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File: 48 KB, 865x628, 2019-01-24 13_09_30-Is college still worth it_ _ Re-examining the college premium_ FRED Blog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12541452 No.12541452 [Reply] [Original]

Why would anyone choose NOT to go to college? What's the problem with these people?

>> No.12541465

you can get college earnings without going to college by learning things for free online

>> No.12541477

You know how to read line charts, right?

>> No.12541507

nothing wrong with these people you retard. you just haven't realized money is a meme, and debt is meme. the IRS taxes you while the FED makes your hard earned dollars worthless. student loans trap you and the money you make is becoming less valuable while you pay more of your less valuable income to the IRS. the reality here is college should not be a 4 year money sucking trap so the majority of the sheeple get financially tamed to stagnate in life. college 4 or five years from now will be a 18 month program, this will happen once the retards at the department of education get their heads out of their asses. to be successful in life all you need to do is save money, invest, take profit, repeat. they teach this in high school you'd have more rich people. also let's not forget colleges are cess pools for stupid social movements like LGBTQ or stupid blacklives matter. they are no more than a reeducation camp for the sheep that the sheep pay for. they are democrat run institutions contributing to the collapse of this country. MAGA 2020, GOD BLESS.


>> No.12541519

really smart people don't need college.
school and college is basically for retards that can't teach themselves.

>> No.12541529


>> No.12541539

i went to college and got a degree and I wouldn't do it again cause its a fucking waste of time. coulda learned it all myself in 1/3th of the time.

>> No.12541546

The only difference between the red line and the blue line is a bigger house and a nicer car. Assuming you don't live in some nigger shithole. So if you what you want to be in life requires college then go for it but it's not worth it for the lifestyle alone. A McMansion and a BMW isn't gonna make you much happier

>> No.12541593

I’m not seeking more knowledge with university I just need that official paperwork. How do you teach that yourself?

>> No.12541603

>muh I can teach myself
Good luck proving to others that you have those skills. College is not just a means of acquiring knowledge. It's also a way of having your skills CERTIFIED by a 3rd party institution.

Just look at the chart I posted. People with college degrees make almost twice as much money as those without it. That doesn't mean college makes them smarter. It just means that they have a certificate that proves they underwent formal training. You need that certificate to communicate to others that you have certain skills.

If the certificate makes a huge difference, why would anyone choose NOT to get it?

>> No.12541642

Decentralized online universities when?

>> No.12541670

Hopefully soon. It's already happening with online degrees. Still I doubt it will completely replace college as we know it. Face-to-face interaction makes a difference.

>> No.12541677

Yeah, people "choose" to be poor or not a nigger able to get affirmative action. Free will really is an insidious delusion that needs to be stamped out.

>> No.12541691

This. The piece of paper is the most important part - I could code before college just as well as I could after. Needed the piece of paper for the right jobs.

>> No.12541701

I keep seeing NEETs posting that college is a meme, that they can teach themselves, etc. Clearly, these are well-informed people who decided that college was not worth it against all available data.

>> No.12541792

so you do agree that college is just a meme and you're only there to get that paper so employers can TRUST your skills?

>> No.12541827

signaling model. College degrees seem to replace IQ and aptitude tests which arent allowed anymore because they are racist

>> No.12541837

900:500: 1.8
1350:750: 1.8

Do you??? Also keep in mind this is for employees, self employed people probably do much more. Getting a college degree is a jewish scam. Not that you can get one anyways since unless you are a minority or part of the elite you are practically banned from good colleges.

This will implode anyways once academics is mostly niggers and women and the market saturated with worthless degrees owned by worthless people. Just stay out of college, never hire pocs, only hire women for rrhh and money will come to you.

>> No.12541851


It's not 1995 anymore.

These stats are gonna be dramatically different by 2025.

Oh and once the student loan default rate hits 25% (which it will) shit is gonna hit the fan.

>> No.12542125
File: 179 KB, 645x729, 1548138274598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no indication in the chart that the trend will change anytime soon.

>> No.12542155

>paying your taxes
>paying your loans
>not accelerating the crash by stealing from the system

>> No.12542172

IQ tests should be legal.

