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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12537056 No.12537056 [Reply] [Original]

Whats /biz/'s opinion on unions.

>> No.12537084

basically legalised gangs.

>> No.12537088

Jews hate them and try to FUD them hard

>> No.12537120

this, so much anti union bullshit across several boards. how can anyone be anti union and anti jew at the same time?

>> No.12537127

Unions are great, I can quite literally tell my boss to fuck off and take it up with the union. Its not in my contract? Yeah im not going to do that.... What do you mean you think I did X, Can you prove that ? No . Cool thanks for the chat there stan... No, i wont sign this... I dont have to, i disagree- Call my union.

Unions are the fucking best, anyone who thinks otherwise is just getting fucked by a union... i mean sure there is some dumbshit, and seniority is a dumb way to run things if you get retards into those slots - But if ur looking to do your work, and get paid. Unions are great... Theres no reason to NOT be in them if you are a blue collar based worker- Even some white collar jobs could benefit but we all know white collar is going to be getting massively downsized by smart contracts in the next 5 years.

and..... the fact that im a blue collar 9 to 5, and on weekends i freelance software / website / Data jobs which quite literally put white collars out of work indirectly.

>> No.12537129

The only reason we arent slaves and have basic working rights without Mr.Sheklestein being able to send all the profits back to Israel to fund the holy war against the filthy arabs.
You dont need unions good goy

>> No.12537176

Collective bargaining is a product of the free market. If you are and your coworkers are too stupid to figure out that there's strength in numbers, then you deserve to be poor.

t. union longshoreman

>> No.12537200

My coworkers and I are unironically trying to form a union. It seems pretty based and the company is jewing us hard so hopefully we vote and get the needed support

>> No.12537208
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unions are a good thing and anybody that says otherwise can fuck off

>> No.12537214

Unions are commie gangs and will be first in line to get the rope

>> No.12537219
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Die jew

>> No.12537226
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>> No.12537230

>supports commies
>calls others a jew

How much do the jidf pay you?

>> No.12537237
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my question is for people like you is, why? we both know you're a poorfag and most likely always be a poorfag. why on earth would you be against unions?

>> No.12537246
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You don't think workers deserve workplace protection and a fair cut of the products they sweat and bleed for?

>> No.12537247

Unions being bad is only taught in universities

>> No.12537257
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Take notice how quickly the jew recoils and deflects from the point of the argument onto something else... If you call a jew a swine or a parasite it shows now keel, but call a jew a jew and he recoils and gasps " I have been found out"

>> No.12537318
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I think unions are great personally. If you work in a smaller company I can get that it can be overwhelming for that company. But larger companies like Tesla who bay their line workers barely minimum wage (17/hr in the bay area) for a skilled job that destroys every join in your body and can fire you on a whim because you asked for some time off are straight abusive. And the people who are against it have never been put in a situation like I described.

>> No.12537348

What argument? I was responding to "die jew." Unions are socialist ideologically and uses democracy to bring about their end game. How do you have a white ethnostate and democracy at the same time, you fucking nog? Why the fuck do you think one of Hitlers first order of command was to abolish trade unions, send the leaders to concentration camps and replace them with the natsoc labor force, nigger?

>> No.12537373

But the tards on this site always tell me that Hitler did muh soshalizm, so aren't Unions clearly anti-bolshevik and therefore integral to free markets, democracies, ethnostates and warlorddoms alike?

>> No.12537392

Basically the only good jobs. Only time wagecucking is worth it.

>> No.12537600

Been is a union for ten years, fucking hate seeing cunts in my trade talk shit about unions, and they only talk shit because it gives them browning points from the kikes upstairs. It’s like they think if they suck up to their bosses they might get give the company or something, absolutely have no idea what goes through their thick fucking heads when kissing the bosses ass. They absolutely should be ashamed. I’m am definitely pro unions because I refuse to be a kike ass licker

>> No.12537610

Union jobs are unironically the last hope for society

>> No.12537617

I'm in the software biz and if programmers unionized it would kill the entire industry from 100% raw pajeeting. As opposed to the current state of 40% raw pajeeting.

>> No.12537622

Exactly. Union haters are straight up retarded. Same work for less pay. It's like they LIKE being cucked.

>> No.12537632

they killed the industry with Pajeetery anyways. when will you idiots realize you're only facilitating them to slowly phase you out? you think if you do Mr. Shekelberg a favor he's still going to keep you if he can replace you with a Pajeet for half the cost? All you're doing is buying him some time. I'ts purely a business transaction, there is no loyalty.

>> No.12537673


If you guys actually unionized they would stop hiring pajeets in general because they would only hire people that are GOOD.

>> No.12537678


>> No.12537710

Yikes dont give them that idea

>> No.12537779

Hate unions. I used to manage 20 union employees and one of them was literally insane and just got off on how far he could push things. Made over $100k/year. He has threatened to cause bodily harm to his co-workers. I caught him masturbating at his desk. He smeared peanut butter on a co-workers desk who is allergic and generally refused to work. He just looked at memes and porn all day. He was the most senior so there's no consideration for the other 19 employees who were doing their job. I literally could not fire him without union sign off (who in management agreed to that in the contract!?) or else he is immediately reinstated and receives triple back pay for any time lost. The only thing I could do without union approval was to find a business reason to transfer the position to another location. Knowing he was in the middle of a nasty custody battle with his ex wife, I transferred his position 1000 miles away and he quit so he could still see his kids.