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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 620x644, AEDE58A4-ABD8-48CB-B894-C8510AD0D240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12540365 No.12540365 [Reply] [Original]

Buying holochain is the final stage of taking the redpill

>Doesn't hold HOT

Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?

>b-but its developed by hippies, trannies and POC!

And? You really think the future isn’t black, feminine, and beautiful?

>it's a shitcoin!!!

It's not. Holo currently has over 60 hApps in production, hackathons around the world, working websites, consistent github updates, and its proven to be faster as well as scale better than Ethereum. Holo is also working with Mozilla behind the scenes and they have been mentioned as a solution in UN documents regarding sustainable development goals going into 2030. You can find this here https://sphaera.world/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Billions%20to%20Trillions.pdf
Also. Look at who is partnered with Sphaera. The Rockefellers are in and so is their (((globalist))) money.

>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!

Who forces you to buy 100m every day, fucking peat-gavel

>> No.12540466
File: 747 KB, 1140x640, holoeventhorizon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where we're going we won't need eyes to see

>> No.12540484

still shilling your shitcoin i see.

>> No.12540519

What makes you think the token will appreciate in value? Good tokenomics?

>> No.12540534
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Anyone who buys it to ride the momentum just for profit I understand.

Anyone deluded into thinking a group of people who aren’t professionals and made the “trillion dollar industry disruptor 2.0” token that’s gonna “shake” the finance district and make Mr. Goldman and His BallSach” tremble -

That is not a recipe for grandeur that is a delusion of grandeur.

>> No.12540652
File: 341 KB, 702x641, D4FF098F-BAF0-4ABD-925B-64D3892D1695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely seething. Rent free faggots.

>> No.12540653

>"shake" the finance district
Have you researched Holo? They are trying to capture marketshare from Azure, Google Cloud and AWS. It's not a DeFi project. More importantly they have perfected their marketing image to the extent that this is a guaranteed moon and you will inevitably see it shilled on CNBC.

>> No.12540721

It basically writes itself for that. Up next, the HOT new project everyone is talking about.

>> No.12540747

This, plus it's nearly instant and it's free for the users. Only transactions are between the happs and the hosts so there is no bullshit for normies to wade through like ETH and EOS.

>> No.12541057

We are witnessing the start of a TRX like pump. Get ready for the giant green dildo to 200+sats. Unironically, WE ARE COMING IN WAVESSS WE ARE GOING TO CHANGE THE WORLD

>> No.12541285
File: 407 KB, 770x433, holosingularity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah my body is ready

>> No.12541634

Can’t deny those dubs. A lot of shills on twitter are chatting about it. Its only a matter of time before Suppoman and the youtube crowd make their shill videos. Time to buy is now imo.

>> No.12542275

>around 2000 holoports sold during ICO
>about 300 have been purchased since the last AMA
Don’t forget to add this to the pasta

>> No.12542674


>> No.12542797
File: 204 KB, 640x330, A4207273-0E17-483D-A242-D17C46F3DD35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God’s plan. This is the (((chosen))) coin.

>> No.12542819

I can’t fucking wait. Still buying every week! Only a more time left.

>> No.12542841

1k vits tonight

>> No.12542845

Keeping an eye on this project. I saw you guys shilling it a few days ago and I coulda made a killing, but didnt listen. Im watching closely and want to put in a ton, but Id have to be a complete moron to buy at its highest.

>> No.12542872

that's the safe play but if it passes a certain threshold there's no coming back

>> No.12542879
File: 216 KB, 1841x954, D3301DC0-799F-48DC-8C2B-509615579FC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy now before the shilling kicks into overdrive. Youtubers are just now starting to make vids, but I have yet to see a big player like Suppo make one. The XRP “army” on twitter is shilling it and posting graphs like pic related. Its only a matter of time before the self fulfilling parabolic prophecy manifests itself

>> No.12542940

This anon is spot on

>> No.12542963

100% this. We're rubbing up nicely against $0.001 now as well, but they could easily push us past a couple cents

>> No.12542969

fuck I finally bought in. I just can't stand it anymore. I've been shitting on this gay feet coin for months but now's the time. Bought 1 million... will I make it?

>> No.12542989

LOL wtf it's a scam you idiot. Sell before the team exits.

>> No.12542998

omg i just bought another millino before i saw your post why didnt you post faster!! fuck!!

>> No.12543009

Long term yes, but short term...who knows. Like this anon said >>12542963
The whales could push us up to a few cents easily, but who knows if they will do that or take it even higher.

>> No.12543040

If you hold then yes, without a doubt

>> No.12543093

HOT has made me so much money.

>tfw bought at 7 sats

i will literally retire off this coin.

>> No.12543155

How many you got Holobro? I only have 30 milly

>> No.12543541

6000 here. Will i make it?

>> No.12543556

6000 isn't /makeit/ money but you'll have the same gains as the rest of us percentage wise

>> No.12543570
File: 177 KB, 1599x942, 74DB7180-32CC-4091-A5A6-EF074F4123FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A big facial of HOT cum

>> No.12543578

I bought this coin on it's first day on IDEX, and I had 2M. I sold and now I only have 500k
Whatever, I'll be able to retire off of 500k USD when Holo hits $1 because I live frugally.

>> No.12543862

I lost 22m trying to swing trade and now I just have 4m. I’m with you frugal bro.

>> No.12543943
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Comfy af

>> No.12544007

jesus christ. fucking 22 million. You were set bro.

>> No.12544021 [DELETED] 

You're a retard. I would've killed for 22M HOT at any point.

>> No.12544038

It's gonna be bittersweet for us when it reaches a dollar.

>> No.12544044

exactly....sure.... you aren't a megawhale with 100 million but 22 million has to easily be more HOT than 95% of hodlers

>> No.12544056

Why? Because trannies will now have money and clout to get us to use their preferred pronouns or face jail time?

>> No.12544564
File: 235 KB, 948x1291, JEWESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to lock in gains during this... unsuccessfully. I sold at 815, literally only 10k.

I think my timidness with trading large amounts might have saved me? Hopefully we go back down.