>> No.12542179

Anyone saying college is a scam doesn't realize college is just like a 4-year summer camp where you bang young roasties. Don't regret going at all, actually just regret moving out of the dorms where i'd get my dick wet on a consistent basis just by riding the elevators with my headphones off

>> No.12542181

OP here from a different IP address.

It depends on the field. I'm currently finishing my PhD dissertation. Frankly, I taught myself almost everything I needed to to do my research. Courses were for the most part a formality.

But ask yourself this: would you let a self-taught doctor do your heart surgery? Would you let a self-taught engineer build bridges in your city? Would you let a self-taught architect build your house?

>> No.12542205

I don't regret going to university, and I'm using my degree on a graduate scheme and beginning a proper career now, but my life would almost certainly be better had I left school for a vocation and done an apprenticeship. I would have had more direction and earnings (and almost certainly happiness) sooner.

>> No.12542221

I don't dispute the student loan default rate and the US student loan system to be retarded, but if you think that well paying companies suddenly start to employ people without degree for the same money, I have very bad news for you...

>> No.12542240

Yes. Who would you rather hire, the guy with years of records and transcripts showing what classes he attended, his grades in those classes, and his completion of all the required curriculum (which is certified to be up-to-par by a third party), or would you trust a guy that tells you he spent the last 4 years learning everything on Khan Academy.

If you say the Khan Academy guy you’re full of shit or incredibly naive. For every one person that legitimately learns a profession online there’s hundreds of Dunning-Krugers out there that drastically overestimate their skills (or straight up lie because there’s no verification of credentials). College degrees are there to streamline the process. Did you learn this shit? Show me when and what you did to do so.

>> No.12542256

To clarify, I’m not saying you CANT learn stuff online. You can learn just about anything online these days. The degree is not only about verifying that you have learned how to do these things, but also a symbol of commitment. College isn’t hard, but if you can’t even make it through a 4-year program in your field why would someone hire you for a long-term position.

>> No.12542311


>For every one person that legitimately learns a profession online there’s hundreds of Dunning-Krugers out there that drastically overestimate their skills (or straight up lie because there’s no verification of credentials).

This. In college you have someone to point out all your mistakes which is exactly what the "self-taught"(as if most of college wasn't you teaching yourself shit) Dunning-Krugers would need to tone down their massively inflated egos.

>> No.12542323

Yikes = NPC.

>> No.12542324

College is a fucking meme. I might be in an unusual situation but I'm 21 and working as a senior software engineer at a very large company, and not once has people questioned my lack of education and if anyone does I just say I have a tendency towards autodidactism. Helps to be somewhat charming and presentable too, since the subconscious signalling can cancel out the lack of a diploma.

>> No.12542347


This is low-IQ cope from someone who wasted four years of their twenties (i.e. what is supposed to be the most important and best years of their life) studying a meme bachelor degree which can be compressed into 6 months of intense study.

>> No.12542361


>which can be compressed into 6 months of intense study

and if you cannot do this then you are unironically retarded and need a master to guide you in life. Literally never going to make it.

>> No.12542386

>Did you learn this shit? Show me when and what you did to do so.

Unless you are socially incompetent it really isn't difficult to sniff these Dunning-Kruger types out. Having an honest high-level conversation about a subject is usually sufficient to verify the knowledge of someone who hasn't studied the subject. If there are gaps then it really isn't a bad thing because it just shows that they are committed enough to learn shit on their own and the remaining stuff can just be filled in during the course of their employment at this hypothetical high-IQ workplace.

But honestly, most jobs apart from STEM don't require a degree, even investment banking. Just lots of domain-specific knowledge that is learned on the job and a basic overview of the field which can be learned in a couple of weeks.

>> No.12542415

The entire fucking problem comes when you don't want to program or do math for the rest of your life. In typical autistic fashion you cannot even comprehend that people would want to pursue other careers.

Try becoming an engineer, doctor, lawyer, banker, chemist, pharmacist, executive or any other real profession with out a degree. Fucking call centers require degrees these days.

>> No.12542436

because Republican politicians tell their followers that college is a liberal factory WHILE sending their own kids to Harvard / Yale etc...

the rich need the dumb more than u think

>inb4 libtard hurr durr

i think ur both retarded but at least liberals are educated

>> No.12542445


Dunning-Kruger. Good luck telling employers you learned how to do their job in 6 months of online study.

