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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 79 KB, 686x741, doge35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
124462 No.124462[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>123173

>> No.124466

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 193 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.124470

UPDATE YOUR WALLET TO THE NEWEST VERSION(1.5.2): http://bamboohouse.info/release.zip

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/
Cryptsy-Thread: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882 <- support needed

Website: http://thepandacoin.net/

Released since: February 15, ~21 GMT

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool (0.8% pool fee)
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com (1% pool fee)
https://www.pandapool.info (0.5% pool fee)
http://poolesclosed.net/ Poole's Closed (0.5% pool fee)
http://wolongsucks.tk (1% pool fee)



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.124471

> doge moved to biz from g

>> No.124481


Trollin' /pol/ for PND 2 : Electric Boogaloo

>> No.124488


>> No.124498

> no shit

>> No.124499 [DELETED] 

ded coin
ded thread
ded meme

>> No.124508

but anon
you are ded

>> No.124516

Whats the purpose of faucets?

>> No.124519

not ded, only sleeping.

>> No.124525

We need a shill meme pic for this:

Dead Coin. Dead thread. Dead meme.


Post in threads of 600+ posts.

>> No.124527

To get new cult members and bagholders.

>> No.124530

Visit em a few time to get some instant coins to get started.

>> No.124535

Cult of SaturnCoin is always open for business.

>> No.124588

Yeah, I should have sold at around 210-220..Oh well. Cashing out now and still making a decent profit.

>> No.124590

>cashing out on a low
nigga u dumb

>> No.124595

Yeah, nigga! Sell low, buy high! TO THE GROUND!

>> No.124596

I'm tired of waiting for the moon. I just want my BTC back. I'll keep 100k I just wanna get rid of the rest just in case it bombs worse.

>> No.124601

I bought at 175 and 185, I'm making a profit.

>> No.124614

> you in 2 months:
mark my words

>> No.124619

I won't care in 2 months, I've been tho this before with BTC. Un-phased anymore.

>> No.124622

Holy shit... There is a 134mil buy wall@3 satoshi...

>> No.124623

because having doge in your wallet is hard?
keeping it there in your hard disk, yeah, so hard
better get rid of them! such a weight

>> No.124626

Thats partially whats keeping me holding

>> No.124629

>tripcode related

>> No.124632

>Mine 1 million TOP
>Trade it for MINT when TOP is at 7 and MINT at 4
>Sell MINT at 12 yesterday
>Use the BTC to buy PND at 10
>MINT at 45 today
>PND is kill

This is like some kind of bad dream

>> No.124641

what did you expect?
that you would make money?

>> No.124648

Shouldn't have got caught up in the tide of people telling mintshills to fuck off. PND claims another victim.

>> No.124652

Someone buy my 20K PND on swisscex. I need some doge to test out some new substances.

>> No.124673

So is PND dead?
I guess ill put up a wall at 4 and hope I can atleast break even. Thank you shills for wasting my time on this coin

>> No.124681

Someone buy more votes at MintPal its our last hope

>> No.124677
File: 1.87 MB, 187x155, bradddamon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any coins worth mining right now?

>> No.124679

fud crew on full shitload

you guys are wallowing in your own bagholder filth in here

>> No.124682

Friendly suggestion to hold. Buy wall is cheap PND for everyone wanting to buy in.

>> No.124693

You mean wallowing in the 15BTC I made in MINT?

>> No.124698

dont shill him. there is no volume anymore get out while you still can anon

>> No.124703

have fun getting fucked by wolong when you don't see it coming

>> No.124711
File: 49 KB, 963x606, 1384982585788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.124713

You mean getting fucked by wolong in the BTC market?

I'm out friend, and I wouldn't be 9k richer if I had listened to you shitposters.

>> No.124716

Then why are you still shilling in these threads? Is there a point? You are just wasting your time. If you are all cashed out, then get out.

