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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12549559 No.12549559 [Reply] [Original]

hows the job search going /biz/

>> No.12549593


>> No.12549653

Go on Google job search.
Look up jobs in my local area.
All shit from warehouse to call centre.
Currently co manager of a small business to help start up, but bored of it and dont want to work with the other owner.

What do.

>> No.12549672

Had some bad experiences starting out, changed few places.
Last employer tried so shake me off without paying for two months.
Won the case, got compensated for 5 months instead.
Took a break for few months doing absolutely nothing, wake up, computer, sleep.
Got bored, put out ad on one webpage.
Been working on my own ass for 1.5 year now. Life's never been better, my own boss.
This summer was so busy, I had opportunity to work 24/7/7.

>> No.12549681
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>imagine actually being so dumb, lazy and poor that you prefer working for somebody else so that he can rip you off instead of starting your own company on your terms
cucked beyond belief

>> No.12549725

Work @ a call centre or warehouse!
Its called life Zoomers, stop bitching!
Stop blaming the boomers its not their fault the world of business & banking changed completely in the 70's

>> No.12549741

Starting a company is not a simple thing

>> No.12549747

literally every job in my entire state is door to door or call center.

>> No.12549748

Applying to engineering jobs. Resume is OK but I realized that I forgot to write the typical "excellent verbal and written communicator...enthusiastic...team player" shit so I probably just wasted a bunch of time sending in applications that'll never make it past the ATS.

>> No.12549759
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ask the normie woman from the job centre, that fucking hoe knows she is as useless as me

>> No.12549762

i have like 3 different websites designed for 3 different companies ive wanted to start and cant raise capital bc my pos boomer dad talked me into getting a fucking CAR LEASE the day i turned 18 and then FIRED ME from his own company for being 10 minutes late. (we worked on a different side of town every day). literally couldnt afford that car / would have been out of a car with any other job. maximum enslavement and needless to say my credit is FUCKED because it got repo'd so i cant get a loan for shit. gotta save capital from my fuckin shitty $10/hr job.

>> No.12549777

Your dad sounds like a piece of shit. Just like all boomers.

>> No.12549784

retard detected
t. Director

>> No.12549836

Stfu faggot. Tell us your story so I can put your sorry ass in check

>> No.12549841

trips confirm it

he is, they didnt save any money for my college tuition but bought several nice houses in my lifetime and a new car every year. i think my dad just wanted to confirm me as the failure he has always seen me as by manipulating and manufacturing the scenarios for me to be one himself. I wish I was smarter at 18, who the FUCK leases a car. I heard new car and was 110% on board. Wasnt old and wise enough to realize 3 years or watever the term was would come fast anyways and id be out like 15k and not have a car. what a fucking retarded thing to convince your child to do. Our generation needs to be saving money not building credit and incurring debt.

>> No.12549877

>Prove yourself to me on an anonymous unregulated securities shilling image board.
Quit shit posting, go & get things done! Your the only one that can make your life better, no one else gives a shit!

>> No.12549896

Now this is the absolute truth anon.

>> No.12549928

I co own a business, but want out faggot and all there is is shit.

>> No.12549979

>10 dollar an hour position
>employer and criminal background check
>must clean entire facility, customer service rep too, must do X, Y, have 2 years experience
>entry level
>10 dollars an hour

>> No.12550113

background checks you should always expect but i will definitely agree 2 years experience for 10/hr is fucking bullshit and a good example of how bad this job market is.

>> No.12550196

Here is what pisces me off. I see mexicans that have it easier than any wagecuck I know. Pop 3 anchor babies and they get food stamps, section 8 housing, free education. I see their cars at costco who takes debt and it makes me sick. Now that I think about it, they have a comfy gig.

>> No.12550223

talked to a dude on WoW who has been living off either swiss or Norwegian welfare for like 5 years. buys food, weed, pays all his bills and even saves a little just playing wow all day. all he actually has to do is fill out 2 job apps a day and give copies to the welfare office people. doesnt go to the interviews obviously. if it werent for section 8 housing i would be doing that too, but im not trying to live in nigger infested gang banger neighborhoods. not a good trade off.

>> No.12550278
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>> No.12550461
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>did a lot of dumb shit during my collage years a couple years ago
>got caught for drug use, theft, some other stupid minor shit
>practically all employers ask for a background check
>havn't been called for a single interview

Heh, I'm fucked pretty badly, arn't I

>> No.12550476

Shitposting from the work desu
3,5h and im free

>> No.12550532

Bad. My associate's degree is near worthless. Fuck it. I don't care about it anymore. Trying to land a security guard job now. Can't even get some stocker position job for a super market.

Also, my work experience is utter shit. Longest I've had a job was 3 months.

