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File: 635 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180901-181642_Tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12560983 No.12560983 [Reply] [Original]

Please guys I really need your help in here. She isn't replying anymore. I just want to experience love. Why won't they let me have it. I bought ripple back in 2016 and eth at $3 so I can make these women's lives amazing but they still won't respond. Please guys I'm turning 30 next year and I'm still a Virgin. All I've wanted is to have a wife. I really need your help guys please. I'll do anything I'll even tell you guys the next x100 coin. I have insider connections because I got in early so I don't mind spilling the beans on the next moon coin. Please guys help me with women and I'll fucking retire you.

>> No.12560997


Fucking lol

>> No.12561001

ok dude. Western women are hard. Don't you dare waste another penny on them.

If you go to any poor asian country you'll get mad pussy for much cheaper. The girls there are much hotter and less annoying

>> No.12561014
File: 38 KB, 570x355, 0CE64BCE-A330-4481-9C50-4D1AEC0EF2C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a Candian Pajeet

>> No.12561015

I'm a dude but I'll go on a trip with you for 50k, no gay stuff but I'm pretty funny and shit. Ping me my nigga

>> No.12561019


offering 50K to a 5/10 girl, to go on a VACATION..
Holy crap OP, you are what is enabling this shit

>> No.12561022

If you're going to pay a how to take on vacation you gotta go after the real hookers. And you better have a nice body. Take some advice from the tagasponsor dot com dude and stop being a pussy boy incel

>> No.12561040

Okay I'll give the first clue. It hasn't released yet but it's mainnet is launching Q1 2019 and shortly after the tokens will be released to exchanges. Please tell me how to now get a wife and you'll get the project name. How do I keep a loyal woman.

>> No.12561043

Old image newfags

>> No.12561049

do u got a discord?

>> No.12561058

you are overpaying.
she looks average maybe 24-27 yrs old.
atleast 3-8 guys were already in her. 2/3 of them offload their semen on the very face you are looking at

>> No.12561065

Leave the house more often

>> No.12561085

You're retarded. What in your tiny brain makes you think that a girl hearing that you'd pay 50 grand to fuck her wouldnt be sus'd the fuck out. Who does this kind of shit?? Get some game and just flirt with them you fucking autismo

>> No.12561094

Talk with them often and make sure they share your interests at least somewhat, and that you can be yourself with them. Thats all that matters my guy.

>> No.12561110

If you cant flirt openly and sincerely with a girl online, it wont be any better taking her out to dinner or back to your place.

>> No.12561133

Lol nice larp. If somehow not a larp stop being a massive cuck faggot

>> No.12561145

Okay but I've already tried this before and it didn't work. I approached a bank teller a few months ago and as she was helping me at the counter I said she had wonderful hair and I mentioned I love the way she smelled. She then went on a huge rant on how men can't sexually objectify women and all of this fucking bullshit so I felt insanely akward and just walked away and left the bank before security got involved. Easier said than done.

"oh just get some game bro and flirt with her." that only works for Chads. So please tell me what else I can do.

>> No.12561166

Do you go to the gym? Have a healthy body/skin? Post pictures because you already made it?
Come on it's so easy to fuck women.

>> No.12561192

Chainlink $1000 eoy

>> No.12561193
File: 183 KB, 750x422, 20150624_182336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a fucking Ferrari, drive around a beach town. If you're rich then that should be no problem. Women love status and money and a fucking ferrari cements that you're loaded. Any girl you ask to take a ride and a lunch date will go with you. I'm not memeing either. They'll even beg you to take their number. They'll literally won't stop asking until you do all the while they stutter because their brains get overloaded and they orgasm from being in a car like that. Get the ferrari, go to a popular beach town and do what I say. Scan the most hottest bitch you see and pull up to her, ask "hey are you busy?" She'll say no or either yes. If she says no invite her to lunch and her choice, bs and say you just barely moved there and you dont know the place as much. She's gonna naturally take you somewhere expensive. After lunch ask her, "hey I appreciate you showing me around, thank you. I had alot of fun, say would you be interested in doing this again sometime?" And thats it. She'll solidify and wife up after a few dates. You're welcome nerd.

>> No.12561243

Man this depresses me. I thought women might finally be interested when I make it. Guess not.

For some people maybe. People like me and OP couldn't get a girl to hang out with us even if we paid her 50k for it...