>> No.124719

you actually think that, dont ya. dont ya wish your boyfriend was hot like me.

>> No.124720

>price drops
>FUD fucking everywhere

>> No.124730

I'd rather not see fellow anon get taken advantage of by you PND idiots the same way people got taken advantage of by wolong.

>> No.124732

>IDfags everywhere

>> No.124746


>> No.124743
File: 81 KB, 649x407, 1392903801516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all FUD spreaders are going to sage to make sure no one realizes it is just 3 different people

>> No.124745 [DELETED] 

>comparing a failed coin to a scammed coin

>> No.124747

We ID now?

>> No.124749


What the hell is going on? Please help!

>> No.124751

Thank god, maybe now all the shills will stop

>> No.124752

holy shit ids

>> No.124756 [DELETED] 

Oh I bet you wolong shills feel like in heaven :)

Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 02/24/14(Mon)05:00 UTC+1 No.124730 Replies: >>124743 >>124745
I'd rather not see fellow anon get taken advantage of by you PND idiots the same way people got taken advantage of by wolong.

>> No.124757
File: 44 KB, 385x460, 1334096990445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw everyone who uses sage will be called a shill when they just want to use sage correctly

>> No.124758

>not realizing Heaven just means someone saged

All FUDers are going to sage to protect identity

>> No.124759


>> No.124766

ID'S what

>> No.124767

Wait, really?

>> No.124764

>implying I'm ever on /b/

>> No.124769

We made the board, now we make ids edition

>> No.124770

But if you took the time to sage in a board as slow as this, you'd probably be shilling in that post, one way or another.

>> No.124774

Okay can we go back to /g/ now

>> No.124775

>sage to protect identity
That's not a problem, no one will pay attention to them.
If people want to be taken seriously they won't sage.

>> No.124772

No we wont

>> No.124776



>> No.124777

after 1 day, anyone posting with heaven here is automatically a shill

>> No.124782

>implying weak-hands wont be affected anyways

Probably but see comment above ^

>> No.124783

All name fagging will end


>> No.124781

Or you could just be replying to someone, or not posting something worthwhile of bumping the thread.

Saging isn't only for keeping the thread off the frontpage. Its about etiquette.

>> No.124788

>Refrehs page
>We have ID's now
>Tfw no more shilling

>> No.124789

Whats the problem with that? It'll just be the same thing now..

>> No.124790

But this thread is so active and this board is so slow, the only reason these threads won't be on the frontpage is because the bump limit was reached 300 posts ago.

>> No.124791

It's only just begun.

>> No.124792

You mean after 10 minutes?

>> No.124793

Weak hands deserve to loose anyway.

>> No.124796

>Doge pushin over 200

Thank you based Wolong

>> No.124799

I would rather more people profit than few.

>> No.124801

This conversation we're having right now is another example of why sage should be used, it isn't even ontopic.

>> No.124814

Who cares? This isn't a high traffic board, we don't need to worry about that shit.

>> No.124816
File: 44 KB, 442x336, pandacoin-to-the-moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.124824

Which one of you just bought a PND for 2k satoshi? You got my hopes up for a second.

>> No.124822
File: 274 KB, 460x315, unidogepnduniversegalaxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damper on shit post,
I can live with this

>> No.124823

This is literally the opposite of truth.

>> No.124826

Are you saying you would prefer for the threads to be full of fud?

>> No.124830

I would rather make 100% of the profit ;^)

>> No.124834

No, I would rather there be no FUD but I would also like those who bought in to make a profit instead of being fucked.

That would be nice but I am also not a complete asshole. Some people are losing money right now. Those who dumped lost even more. If they held though they would probably make some money in the coming week.

>> No.124840

>dont trust wolong
take that shit off jesus christ

>> No.124843 [DELETED] 


>> No.124842

are we still talking about PND here?
I just wish I bought in at 3-4 and not 6-7

>> No.124847

That also means the shills were instructed to sage all PNDOGE threads. They are baiting these threads to 500+ posts and then they sage? Hilarious.

