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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 300x300, MLM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1255831 No.1255831 [Reply] [Original]


>do you work in MLM?
>do you rather sell products or build your network?
>how much do you earn?
>is that your full time job or just additional?
>your opinions about MLM before and after working?
>people's opinion on MLM?

>how do you sell produtcs?
>your advices to new people?
>how no to fail? how to sell more?
>your biggest dail and win?

This is not thread about ponzie schemes or financial piramids! We are here to discuss achieving passive income from MLM business and to enjoy the wealth coming from it when you put enough effort into your actions.

>> No.1255841

>MLM general
>not about ponzie schemes


>> No.1255851
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Are you mental? Or retarded? Try /b/.

Classic MLM is about selling REAL product and getting a COMMISION.

You go to the shop and buy perfumes for $100. Shop gets 30% commision.
MLM seller approaches you selling to you pefumes for $100. He gets commision.

>implying this is ponzie scheme

I actually work in one of the MLM companies and all I do so far is selling and getting commision. I haven't started yet building my network because no such social connections, sadly. Or people retarded like you:

>offer job

>mfw people do not understand the basics

>> No.1255867

where does the multi level come into it?

>> No.1255875

You can by yourself invite new people to join and do the same (sell products) and let them earn themselves the commision. Basically, you invite them to company, they become sellers like you and get commision. And if they are good at it, you get a small % of their income like 3-6-9% etc.

You can't sell products to 100 customers all the time if it's your additional job. But you can have 20 customers and 3-4 sellers that sells products to the rest. They earn commision, you get small % by doing nothing with 80 customers. It is called passive income here.

>you earn commisions and passive income from your group
>3-4 people got additional job with commisions
>100 people get product that they want all the time

Who loses here?

Everyone sell REAL product, and customers get REAL product. This isn't bullshit like ponzie schemes etc.

I have already earned some money by doing that in my spare time because I have main state job ~160h a month.

Anyone up to it? Really, none of you works in MLM?

>> No.1255876


A friend of mine burned through app 2000 dollars on coffee machines and pods (zinzino)

It was fucking retarded and his biggest sale was a 15 dollar subsription for some vitamin water or some shit like that

The coffee wasn't bad, but when you can go to LIDL and buy a machine for 50 dollars on sale, then you cannot make MLM money on such a product unless you are a master conartist.
My friend got conned by a master, and he lost heart when he figured out the main point was not to sell a product, but to con vince others to become partners.

MLM = pyramid scheme

>> No.1255889
File: 443 KB, 142x142, 1417024495302.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MLM = pyramid scheme

Being this fucking retarded, because a friend lost money to something that he didn't check before.

I work in MLM that sells STABLE and GOOD products. I could easily get some of them for my mom/dad and friends of family because I knew they will be happy with it. And guess what happened? 80% of them told me that the product they bought is really good, better than fucking LIDL, KAUFLAND etc. shit.

Learn products you sell or you won't be able to sell them.

You are retarded with your MLM = pyramid.


>> No.1255890

How much have you sold and how big is your downline of partners? How much have you bought?

>> No.1255896


>I haven't started yet building my network because no such social connections, sadly. Or people retarded like you

Negro, breath deep and listen to yourself.

How do you think you're going to succeed in push sales, in a world dominated by online commerce? Why's it better to buy shit from you than tapping your screen a couple times and getting it from eBay?

Are the people the really retarded ones? Or is that you that can't assess their utility? By the way, do you even know what utility is? And market saturation? And elasticity of demand? And price signals? Do you have any idea of what you're doing?



MLM is not a job. On the contrary, it is a way for MLM companies to cut on labour costs. You're being memed bro, run while you can.

>> No.1255901

Pyramid schemes were outlawed because they had no product, then MLM came along?

Coincidence? No, MLM is just legal pyramid schemes.

Just like pyramid schemes, if you get in at the top, you can make amazing money, but not through selling products.

The only way to make a living from MLM is recruiting others to sell for you, but the product becomes meaningless as it all becomes about how much you can recruit.

If you're late to the party, it's almost statistically impossible to make money.

Post some earnings proof before you start claiming MLM is legit.

How many posts do you think it will take for the OP to try and recruit some gullible fool?

>> No.1255909

I despise these parasites, fuccalling them "misguided". It plays into people's shallow materialism and greed.

OP, who are you selling your shit to? Mom and dad? Your friends? How do they react?

>> No.1255912

also not to mention how all MLMs have the same cultish vibe, and cause people to ruin relationships with their family and friends by constantly pitched to them

>> No.1255917

I work in political marketing

>> No.1255935

i have never seen an MLM with a product that i really need.. all i ever see them sell is garbage, like video phones, or some crazy herbal suppliments that nobody wants

>> No.1255971

>MLM is all about sales and the commission from building a team is just a bonus
>most people don't understand this since they focus on the recruitment part

Too bad there's always that upline who tries to net all the profit

>> No.1256151

>This is not thread about ponzie schemes or financial piramids!


