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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12549105 No.12549105 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12549113

Fake it ‘til you make it

>> No.12549118

Hey me too. Good luck! Mine's more of a formality really. 100k a year.

>> No.12549119


>> No.12549122

You have an entire weekend and all of Google's knowledge. Start reading.

>> No.12549134

Do your best, anon.

>> No.12549154

Ghost em

>> No.12549156

So what? Worst thing that can happen is they dont hire you

>> No.12549168

This, you can master any fucking job in a weekend, unless it requires a different college degree.

>> No.12549171
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Use the internet to study this entire weekend. Cram until you can't fit anymore knowledge in your head and then when it comes time, lie right to their faces about being qualified and working in the field for a few years now on your own.

>> No.12549175

That and he pees himself during the interview

>> No.12549235

Wow, it is highly unethical to lie about your experience, if you're unqualified for the job. It will cost the company money and precious time. You should be ashamed.

>> No.12549301
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Pic related

>> No.12549319 [DELETED] 
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Thing is, I didn't even lie on my resume. I even clearly stated I AM LEARNING programming. Wondering if this interview could be a trap and these interviewers are trying to fuck with me?

>> No.12549331

hey idiot, just study like hell, worst thing that can happen is the interviewers are incompetent like you, you get a few months of being paid way over your real value until they find out, and you get paid decently

>> No.12549337
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Thing is, I didn't even lie on my resume and I was just spamming my resumes around everywhere. Wondering if this interview could be a trap and these interviewers are trying to fuck with me?

>> No.12549338

Blag it but if they ask for qualifications your screwed.

>> No.12549354

You should not give a fuck, because if you are underqualified, and that is relevant, there is nothing you can do. And by not giving a fuck, you will behave relaxed and cool, and if they appreciate other things from you, you may still have a chance in the company.

>> No.12549361

Thanks for the advice.

One more thing...Should I tell me parents about this? They've been kinda pushing me to get a job since I'm a NEET and all..

>> No.12549384


>> No.12549386

You never know. Several years ago I had an interview at a company for an engineering position. They flew me out, put me up in a hotel, etc. I went to the interview and sat down. One guy (it was a panel interview) opens up by saying that he doesn't understand why I am there as my background isn't in their industry. I try to explain my transferable skills, sell myself, but it is clear that this is going nowhere. The interview lasted right up until lunch at which point they blew me off (every other interview I have had over the years included lunch if the interview ran into or through it). They spent over $1000 to bring me out there and I still can't figure out why. I guess it shouldn't surprise me that they filed for bankruptcy last spring.

>> No.12549391

fake it till you make it boyo. seriously, charm, charisma and the ability to talk your way in/out of things(this is what normies call sales) is THE most important skill you can have.

>> No.12549410
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>> No.12549413

wow that makes a lot of sense actually. when did this company start?

>> No.12549420

You tell them if the interview went good, before you know the result.
Also, when finding a job, think about the first 2 or 3 interviews as rehearsals for the actual one. You are using THEM. It is very important to be relaxed and comfortable. I have done interviews and my task is most of the time make the guy nervous after letting him believe it will be a piece of cake. That way, with the defenses down, you can see the actual guy behind the mask.

>> No.12549435

No no no, if they fucked up that's on them and their interview process if it looks like your not getting the job just casually say that you don't know why you were invited here with a skillset that was below the jobs requirements and ask who is in charge of reviewing the CV s with any luck they'll take that on board, someone fucked up big time you should not be held accountable on your end, do you mind telling us what the job is? Maybe its a junior position with training an they saw some potential in you anon.

>> No.12549437

Lie. Tell them you need more time than you actually do to leave your old job/relocate and spend the few weeks of free time studying up on whatever you don't know. I completely lied about knowing how to use a couple modeling programs but by the time my job actually started it was smooth sailing.

>> No.12549462

Over 100 years ago.

>> No.12549490

Question: why do companies only let yoh apply for a specific job once ever?

>> No.12549516

>these interviewers are trying to fuck with me?
literally why would they waste their time? Just research the company and the job an dthen go to the interview. I wouldnt even stress about it. Either they give you the job or they dont.

>> No.12549570

holy shit that is disconcerting.

>> No.12549591

They were acquired by a private equity firm which ruined drove them into the ground (a process well underway when I interviewed).

>> No.12549630


>> No.12549643

what was the private equity firm

>> No.12549742


>> No.12549804

You could exaggerat your accomplishments as long as you can back them up and how they were your idea, how the solutions worked, how you swayed senior management etc.

I was in this position in April. Went from 50k to 100k.

Practice your interview responses ALOUD

>> No.12550055

I rejected the interview guys. I just got really bad vibes desu.

>> No.12550068


>> No.12550085

fucking retard
I hope you get run over

>> No.12550091

Walk into that interview, whip out your big dick and slam it down on the desk. Repeat the words "three fiddy or I fucking WALK." Then ejaculate on your interviewer without even touching your dick.

Walk out of there like a fucking boss and buy yourself the latest iphone as a present cause buddy you just aced that goddamn interview.

