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12541456 No.12541456 [Reply] [Original]

Monero vs Zcash vs dash vs bitcoin

I want 40% of my portfolio filled with some ratio of these bags. Who's going to win?

50% monero 25% btc 25% zcash or dash?

>> No.12541502

btc and monero. if you dont have any ether buy some too.

>> No.12541522

Dash has a treasury system built into the network that holds developers accountable to holders. It can fund anyone in the world to perform work and no one can stop that payment.

That alone is more a revolutionary technology than anything created so far in crypto.

>> No.12541578

Forget ZCash and Dash. The true fair competitor of Monero is to be made yet (or is just unknown). I wouldn't say Grin because their emission isn't that good, as like its privacy.

>> No.12541592

>Dash has a treasury system built into the network
yeah allow idiots to vote on things they dont understand


>> No.12541602

I hold all three, but Dash has the most potential.
go check out the reddit and you'll immediately see massive adoption and moving forward. I used to think Dash was a scam, that's what everybody screamed when I entered the market. but they are fucking awesome, did research for a complete week on Dash. it just works, its self funding, it has great governance and soon they will implement chainlocks meaning that you can't even 51% attack it annymore, which is a prime for any PoW coin.

watch this vid about Dash current state of being.

check out the roadmap on dash, they are doing great


i'd do

25% XMR
50% DASH
25% Zcash

BTCore is shit.

>> No.12541618


I'm going to transfer my riskier positions to eth if a bull run starts, but I'm young and don't have a huge sum invested so I'm going with 40% long 40% high risk mediums and 20% swing trading right now (I've averaged 15% a month on my swings, but since btc dropped its made me about even overall)


Seems like dash is better and has proof of execution, but zcash is being pushed by old/safe money right? Another question is it worth holding either over BTC when they are so directly tied to it's price. Although, I can easily see either of these getting to 300-400 again where as bitcoin I don't see hitting 20k in the same time frame. So it's riskier to pick a winner, but the returns should be better.

I don't want to drop monero as at least 30-50%, as it has reputation proof of utility in the black market. Bitcoin started that way, I don't want to bet against black market money

>> No.12541650

why would you go into ETH.
if anything is suppressed it's ETH. thousands of (scam) ico projects cashing out every month.

ETH will not move much for a long long time.

>> No.12541696


Monero is best, but normies and institutions won't use it. I rather hedge my bets against my riskier positions instead of trying to pick 1 winner I guess

That can be a cause of concern, but what people do/think/vote for when their money is on the line is much different than what you see in public. Trump won despite 99% negative attention on TV, social media, general public opinion, and even had the majority of his own party fully against him all the way to election night.
Thanks for the video, I'll check it out

>> No.12541719

> Monero is best, but normies and institutions won't use it. I rather hedge my bets against my riskier positions instead of trying to pick 1 winner I guess

you have the right idea about what coins are valuable. BTC XMR ZEC and DASH are all great coins.

but like you said, XMR will not gain the mass adoption that coins like DASH are getting.

XMR is one of my favorites but the privacy methods are not theat special either. RINGCT is a joke compared to Zero Proof Knowledge used in ZCASH. However, ZK-SNARKS is experimental tech and not proven. RingCT is proven tech.

you are on the right road my fren. take care.

>> No.12541725


I don't hold any eth right now.

>> No.12541738
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zec ftw

>> No.12541816

depends, if you are just speculating then they all will probably just do the same as they are just worth 10% of their respective all time high.

if you want to acutally use one of them there is really just monero viable. privacy by default, no masternodes, no centralized encryption system that complies with authorities...

>> No.12541841

>BTCore is shit.
do the opposite this brainlet says

>> No.12541859
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Doesnt KMD have the same privacy tech as ZEC, in addition to being a platform?

>> No.12541895
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Yes KMD is a Zcash fork that focusses on being a platform, it works with asset chains so no crypto kitties can clog your entire nnetwork ( lmao eth )

they actually have scaling figured out already.

A very good pick, if you want to get into a real viable competator for ETH.

also they have atomic swaps with almost any major coin, you can obtain coins directly through the agama wallet, no third party centrralized sytem in between, no track record of coins you bought and sold, no one knows anything about it but you. see the value here?

to top it off they pioneered DPow for security. how it works is they write the state of the KMD chain in a BTC block for security. this means that KMD is as secure as the BTC network as it's protected by its hash power.

good pick. good luck

>> No.12541984

Thats my conclusion as well. I just dont know how much to accumulate. Currently only have 135

Do you think it will be used for retail payments? or will that be reserved for more focused "currencies" such as nano/zec

>> No.12542019

>Thats my conclusion as well. I just dont know how much to accumulate. Currently only have 135
>Do you think it will be used for retail payments? or will that be reserved for more focused "currencies" such as nano/zec

put those 135 on your address and stake them for a fun 5% yearly, try to buy more when you can I guess.

