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12561773 No.12561773 [Reply] [Original]

>been working at a comfy job for 2 years now
>Co-workers are all white, friendly, and helpful
>They recently hired this ugly short fresh from college beaner
>He's lazy and sucks at his job
>He isn't friendly and thinks he's the shit because he went to a decent college
How do I get this fucker fired? I can't stand him.He tried to start a conversation with me but the dumb spic can't take the hint. I also feel a general bad vibe around him

>> No.12561797

let him fuck your wife/gf

>> No.12561823

Then help train him you stupid cuck. Would you rather he work construction and sell food stamps?

>> No.12561826
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I she'll let him, none of the roasties like him. In fact it seems nobody fucking likes him I don't know why he's still fucking here its been one month already and he's still fucking here. I wouldn't mind him if he weren't so stupid and if he did his fucking job right

>> No.12561849

I tried training him but he refuses to learn. He thinks he knows everything and takes it personally when you try to correct him. The main problem is that the boss yells at me when things aren't going right instead of yelling at the dumb spic

>> No.12562755

welcome to the party chief. the daego has been hired to tick a diversity box. and knows full well he has the diversity card. all he has to do is whisper 'racist' and youre gone. if he whispers racists, the whole office will have months of headaches, especially hr. until he kills or rapes someone, you are stuck. he knows this too. he can be as lazy, rude and stupid as he likes. the law is arbitrarily on his side because he is coloured. its our own fault life is like this now.

>> No.12562876
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Evidence, goodwill, negotiation skills.
Start measuring his job performance somehow (this will depend on his job, as to what his KPIs that your boss will care about) Start a folder and collect emails and pics of times he messed up.
Continue to be act in a friendly and helpful way such that any onlooker who happened to overhear a conversation would conclude that you are the good guy. Continue to be friendly to your other coworkers and ask about their dog.
consider purchasing a micro video camera or voice recorder from amazon.
If shit goes down you *will* need evidence, and goodwill.
Meanwhile, also ask him *why* he is doing/not doing things. Ask him "what if" questions to propose alternate ways to do things. But maintain highly respectful attitude such that any onlooker would conclude you are the good guy. Try to lead him towards correct behaviour.