>> No.124850

If the coin is really going somewhere then holding should be enough to profit.
IDs are making these threads fair.

>> No.124851

Heaven = OP?

>> No.124852

Whether it is PND or DOGE, we have weak-hands dumping that are missing out on opportunity.

>> No.124853
File: 18 KB, 201x199, 1387949016028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.124857

heaven = someone who wants to FUD

>> No.124859

Heaven is all wolong shills

>> No.124860

There are plans to do that, now that we've won. We need people to post tentative new logos.

>> No.124861

Heaven == sage

>> No.124867

>ID's added to help put an end to samefagging and shilling
>In reality all it does is create more accusations of samefaggery and shilling, shitting up the threads even worse than they were already

I really don't see any winning move in this game.

>> No.124869

Dumping at 3 is crazy, dumping at 4 and placing a buy at 3 is a little risky because there are large walls currently. I understand if people dump at 4 ATM.

>> No.124872

>(ID: /ArNNc/5)
First shill detected.

Also: The logo will stay the way it is.

>> No.124871

Fuck it... Imma edit it right now. I don't have PS but I can GIMP pretty well.
Give me 10-20 minutes and I think I could get something good

>> No.124874

Isn't this great, we're already discriminating against people who don't use tags. Its only been 20 minutes. Thanks internet!

>> No.124878

>tfw still mining PND even if it's unprofitable as hell now because too lazy to reconfigure my miners and go back to mining shitcoin of the week

Will we ever see a golden age of doge again where doge is 2x as profitable as other coins?

>> No.124882

Wolong detected.

>> No.124888

Okay, understandable but we'll see how this pans out soon.

>> No.124896
File: 673 KB, 300x167, 6uSf0rh[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amDOGE said the logo doesnt change.

Its still causing too much butthurt.

>> No.124901

If people don't want to be accused of spreading misinformation etc then don't sage. saging doesn't really do shit anyway.

>> No.124902

nice try, shill

>> No.124909


>> No.124910
File: 1.27 MB, 300x225, rolled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coin tanks
>everyone jumps to conclusions
>the house is now divided
>everyone shilling eachother
>mfw in a few days the coin will be back up to 10 sat
thanks for selling low you retards

>> No.124912

>difficulty going down
Does this mean that people are jumping ship?
How are we gonna hy[e up PND to be just as successful as Doge?

>> No.124916

for profit miners are jumping ship

>> No.124917


ha, haven't you read the memo, 1 Doge = 1 Doge
enjoy your tips

>> No.124918

I want you to know that you are the worst kind of cancer that browses this website, you embody all of the worst kind of behaviour that can happen here.

>> No.124922

shilly out here shirley.

>> No.124927

based programmer bro

>> No.124925
File: 3 KB, 409x105, 1393216308806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.124928

I want things to be fair and shills to be stopped.

>> No.124939

nice sage

>> No.124946
File: 113 KB, 372x347, PND REDUX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many languages do you know? I don't know any expertly but I know Java6, Python, VB, BASIC, and Lua at least at an elementary level (Java more than others).

Also, no more "Don't trust Wolong"

>> No.124949

I think Heaven is gone now

>tfw you'll never make it to pussy heaven

>> No.124951

not shilling. There are people who mine and exchange for btc directly. PND was the most profitable for a while and that's why we saw difficulties near 50. The 10 satoshi price made it worth mining. Now that its 3-4 those same for profit miners have left, leaving the peeps who mine and hold.

>> No.124952

PND ded?

>> No.124954
File: 117 KB, 1500x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.124956

No, what you want is for people to not be able to use basic board functions without inviting shitposting and you are encouraging that kind of attitude.

>> No.124961
File: 480 KB, 384x288, 1393216632773.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. You are getting paid perhaps to say this?