I do not think KMD wants to be a payment coin, you'll see "pay with Zec" or "pay with Nano" before you will see "pay with KMD" if it ever appears. they are competing with platforms, not currencies.

>> No.12542046

ya its already stored in agama. i actually already collected interest, i bought it a longass time ago

anywaysi think i will buy more kmd and zec. I think ZEC will be the preferred "currency" of the banks/governments since its auditable. I believe JPM is already developing with ZEC, and it has the exact characteristics of BTC but with the ability to scale in the future. XMR may be better for black market activities but ofc that will put it under government scrutiny

>> No.12542078

>ZEC has solid tech and the code gets audited heavily before releases. So yeah.

Edward Snowden liked ZEC over XMR, called XMR a hobby project. that says something.

Any forks of ZEC have a very sold and audited base. not a bad bet. the only problem is that the market is usually retarded and buys the most shitty coins. like verge or some new shit coin (grin) , dero, or other aboslute useless crap. don't follow the retards, stick with the known and proven coins.

the ones mentioned in this thread are all great. I am not a BTC fan though. well, not a CORE fan.

>> No.12542147

Same, I think BTC was more of a science experiment rather than a viable currency. it just used to prove that blockchains can "work" and are secure, setting precedent. kind of like when the first internal combustion engine proved that self moving power was possible. then it was quickly improved on with the 2 stroke gasoline engine

>> No.12542222

I don't think zcash is better even if it uses actual encryption. never underestimate the power of marketing, that is why monero will always be the #1 privacy coin among many other points.

boi, altcoins didn't even have a scaling issue at the end of the last bullrun, only btc. ok, most altcoins would have to have much more tx than btc during his ath but still if they reach that area what will they do? build a 2nd layer solution like btc that will take some years?

alts will most likely stay alts in our lifetime

>> No.12542266

So you're deciding between:
The Unofficial MLP Coin
Massively premined fail coin
The Netscape of crypto
A half decent privacy coin that only exists to make profit for early private investors

fucking kek

>> No.12542455

Monero is the best of that bunch and emissions for it taper off rapidly this year, so it has a few things going for it.
fluffypony's nickname has nothing to do with MLP.

>> No.12542555

You can make that spin about any top coin right now. So, let me guess, your specific variety of moonshot mission shitcoin list makes you superior? The threads about currency/stole of value based coins that appeals to masses and has the best chance of surviving. Not what has the absolute best tech or has the ((potential)) to change the space in 2+ years.

Tron/eos is an example of inferior projects with great marketing. The question is who has good enough fundamentals, great marketing, and big players behind them that could get first mover advantage in an initial surge of adoption (if it ever comes)

>> No.12542715

zk-SNARKS requires trusted setups to work. So, in my opinion, the methods used by XMR are still better.
Also, DASH "privacy" is a complete joke. It shouldn't even be in that list.

>> No.12542736


I'm not sure about abandoning BTC completely, but he's looking at it from a non-emotional perspective. Getting attached and being a tech elitist is great and all for moon missions, but that shouldn't be all of your portfolio


I'm keeping an eye on KMD, but I'm burned out on these "all in one ecosystem" type projects. I rather teams specialize, be "platform agnostic", and have a partnership "ecosystem". So when 1 apple is rotten it can be replaced, instead of spreading resources so thin and one failure is a dead project

Snowden also put faith in Americans putting pressure on politicians to protect him, and they could care less so he gave a bunch of our national security information to Russia so he can live there. 50/50 if hes some kind of psyop shill. Which makes me bullish on ZEC if it's the supported shadow government c-currency kek


Monero is infamous now and has a marketable logo/brand. Would be easy to get a whole generation of dindoos wearing monero gear saying "yea FEDS CANT TRACK SHIT BRUH im on that monero shit ma niggguuuuuhhh"

don't underestimate the lowest common denominator

>> No.12543063

dash isn't trying to be a privacy coin anymore.
they have optional privacy. methods by xmr is just an advanced coin jumbler if you are honest, just like the dash privateSend.

