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12545877 No.12545877 [Reply] [Original]

Take out a loan, brother.

>> No.12545948

84 payments of $486???? Jesus christ genocide these fuckers again.

>> No.12545954

Payday loan scum know no ethnicity friend.

>> No.12545990

Those loans are illegal but the government won't go after native Americans in their reservations. To make matters worse, the Trump administration is turning a blind eye to it. There was an episode of Planet Money about it.

>> No.12546022
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>> No.12546031


Orange man bad

>> No.12546033

We need another Jackson. Fuck the Indians and fuck the banks.

>> No.12546054

What's the fucking problem? You're signing an agreement with someone else. If you're dumb enough to agree to these terms, you deserve what's coming to you. I think it's a great business, and when smartcontracts have real world appplications, even the government won't be able to to save you fucking morons.

>> No.12546059
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>116% APR

>> No.12546079
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Solve your problems, spirit friend

>> No.12546080

Could you imagine the NPC outrage if Trump admin went after these scams.
Those retards would probably take out these loans as protest against Trump.

>> No.12546111

Chief Big Loan have mortgage on your teepee. Spirit lien on your land.

>> No.12546222
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Why do people rag on them.

Don't get the loan you dumb fucks lmao.

Stop borrowing other peoples money.

>> No.12546241

>116.73 APR


>> No.12546249

I would applaud trump if he cracked down on this scum. But he won't

>> No.12546251
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>116% APR

holy fuck

>> No.12546254

Well, considering these are just stupid savages then couldn't you "borrow" the money and run away? What would they do anyway? Chase you on their horses and try to scalp you? Lol

>> No.12546258

Pretty sure they just default on the loans and the company goes to the govt for handouts. I think they got shut down though

>> No.12546263

how many white man paper rectangles to sniff her buffalo holes

>> No.12546275

Imagine the SMELL

>> No.12546283
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>> No.12546363


Considering they are excellent trackers, they will liquidate you fast. Do you really want to take that chance?

>> No.12546372


They aren't making you to take their money. I don't get what you mean "crack down" it's not exactly hidden.

>> No.12546375

years ago when I thought about these commercials I thought it was weird that Indians were giving out loans, I mean, thats a jewish thing right?

so I looked into it and since they are allowed to issue these insane loans because they are legal to issue on indian reservations and not in America.
then before the ink is even dry they sell them to a company called cash call and they enforce the US legal system on you to pay the loan.
Of course this whole scheme was headed by a Jewish man Living in canada. lol its always the Jews.

>> No.12546393

smells like wood smoke, buffalo hide and General Washington's cock

>> No.12546401

That is in fucking sane. You would have to be really desperate to do something like that.

>> No.12546405

fuck lol. they were probably only giving the loans to indians as well

>> No.12546409

no the scheme was exclusivley to trap Americans, because they were using the protection of American courts to enforce horse shit loans that couldn't be issued without reservation land

>> No.12546413


>> No.12546443

you miss the point anon. These mooching faggots get large cash gibs every month so that's how they budget for them.

They're beyond stupid, and it's our tax dollars funding them.

>> No.12546504
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>> No.12546659

>rubs hands

>> No.12546841

Grab the blankets

>> No.12546848

God I want a native gf so badly but most of them are seriously fucking obese.

>> No.12546866
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Ok so forgetting Indians, I’ve unironically been thinking about getting a loan to buy crypto. Replies trying to fud me out of it need not waste their breath; we’re near the bottom and you’d be a fucking retard not to, end of story.

Only problem is I have a shit wage paying job ($12/hr). I have 2 engineering degrees but can’t find a job where I’m at in bumfuck nowhere, at the moment. Trying to save up and move to a city somewhere with the gf before I take a “real” job.

Is SoFi the most redpilled provider to use? I’m also pre-qualified for Lendingclub (have really good credit), but heard SoFi is better. Both of those ask for income verification, how would having a low paying job affect the loan I can get? Will it just lower the total amount, or disqualify me altogether?

>> No.12546873
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>we’re near the bottom and you’d be a fucking retard not to, end of story.
>Picks the 3 projects that die in the next year


>> No.12546927

>3 projects
17yo detected.

You made me realize I haven’t actually thought hard about my fund allocation if I were to do it, but let’s see. Number 1 is to put a small chunk in a low-leveraged long on bitmex. I’d keep my liquidation higher than the mid-2000s because while I don’t think we’ll revisit that at any point, I’d fucking hate to get liq’d on a spike down to those levels. The payoff there if successful though is absolutely immense, even with small amounts like a couple hundred dollars. I’m talking I’d leave that position sit all the way through the next bull run. Longing BTC even with tiny leverage has staggering gains potential in terms of USD.

Other than that, I’m thinking some decent spot buys of ETH, probably some XMR just because it’d be smart to hold some long-term, as well as some spot BTC held outside of bitmex, and a minority share of the funds in alts. I have not researched any of them lately because no money, but I’d first spend a large amount of time researching some of the most promising big cap projects as well as some of the most-shilled ones on biz (CHX, FLO, rate3 are a couple off the top of my head)

Seriously, this is important and I want to get it done before things really pick up in crypto, which I predict will start happening near the end of the year if not sooner. I fucked around too much last year with my job situation and now I’m sweating bullets realizing I’m not prepared for the next cycle in crypto.

>> No.12547088

>tfw British and literally never seen a Native American in real life ever

Topkek I thought all those niggas were dead or bleached by now

>> No.12547266

You could triple that at an indian casino in one night pay back the loan and get a bunch of meth and hookers and then get robbed by their kishing kussins.