How can YOU decide for a community coin to remove: Dont trust wolong. You cant! That is wolong tactics.

Reminder to all: Don't trust wolong. Never forget!

>> No.124967
File: 50 KB, 265x265, 1374785823241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.124971

>thinking I am shilling
We have no purpose attacking Wolong anymore. It gets us nothing and it takes us no where. We are beating a dead horse

>> No.124974


>> No.124976

That shits dumb.
Nobody wants to see petty squabbles on potential investments.

>> No.124984

Why don't we just rename PND to Jewgold? That would get us a lot of popularity...
>inb4 u serus m8?

>> No.124985

do you really NEED to sage?
Is that one bump going to make any difference?
You're just whining because you can't samefag bullshit all day long. Complaining about not being able to sage without being ignored is just an excuse.

>> No.124992

The logo will not change, certainly not before a vote. Saying there are plans to change the logo when amDOGE said the logo will not change, is disinfo. Don't trust wolong. He put up another 4BTC wall. For a troll coin thats hilarious. For a serious coin it hurts us.

>> No.124998

Another one taking this shit way too seriously. I am out.

>> No.125000

welp, we are on par with wolongs shitcoin now
so I guess we got that going for us.

>> No.125011

You guys should really buy vertcoin

>> No.125013

>implying Wolong is doing anything to us
Wolong it is out. Worry about JacobUX and his cronies, he is the one we should be worrying about.
Also, I had no idea amDOGE said no logo change. I will talk to her later about it then I guess. There is literally no purpose in us having that there anymore. Being a trollcoin isn't getting us anywhere. It only got us somewhere when there was actual trolling happening. Now that there isn't, no one wants to be involved with it. We need a persona change, and getting away from being a trollcoin is probably the best bet.

>> No.125024

people want to keep the coin because of the "don't trust wolong"

People want to change it because it's confusing new comers.
We really do need to distinct ourselves from wolongs shitcoin and at the same time, throw in "don't trust wolong" to please the masses.

>> No.125038

Then an almost complete change is in need. Change the panda, get rid of the chinese text... There would be a big change. I don't think amDOGE would want that.

>> No.125051

I don't think the coins getting a make over.
It will stay as the joke coin it was born as.

thats a pretty shitty trip for someone who sells them.

>> No.125059
File: 136 KB, 640x480, fuckinglel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont remake the coin, just replace the logo with something else and shitpost about it on chink chans

>> No.125069
File: 6 KB, 847x107, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this?

>> No.125067

Are IDs by thread or board?

>> No.125078

>GOLD (you)
>J3wGOLD (me)
You seem to be missing something

>> No.125085

>he couldn't pick out JEW
>admitting you make shitty trips
Step it up, senpai.

>> No.125089

So what can we do to improve PND and DOGE?

My thoughts: PND is stuck on 4 chan and is having trouble leaving 4chan. Reddit would be a good way to attract the eyes of developers.
Currently the only developer working on PND is amDOGE which I find crazy. Why can't any of you into computers?

>> No.125101

>why can't any of you into computers
Because the majority of us came from /g/.

>> No.125098

We are on Leddit. Just most of us are on here.

>> No.125102


>> No.125109

I honestly thought the opposite with /g/ having daily programming threads and what not. I guess that group isn't interested in cryptos.

>> No.125114

You make much money buy pnd low sell high much profit
Dragon luck for you

>> No.125128

Is doge confirmed for dead? The halving came and went and nothing groundbreaking happened. I only have 16k so I don't really give a shit.

>> No.125150

no, but this thread is confirmed dead

>> No.125151


>> No.125152

only short bitcoin.

>> No.125203

did ID's kill PNDOGE thread or is it just the time of night + Monday?

>> No.125210

Of course they did.
Doge threads are shitposting threads.
Can't shit post comfortably if people can call you out.
I have no such qualms though.

