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File: 386 KB, 757x868, 346974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12567981 No.12567981 [Reply] [Original]

if you are still bearish you are low IQ as fuck

>> No.12568057

Porn will save crypto

>> No.12568069

But nobody pays for porn

>> No.12568108

Oh yes because it did so much for XVG! Normies streaming porn won't fucking waste their time getting crypto to use so they can watch some shit tier porn when the internet is loaded with free porn. This literally means nothing for crypto.

>> No.12568197

betas unironically do

>> No.12568814

This. No matter how many ultragigaHD videos inside some top-tier model's asshole brazzers can produce, there will always be some thot with daddy issues out there willing to do it for cheaper, or even for free.

>> No.12568824

or you know, you can just torrent the siterip for free.

>> No.12568837

>or even for free
Volunteering to help the needy aside, why would anybody do a job for free?

>> No.12568953

People pay for porn?lol

>> No.12568971

and with recent crack down from SEC on thots the crypto will be the beta bux industry savior

>> No.12568999
File: 19 KB, 312x342, 2b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a retard. Almost the entire porn industry is controlled by kikes. If the kikes are willing to accept our shitcoins, this means they know something (golden bullrun sometime in the future). This news is bullish as fuck.
With jews you win.

>> No.12569010

>buying into the crypto meme
>paying for jewish porn
Same kind of autistic retardation.

>> No.12569052

Please explain how the jews control ALL the thots that make nudes and masturbation videos FOR FREE or for their own profit.
Jews don‘t control shit anymore when it comes to porn, that changed with web 2.0

>> No.12569172
File: 2.05 MB, 1200x1600, 1547263589898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch ads
>Use BAT rewards to pay for individual videos
>monthly discount rate

>> No.12569229
File: 260 KB, 1200x861, (((porn))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy knows
This guy is a shill or ignorant

>> No.12569275
File: 37 KB, 725x248, 1547661573829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when on noFap and noPorn

>> No.12569701

You still don't get it, do you. Assuming you are right (you're not), the fact that the kikes are willing to accept our shitcoins is the biggest buy signal there is. The signal is in the fact that they are WILLING to accept shitcoins. It doesn't matter if they receive millions or billions or 10k from crypto. They fucking want those shitcoins. Jews don't make financially retarded decisions. This means that they know something we don't, ergo another bullrun is incoming.

>> No.12569739

I can't believe they haven't been accepting it for years. A lot of people just don't want a porn subscription on their bank statements, no matter how 'discreet' they are it could always lead to questioning from a prying spouse.

>> No.12569760

Old guys and addicts do. A 15 minute clip can't get their limp dick off. They need the latest 4k 2 hour videos. You would be surprised how many people do pay for porn.

>> No.12569831


pr0n will unironically save our candy asses, glory to the sex workers that suck dicks without even kneepads on, so we don't need to wear the kneepads ourselves

I'm gonna send some XMR to Beladonna once I make it, she's always been my favourite porn actress and it's only fair that we should share the wealth we made with these tireless women

>> No.12569850

Because they took control of the supply.

>> No.12569917

>muh mindgeek
They only run the infrastructure, servers etc and make money with ads.
How is this ‚controlling‘ anything, they don‘t. Anyone can start a pornsite, anyone can produce porn and spread it around on the internet.
All your picture proves is that jews make the most profit with porn but controlling it, nope.

In the bigger picture this is absolutely not relevant.

Addicts (like me) know where to get all that stuff for free, I have never paid for porn and I have all the latest stuff of my favorite studios/performers.

>> No.12569991

people pay some thots because they exist of course people pay for porn

>> No.12570517

Good goy
Yes please be addicted to porn
First start with the small stuff
Eventually you’ll only get hard tranny gangbangs
Do it goy, it’s really good for your mental state

>> No.12570540

If you really wanna learn how Jews control porn, read on hitler and why he hated the Jews for bringing porn to Germany, mainly gallo porn
Also read on what they did when they over Bethlehem ( where Jesus was born) Palestine, the moment they occupied it, took over the tv station and played porn for three straight days
They did that because they know porn destroys societies

>> No.12570558

as a non jew myself, ive come to realization if you want to be rich follow the jews.
they have the connections

>> No.12570571
File: 163 KB, 1242x918, 1548618138304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah bro no one pays any money to porn

>> No.12570574



>> No.12570609

you kow whats funny is that porn tech is usually years ahead of non porn tech.

porn is what made DVD,VHS industry names
before there was netflix there was streaming porn
non ironically porn is far ahead of the curve

>> No.12570756

>they know something
lol, kys

>> No.12570812

>Using crypto for porn
>Literally nobody
>XVG is the proof of this failed fucking attempt
The only people who actually pay for porn anymore are normies who are just too fucking lazy to take 10 seconds and look for it. There is a plethora of free porn on the internet. Your point is moot and your argument invalid, I award you no fucks.

>> No.12570818

trips of truth

>> No.12570831

Lonely betas chatting with internet thots and donating beta bucks to feel like white knight alphas is not the same as internet porn at all. Your analogy is wrong and you're a fucking moron. Now kindly fuck right off because there are adults talking here.

>> No.12571211
File: 66 KB, 680x680, 30c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kike on damage control detected

>> No.12571255

seeing as you need the spoonfeeding, let's write it plainly: every thot is an iceberg
the patreon/youtube/twitch stuff is the nice, public side, as slutty as it might seem already
in private, all of these girls sell nudes, panties, have private cam sessions, online sugar baby relationships
ALL of these girls. not "some". private porn vastly outpaces public porn, in both quantity and price

>> No.12571374

Don't most major porn sites already accept crypto? This isn't gonna do shit.

>> No.12571487

This girl is so smart she found a way to make money without taking loads.

>> No.12571572

Eh, she's not smart for that. Plenty of girls figured that out a long time ago. What she did that was smart is that she went all in with the plan of trying to look like an anime girl. She's one of the whores closest to real life anime that I've seen.

It is, however, a sad reminder that many of my fellow weebs are still betacucks that would unironically give money to a woman they are not fucking. I honestly dream of a world where all anime fans are as alpha as me so that the stereotype would be that anime fans are the most masculine. I guess that future is now even farther away.