>> No.12547282

Payday loan kikes are especially insidious going after low iq minorities and stealing their shit

>> No.12547296

Lmfao "native" people are a scam. This bitch is probably Le 12 percent native at most

>> No.12547300

I'm American and I've never seen a native in real life. Up until the age I started jerking off I honestly thought they were extinct

>> No.12547313
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And for reference this is what savages actually look like. The reservations should be shutdown because the only thing they're reserving is a colony of mutt imposters using a small minority of their genes to dodge taxes and regulations while still recieving reparations in the form of government subsidies and charities

>> No.12547843

Wow you fucking moron.

Actually try meeting some native people before passing judgement. We're like anyone else, trying to make a living in this world. Some good some bad. People are people. You prejudiced idiots. Learn to love and forgive. Damn.

>> No.12547849

The vast majority is unemployed, alcoholics and have been molested as a child..
So the idea that they are just larping as indians is pretty weak..

>> No.12547860

Yeah that's the problem. We're still here. We still speak our language. We serve in the US military disporportionally more than any other ethnic group (warrior culture).

We are a part of America now and our love for this country and our roots here go deeper than you could possibly imagine. Let us be. So much hatred from people who know nothing about us.

>> No.12547891

Am I the only one that wants to give props to the redskins for this hustle?

>> No.12547893

>vast majority
The vast majority of Native people live in New York or Los Angeles, have jobs, and struggle to maintain their cultural identity in a modern society so dramatically different from traditional life.

Most Natives don't live on the reservations. And yes, alcoholism and drug abuse is a problem in impoverished communities. Thats just as true for the rednecks in Arkansas too who have few other forms of legimate income or the knowledge of alternative lifestyles. Shit sucks when you're poor, and the American system gives less than a fuck about your survival or existence. And the only land you're left with after centuries of illegal landgrabs and mass murder from invaders has little to no economic value. Yeah it's tough.

>> No.12547914
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based and redman pilled.

>> No.12547918
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Don't forget about forced sterilization.

>> No.12547948
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Also don't forget the feds kidnapping native children to force through "boarding schools" which is basically propaganda indoctrination to make them lose their culture and languages.

My Grandma was forced to go to one of those.

Of course they don't teach this shit in schools though.

>> No.12548057
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>> No.12548062

Do it and document your descent into eternal debt slavery on here after, it will be good entertainment. As if there's people still looking to take loans to buy crypto lmao, like seriously don't you see that the bottom are the pre bubble prices? Normies are realising they can't actually do anything with crypto other than buy illegal shit on the deeonweb, and they don't need that. We're still in the afterglow phase of the bubble, but the prices will be back to normal over time, normal meaning much lower than they are even now.

>> No.12548083

Of course they teach it in school, the plight of the red nigger and how evil the white man is gets pushed down everyone's throats from almost day one. Truth is, Native Americans are the most privelaged and entitled residents of the US. They're the only ethnic group to get extra privelages guaranteed by law.

>> No.12548099



>> No.12548109

And then your aging mother falls for something like that because old people are old.

>> No.12548112


Seriously though, most of those "privilege injuns" are a minority. Most redskins, such as myself aren't federally recognize and to be recognize you need to basically bribe politicians to argue for your tribe. Most injuns are just normal everybody else sharing the same buses with niggers like everyone else.

>> No.12548132

such a dumb pic. you realize hundreds of jews died on 911 right?

>> No.12548153

wake up retard.. you can't have a conspiracy theory without jews involved in it.
All the attempts with "reptilians" and "Illuminati" are moronic because they basically just taken the jew in the conspiracy and decide to call it something else.

Try coming up with a good conspiracy theory, without having Jews as the central villain - pro tip: you can't.

>> No.12548166

>hundreds of jews died on 911 in buildings that normally contain 10's of thousands of them; meanwhile, all janitors and secretaries dead.

>> No.12548195
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I honestly can't forgive the jews for bringing the slaves over the US. This country could have been 100x better without blacks.

>> No.12548216

the reason why the muslims attacked new york is not because they hate muh freedom. it's because new york is jew central, and muslims hate the jews more than anyone.

>> No.12548236

My dude... I've gone almost completely tinfoil on 911. At this point, if there were even planes at all, i sincerely doubt they were hijacked by shitskins.
I wish I could go back to believing official stories, but at least I don't sperm irl. I barely even comment on it here, if I can avoid it.

>> No.12548274


>> No.12548334
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Already got mine.

>> No.12548336

True. The natives I actually met and hung out with in North Dakota were literally rednecks. They chewed tobacco, smoked weed and worked for a logging company. Cool guys

I did drive through some reservations that were fucking horrible though.

>> No.12548349

>We serve in the US military disporportionally more than any other ethnic group (warrior culture).
>(warrior culture)

Anon I think Natives just really like getting their check from the government

>> No.12548363


Nah, I joined because I wanted to defend the homeland from sand niggers and islam. That was a looooooong time ago though.

>> No.12548391

the saudis did 9/11 and some members of the global elite (not just jews, people from all over) had foreknowledge of the event. insider trading of airline stocks and major bank system hacks, national air defense drills having live fly exercises the week leading up to the events as well as the day of the events that were a lot like the attacks themselves with false radar injections that popped in and out of nowhere on the NORAD systems conusing the shit out of everyone. people at the air defense were asking "Is this exercise or real world?" repeatedly and didnt know what the fuck was going on. philip zelikow running the 9/11 commission, who helped pen a foreign policy article predicting a 9/11 style event 3 years before it happened and laying out how it could expand the powers of government (he ran the commission after henry kissinger had to step down as being the first guy tasked for running it because he had high net worth saudi clients and people thought this could compromise him). not to mention philip zelikow having the narrative of the 9/11 commission fully laid out about 3 months into the investigation even though it took years to run the investigation. so he knew what he'd learn years before he'd learned it?

odd shit was happening before, during, and after the attacks, it really should be re-investigated.

>> No.12548916