>> No.1256157
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It's a reverse funnel system.

>> No.1256166

Who is this jizz princess?

>> No.1256174

My man. You are the only retard here.

>> No.1256230


>> No.1256281

A triangle scheme, if you will.

>> No.1256295

I like how there's always one MLM thread on /biz/ at any given time
Truly the most humorous of all cash motivated endeavors

>> No.1256488

mlm is not a ponzi it's a pyramid
get your fucking facts right you shitbag

>> No.1256495

here is the deal:
mlm business model is not about sustaining itself and profiting from end consumers but from the lower part of the structure itself. and that is why it's a scam. you only profit from it if you are on the top few levels. it's a fucking scam.

>> No.1256506
File: 96 KB, 500x500, image_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek on all salty marketing cucks, I even have more respect for wage cucks than these self employed bastards :DDD

>> No.1256518

>self employed
>work for less than minimum wage and give 30% to people higher than you

>> No.1256605

>This is not thread about ponzie schemes or financial piramids! We are here to discuss achieving passive income from MLM business and to enjoy the wealth coming from it when you put enough effort into your actions.
Nobody fall for this garbage. Every single MLM is a product-based pyramid scheme. They are pyramid schemes but have products (so they can claim not to be a pyramid scheme). The product is nothing more than the middle-man.

I have many friends who have fallen for MLMs and my parents have as well. (3 different ones). It never works out. Don't believe any of the propaganda by any of these posters. I dont care how smooth or reasonable they sound. If its an MLM, then stay the hell away

>> No.1256611

MLM losers are even worse than the lowest tier wagecuck.

>> No.1256613

Pretty much this. I will even say they are worse than NEETs.

>> No.1256618

my mom tried this shit out too, she had hundreds of friends / contacts she thought it will be easy.
end result: some debt and no friends left.

>> No.1256620

>>offer job
It's not a job if you have to pay them.

>I haven't started yet building my network because no such social connections, sadly.

oh god, now you're going to start isolating your family and friends with this bullshit.

>> No.1256635

Man in Canada these vemma verve people travel around University campuses in a BMW and they say they will buy you a BMW if you make x amount of sales aha. People fall for it like idiots and end up paying 500 for a 24 pack of energy drinks.they never end up signing any energy drink contracts with anyone either, as they're supposed to

>> No.1256673

I do not work here like few years, it's my new job. Already sold enough stuff to know that it's going to be my excellent source of income in future. Plus I have checked the products by myself buying them first and spending money on them just like doing investment - products are really really good (80-90% of them). I couldn't sell something that I haven't checked.

Currently my sales matched my investing money which was really high for a slav country.

It is not a company so well known as shit tiers high school girls MLMs like Oriflame or Avon and my company do not change products every month because they prefer stable product. People usually do not know that company, I brief them into products, sometimes give some kind of a demo (with products bought for me I show to people how they work). I sell that to anyone that wants it. Even to people that I do not know but someone who bought things told to someone that they are good and they want it too. Sometimes I really have no idea who is buying.

How do they react?It's a slav country, remember - people hate new things and are attached to usually used logos and marks 300% more that people on the west. They do not like trying new things etc. But at the end they buy something and MAGIC! It's good! They want more.

To the other people who are probably ROBOTs and know nothing about social life and financials at all I have nothing to say.

I do not lose on my MLM, I act. You lose everything because you only whine. You are like typical slavs 65+.

>> No.1256819

How do people fall for these when they're on tv and shit all the time desu

>> No.1256837

If you do not produce/export then you are a cancer cyka blyat.
Slav countries are already shit even without your salesman faggotry and you are making them even shittier.

>> No.1256852

If this was a legitimate organization they would hire real salesman and get a real investment from a lending institution, not beg people for capital in exchange for a job

>> No.1256961

What's the name of the MLM you are a part of?

>> No.1256970

Faggets United USA

>> No.1256979


They're objectively more deluded than even proud NEETs so, yeah I agree.

>> No.1257763



ITT: 90% people who do not understand the basics of economy, finances and business. You are all dumb shit.

>I have never ate potato
>but I know potatoes are bad
>hurr durr merrica

>> No.1257792


ITT: one retard shilling his MLM while the rest of /biz/ shits on him for being a financially illiterate moron

>> No.1257802
File: 39 KB, 272x309, 1461008196696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /biz/ knows something about business


>> No.1258418

Typical not wanting to disclose what MLM scam you are a part of. It is the same with all these fucking MLMs. "I can't tell you, it is something you need to see bro!" and then you are roped into attend a seminar to get brainwashed by other con-artists.

