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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12544295 No.12544295 [Reply] [Original]

How do you anons deal with your poor friends? I have some friends who I vacation with every year and go out to eat with frequently. I've surpassed them financially where they can't keep up. I am sick of eating at chilis and waffle house just cause they're too poor to eat somewhere decent. I want to vacation somewhere and not stay at nasty airbnbs but I know they'll guilt me about the price. These are my only friends so I'd rather not lose them. But then again I always worry they're gonna beg from me when they default on their 20% car loan

>> No.12544303

You’re the worst type of person

>> No.12544304

Considering that I'm also poor I get along fine.
Stop being rich it will fix that one problem.

>> No.12544555

>Having friends


>> No.12544570

jesus, why would anyone tolerate your dumbfuckery?

>> No.12544599

Why won’t you just take them out to dinner or pay the difference in price for a nice hotel? You’re able to afford it. And if they’re the real friends, you shouldn’t have an problem spending some money on them.

I don’t mind taking a friend out to a nice restaurant and paying the whole bill. It’s called being a generous person. Give to others and expect nothing in return. You should try it sometime OP. It won’t hurt you to be a good person, I promise

>> No.12544692

>thinks he's too good for Waffle House now
Don't ever forget your roots you ingrate.

>> No.12544727

i have never ever ever ever been to one.

>> No.12544786

Me either, because I am a New Yorker. That's the equivalent of saying you're too good to go with your friends to a diner.

>> No.12544808

Ayyy Rochester, holla.

Yeah fuck NY I left that shithole a few months ago.

>> No.12544831
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>too good for chilis

>> No.12544834

I show them the way to a prosperity life, money doesn't mean anything anymore its more to life than money

>> No.12544855

you're a shitty friend if you don't cover the difference in a time of plenty then complain that they can't afford better. If you enjoy their company you can cover their meal or date a bitch who forces you to. You can always ask them to cover the tip or something

>> No.12544865
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>These are my only friends
Give it time. Your life will turn to shit in <5 years. Have fun remembering college faggot. You're destined for nothing just like me.

>> No.12544875

Either get the bill and don't tell them the correct amount they have to chip in at better restraunts and cottage air bnbs or get new friends.

You are a bad friend if you demand they overextend themselves.

>> No.12544898

This. OP is clearly a fucking miser who doesn't deserve friends.
Maybe the reason you've surpassed them financially is because they have no problem spending money on their friends? :^)

>> No.12544910

Wait for them to earn more or get richer friends.

I've been there, it can be annoying, don't pay for them, remember who you're friends are.

>> No.12545053
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I share the wealth

>> No.12545295
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Your friends are your friends, you should always be happy to scale down for then if needed.

If you're weighing your friends over traveling to some normie vacation spot then you're a kike inside and out and should kys.

>> No.12545632



>> No.12545714

>these are my only friends

I can see why.

You should be more grateful for loyal friends that put up with you.