However, I’m not sure what you mean by “meme degrees”. There are certainly a slew of bullshit degrees that are likely a waste of money (gender studies lol), so I can see your point there if you’re applyig for menial jobs that require a degree just for the sake of it. But if you try applying for STEM jobs or other non-meme professions, good fucking luck telling them you’re ready to go after “6 months of intensive online studying”. 6 months of online studying is a joke dude, the fuck do you think everyone else is doing during those 4 years? Don’t say partying, if you haven’t been to school then you have no frame of reference as to what college is actually like for non-memers.

Also, good luck explaining to that employer what you were doing for the other 3 1/2 years while everyone else in your field was at school

>> No.12542465



These are regulated professions and yes, it is quite literally impossible to become a lawyer in the United States because passing the bar requires having a law school degree AFAIK, but this isn't really because of a lack of knowledge but rather state-imposed oligopolist regulations.


I'm an example of this, and I know engineers who are self-taught that do not work in software.


I've met many bankers in fields like UHNW wealth management that do not have a degree, and also traders and bankers at boutique investment banks who don't have degrees.


Opinion disregarded, you think you can't lead a company because you haven't passed the mythical ritual that all universities offer leavers that confer the secret knowledge of running a company? It isn't fucking rocket science, and there are A LOT of executives out there who do not have degrees but either worked their way up or proved themselves in other ways.

The reason you don't hear about these degree-less professionals is because they tend to shut up and focus on their work rather than autistically screeching about muh degree from HAAAARRRWAAARD and making it the focal point of their CV. Sure, the absolute majority of people in these professions have degrees, but there is a minority who have made it without and to say that it is impossible to make it without is just low-IQ cope.

>> No.12542479

>But if you try applying for STEM jobs or other non-meme professions, good fucking luck telling them you’re ready to go after “6 months of intensive online studying”.

You didn't read my post. I don't have a degree and I am regularly hounded on LinkedIn for senior engineer and engineering VP positions at small and large companies and NOT ONCE has my lack of degree been questioned in any interview I've. Nobody fucking cares because your experience speaks for itself.

>> No.12542490

Because you make about the same in the dollars you can actually spend vs someone with debt.

This is of course on applicable to people who would have debt (((me))) and people who wouldn't will learn more than me. :(

>> No.12542497


This is peak low-IQ cope really. The only people I've heard spout this nonsense are people who are jealous of those who didn't waste four years of their life studying a subject at a pace that is supposed to accomodate retards. It's literally your mind trying to justify its shitty choices.

I'm not saying it's a retard-move not to go to university, but don't adopt this bullshit elitist standpoint that not going to university automatically makes you a subhuman retard who will forever be locked in the cage of minimum wage labor.

>> No.12542501

>you think you can't lead a company because you haven't passed the mythical ritual that all universities offer leavers that confer the secret knowledge of running a company?

No I think you are perfectly able too the problem is having the board of directors approve it.

Wasn't as overly regulated as now the people you know who did it are probably 35+


Tell me about one engineer with the ability to sign of on large construction sites who does not hold a degree

>> No.12542506

>I'm not saying it's a retard-move not to go to university

I'm not saying it's a retard move to go to university, sometimes it can be incredibly valuable for certain people*

>> No.12542518

>No I think you are perfectly able too the problem is having the board of directors approve it.

I agree, it certainly makes it more difficult, but not impossible. That's my point.

>> No.12542536

Then I must have completely missed your point. Sorry I am tired but I still think it is very, very unlikely.

>> No.12542544

Yeah they have to work more to earn more to pay off the student loans, have to make up for the 4+ years wasted at college and get taxed more at the same time. The guy that didn't go to college started a comfy tiling business or something straight out of high school and has a much higher net worth than the sucker who spent 5 years and $100k of undischargable 9% apr debt to get a degree that no one even cares about, and will probably end up working at McDonald's and living at his parents house for another 10 years while he chips away at that student loan.

>> No.12542580
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In the UK (and realistically globally), very few people "choose" not to go. If you can go (to a mediocre or above uni), you go, it's that simple. Practically every decent job needs a degree and the earning stats back up this.

On biz it's brainlets who either couldn't get in or dropped out.