>> No.125215

Now that ID's are here nobody can shitpost

>> No.125235

the shitpost was always countered with morale post. Now we have dead thread ;_;

>> No.125252

I honestly think 99% of the subscribers to the sub are from here.
We need to shill this shit like crazy.

>> No.125270

How did Wolong's Panda get listed so fast on Coinmarketcap.com?
PND should be there instead.

>> No.125279

Can someone give me a brief explanation of mintcoin?

I just started mining it. My typical hash rate on other coins is about 130-135, however on mint I'm getting about 53. My GPU usage is almost nothing yet my computer runs like shyte mining mint.

What's the deal?

>> No.125281 [DELETED] 

Not long until people take these threads back to /g/ in protest.

>> No.125287
File: 20 KB, 265x265, 1374691741849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It shall be done.

>> No.125291

I'm feeling the desire already.

>> No.125292

it takes some serious balls to support shit like that

>> No.125293

Hope they enjoy their ban

>> No.125309

Wait. What?
We have IDs now?
Why? We're not /b/

>> No.125307
File: 317 KB, 200x200, 1384500999459.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me.
Just linking a picture.

>> No.125310
File: 2 KB, 125x121, 1392968010930s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much shitposting happened

>> No.125314

We should petition to have them removed

>> No.125317

All in favor?

>> No.125323


>> No.125324

No thanks. The shitposting almost immediately stopped after IDs were added

>> No.125321



>> No.125326

Paying 5k for OC pertaining to PND

>> No.125330

Do it. Half of the posts are shilling anyways. Crypto's lifestream is shilling. You take it away and it dies.

The move to /biz/ already did a number to doge with the /pol/ spillover, now we have IDs.

>> No.125331

But this kills the fun

>> No.125334

who shill here??

>> No.125336

>all the posting immediately stopped after IDs were added
Fixed that for you, bro.

>> No.125342


>> No.125352

why the fuck can't i Heaven
i want to shill :<

>> No.125357

>nealry 5 btc sell wall
looks like pnd really is dead

>> No.125358
File: 51 KB, 500x500, 1389933944768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do it anyways like I do.

>> No.125359
File: 44 KB, 235x236, youwentthere3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.125364

>implying all the posting wasn't shitposting

>> No.125370

I made this a few days ago: http://youtu.be/t0F1GZrMt0Y

>> No.125375

I think there is already market manipulation going on.
If you are on both sides of 3 and 4 you essentially make 25% profit everytime someone sells at 3 to you, and buys at 4 from you.
That's the equivalent of doge being traded back and fourth from 200 satoshi and 150 satoshi.
There is a lot of money to be made.

>> No.125377

anyone who wanted it alive was just being a jew after the fact or in it for the wrong reasons

>> No.125380

jesus christ now its at 8 btc

>> No.125386

hey faggot, let me sell you this trip
You're gonna need a better trip to represent your business :^)

>> No.125390

Both of your trips are shit. Shill harder, kike

>> No.125406
File: 367 KB, 800x800, sodoku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.125423

Literally all shills bounced once IDs were implemented.

Lol dumbfucks

>> No.125427 [DELETED] 

I feel like me and 3 others are the only ones in here.
Might as well be on le fucking ribbit.

>> No.125439

Don't worry anon, I'm still here
just trying to sell a trip to the other dumbfuck selling trips

>rip in piece thread

>> No.125436

I'm just lurking.

If we want to make conversation, any idea why the price of doge dropped today?

>> No.125443

It's more or less maintaining it's fiat value. BTC goes up, doge goes down. BTC goes down, doge goes up.

>> No.125442

dollar/doge stayed constant
dw fellow shibe

>> No.125447

dropped to about 180 when BTC hit 620
Now that btc is at 560 doge is 190

>> No.125456

Best site on the internet.

>> No.125457

Trying to get more btc to buy vertcoin

>> No.125453

Well that conversation ended quickly.
What the fuck are you niggers mining? Don't say doge.

