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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12568579 No.12568579 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12568606

Is that in far east Portland, OR?

>> No.12568607

how much money and effort was required to get the house to that state?

>> No.12568610

needs to sell before a W

>> No.12568615

looked better before

>> No.12568618

>be boomer
>buy rotten dead property nobody wants
>give it a new paint, bright flashy colors, kids love it! like that fordknight thingy my son plays
>rearrange house number, damn going to art school really paid off
>list house for nearly tripple the purchase price with 0 repairs done
>fucking kids nowadays dont know how to handle money, back then i bought my first house at age 21!!!

>> No.12568620

around 160k

>> No.12568630 [DELETED] 

How much did it cost for renovation?

>> No.12568637

$40k tops and thats if you subcontract everything out. you do it yourself, then like $15k in materials.

>> No.12568648

zoomer cope

>> No.12568666

>tfw bought house last year
>gone down in value -$14.5k

>> No.12568668

its almost Gresham

>> No.12568677

>1/25/2019 Listed for sale $249,900
>7/13/2019 Sold $156,000
>costs incurred by contractor: $80,000+

>> No.12568681

Should i move to a legal state and sell weed on the dnm? Good idea?

>> No.12568709

the absolute state of america, this is a fucking garden shed that homeless poor people live in where im from

>> No.12568772

>you do it yourself, then like $15k in materials.
If you dont value your time to be woth counting into the calculation, you should stay away from handling a business...

>> No.12568784

i'm actually good at stuff like this so the time investment would be trivial.

>> No.12568808

>he painted the siding from horizontal to vertical

Ok randy.

>> No.12568819

>I’m good at something so the time invested isn’t worth anything.

Ok Milton

>> No.12568839

Are you going to Texas this year for family reunion?

>> No.12568844

>If you dont value your time to be woth counting into the calculation, you should stay away from handling a business...
some people don't have capital and have to hustle and flipping houses is ok for that. stop being a faggot and acting like you're balling
and if you already made it then stop condescending to 20-somethings trying to get in the game

>> No.12568897
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This ironically is my dad for the house part. "Back in my day when I was 21 I had 8 houses, where are your houses son? Dad a house back then was significantly cheaper and people weren't vetted. Back then they'd let you buy a house without proof of funds or pay stubs or anything but that caused the crash so banks actually check now to see if you can make the payment, before the bank would let you loan especially if they knew you wouldn't be able to pay it back because they'd take the property plus all the payments you've made and resell it and rinse and repeat. Back in 95 a house like this would cost around 20-30k, its like inflation doesnt exist for boomers.

>> No.12568915

>moving the goal posts
we're talking about cost inputs not value addition, try again smarmy faggot.

>> No.12568992

Flipping houses for that much is jewish. Wondering why nobody can afford them? Scammers.

>> No.12569014

250k cuck shed with no sidewalk

>> No.12569015

Not only is it tired, tiny, and ugly, but it's probably going to need complete renovating before 2022. I bet they didn't even put primer under that grey paint.
If anything, they destroyed the only thing that was valuable about it in the first place, the green lawn.

if my real estate agent showed me that house and I fell for it, I would sue the shit out of them.
I'm paying them for expertise and they went about showing me pigs in lipstick and didn't think it was necessary to vet any of this shit. They have expertise for a reason.

>> No.12569072
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>some people don't have capital and have to hustle and flipping houses is ok for that.
Which is not a bad thing to do, did it myself for a couple of years as a side-business with my father.

> stop being a faggot and acting like you're balling and if you already made it then stop condescending to 20-somethings trying to get in the game

Thin skin, pal?
If you consider your time to be worth >zero< & dont count in an entrepreneurial wage for ANY hustle, you consider yourself to be a slave with unlimited ressources. It goes well once, twice, maybe even a whole year.
But at some point, you end up working for $2 per hour. Which is less likely, if you are actually able to estimate the value of your own time.

>> No.12569095

/biz/ is a no-bully zone
protestants are also unwelcome

>> No.12569107

Why is the lawn ruined?

>> No.12569109

Lol you're such a broke retard to even say that.
If it took him a year to fix up this house he still would have made an enormous profit and did better than most people.

However this place is a complete cuckshed so anyone with any actual skills and dedication could have finished the exterior by himself in less than a month.

No telling what they did inside but even working alone it wouldnt have taken him that long.

>> No.12569208
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very nice! if i were living in the US I would definitely look into it.

>> No.12569240
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What's with the pit under the rear porch?

>> No.12569253

>estimate the value of your own time
lol you are arguing bullshit semantics and backpedaling. costs are realized instantaneously, so unless you payed yourself at the time of your labor, the only COST is in units of time. you are trying to make profit margin estimates the same as a cost estimate, which they are not.