>> No.12542596

The difference in average net worth is actually far bigger than simple earnings. Check what you say instead of spouting lies

>> No.12542613

So we should base our education system on your anecdotal experiences? Yeah no one gives a fuck once you’re in, I was under the impression we were talking about new employment. Interviews are completely different if you’re already employed in your field and being headhunted. Obviously.

>> No.12542617


>t. IQ too low for college

>> No.12542619

I didn’t go to uni because I was too poor and saw 20,000 a year state tuition as a scam

Only thing I regret is not getting roasties but oh well

>> No.12542641

> my personal anecdote should be the norm for everyone

Congrats, you got your foot in the door without a degree. That doesn’t mean it should be the basis for our education and hiring systems

>> No.12542747

I didn't go to university and had already made 7 figures by age 20. I did go to community college though because it was free and my parents are typical boomers who believe the school meme. it was really dumb coloring book level nonsense, I didn't even bother to finish. Strangely I didn't fuck girls until I got out of that place but have since. Meanwhile everyone I know who went on to get bachelor's and masters degrees are working at shit jobs 80 hours a week constantly stressed out, have disappeared from society, and are incels.

>> No.12542764
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most people go to collge for a vacation as teenagers dont want to work, also people get degrees purely for prestige or status reasons still in 2019. this is well marketed by schools

especailly poor kids who still can have large loans prefer to get degree for such such reasons, cause some think this able them to climb social ladder i think. while some of them will pay for a worthless degree till 60 years old

70% however will be under employed or unable to find job for their field, thus such statistics which show only employed full time in field. also take in calculation student debt with interest payments, as we know most default on student debt eventually

>> No.12542783

>college 4 or five years from now will be a 18 month program,
It better be.

What makes college retarded are those stupid as FUUUUUUCK general ed classes. They make up half a bachelor's yet are basically fucking worthless.


>> No.12542791

Only reason I'm going to finish it is to transition from am electrician to a teacher.

Teaching is the easiest job in existence.

>> No.12543405

for shit pay tho

>> No.12543428

Its not the basis, it cant and it wont because simply there are too many low IQ retards. Anyone with a 3 digits IQ doesnt need formal education to make money or get the skills needed to make money.

>but they wont accept you as X if you dont have a degree
Well, then maybe you dont have to be a medic or a lawyer. Selling your own time is for double digit monkeys whose best idea in life is to make their time a bit more valuable by getting a degree but never getting the clue that selling your own time is still unproductive as fuck because your time is capped at 24 hours a day

>> No.12543459

At 22, I had $40,000 in savings when most of my peers were at least $40,000 in debt. That's why.

>> No.12543491
File: 1.21 MB, 4282x5000, happy merchant large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned software dev and a few practical skills on my own and I have a small business (consisting of a few different revenue streams), I bring in about $125k/yr at the moment, and that's in the midwest. I could have done better with some degrees but I'm so comfy working from a laptop and drinking on the job lmao. I think college is a scam for most people now. More accurately, I think about half of college attendees are fucking retards who should get into a trade or something else, and don't really need college per se. It's all totally arbitrary and even in cases where they do need college it's only because of degree inflation, not because the position's duties actually necessitate higher education

pic related

>> No.12543496

>signaling model. College degrees seem to replace IQ and aptitude tests which arent allowed anymore because they are racist
this also
but how long until this is false, too?
even diverse individuals go to college now so what's the point?

>> No.12543502

I only ever see low-IQ Reddit types posting this

>> No.12543549
File: 408 KB, 540x541, 1547921004183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw going to college with money I made off robinhood just because I'm bored

>> No.12543580

College isn't a meme, but it's prohibitively expensive for a lot of people. If your family can't send you money you gotta work on the side too and it kind of defeats the whole "networking" side of college. It's high risk/mediocre return for most anymore.

>> No.12543666

>>tfw going to college with money I made off robinhood just because I'm bored
what's your current net worth?
I kinda wanna do this but I'm too old for dorms nowadays, although I could pass as a youngfag easily

I wonder if dorms have an age limit lol
fox in the hen house ehh wink wink
>inb4 suicidal /r9k/ posts

>> No.12544349

25 y/o with a useless associate in sciences degree here, just did my 4th "switch jobs every 2 years before you're 30" meme and landed a $65k per year position installing fiber-optic cables.
Fuck loyalty, fuck university debts and those that willingly take it up the ass, just b yourself.