>> No.125463

Vote for MONA and ride with us to the glorious Tsuki.

>> No.125459


>> No.125461

Whatever's on hashco.ws right now.
Non of the recent coins look interesting

>> No.125462

MINT. Why isn't everyone? It's fucking 48 sat right now.

>> No.125466
File: 98 KB, 884x666, WHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.125468


Is it typical to have a lower hash rate when mining mint?

>> No.125469

because we all sold at 4 and want to sodoku when looking at mint

>> No.125478

No. Try changing pools.

>> No.125485
File: 1.18 MB, 307x244, 1389900816358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw all the shilling was made by just 1 guy

>> No.125489

Oh my god im honestly crying right now

>> No.125491

>now we have IDs.
oh shit i just came here after yesterday and noticed IDs

>> No.125497

For fucks sake how long do deposits take on mintpal??

>> No.125494

Why doesn't /g/ ever post their mining rigs?

>> No.125499


>> No.125506
File: 109 KB, 244x251, worm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw mint pal added cagecoin but not PND

>> No.125507

Is there anything that we can do in order to promote doge?

>> No.125508
File: 134 KB, 960x720, rPhrxm0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.125509

Shhh. It'll be over soon. Just buy Ðoge.

>> No.125513

thats because mintpal had neither top votes nor top donations

>> No.125518


just keep voting for it

>> No.125519
File: 360 KB, 1162x850, mmmmm~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.125521


Seriously wtf I've been waiting for like 20 fucking minutes... still "pending"...

>> No.125522
File: 1.57 MB, 1200x1800, %EC%82%AC%EC%A7%84_310_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katy perry "Dark horse" review

>> No.125527

BTC deposits take forever anywhere.

>> No.125529


>> No.125530

is that you koreaboo

>> No.125532


How long is a typical "forever"? Minutes? Hours? Days?

>> No.125535

I think Koreaboo's drunk again

>> No.125537

"mentions illuminati"
yep that's koreaboo

>> No.125539
File: 938 KB, 682x1024, 1393223378868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes sir
posted on /vg/ first cuz thats my old home

>> No.125545

someone with computer knowledge help this guy


>> No.125555

35 minutes if you get lucky. I don't remember how many confirmations mintpal needs though.
I've been really unlucky and just one of my block confirmations took like an hour

>> No.125551

i wud bang katy perry

>> No.125557


>> No.125561


Well this is just goddamn ridiculous. How does anyone make money trading with shit this slow?

>> No.125568


Because mint is a scamcoin you idiot.

>> No.125576

koreaboo you are aware that they knowingly put all this Illuminati shit into videos so people talk about it right, why would they make it so obvious?

>> No.125578


Why do you hear that pop hebrew music?

>> No.125584

If it's a scam, I'm okay with that. It has benefited me.

>> No.125587

Be a whale and keep your BTC spread out evenly across the main exchanges you use.
But what i do is buy a coin with faster confirmations than bitcoin, send it to the exchange, then sell it for the same price - as long as the exchance supports that coin.
This is crucial if you are trying to pull off some arbitrage trading

>> No.125588

How is it a scam? Honestly, I don't see it. It seems to have legitimate practicality over all the rest of these coins driven by idiots hurring themselves to death before dumping.

>> No.125594
File: 336 KB, 884x819, gliwkd6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you accept this PND logo as your new lord and savior?

>> No.125598


Good idea, I'll do that next time.

>> No.125599

That looks awesome man

>> No.125600

I prefer this one much more.

>> No.125602
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x1500, 1393224051186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were entering a phase where supernatural stuff is plainly seen

theres videos of angels on youtube now search "UFO JERUSALEM"

the devil doesnt care if you know he exists now... he wants you to openly pick to be evil and serve him

thats what the point is its tto recruit people

the illuminati isnt a bunch of people sitting around a table to try to make a profit

they have all the money in the world already they are satanists

>> No.125604
File: 349 KB, 1800x900, nMHYVcy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is making some pretty good PND related stuff
time to panic buy?

