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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12541898 No.12541898 [Reply] [Original]

i can't find a job. i'm going to have to kill myself soon

>> No.12541920


BA/MA/age/other relevant qualification/country?

>> No.12541942


I can get you a job

>> No.12541956

Become a service provider to a DAO


>> No.12541964

no/no/28/le programming meme/USA

>> No.12541980


Number of programming languages you're capable in & level of capability? East/west coast?

>> No.12541993

everything except for .NET C#. East Coast

>> No.12542009

100k job here

life is pain and i want to neet again, fuck my asshole

>> No.12542015

anon I would LOVE to continue NEETing but I'm literally about to starve to death

>> No.12542032

get a wig, make up and stream or camwhore, there's sure to be some losers out there to donate something to you

>> No.12542042

You'll get used to it. Embrace the NEET life while you can. Once you start working, you're going to wish you were still a NEET

>> No.12542045
File: 800 KB, 936x1409, 936full-sigourney-weaver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is gonna be a bit longer, but I take it you need a bit of help, so be patient.

You are by no means a lost cause. I'd do the following: 1. Prepare some kind of compact and to the point resume. You could orientate yourself towards the CVs usually used in investment banking, because things are snappy and to the point there. This would mean two things: a) it's a biut unusual and therefore may resonate positively, b) you're not forced to produce shit couple pages long without having to sell much (no BA/MA). Focus on working experience, projects, other qualifications, you way of engaging IT/programming projects. Skip everything else.

>> No.12542098


(bare with me, I'm not totally sober, if you catch the drift)

2. Do market research for potential employers. Make yourself a proper excel sheet listing all the interesting/available employers in your area (or the area you're willing to resettle). Some stats will be helpful: Size of the company, give the employer a rating, direct link to their job portal and so on. Aim high, settle with whatever/whomever gives a shit for you.

3. Apply. Send applications, many. There is no way around this. I did nearly 400. In the first round I did a bit over 300 in 6,5 months. If I can do this, you can, too.


>> No.12542151

I initially applied for non-banking jobs, but still used those IB-type CVs, which always was received positively:


>> No.12542192

wow thanks for this completely useless, generic advice. this isn't my first McJob anon, I know how to job hunt

>> No.12542204

so you know Haskell, GOLANG, and Assembly but can't find a job?
or are you just a lying fag?

>> No.12542207


Ok, but what kind of help were you looking for then?

>> No.12542234

I wasn't. I was just making a general statement about my situation.

>> No.12542247

>bad system
>people killing themselfes instead of rising up

as a society we will never make it again bros

>> No.12542274
File: 154 KB, 1304x658, Ib cv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saved for further usage

>> No.12542304


>> No.12542434

You are