>> No.12550575

Damn. Hope you dad burns in hell

>> No.12550592

got my degrees in acct and fin. buddy graduated with a year ago went on to a big firm while i was stuck fulltime at my former internship at a local bus. he calls me yesterday saying there are some and openings and to alply. wish me luck anons

>> No.12550623

Got hired at Home Depot and start my training tomorrow morning. It’s just a cashier position but I’m looking forward to it.

>> No.12550673

how do you into electrian? how do you find your clients?

>> No.12550990

>my pos boomer dad talked me into getting a fucking CAR LEASE the day i turned 18 and then FIRED ME from his own company for being 10 minutes late.
I'm sure we're getting the whole, unbiased story

>> No.12551176

Have an interview next week, SQL/Oracle dev.
Boring as fuck but the company seems nice.

I just want to get into a hedge fund eventually.

>> No.12551910
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>About to graduate in a few months.
>Looking for some entry level position
>constantly get depressed just from reading the job descriptions

Man I feel like I'm just too dumb to get a real job. I don't match up with their expectations and I know there's no way I can just fake it. I feel like I will never escape the retail life. I hope something comes up I'm just getting too old to be working here. I feel so embarrassed when I see people I went to high school come in.

>> No.12551920
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Got offered an interview. I declined it.

>> No.12551939
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After applying to 2000 jobs in the past 12 months I have accepted the fact that in modern times, it's all about nepotism and who you know. Nobody gives a fuck how many things you've accomplished on your resume, what internships you have, etc. It's gotten that bad. You need to know somebody or blow somebody because there's just an overload of competition out there.

>> No.12552069


>make my resume kickass for the first time ever
>have some genuinely good skills and years of work
>apply to a bunch of places, private + public industry
>fbi says i need to resubmit something, won't answer when i need assistance doing it.
>got a call yesterday by lenovo
>asked me some questions, said it wasnt gonna work out.(I was genuinely not skilled in what they were specifically looking for)

It's kinda shit but I did get a phone call.

>> No.12552082


try to become a police officer. you can evenutally go into private security or feds

>> No.12552096
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Just gotta keep trying anon

>graduate second degree with average/poor grades
>work history prior was bullshit service industry jobs
>depressed reading job descriptions
>fuck it, apply anyway
>get invited to an interview the next day
>get hired because they were expanding and desperate for staff

White collar/professional job too, we're all gonna make it bros

>> No.12552116

This gives me hope.

Do you mind posting your resume (with personal info blanked out) on here?

>> No.12552522

Got a data analyst job today ironically. First one out of college
Other interesting facts
- 2.0 GPA (literally didn't give a shit about grades)
- No intership in college

If I can do it, you can. Link up with recruiters and beef up your resume.

>> No.12552559

u are convinced that companies make money by nepotism? fuck off loser

>> No.12552580

Im 19 and most of the factory workers are young you crippled faggot. Boomers fucked it because no one can barely get a normal job because all companies want are temps. We get recycled and thrown away regularly. Because greedy boomers dont want to give us benefits and did away with our unions.

>> No.12552597

You need to move.

>> No.12552598

Literally all companies practice nepotism.
I do not know a single person that was hired by a company that did not already know someone working at that company.
Spontaneous hiring, ie, not having an in, is incredibly rare.

>> No.12552637


>> No.12552646

Best sites for jobs? I use Indeed, and Upwork/Guru for freelance design gigs, but wondering if there's more. Really tired of working in restaurants but can't afford to go to school :(

>> No.12552664

You usually fail multiple times before having a successful business and unfortunately many of us can't take even the minor risk of losing a few thousand. Opportunity is dying.

>> No.12552684

Retard. 70-80% of jobs are obtained through networking (look it up. Actual stats) and networking basically boils down to nepotism..

>> No.12552698

>I don't have the attention span to understand history!
You need to look up 'Friedman doctrine' & look up what happened after Nixon removed the gold from the World Reserve currency the USD. Why did Nixon do this? Cause he need to fund Vietnam! You really think the boomers wanted that..
All your problems are from that & banking!
At least the boomers have an excuse as they didn't have the internet!
The zoomers, ffs you cunts are arrogant of your own ignorance despite having access to ALL the info in the world from birth!

>> No.12552740


>> No.12552747

as someone who got 5 friends to work by my recommendation, I agree with this.

>> No.12552759
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Forgot to add that at least three of them were absolutely fucking underqualified and useless fucks that were jobless for 2+ years. Yet still they got the job just because I told my boss
>He went to collegememe and lost to a hobo

>> No.12552797

About 2/3rds of my jobs have come from connections, They were all the best jobs also.
People buy people, its bullshit but what isn't.