>> No.12550115


>> No.12550189

You should've gone for the experience regardless

>> No.12550194

What the fuck did you honestly have to do that day that was better than that interview? Tell me OP.

>> No.12550238

Congratulations it was a test and you passed. Report in on Monday to receive your betabux and soul sucking gf

>> No.12550308

i would have had to travel 150 km for the interview, for a job I may or may not have gotten.

>> No.12550452

You're a fucking retard OP. Most job postings list their ideal candidate and will consider underqualified candidates if you're able to hold a conversation and can show you're ambitious enough to make up for the lack of experience and are a fast learner.

Consider this as a failure in yourself to even attempt it. That alone says who you are as an individual.

>> No.12550465

Dont panic, know alot of management are under qualified too. Alot of people are under qualified for the job in this world.

>> No.12550491

I would have done the same honestly.

I've went to an interview I was not qualified for before and got asked a shit ton of techy questions and I only got 1 question right out of like 20. I felt like an idiot. Shit is embarassing.

>> No.12550559

90% of applicants get turned down outright by the ATS and you cancel an actual fucking interview.

>> No.12550609

You know most job adverts shoot for the absolute dream hire in the person spec and end up employing someone barely qualified in a lot of cases.

>> No.12550654

you are a GAINT pussy.

>> No.12550865

I was in the exact same situation 2 months ago, the only difference is I actually did the interview, it was a complete failure. You have saved yourself an humilliation

>> No.12550895

Kek was it Sears?

>> No.12550915

Exactly. I don’t get why /biz/ here is so mad

>> No.12551239

Cuz you're too much of a bitch faggot to step outside your safety zone. You probably won't get jobs you even do qualify for

>> No.12551251

What I don't get why YOU'RE getting so mad about it. I got the interview. I chose to decline it. How does that affect you?

>> No.12551258


>> No.12551339

>he doesn't know that qualifications are a corporate shit test
>he thinks 3-5 years experience means they're ACTUALLY looking for someone with 3-5 years experience

>> No.12551455

oh wow that is so far. The daily commute for some people

>> No.12551476

Because from the sound of this thread you're a beta cuck, exactly the type of person who would support some thot or send money to bitches patreaons. We're over here thot patrolling trying to pop this pussy bubble and people like you only help pump it. Your dad didn't teach you how to grow balls and be a man so we have to.


>> No.12551507

What's your job anyways? I went to an interview I wasn't qualified for and I was shit on. I'm pretty sure op would have suffered the same fate.

>> No.12551571

Because we're here to discuss for fucks sake, if we didn't care we wouldn't be here in the first place

>> No.12551581
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>exactly the type of person who would support some thot or send money to bitches patreaons

LMAO does it piss you off that I had the power to DECLINE an interview?

Also I'm not into 3D and wouldn't ever dream of paying thots to fund their lifestyles. But sounds like you're projecting your insecurities too hard here lad. Chill.

>> No.12551617

Civil service. I'm an engineer working for the government. My interview was a formality.

Work for the government and you'll never have a problem for the rest of your life. Not the federal government tho they suck

I'm annoyed you declined it for a stupid reason. Every interview you go to is practice. Nah they're not my insecurities at all I'm too busy thot patrolling and it would help the cause if more betas were on board.

>> No.12551624

I can respect that.
Only play games you know you can win

>> No.12551643

You should have gone man.
Something like that happened to me and when I went in for the interview they immediately said that I was underqualified for the position I had applied for, but they wanted me for different position they I thought I would be better at.

>> No.12551655
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True, but they made poor choices in life hence have to live with the consequences and wake up at 5 am every morning and come home at 10 pm at night, going pay check to pay check, and often not being paid over time.

>> No.12551687

>True, but they made poor choices in life hence have to live with the consequences
Hey man I didn't choose to be born here
Check your priviledge

>> No.12552499

I start a job monday Im really underqualified. Spammed a lot of CVs out to a lot of places and from them came 3 interviews. Went to them all. Didnt get one I was qualified for but got offers from from the other 2. I was qualified for 1 but hated doing that job in the old place so took a chance on the job Ive never done before. Tbf I didnt lie through the interview. Made it clear how little exp I had during the interview so theyre prepared for that. Still though Ive no idea why they hired me or what they expect. Far as Im concerned its a Fuck it moment. Just gonna do it see where it goes.

>> No.12552817

It’s ok, there are many dentist, nurses and doctors out there with fake licenses, at least you probably will not kill anyone

>> No.12552917
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lmao at faggots calling you pussy
they would be the ones studying all weekend shaving their balls and sucking dick for a job
you did well fren

>> No.12552934
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>> No.12553003

....then move?

>> No.12553060

first post best post

act like you could own the place but are modest enough to not boast about yourself, OP

>> No.12554184

Don't listen to him >>12549113.

The last thing you should do in an interview is trying to be someone you're not and lying about your qualifications. Be honest an confident about your actual skills and qualifications.

>> No.12554198



Op pussed out tho

>> No.12554218
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>just b urself

>> No.12554224


I'm glad there is a filter though. I need a job more than you. So go where you belong like burger king.