>inb4 it doesn't make a difference

i'm pretty sure you pay taxes like a normie and don't hold everything in an S-corp or other non-pass through entity. i've never actually paid myself a salary, all profits are put back into the company. this is standard boiler plate entrepreneur stuff btw.

>> No.12569346
File: 116 KB, 869x540, 1wtdr3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats where the clown lives

>> No.12569384

Lol you would have to be a compleye retard to pay that much for that shed. Id pay you $100K for "upgrading" that shithome.

>> No.12569463


>> No.12569553


you're such a faggot omg.

>> No.12569589

Is that unironically a 1-bedroom?

>> No.12569630


its a shed

>> No.12569672

It's an outhouse. No wonder residents are moving out of the west coast and into cheaper areas of the country. Sell a house in Cali and buy 3-4 of them in the midwest. Easy peasy

>> No.12569948

>dont pay taxes
>this is standard boiler plate entrepreneur stuff btw.

Oh boy, someone larping to know something.
I value my time to be too valuable to explain this exact "entrepreneur stuff" to the pretentious likes of you. Feel free to buy a house, renovate it and realize you cucked yourself for less than minimum wage per hour in profit.

>> No.12569983

>living in the midwest

>> No.12570033

No shit anon, people buy stuff cheap and then do some work to it/or not and sell it quickly for profit
No shit indeed, most of people listing on ebay and other shitty sites do that for living with all kinds of used stuff

fuck me biz seems to get dumber and dumber

>> No.12570045

You literally just demonstrated they are. House was 88. That's damn affordable. Nobody bought it, because it needed work. Less than 160k in repairs made, and someone actually buys it! Who could buy that house and say they are good with money? Who could complain about housing when there are so many properties like this? The only thing that's really fucked up is public schools.

>> No.12570081

Houses weren't significantly cheaper. People were just less demanding consumers and schools weren't so shit. You need to remember that all those places that have inflated so much are significantly more developed and important now. I grew up in Denver before the boom. Everything was cheap because it was a backwater city. Nothing was there. As soon as the oil money came in, tech bros moved in looking for investors. Now everyone wants to live there. If you want to be cool, you have to pay the price. If you want to make money, you have to be there before everyone else.

>> No.12570128

>all you have to do is list a sale price and someone will automatically buy it

lets see what the price is when someone buys it

>> No.12570191
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>he doesn't live above a snake pit
not gonna make it

>> No.12570217
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brb.. gunna go flip a house bro wish me luck.


>> No.12570261

to be fair he obviously significantly overpaid for this

>> No.12570368

The boomer who did that needs to be fucking murdered. $250K for a fucking shed?

>> No.12570403

>renovate it and realize you cucked yourself for less than minimum wage per hour in profit.


lmao, you finally made the jump from talking about costs to talking about profit. you can't even keep a straight argument so you aren't in any position to explain anything to anyone

>> No.12570436

ITT: illiterates

>> No.12570522

nobody bought it yet retard

>> No.12570585

How do you know? Do you get it valued every year?

>> No.12570595

That's not a house, it's hardly a shed

>> No.12570751

hmmmm i didnt know they came that cheap

>> No.12570878


>> No.12570910

just lol @ that deck.

>> No.12570986

>how much money and effort was required to get the house to that state?

Very little. it looks like the only thing they did was was change the wood siding and paint the deck

>> No.12570998

It's a complete gut rehab you brainlet. You dont think they renovated the entire interior? They probably made around 40-50k with this flip.

>> No.12571006

Flipping houses were how 2 instructors I had became millionaires

>> No.12571018

They were boomers tho so they had an unfair advantage

>> No.12571126

For the dead bodies of course

>> No.12571145

>live on border of washington & oregon
>make 700 a week in high school not knowing this is real money
>weed becomes legal
>weed is near worthless
>get a job and realize i made more in a day hanging out then i did in a week working part time at BK
>life sucks
>weed store sells ounces of chronic for $90 you cant beat that.
>mids for $50 an ounce

The game is dead unless you want to risk decades in the feds transporting it to fly over states.

>> No.12571177

Do you have to pay "back taxes"?

I legit feel like buying a lot of homes in detroit for like 1-10k, make them perty, buying nigger repel spray, help whites move in, and sell them for like 200k.

Back taxes are a problem tho

>> No.12571216 [DELETED] 

Fr tho, 250k for that bullshit kek. Only 635sqft too. What a scumbag.

>> No.12571257

that house is shit. I can sell you my house 2500 square ft for 500k. Literally 4x the house for only double the price.

