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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12534032 No.12534032 [Reply] [Original]

6 months?
Year and 6 months?
2 years?
I'll say new ath in year and 6 months

>> No.12534044

Sounds plausible. General consensus seems to be that 2019 will be boring then things will take off in 2020 if they are going to take off.

>> No.12534051

6 months to a year most likely.

>> No.12534077

Who is pic related

>> No.12534079

>General consensus

>> No.12534089

short everything into the ground, with 1x leverage

it's going down and only down but the barts will get you

>> No.12534091

Backward-head Becky, notorious brapper of Bhutan

>> No.12534114

You have 60 minutes left to accumulate before next Golden Bull to end all runs.

>> No.12534200

That's why I said plausible and not that it's happening. That's what everybody's thinking so it probably won't happen that way.

>> No.12534325

the bottom of the last bear market sat in the $200-$300 range for over 6 months.

I still don't think weve capitulated though

>> No.12535054

10 years at least.

>> No.12535139

too much. Probably new ath in 2024 if anything

>> No.12535167

if it doesn't start to moon in 2020 then it probably never will

>> No.12535888
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it's dead

2017 was a fluke

if you didn't make it then

then you never will

charlie lee knew

>> No.12535957

If you have to ask you'll never make it, newfag.

>> No.12536037

My uncle shorted 100x just now, so don't you dare buy any bitcoin.

>> No.12536055

thanks for the sell signal

>> No.12536565

No movement before the next halvening
Accumulate faggots

>> No.12536804

Need to rape that braphog desu

>> No.12537026

you have forever to accumulate, brainlet

99.9% of the market, including bitcoin, is not ever coming back

>> No.12537190


Provided the banking industry doesn't collapse, which is likely to happen

>> No.12537459
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, CheersMyFellowStinky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have exactly 339 days to accumulate

>> No.12537555

No fluke, exponential growth. You must be new. Go back to rebbit

>> No.12537620
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>> No.12537628

>6 months to a year most likely.

>> No.12537680
File: 729 KB, 1240x1860, 07DBE2AD-14E7-4245-82EC-263BEB2FF1AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 months.

>> No.12537820
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few months buddy

>> No.12537824
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Further more

>> No.12537831

she part of the itty bitty titty committee

>> No.12537847


Anyway, yeah. Few months basically.
Bitcoin miners are natural sellers, they have to sell to pay for electricity. Miners sell on average 30*24*6*12.5 = 54.000 BTC each month.
After the halving (~May 2020) they only have to sell 27.000 BTC


Read this dummies. Follow the Federal Reserve's moves very closely. Follow all major central banks moves very closely (major European countries, Australia). Follow the macroeconomics of the world, and you'll know the plays to make with BTC.

>> No.12537863

Those are nice boobs dude

>> No.12537870


Pay close attention to interest rates. Read financial statements of publically listed and audited investment firms. See what they're doing with their money. (protip, theyre not buying crypto). What they're doing with their money is an indicator of the economic times ahead. Always follow the money. If you know how money is behaving (as dictated by central banks, and recognised by great analysts and economists) then you'll be a succesful investor. This price isn't cheap or expensive - it's just right. Economic uncertainty is priced in. Halving is priced in. Liquidity is priced in. Opportunity cost is priced in. Buy over the next few months, hold for 2 years and sell within 3 and convert your funds to tangible assets to increase your worth more than just a string of 1s and 0s.

>> No.12537877
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yes sir very kind bobs sir next please show vagene for daddy

>> No.12537886

If I'm not mistaken, BTC has never broken below the 200wk MA. If/when this happens, it will be a shitshow. Another 50% drop easily, like the one from 6k to 3k.

>> No.12537892

>tan line

>> No.12538038
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>> No.12538059


Another made up 'crucial' point of no return. Do you like horsecum with your TA anon?

>> No.12538082
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>> No.12538089
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Fuck you for posting this Ten.
She hit me right between the eyes.

>Too fat to ever be hot enough for her.
>Too dumb to ever be rich enough for her.
>Too dickless to ever satisfy her like a Chad.
>Too dull and timid to make her laugh.
>Too poor to even get her to cuck me for money.

Just fucking KILL me.

Literally why did God put ugly white nerds on the same Earth as these unobtainable angels?

>> No.12538099

That jew is kinda cute

>> No.12538107

god put you on this earth to suffer, you have chosen the pain of regret over the pain of discipline - and it is 100% your fault

>> No.12538112

All of those are baseless assumptions, anon. Sure, you're not the hottest, funniest, or smartest guy out there, but you're not a fucking neanderthal. You'd be surprised what kinda chicks you can get if you really try.

>> No.12538200
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I've reached the same conclusion as you, but I'm highly uneducated. How do you "follow the money"? Where can you even see these moves?

From my basic understanding, there's a fuckton of money in the world and it must go somewhere and make more. During the late 90s it went in the dotcom bubble. Once that popped it went in the housing market. After that popped it went back in the stock market and lately in the housing market again. Is this accurate or am I just spouting nonsense? If it's true, where will the money go next and most importantly how do you follow the money before the money is already there and you're forced to buy high?

>> No.12538219

Why are you being so vague? Just say where the money is going, I’m a brain let and can’t tell.

>> No.12538227

Also how can you tell that all this stuff is already priced in? Seems like your talking out your ass

>> No.12538237

Buy crypto

>> No.12538255

already did. My question is mostly post-crypto. That anon said to sell around 2021 and convert to tangible assets. What if tangible assets are still in a bubble and I buy the ATH and end up holding bags. Maybe I should buy stocks or whatever. In order to do that I need to know how to follow the money before it's already there. That's what I was hoping he could teach me. He mentioned financial statemes of publicly listed companies. Great, but that's only part of the picture. What about banks and other big dicks? Where/how do I see what they are doing with the money? I'm literally brainlet tier when it comes to this.

>> No.12538260

>You'd be surprised what kinda chicks you can get if you really try.
eat shit and die

>> No.12538270
File: 13 KB, 656x295, Screenshot_19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where/how do I see what they are doing with the money?
It's not that hard anon

>> No.12538271

Sell high to buy more crypto. btc will replace gold and protocols will threaten/replace corporations

>> No.12538805

Beatrice Bouchard

>> No.12538818

Who is your uncle

>> No.12539201

My TA says about 14 years

>> No.12539837
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wait for 1300$ btc, hold to 100k

>> No.12540563


kek has spoken. a bit ambiguous, i must say.
i choose the bull though

>> No.12540584

Uncle Oldfag

>> No.12540691


>> No.12540713

whole thread is chock full of digis

>> No.12541223

This. And also, good looking women are overrated and bad in bed. People (especially nerds) need to get women that "get" them and enjoy the companionship.

Helps to have a few 8s in your spankbank, but it's not really important as all women look like 10s when you're on a nofap schedule

>> No.12541674
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we'll be lucky to break $7k EOY, even if this is the bottom.
My guess is 2020 will break a new ATH until 2022.

>> No.12541790

>What they're doing with their money is an indicator of the economic times

What are they doing with their money? From what I see they're holding more cash this year.

>> No.12541881
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>t. boomer
also halving literally can't be priced in as it directly affects supply