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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12537016 No.12537016 [Reply] [Original]

This kills the scammers and shills

>> No.12538145

not so fast

>> No.12538165

I should have done this eons ago

>> No.12538172

jesus tell me about it, cant even get a decent holo thread with link everywhere

>> No.12538184


>> No.12538281
File: 119 KB, 509x1091, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Again, you faggot do not seem to be able to learn: I'll post an effective filter here once again. Please refrain from making such a mediocre post again. Thank you.

>> No.12538479

The schlop filter is going a bit too far

>> No.12538490


I believe, I know you already. I feel it is exactly right to have one.

>> No.12538492

The retard filter

>> No.12538504
File: 501 KB, 506x380, 1544090299672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot 'mainnet'.

>> No.12538507


But why? /biz/ is a little less crap this way.

>> No.12538508

what the fuck? This board is probably only 25% as active with those filters.

>> No.12538516

Mongolian chad crushes pussy

>> No.12538520
File: 83 KB, 1174x741, F10110FE-C7DA-4B4A-9CF8-319A61CEA783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're absolutely moronic. Pic related. Pajeet p&d's don't last for over a year do they? And wtf are you holding, SV or some shit? Kys op.

>> No.12538533

Try completely empty - it's from retards that don't understand that /biz/ is now, has always been, and was in its very inception about crypto. It's mainly whining from absolute brainlets that can't tell a pajeet from a regular anon. It's like how retards on /pol/ think anyone that they hate is a kike or a nigger - even when it's obviously not one just from the way they talk.

>> No.12538534

wasn't it 60 cents a couple months ago?

>> No.12538592


I'd say considerably less. Yes and I like it that way, because the rest is just worth discussing.

>> No.12538594

Nope, had a meh run up before the last big drop, back when CSW threw a tantrum and dumped the whole market down - and no, I don't care if something drops as a consequence of the whole market dropping by 50%. What's important is how far it diverges overall from the trend. So I bought at 22c a few months ago, have swung in and out over time. Low of 17c at one point, sad I missed that. Go back and look at the chart - it was way up over $1 back during the 2017 bullrun, and yeah - a bunch of retards got burned. As they did with any other coin that they bought the top of.

Take a look at Holo as well - shilled the same way with the same kind of memes, and it's had an incredible run. What do they have in common? Teams full of White people & barely any marketing outside of /biz/. Funny that, you'd think if it was pajeets shilling it, you'd see em pop up everywhere, same way you see SV, Ven etc. Almost like it really is just typical 4chan autism and not pajeets at all. Hmmm.....
Regardless I'm up x5 for the year between the 2 of them despite the bear. Point being, these retards hiding threads are exactly that - retarded. Probably hold REQ or OMG or other obvious non-starters too.

>> No.12538600

No, it really isn't. Affiliate marketing for the dozenth time? Drop shipping thread #7546883? And apart from that - fuck off and die tripfag.

>> No.12538618

i dont think you understand the point of this post right?

>> No.12538662


I looking into the career, unemployment, job searching topics on the one hand. On the other I'm always trying to support classical trading/investing threads. Sometimes I'll have a look at let's say alternative ways to make money aka making money online, /smg/, /entg. I do not have problems finding interesting topics that have nothing to do with shitcoins.

>> No.12538876


>blocking *schlop*

Fucking disgraceful.

>> No.12538948

How am I still seeing some threads even when I use the filters?

>> No.12539129

how is /biz so good

>> No.12539210
File: 59 KB, 390x762, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Improved your filter bro.

>> No.12539440

kys scammers

>> No.12539493


Will have a look later. Looks sane. Thanks for the effort.

>> No.12539907

Just noticed that I didn't add the i flag for case-insensitive on /xrp/. Might want to add that in.