>> No.12572062

I don't think you understand how real estate works

>> No.12573010

I'd honestly love to buy a few abandoned blocks in detroit hopefully with some taller structures (city like) and have huge paintball/airsoft tournaments there like fucking huge!! have them all wear body cams, have the whole thing broadcasted on youtube. Just a world wide meetup to have 12 v 12 matchs maybe even bigger. Do it twice a year or so... i'm sure people would participate in something like that.

>> No.12573022

>The sale excludes the driveway, shed and carport

>> No.12573034

> help whites move in

Whites don't want to move in. They don't want to pay 50 percent of their housing cost in property taxes to live in a city with crumbling infrastructure and possible lead water.

>> No.12573048

>?Do you have to pay "back taxes"?

Of course you do. They wouldn't be that cheap if you didn't have to pay. If legislators actually eliminated those back taxes those housing prices would soar.

>> No.12573054

"listed for sale" is not the same as "sold".
also, he spent a couple grand to fix it up. at the end of he day he will make a 60-70% profit at best and thats a optimistic projection.

>> No.12573081


250k for a FUCKING cuckshed

>> No.12573140

Timmy? is that you? how are the bobs?

>> No.12573167
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>Help whites move in

>> No.12573169

Even if that did happen it's extra money, everyone's first house flip is a learning experiance.

t. Someone who helped their mother and stepdad flip a house for £1000 profit. Oh I was laffin, got paid for my time though so IDC.

>> No.12573207

who would spend $250k on a 650sqft home????

Jesus Christ.

>> No.12573245

You could completely gut and redo the walls, floors, new appliances siding, roof for less then $50k. But you can see they didn't change the windows and they arn't showing the roof, so they probably didn't redo that.

>> No.12573265

That's where the water collects when it rains so that your foundation gets fucked.

>> No.12573291
File: 26 KB, 951x287, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out those schools. Your kids will come out smart.

>> No.12573312

is that a cuck shed?

>> No.12573582

What the fuck is this? Who would buy this shed for $250,000? I like how the roof isnt shown either lol.

>> No.12573678

Thats Jihans spider hole

>> No.12573685

dude, you have your head way up your ass. At 88k you absolutely CANT live in that house!

You would have to throw in atleast $30k in repairs before you could even live in that shit.

Almost all people do not have 20% to put down and another $30k in cash reserves to do repairs while they live in it.

There are TONS of people who dont mind buying an ugly ass house, but theyre so fucking expensive and the repairs are so much that you'd be crazy to even bathe there.

>> No.12573698

250k to live in a cuck shed near gresham


>> No.12573761

>hidden asbestos siding
>roof still fucked
>power disconnected
>2x4 “flower bed”
>bondo everywhere
I hope the boomers that did this shit end up selling for an L. Also, fuck you if you do this half ass “flip” scam.

>> No.12573874

>supply goes up
>Demand stays same

price would go down

>> No.12574346

>hey bro what's your mortgage

>> No.12574373

>that fucking cuck shed
>for $250k
housing market crash 2.0 when

>> No.12574869

What's funny is if you put down $0 you'll end up paying $4680 over 30 years for that shitshack. lol

>> No.12574905

I think 50k is a even heavy unless the finishes are a better than normal grade on the interior. As long as you have an account with a supply house, buy your own shit, and just hire subs to do the work I would say you'd be around 30k all in.
>t. Experienced insurance restoration fag

>> No.12575253

>$249K for absolute piece of shit
If it sells there truly is a sucker born every minute.

>> No.12575304

arent snakes fucking when they form balls like that?

>> No.12575332

In Palo Alto, that house would be $3M.

>> No.12575431

It's probably all wood/aluminum/vinyl.
In Europe, homes are made out of brick and mortar.
Americans pay that much for sheds?

>> No.12576307

The Fuuuuuuuuuck, my family used to live in that house.

>> No.12576961

nobody bought dumbass lmfao cope and seethe

>> No.12576978

I wouldn't even store my tools in that shed.

>> No.12577001

>In Europe, homes are made out of brick and mortar.
Or concrete, or stone. Wooden houses are pretty rare, and generally the wood used it pretty high-quality so it lasts.

>> No.12577053
File: 408 KB, 796x1060, 1520463832685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The siding is decent but Jesus that deck needs work. And that planter is embaressing. Judging from those you phoned it in on the roof repair as well. 2/10 would not flip.

>> No.12577073
File: 46 KB, 625x469, 1520719533677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ the deck is even worse than I thought. I cannot wait to see what you did with the mountain of rotting diapers that you stuffed under the floorboards.

>> No.12577259

What is the purpose of a new barding at that point ? The house itself is absolute trash. He could have painted the old one and it would have been identical.

>> No.12577288

Is it worth flipping houses in fly over cities/towns/states?