I know you think that everyone around you is retarded for not seeing things your way, but you are being manipulated by your upline "leaders".

If you can try to self-reflect and figure out how they turned off your critical thinking skills. I've noticed a lot of people who get in MLM say something to the effect of "I used to be skeptical like you but..." and then pitch whatever scheme they are pushing in the desperate hopes to get rich.

>> No.1258440

Lol I have no leader, I act on my own and I fuck what they want me to do. Anyway, I got my commision, products are high quality and people like them as far as I have heard. This is why I have clients.

You retards really will always be poor if you do not understand business of REAL product. Damn. Must hurt brain.

>> No.1258451

An MLM could not function in eastern europe though
Part of MLM is getting soccer moms to put $4000 on their credit card to "start their business" and finally restart "their career"
It also requires people to put trust in each other to fall for it.
Not enough people east of Germoney have that kind of capital and trust available due to their ex-commie status

>> No.1258455

>this fucking guy

>> No.1258466

Hey, idiot. That's not how jobs work. You aren't supposed to buy the product yourself.

YOU are the consument of the MLM. The actual MLM company doesn't give a fuck whether you sell the products or not. They already sold them to idiots like you.

>> No.1258471

I refuse to believe this isn't satirical.

>> No.1258485

I know Herbalife got around this huge upfront cost of participation by using something called a Nutrition Club.

Instead of people paying 3000 to get into the scam, people open up these shady clubs that sell shakes and aloe vera water for 5 dollars a day. They try to make the distinction that you aren't paying 5 dollars for the product, but for walking in the door (daily membership). But it is the same fucking thing, they just want to keep the government from treating these places like places that serve food (which they are technically doing by serving these drinks).

In order to open up your own nutrition club you have to rope in family members to come to your uplines nutrition club consistently, paying their 5 dollars a day.

In the end, this is how they make paying that 3000 or so number more accessible to poorer people. People there aren't really there to consume the product, they are there in order to help out their family or friend that has been conned into this setup. Sort of how grandmas buy a bunch of mediocre soap from their grandchildren because they got suckered into Amway.

>> No.1258490

The giveaway that MLM's are scams is the atmosphere.

90% of the talk is about money
>how rich you can get
>how rich the speaker is
>how little money it takes to get committed to the "enterprise"

10% of the talk is about the actual product
>little mention about what the product is
>no explanation of why it requires this complex marketing strategy
>little mention of how it differs from the competitors
>no mention of how it provides actual value to a customer's life

And OP is no different. Not once has OP said what it is he is selling, what the features of the product is, why people need/want it, or anything of the sort. All he has said is that the product is "real".

Well, yeah, it could be real but does it have value?

A business that produces a product for the sole purpose of generating money is not going to succeed. Businesses need to produce products that fulfill a want or a need in a customers life, thereby adding value to the customer's life, at a premium.

But let's assume for now that OP's MLM produces a product of actual value that consumers want/need.

Why does the product require an MLM strategy? Why doesn't it succeed as a stand alone business with internet sales and maybe even a brick and mortar store? And, most importantly, why did the inventors of the product decide to adopt an MLM strategy for their product? Could it be that the product itself isn't their selling point? Could it be that their selling point is that you can sell their product for them and make money?

It's a pyramid scheme through and through. OP, stop making these men rich and cut your losses. If you actually want to get into sales, go find a company that makes a product that has real value to consumers that you can believe in. If you're having to sell the selling of a product to the consumer and not just the product alone, then you're being ripped off.

>> No.1258507

MLM companies succeed because their product is the dream of having lots of money and the consumer is OP.

>> No.1258513

Exactly my point. It's selling the act of selling. Not selling a product.

>> No.1258517

I wasn't disagreeing with you.

>> No.1258528

I'm struck by how much OP sounds like the crypto shills on this board. Same basic attitude. I think one anon had it right, this is product based pyramid scheme.

Here's am informative page about herbalife, which is exactly the same type of thing OP has gotten himself into, I'm certain:


>> No.1259213

>make up
>chemicals for cleaning house
>shower gels

etc. etc.

>> No.1259597

>People there aren't really there to consume the product, they are there in order to help out their family or friend that has been conned into this setup. Sort of how grandmas buy a bunch of mediocre soap from their grandchildren because they got suckered into Amway.

Reminds me of this dumb rich bitch I went to high school with who thinks she's a hot shit and swears Vector isn't a scam because her wealthy extended family and her parents rich friends and coworkers bought her crap because she was oh so adorable and grown up giving her presentation to them, like they were buying girl scout cookies from her.