>> No.12543230

No, it's not really "just like" Dash privatesend because it has RingCT which hides the amount of a transaction and the ring signatures are mandatory across every transaction which negates any temporal analysis or at least makes it very difficult. Monero is optionally public for those who want to prove a transaction by sharing a transaction viewkey with a third party.

>> No.12543292

seems like xmr is about to finally break downtrend.

>> No.12543741

I don't know how much cheaper it can get. Same for BTC and the others. At some point this year miners are going to start running out of Monero to sell so you'd have to think the price will go up, then again who knows what whales are sitting on.

>> No.12544356

Well monero can be attacked and killed for 200k usd

>> No.12544367

yo have no idea what u r talking about.

>> No.12544379

Yes I do.

>> No.12544391

Patches are being implemented as we type but a major vulnerability to say the least.

>> No.12544417

shitcoin with shitty devs vs scamcoin with scammy devs vs scamcoin with shitty devs vs Nicholas van Saberhagen's AKA Nick Szabo's first coin

>> No.12544420

FPGAs will come and help to secure it. If XMR team is truly smart, they'll inteligently accept them like one relatively small and recent CryptoNote fork is doing right now adopting Grin mining algo (Cuckaroo), and not try to difficult it even more with CrypoNight algo variations.

>> No.12544483

just because you read about a new vulnerability doesn't mean you have a clue what you are talking about

>> No.12544525
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(((they))) have already decided they are going with ZEC. Why would you go against (((them)))?

>> No.12544598

>destroys your shitcoin for the low price of 200k
Pshh nothing personnell

>> No.12544603
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Yes buy and hold good plan

>> No.12544610

like anon posted in this thread >>12542078

XMR is like a hobby project.

Dash and Zec is where it's at.

>> No.12544739

i've had it with xmr desu. gonna sell my stash.

> muh no trusted setup
> muh privacy by default
> muh the best coin

fucking vulnerabilities and fuck ups left and right. I don't marry coins. I'm selling and Im never lookign back

>> No.12544987

>i've had it with xmr
Because someone posted yet another possible vulnerability? At least Monero is open to discussing its possible issues. The reason why Monero is the best is because these kinds of theoretical attacks are always being brought up in research and discussed openly before anything happens. If you can't stomach holding Monero then fucking sell it.

>> No.12545028

I already did, and so did a bunch of others, don't you see the massive red candle.

yes because someone posted yet another vuln.
I don't want to hold dangerous things that have vulns every 2 months with risk of complete loss.

you can shit on ZEC all you want for trusted setup and self funding properties, but atleast their stuff gets audited heavily. much safer hold.

Snowden was right. Hobby Project.


>> No.12545046

also it isn't a possible issue, it's an issue. a real one.

>> No.12545073

Snowden is CIA

>> No.12545085

>massive red candle
I don't even trade Monero so I don't watch the charts daily. Down a couple thousand sats? Who cares.
>I don't want to hold dangerous things that have vulns every 2 months with risk of complete loss.
Then stay the fuck out of any privacy coins as they are all much riskier to hold than something like Bitcoin.
>you can shit on ZEC all you want for trusted setup and self funding properties
Ok, I will. Zcash is fucking shit.
>atleast their stuff gets audited heavily
According to who? Zcash devs don't even disclose all of their meeting logs like Monero developers do and operate completely in secret. You have no idea what they're discussing or what vulnerabilities they may be worried about because they don't fucking tell anyone.

>> No.12545197

> reeee I married XMR

have fun seeing your value evaporate until this issue is patched.

>> No.12545263

>selling low
>reddit spacing
Get the fuck off my board, normalfag.

>> No.12545374

you'll be crying when everything moons the next month but you ar stuck with a dumping xmr shitcoin cause no one wants to hold this dangerous piece of crap.

>> No.12546397

Monero is a overhyped volunteer hobby project.

I agree with the rest of the posters here. In 2019 Monero project is getting themselves in shit they can't deal with.

Professional projects like Zcash and Dash can adapt. They are capable of hiring and firing people. Monero is some stupid ass volunteer hobby.

>> No.12546425


and zcoin

>> No.12546475

thanks ill look into zcoin. I keep hearing good things about it. Im just too lazy to look. About time I do.

>> No.12546649

>profissional projects
You don't have much of the spirit of decentralized crypto currencies, right?

>> No.12546651
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XAO is the new Monero

>> No.12547105
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DASH is a DAO (with large developer tax) that has a half-assed privacy coin bolted onto it, with optional privacy. Optional privacy is broken privacy.

