.
Example: Suppose BTC price steadily decreases from $15,000 to $10,000 over 2 years, while volumes 20x because of adoption by large enterprises with many middle-class customers. Coinbase might have a 100x valuation in that 2 year period if volume (their profit generator) goes way up while BTC prices go down. In a similar way OIP could be profitable as businesses flourish on the chain while FLO prices go down or remain steady

>> No.12570351

You aren't supposed to be honest on this board. Try it again.

>> No.12570363

That doesn’t feel quite right. It seems more like being bullish on a certain type of car and pushing it everywhere but not mentioning the engine.

>> No.12570376

>should I buy the D in PND?

>> No.12570414

I just realized the thread about the value of blockchain was just some guy copypasting the OIP wiki.

>> No.12570548

It's nice to actually read about this coin without that tripfag repulsing everyone with his moon garbage

>> No.12570552

And more companies will want to do business with Coinbase so they will have to get on the same platform they're using pushing for more adoption and increasing demand for the platform tokens. Why the hell would you put land registries on a blockchain if you don't want to automate certain aspects of their transmission?

>> No.12570589

I was actually repulsed by his shilling for weeks. It wasn’t until I actually read about OIP and Alexandria that I bought in.

>> No.12570671
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Then I succeeded. My goal was to simply direct biztards to the wonderful aspects of FLO blockchain. If I was able to have you spend even just 5 minutes of your time then my previous 6 months was worth every last second.


I'm here to help others get rich :)

>> No.12570679
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You are a newfag if you think that the only things I talk about are the moon. I provide countless links and resources for others on here to springload their interest in the FLO blockchain.

>> No.12570701

I mean, people sell computers and don't mention the motherboard manufacturer, even though it runs the whole damn thing. Sometimes the more tech-focused or gaming PCs do mention their motherboard but for 90% of consumers they don't care past the high level superficial stuff. It would be a waste of time to discuss that with them. I feel like FLO is in a similar boat here as a base layer protocol.
Plus, Byrne and others probably don't have heavy bags, and everyone in the world shills their own bags. That's been a rule since before history.

>> No.12570702
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>> No.12570729


>That is not affiliated with FLO

LOL, you fuck-head, OIP has been started by Devon, Amy and Joseph Fiscella, the lead dev of FLO

Some of the OIP devs actually helped with the development on the FLO's protocol. They are also working now on a trezor implementation for FLO.

Regarding the OIP profitability, there will be dynamic fees set up by the devs and the free market in order to accommodate with the increase of FLO's value,

>> No.12570786

I mean, nothing is officially "affiliated with FLO", because FLO is a decentralized thing that exists without leaders or a board or organized entity like a company. Of course the developers work on both projects, it's in their best interest, but the company producing OIP is in no way basing their business model on the price of FLO

>> No.12570862


you said not affiliated in the sense that the oip team has never worked with the flo devs or vice versa, don't bullshit me right now

Also, how can you be bullish on OIP and not on FLO which is powering a part of OIP with its metadata field ?

It's like saying that you are bullish on the Lightning Network and not on BTC

The more usage on the metadata field, the higher the FLO price goes since you need to purchase FLO in order to decentralize the info you feed into the chain

>> No.12570911

I literally explained how one could go up in value without the other with the Bitcoin/Coinbase example
It's very easy to understand

>> No.12571078

The most bullish thing for this I can imagine within the next year or two would be if DLRs on FLO get adopted by other traditional exchanges.

>> No.12571087


why is the order book full of 20ish FLO sells every 1 sat, starting at 2100 sats?

i mean if you wanted to sell 10000 FLO for X avg price, you could do just that. why space them out unless you are trying to clog the orderbook to make it look like there are lots of sellers.

Also bittrex order book only goes 20 pages deep. is someone wanting to hide that there are only like 500BTC worth of FLO in total that are available for sale?

>> No.12571130

Market manipulation. Someone on Bittrex actually has like three or four million FLO that they use to suppress the book from time to time when it starts pumping. There was 7K BTC on the sell side a week ago. There aren't many genuine sell orders on the books as most sells are from one whale. There is really not a lot of FLO on any exchange.