>> No.125606

very nice logo

>> No.125615
File: 996 KB, 1500x1000, 1392830593256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep in mind the devil is not recruiting people for a coherent cause

its different to every person . its exactly what they want to hear.

and the devil even mockingly kills his own servants in this katy perry video

he literally doesnt give a fk

>> No.125621

koreaboo you are going full autismal vegetable on me bro

>> No.125617


>> No.125618

Sell wall at 4 satoshi has dropped significantly in the past hour

>> No.125619

its nice but tbh I dont think the panda is cute enough to sell it

>> No.125628

YES GOD YES. This is what we need!

>> No.125626

Yeah, it looks really good but the panda kinda looks like he's a member of the insane clown posse

>> No.125629

Something with the eyes reminds me of the chimera daughter expiriment. It's staring into my soul. Other than that, it's top quality.

>> No.125632

When did you get laid the last time?

>> No.125634
File: 2 KB, 85x137, takmaura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.125637


so annoying

the definition of annoying

why haven't you killed yourself yet


>> No.125642


The devil is a state of mind.

>> No.125645
File: 1.35 MB, 1000x1500, 1393224613760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

virgin bro

1 Corinthians 7:2
Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

the devil wants you obsessed with sex
iimplying i give a crap about >Getting laid

thats the most dumb shallow disgusting thing ever imaginable

its a sickness disease actually

>> No.125647

just found out the same guy who made this is also shilling it to wolongs pandacoin
ffs man. First one to change's it wins

>> No.125650


nice work

>> No.125651

Does anyone use Vault of Satoshi?
Do you know how long it normally takes you to get withdrawals?

>> No.125656

What do you guy's plan to do with your rigs once the scryptcoin mining becomes unprofitable?

I'm thinking about renting it out as a renderfarm, but I have no idea how to set one up.

>> No.125657

I think wolong's panda coin will have a lot more to deal with before they consider changing their logo.
And I doubt they would change it anyways. (besides removing the wolong part)

>> No.125664

I would say change the eyes and its belly should be showing more around its right arm. The arm looks huge or something.

>> No.125665

vertcoin or any of the hundreds of new gpu coins that will pop up

>> No.125669

Hopefully scrypt-n gets optimized so that it doesn't destroy cards, and keeps gpu mining profitable.

>> No.125670

Is it possible to have the GPU do the processing based on screen coordinates instead of by window/monitor? I doubt it but that would be amazing.
Or just have like 5 SLI'd together?

>> No.125671

use it as a sick 3d rendering rick
youtube fumefx to see what I want to render

>> No.125677

"And then she eats the Cheeto.
And the guy dies. That's what happens."
- Koreaboo, Autismal Virginlord, 2014

>> No.125686

Oh we have IDs now.

>> No.125687
File: 463 KB, 1280x853, 1393225196493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then go on the rest...

it says "thats what happens when you take the mark of the beast"

its like the apple in the garden of eden

they ate of the tree . they died.

same thing going to happen except i dont know what the mark of the beast is some say microchip
i think its like some kind of offer to become a transhuman if u bow down to luciffer

remember u get serious boils on ur body and u "will wish to die but death will flee from you" the bible says if u do it

>> No.125694


>> No.125698

>they ate of the tree
I could really go for some tree right now

>> No.125706


Not so anonymous anymore, eh? :^)

>> No.125708
File: 108 KB, 550x825, 1393225379721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not drunk i just dont really care about my punctiation

not trying to impress anyone

>> No.125714


>> No.125715


"yada te oha-kalilam buddhir vyatitarisyati tada gantasi nirvedam srotavyasya srutasya ca".

"When your intelligence has passed out of the dense forest of delusion, you shall become indifferent to all that has been heard and all that is to be heard"

Bhagavad gita.