>> No.12561247
File: 64 KB, 667x667, 1547228937651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two options, you are either a bait or fucked up really bad in life to be this desperate.

First of all, NEVER tell any woman you want to fuck about the money you have. Literally NEVER.
Secondly, you have to change your mindset. Your future wife wont come suddenly out of nowhere to you. It will take a lot of effort and time. Try to change yourself first. Get a haircut, change your clothes and get /fit/ if you are fat. Try to build a social circle next. Join a local club or something if you dont have any friends. Chess works quite well for it, since you might meet other autists there. You will find friends eventually. Women value men based on their social status. Having close to 0 friends and sitting in front of your PC every weekend is a huge turnoff to them. Just get your fucking life together and develop a personality.
Next, you have to realise that women arent some magic unicorns. Actually, most of them should be chasing you instead. Gain some confidence in talking to them. There are tons of pick up guides out there.
It will take a lot of failures and some time (at least 2 years ), but you will have success. Dont listen to these incels telling you to get an asian/russian/whatever women that only uses you to gain money. Build some confidence, leave your basement regulary and develop an interesting personality. And you will find someone who will truly love you.

>> No.12561284

If you are real, we need to see a photo of your face to make sure you aren't a -1/10 (which can still get laid but needs a diff approach)
Do you bathe? Do you stutter? Acne? If I saw you on the street would I think you're a mutant?
Some random girl on tinder is not going to respond to your approach of offering money. Instagram models who do this for money will. Random girls will respond to displays of wealth (clothes, cars, watch) but not a direct offer like you did.
Also where do you live?

>> No.12561317

Also this. It will take you about 2 years of effort and, frankly, some gut wrenching terror to rebuild your life into a totally new person. Your money can accelerate somethings but not everything - people move slow.

>> No.12561336

Stop showing too much interest when you write with a girl. Just a regular conversation and ask her out after you feel comfortable.

>> No.12561354
File: 15 KB, 202x251, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay here you go i have nothing to lose at this point anyways. please tell me which ways i can improve.

>> No.12561367

maybe grow your hair longer and get more fashioinable glasses. IDK women will get scared away by anything.

>> No.12561384

Not chad but you have some potential. Your hair looks boring and your glasses suck tho.

>> No.12561386

Fuck bro..

>> No.12561392

OP, if not LARP, then this is the only correct answer, even (or especially because) you don't like it. maybe it won't take two years, but plan in sufficient time to build yourself.

>> No.12561403

I agree, glasses suck big time.

>> No.12561414

Nice shill ranjeet

>> No.12561417

also, you obviously need a female friend to help you style yourself since you have horrible taste. this is ok, you can learn.

>> No.12561428

you look like a normal dude, m8

>> No.12561431

having a female friend also makes you more comfortable around women generally.
friend here means you don't try to fuck her and don't look at the friendship as a way to ultimately fuck her.

>> No.12561439

You’re legitimately a good looking dude. Get contacts or better glasses, play up your mysterious side, and be a kind person without being a total pushover. You’ll do well.

>> No.12561442

Ok. Clean skin. Minor autism face, but you have strong jawline. Not a mutant confirmed. Problem is not your appearance, but some new glasses will help lots. You have a rectangle face type (not knocking you, every face has a type shape) so google some glasses & hair style that will work with that to provide contrast.
Your problem is psychological. Which is good, the whole pua/game industry is designed to fix that basically by making you reboot your life.
If you're rich get tinder plus or gold whatever it is, boost yourself, and super like some women. Then talk to them but do no talk about wealth, or "what you want", or "your needs". Are you following so far?

>> No.12561446

okay guys since you helped me here is the coin.


enjoy i hope this helps.

>> No.12561448

Ditch the glasses for contacts, change your hairstyle, grow a beard. Stop chasing dumb thots, you have to find a woman that wants a long term relationship only. This means no single moms unless they are a widow.

>> No.12561454

I tell you what OP. Instead of paying some ugly thot $50k to take her on vacation, you can pay me $50k and I will find a dozen 10/10 girls who will coke yo your house and take turns fucking you

>> No.12561469

Fucking lmao not even a rolls royce can save you.