>> No.12571328

You can be bullish on the implementation of another layer of it without thinking FLO itself is the thing you are bullish on.

>> No.12571340

Its a whale accumulating for sure.

>> No.12571356

I'm not sure. They previously had five million but it seems to have shrunk. They are doing something and accumulation seems like the best bet bit it is hard to tell.

>> No.12571433

Okay, I'll share a few tidbits with you, because it's getting too painful to watch. FLO telegram has no clue about this either, so you're all getting it first here.

1/ Overstock is actively suppressing FLO's price.

2/ Byrne specifically urged employees via internal memo not to mention any specific layer of the underlying tech stack by name in the UI or in press releases. (This prompted an unintended pump to break out when some of the employees decided to start accumulating.)

That's it from me, there's enough info out there for you to figure out the reasons behind the whole farce.

>> No.12571453

Checked. Its bullshit and I don't believe it but on the other hand I was there for the rise of VeChain before it was found out that those massive price walls and suppression was from VeChain itself.

>> No.12571480

Ethereum is specifically mentioned by name in the UI here. This is their new website as of a few weeks ago.

>> No.12571493

Proof and more information fagola

>> No.12571494
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This must be true. When Overstock made note of RVN to the public, the price of RVN went on a full blown bull run and 10x'ed in price.

Since then, Overstock has been incredibly careful and dodged all questions/mentions of FLO. They even went so far as to edit out all mentions of FLO by Patrick Byrne.

I honestly believe they are doing everything they can to accumulate at these levels before the price takes off wildly.

I would also love >>12571433
to provide a hard source or a bit more evidence about this claim.

>> No.12571498

i'm a complete brainlet, is this bearish or bullish for FLO?

>> No.12571547
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>> No.12571589

I dunno why anyone needs a conspiracy story to see there are no flo to sell and the walls are a joke.

>> No.12571646

The source is his ass. It’s your typical conspiracy theory about price action.

>> No.12571654

Fake and gay
Skip to 18:30 and listen to him say "Bitcoin, florincoin, ravencoin will be the backbone of a bunch of it".
Sorry, your LARP was just blown the fuck out by Byrne himself

>> No.12571661

Everyone knows about Ethereum, though...

>> No.12571666


>> No.12571685

Well done. Blown out in good time by the man himself.

>> No.12571744
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>He actually mentions FLO
Thanks for sharing, that's what I wanted to hear

>> No.12571899

Interesting to hear him actually say it but they are otherwise quiet about FLO itself and rather focus on OIP.

However something that should be noted is that obviously Devon is in this thread if not you. The post you linked was less than two minutes old.

>> No.12571954

He actually mentions flo, people not buying at these prices are insane

>> No.12571984

You see he actually mentions FlorinCoin not FLO so you should probably just sell.

Though I'm surprised it didn't make RVN pump since it is on Binance. But the obvious reason is that it is an interview with a guy who has four vidoes and that particular video has less than 250 views.

>> No.12572097

How has him mentioning FLO changed anything for you?

>> No.12572185

I've been watching some interviews while trying to learn about FLO, and I'm pretty impressed by the guy, he seems like one of those from-first-principles thinkers who can really see the big picture (he has a PhD in Philosophy, so it's no wonder). And with the amount of influence he has, him endorsing the project is huuuge

>> No.12572218

Probably the only other guy who made a similar impression on me was Peter Thiel, who also studied Philosophy

>> No.12572286
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>>12572185 >>12572218

Check out this thread


fucking Pajeets.

>> No.12572423


You are a lost cause. You just don't get how tech works. Your bitcoin/coinbase example is just shit

The more people you have using OIP (millions of people with millions/hundreds of millions of transactions), the higher the price of FLO goes due to the fact that you cannot use OIP without buying FLO and transacting it in order to decentralize the metadata.