>> No.125716

I heard Miles' tree vendor got busted.

>> No.125710

Sounds like somebody's been smoking of the tree.

/pol/ and weed do not mix.

>> No.125723

Oh right.
This isn't /g/.
Man fuck Miles.

>> No.125724

The problem I see with scrypt-n is that it might get horribly overcrowded once the regular scrypt asics come around. Once that happens, I'd think that only the people with colossal 30MH/s+ rigs would be profitable. I am excited to see vert when it's optimized though

I think you could render things into a buffer thats a different resolution. I wouldn't know, I'm looking to research this stuff some more myself.

>> No.125725

does that mean miles' sodoku because he cannot into drugs anymore?

>> No.125730

I think there would just be more scrypt-n coins. It might be way overinflated for a time, but it'll even out or even be better such as sha256 and scrypt now.

>> No.125737

no miles messed up and failed sodoku :(

>> No.125779
File: 691 KB, 1800x1400, nvidia_logo-5178417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvidia is coming out with better mining cards soon
why aren't you panic selling your AMD cards?

>> No.125783

pls anyone
Or even if you have done money withdrawals with any other site, anyone know how long it takes to get it? (cheque by mail/wire transfer)

>> No.125788

The 750ti is better watt/khash but not really 'better mining' in the slightest. For the price, it seems to be a steal. But they're very limited, and only hash like 300 I believe.

>> No.125798

Better than current nvidia cards, still worse than amd.

>> No.125809

>implying I won't be first in line to buy 6 gtx 870's
It all depends on the price they sell the upper end maxwell cards for. Right now the 750ti's aren't feasible

>> No.125816

someone nearly bought out the 4 btc 4 satoshi wall over at crypto rush

>> No.125817

280 will crush any nvidia in mining performance. You bet you ass AMD delayed it to tweak it to perfection. They didn't have mining slides at CES for nothin'

>> No.125825

250 at 60w. 330 at 100w.

Summer is coming and I might be selling my 280s. It would be perfect if the 880 or something comes out at around the same time with Maxwell.

Knowing Nvidia it'll likely be several more times the amount of cores and a higher clock speed so we'll get something insane like 1000kh at 250w

>> No.125826

what are you talking about
I feel like you are talking about a different "280" than the one I am aware of.

>> No.125828

280 is just a rebrand. Nothing new about it.

Nvidias highest end maxwell card does 1.5mhs while only consuming 200w.

>> No.125833

280 is a 7950 (the most popular mining card)
280x is a 7970

>> No.125835

So, buy a 750ti now, RMA, and then buy 8xx cards?

>> No.125840
File: 118 KB, 1207x401, shill disregarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.125850

Hey, someone made a picture with my post in it. I feel special now. <3

>> No.125851

Already did the math, the 750 is too expensive to get it up and working. Most motherboards will only work with 4 main pci slots and will disable the others once the 4 is in use. Even with a motherboard that's capable of hosting 6 cards you'll also need to factor in the extra motherboard, riser, hdd and the likes into the cost. Just not worth it.

>> No.125853

It's a rebrand but they're still tweaking Tahiti. That's why the 280x at the start were Tahiti XT and the newer 280x are Tahiti XTL.

>> No.125862

Heaven is disabled.

>> No.125863
File: 44 KB, 620x467, laughing-panda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the post you used

>> No.125873

even better

>> No.125902

test icle

>> No.125907

>coin is at 3 satoshis
The fuck? Why? Last time I checked it was at 7. What is happening?

>> No.125911

New thread.


>> No.125924


>Nvidias highest end maxwell card does 1.5mhs while only consuming 200w.

How do you know this?

>> No.126909


I see a lot of BIG rigs mining CAGE on the valid-error pool.
I wonder what's behind that.

>> No.126925

i dig

>> No.127189

What can I do with 31 doge coins help

>> No.128170

wtb @ 1 satoshi