>> No.12561470
File: 71 KB, 456x614, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youball have been baited, this is old pasta from this board, and even back then it was a larp

>> No.12561510

Hey you look fine dude, you need to see a behavior therapist to address your social issues. You also need to stop putting pussy on a pedastal. Of course a woman is gonna be weirded out when a stranger makes such an offer to her. It doesnt seem real. You need to stop acting so desperate. And maybe check out a website designed for rich men to find gold diggers.

>> No.12561596

Bro. You need some help. Good for you that i found you.

Hell, pay me 50k and i will organise everything that you need to get laid.

>> No.12561600

>minor autism face
What above said.
And go to the gym, get self confidence.

>> No.12561644

wear dem hipster glasses

>> No.12561658


Bro you are like from a few hundert km weg.


>> No.12561672
File: 29 KB, 348x256, 1543727451118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off pajeet shill

>> No.12561715

dude just sign up for seeking arrangements it's exactly what you need

>> No.12561730


bro try russians

>> No.12561738

let your hair grow, get contact linses and s m i l e=)

>> No.12561741

You sound desperate OP. Women hate this.
Go to prostitutes until you don't consider women anything special. Then women will want to talk to you.

>> No.12561751

Russian women are even more ruthless if you show weakness. They would eat OP up, or even beat him psychically if he's as weak as his initial post implies.

>> No.12561779

Oh shit

Op is maybe into femdom lmao JACKPOT for him if that happens

>> No.12561780

Go on a $50k trip with me and I will fetch a girl for ya OP

>> No.12561800

holy fucking cringe


>> No.12561934

Larp or not i have a good advice for incels.

Try black women.

You are easily 2-3 point higher in SMV for them.

I have much higher success rate with blacks.

Probably around five time higher.

An average white is a quite pretty dude for a black girl.

If you are really desperate, try indonesia (not black but love whites) or Uganda.

You're nothing here, you'll be a king there.

Whites are bitches who view you as a weird creep, but for some black women you'll be a god.

Now i'm not a race mixer, but this guy (if not larp) seems desperate, he has a right to fuck and have a bitch.

>> No.12561995

I know this is b8, but for anyone serious, girls are pretty good and decently priced in tokyo. Look for some in tokyo night style

>> No.12562053


OP, first off, never tip your hand and say you're nervous or that you "scared her off". It reeks of zero confidence and no women except the most desperate are into that, at least right off the bat.That's the sort of things you can share once you have a good rapport and relationship with someone. If you're nervous, just fake confidence and usually they won't be able to tell. Most people can't tell! Just keep a good poker face, and better yet, actually try to like yourself and know your worth. Soon you both become comfortable and then you can stop faking it.

Your first text in the pic was plenty. You really didn't need to go further. And under no circumstances offer someone money to spend time with you. That is so painfully beta. Not only does that look unattractive and desperate, but it's not good for you either. You want a relationship to be built on mutual interest and attraction, not on your wealth. Personality and compatibility must be the basis--- money is only a plus and shouldn't be apparent off the bat. Frankly, if she doesn't like you at a simple nice bar or restaurant, she's not going to like you on a nice vacation.

Also, offering to take someone on vacation without knowing each well first and having a great relationship is a hugely risky move. To me there are three things that will test even the most trusted relationships: living together, moving together, and travelling together. It would be a NIGHTMARE travelling with someone you just met and starting to not get along. For another, this is just another thing you said that makes you look desperate. For another, you DON'T want to be with the sort of person who jumps into intense situations right away like going on vacation. It is a sure sign of the wrong type of neediness/craziness and a volatile personality.

You seem smart enough. Seriously, just check out a few fashion blogs and get some smart glasses and clothing/shoes. People act like fashion doesn't or shouldn't matter-- It does!

>> No.12562246

okay guys thank you for the advice i will take all of this into consideration. I have just booked an appointment with my local eye doctor and am going to get contacts. I really do thank you guys for helping me with contacts. TheGraph is the next moon mission. I hope this all helps you all. take care cheers.

>> No.12562503
File: 391 KB, 1043x547, 1547510322922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg you to read the Rational Male by Rllo Tomassi, you'll get your answers.
This shit was too much cringe.

>> No.12562553


>> No.12562579

You newfags know is this a larp right?

>> No.12562634

Larp, I saw this image before.

>> No.12562848

I'd go on a trip for 50k gay stuff included, just as long as I'm the penetrator and nothing goes in my butt. Money talks my dude.