ZEC is built on moonmath that is conceptually awesome, but introduces unknown risks. Also its private transactions are optional and no one uses them (it can take IIRC 1-2 minutes to create transaction). Optional privacy is broken privacy.

XMR is the cockroach of crypto. XMR doesn't need normies to care about it, buy socks with it, or even know about it. All it needs is to tap the demand for private wealth options, the "Panama Papers" crowd, and become the ultimate secret store of value. Of all of the privacy coins it is the most private, with no gimmicks, no compromises, just layers of rock-solid tech (obscured amounts, stealth addresses, ring signatures) and a no-nonsense philosophy focused on being private fungible money.

XMR is king. The comfiest of holds.

>> No.12547123

zcash has a backdoor for feds lol

>> No.12548280

I've been saving all my trading proffits in XMR, shit's so cheap it would make me cry if I had paid for a mining pc.

$500 xmr price would actually break me even on neeting for a whole year

>> No.12548305
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>stupid ass volunteer hobby
you mean like Bitcoin?
fucking retard

>> No.12548320
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cant wait for tari

fuck beam or grin scammers

>> No.12548574
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You can't buy the hashing power needed. Nor can someone set up a mining operation capable. There is no way someone is going procure over 500 MH to attack the network. And thinking it could be done on nicehash is laughable at best. Nicehash doesn't have the disposable hash of that magnitude for sale and never will.

>> No.12548757
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Reminder that ZEC is backdoored and CIA niggers are on this board FUDding Monero

>> No.12548773

He's talking about the proposed "big bang" attack caused by runaway block sizes. It's an issue but it's a pretty obscure one that's been discussed over the past few months. They're dealing with it.
Agreed. Anybody that shills ZEC or DASH over Monero is either paid off or compromised somehow.

>> No.12548778


same, I don't know who is selling monero, but thanks to them I've been able to buy around 50 monero a month.

>> No.12548835


Zec and dash are absolute shit.

100% paid shills and/or brainwashed morons.

>> No.12548990

Or just retarded. Tm3k shills zec?

>> No.12549038

Add some SFT

>> No.12549138

> people who like other things than me are compromised and paid off.

Dash will go places.
XMR will have compromise after compromise cause its a bunch of hobbyists and people with agendas that contribute to the code.

While Dash is getting mass adoption and massive merchant growth, xmr is frowned upon and only internet super nerds like it.

People who married xmr are the worst

>> No.12549258

>people who like other things than me are compromised and paid off.
In the case of Dash and Zcash, yeah. They're either paid shills or mentally compromised, like you. Calling Monero a hobbyist project seems to be the latest insult for corporate types like you that would rather trust some central organization than trust the code you're running. Go ahead and read some of the latest MRL research papers and tell me with a straight face that these people aren't deadly serious about making Monero the best possible TRUSTLESS privacy coin in existence. Keep your corporate garbage.

>> No.12549364

> Edward snowden is mentally compromised.


Zcash and Dash are both available on way more markets and they continue to get on more markets

I'm in for the money,

Dash will get the adoption, xmr will get the raised eyebrows and government shutdowns.

>> No.12549388


Seriously who buys this shit...

>> No.12549409

Dash was released with a bug that allowed the earliest miners to mine 10% of the total supply that will ever exist. The mining software released by the person who forked Dash had flaws that the forking person Evan's software did not have.

That's suspicious.

Then later, this same individual decreased the total supply of Dash, but did NOT decrease the supply of premined Dash, increasing the value of their premined coins to over 10% of all Dash that will ever be mined.

Finally, the masternodes system allows Evan to use this huge premined stash to generate more and more Dash, to the point where he basically owns the cryptocurrency.

There are bullshit claims by Evan that he "redistributed" the early premined Dash, but no proof. I think he's full of shit.

>> No.12549446

> seriously who buys this shit.
poor venezuelans use it to transact

consistent network transaction growth even trhoughout the bear market

the only real fud about this coin is the instamine thing you just said. Tbh I dont care, I'm seeing massive developments and advancing on Dash.

when XMR has a team driving adoption in failing countries, get back to me, oh they can't cause they don't have a self funding chain?

too bad.

xmr is a fine coin but it wont get the mass adoption. I'll juse it when I need to wash my track records. I don't have to hold it.

>> No.12549661
File: 139 KB, 1830x678, transactions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dash transactions : rising steadily
Zcash transactions: going down
XMR transactions: going down

Best investment? Dash.