And another idiot. You can't be bullish on the OIP because it's not OIP who incentivizes you financially. It's the FLO blockchain growing in price with the use of OIP that increases the value of your investment.

For example, you are bullish on OIP if you are an artist that wants to benefit from the decentralization and transparency that OIP offers you, not when you are a crypto investor who wants to score a homerun. In that case it's FLO you are bullish on, dummy.

>> No.12572441

Explain why coinbase valuation went up while bitcoin price went down in 2018. The example is based on what actually happened in real life.

>> No.12572458

To add to the comment. Saying that you are bullish on OIP and not FLO is like saying that you are bullish on the Lightning Network and not Bitcoin.

It's FLO you should get bullish on because it's what incentivizes you financially directly. It's not the layer 2 that you get bullish on, lol

>> No.12572486

Why not? Building a business on LN could net millions while BTC price stays the same or goes down.
You are arguing against yourself here. Especially in the case of LN where transaction fees are low or zero, it makes sense to be bullish on LN companies shares while short/neutral on Bitcoin at the same time.

>> No.12572491


OIP is a protocol that sits on top of FLO, dumbfuck, not a tradeable company or a future publicly tradable company LOL. Stop with that shitty comparison, you are embarrassing yourself

>> No.12572571

You're the one that claimed Byrne is bullish on OIP, not me, and it actually makes sense because OIP is developed by a company that Byrne could invest in

>> No.12572594

Nevermind, that was someone else in the thread who said that, but it still makes sense.
Byrne could also be "bullish" on LN if he is building some software with LN and he expects that software to make his company a profit which would be reflected in its shares.

>> No.12572625
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Ok, take a KO, fud-ing cocksucker

Patrick Byrne interview 24 January 2019 (Timestamped)

"some of these technologies rolling out this year... What will happen is, Bitcoin, Florincoin or Ravencoin will be the backbone of a bunch of that"

>> No.12572667

I posted this exact thing already in this thread an hour ago...
Let's get this straight:
1. You're arguing with me
2. About someone else's the phrasing in their post
3. Where they said something completely reasonable about Byrne "being bullish on OIP"
This is a reasonable thing to say given the fact that
1. Byrne's company is using OIP for several of their software products
2. OIP is developed by a company that he could invest in
3. Other people can use OIP to create websites that earn them money by providing content
Even if you don't agree with the wording surely you agree on those 3 points

>> No.12572682

By the way you can be bullish on OIP (implementations of OIP, websites using it, companies based on it, people building RVN assets backed by apps that use OIP, etc) and bullish on FLO at the same time. Or you could be bullish on OIP and not FLO. They are different things with different economic models.

>> No.12572882


You don't make any sense. You said previously that OIP can have success while FLO can remain at the same price or marketcap, which is fucking insane and defies logic because both of the technologies work in a symbiotic way.

The more use on the Open Index Protocol, the higher the price of FLO goes due to the fact that you cannot use OIP without FLO. How many fucking times do i have to repeat that ?

Patrick Byrne said previously that he was bullish on OIP because he probably didn't want to mention FLO directly.

There are only 2 ways, Be bullish on FLO or be bullish on FLO and OIP, but you can't say that you are bullish on OIP and not on FLO, or that FLO can remain at the same price while millions/billions of transactions happen on OIP. It's an error of judgement

Even Patrick Byrne mentioned FLO in that video above because he understands that. The one who doesn't understand is clearly you

>> No.12572998
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Important highlights of this video:

18:00 - 18:40
"You're gonna see this stuff popping up, I think, this year. Some of these technologies actually rolling out this year. And what will happen is crypto and Bitcoin, Florincoin, Ravencoin, will be the backbone of a bunch of it."

27:55 to 29:20 fantastic talk about tZero DLR's (Built on Flo Blockchain) by Patrick Byrne.

46:30 -
Confirmation that Overstock's Medici (built on FLO) has a partnership with World Bank. An explanation of the entire Overstock Blockchain Business (Medici).

>> No.12574014

Concise write-up at least.

>> No.12574173

only featured on the shittiest of exchanges.