>> No.12549684

Yeah because look into who controls the supply

Insta-mined shitcoin, pump and dump con job at best.

>> No.12549757

no one cares anymore, i'm sorry.

Here is some info: Official statement (dash is very open about the instamine fact) https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OC/pages/19759164/Dash+Instamine+Issue+Clarification

Bitcoin vs Dash - Ridiculous comments on Dash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzqGf_ak_2I

Evan Duffield has no more than 256,000 Dash and will give away 80% of that to fund DAOs within DASH https://www.reddit.com/r/dashpay/comments/62jc3b/evan_duffield_has_no_more_than_256000_dash_and/ A View of: Dash’s Instamine Is Not A Problem http://fintekneeks.com/my-view-dashs-pre-mine-is-not-a-problem/

Dash Instamine Issue Clarification https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OC/Dash+Instamine+Issue+Clarification

Instamine FAQ https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DOC/Legacy+FAQ#LegacyFAQ-WasDashInstamined?

Was The Instamine A Positive Thing For Dash? https://dashdot.io/alpha/?page_id=118

Deep technical analysis of the early mining and distribution https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=421615.msg15619552#msg15619552

Confessions of a Instaminer Hashman https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=421615.msg18041424#msg18041424

Also don’t forget about a million or more dash have been lost and stolen due to hacks and failed exchanges, such as crypty and mintpal.

>> No.12549805


Yes they do care, people don't want old generation p&d shitcoins anymore.

Evan Claims "Weekend Project"

Evans Initial Email:

Node List:

Xcoin release thread:

Dash Premine Address:

Why the darkcoin/dash/dashpay instamine matters

Dash's Instamined/Partly Premined Beginnings

Evan’s and Dash’s shitcoin story

The Darkcoin con

>> No.12549817

Why does it keep dropping in value? XMR is great for use case, but bad for ROI?

>> No.12549825
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Zcash would be great without the trusted-setup, I would not mind the dev-tax, everything is a scam nowadays

now Monero is a rare example of non-scamcoin that is actually good at what it does, and it will probably implement ZK-Starks in the future so...

>> No.12549968

>it will probably implement ZK-Starks in the future so...
I don't think that's possible.

I think there's a new privacy coin named PIRATE. it has ZKSNARKS and privacy by default , I also think the trusted setup is removed but I could be wrong.

you can get it through KMD.

the dev tax means it will have solid development for its lifetime with no groups with bad agendas ( blockstream takeover ) having it easy to influence what happens

>> No.12550099

ZK SNARKS are safter from an encryption sandpoint yes
but all the patchwork privacy featurs on XMR are still better
because the default privacy usage and way more decentralication
the scam of zcash is that their privacy feature is centrally controled
with a backdoor
just that backdoor alone makes the whole project redundand
I mean who else then the government you want to hide your tx from?

also XMR is just fucking cool, evry dindu on da streets will use it

>> No.12550143

> the scam of zcash is that their privacy feature is centrally controled
with a backdoor

do you have any proof of that?

Im just looking for the best digital cash that will get the most adoption, like 90% of people I don't care about trusted setup or not, it has to work and be secure , that's all I care for.

that's y xmr is not the best investment if you want gains.

that being said I do like xmr. just don't think it's the best and am not a xmr maximalist like the bunch of shills in this thread.

>> No.12550177


>> No.12550209

no I don't
they say it is optional for the user
but if you are suspicious enough to use privacy coins why would you believe that shit?
I'd rather go with the full fuck you package of XMR

But if you look for adoption unironically BTC. They will implement enough privacy features on the lightning nework level.

If you just look for x100 don't even bother with xmr or zec to begin with honestly. short term they will always get outperformed by the next ico scam or discord shill or even random coin.

>> No.12550236

Checked and qft, but gawdangit mang check your fucking spelling on a search engine every now and then.

Fuck spellcheckers and all, but if you check words you're not sure about on startpage then you'll gradually learn to type them correctly

>> No.12550253 [DELETED] 

i currently use a different ip address, device and am logged into a different google account.
they use the misspelling for my internet fingerprint so i porpusely misslead them

>> No.12550254

See >>12548757

>> No.12550358
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this is not a debate: pic related and the developer confirming that trusted-setup fu-fu privacy is whack: https://mobile.twitter.com/zooko/status/863202798883577856?lang=en

>> No.12550526

How do you know its zec?

>> No.12550778


gemini, coinbase...