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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12536616 No.12536616 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12536620
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>> No.12536622

cringelinkers out in full force todAY

>> No.12536645


>> No.12536653

Sergey really needs Tom to do the public speaking from now on and Sergey needs to stay at home being a philosopher or whatever it is that he does because it's clear the time has come for more experienced leadership to take control.

>> No.12536665

this, but unironically

>> No.12536669
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Based Daniel did good today
I hope Sergey doesn't hate us more now...

>> No.12536680

He got mad at the end I think

>> No.12536687

Glad to see you made it safe to Cali bro!
This guy's the same hero who asked Sergey when mainnet in NYC
Thanks for the livestream

>> No.12536691

thanks daniel
sorry sergey

>> No.12536716

so when mainet..... sometime this year

>> No.12536734
File: 3.20 MB, 320x180, excited sergey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ting* *ting* *ting*
I would like to announce
linkmarine Daniel Zukerberg
yes that's right

>> No.12536755


>> No.12536759

Hidden camera?

>> No.12536771


>> No.12536773

Don't think he was angry per se but Dan really annoyed him for sure. He was having a good conversation and seemed to be having fun with the guys he offered beers to, they were joking around and loosening up and Dan runs out of nowhere to interrupt probably the part of the night where sergey was the most relaxed so far. He was turning his brain off of work mode and here comes a guy asking really autistic questions that weren't that technical but we're trying to seem technical. Buzz kill for Sergey for sure.

>> No.12536800

He seemed a little happier once he realized Dan was streaming for "the community" and he wasn't just wasting his time satisfying the curiosity of one random dude

>> No.12536816

Hiring is bullish docusign is bullish Tom obviously is going to die soon so they need to get this released before that happens

>> No.12536825


Yeah, appreciate Daniel for the quality stream, but Sergey does these presentations to attract big players, developers, and data providers and the majority of what he actually gets are autistic 4chan fanboys.

I could 100% see the disappointment in his face after most of the questions or requests to take pictures...

Sergey deserves better.

>> No.12536829

He was pretty excited when Danny Devito from Blockfolio was talking to him.

>> No.12536842

Sergey doesn't deserve big players at this stage, especially after his shit special he put on tonight. He's LUCKY to have a community as supportive as we are

>> No.12536849
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When he popped on screen I realized that Lieutenant Daniel was also at the NY meetup.

This marine is traveling coast to coast for Sergey

>> No.12536858

Accept your derision, swine. You warrant it for the stupid shit posted here and on Tweeter.

>> No.12536868

he's adelyn's boyfriend

>> No.12536936

Holy shit, he is getting huge.

>> No.12536978

its the stress of knowing you have a 30 million obligation to your "shareholders" and yet have no idea how to create the product you promised

>> No.12537101

He's from Cali originally I think. Remember him saying he came from Cali when he was at the NYC meet. And yes, he's the one who asked "when mainnet" in NYC and Sergey said "a matter of months"

>> No.12537116


>> No.12537118

if sergey knew the stream was for 4chan he might have punched daniel in the face

>> No.12537119

say it with me

>> No.12537196

fucking based, wish he did it again tonight.

>> No.12537218

The thing about crypto is that there is no obligation. Sergey can legally exit scam

>> No.12537259

>t. Sergey is butthurt and trolling /biz/
We're sorry Fuhrer, we'll report to the punishing room immediately.

>> No.12537280
File: 979 KB, 320x180, harambesnackin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think this is a motherfucking game?

>> No.12537311

You could just fork it, bro. It’s just a JSON parser, how hard could it be?

>> No.12537344



>> No.12537536

Thanks Zuck

>> No.12537923

She wouldn't give him the time of day... Chad was slaying that after the chat...

>> No.12537927


>> No.12538114

all forks will be sybil attacked by the collective autism of /biz/ ;]

>> No.12538154

>snagged a quasi-exclusive PoC presentation with Swift
>has a list of major users lined up before mainnet (Accord, Consensys, Kaleido, ...)
>got namedropped by the likes of World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, CapGemini, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gartner ...
>acquired the premier secure enclave developer backed entirely by Cornell brainpower (TownCrier)
>had the foresight to claim the "smartcontract.com" domain before ETH was even a thing
>is leading the first (and for all intents and purposes only) project that's working on the next big development in both legacy and crypto finance

>"Sergey is an unexperienced leader"

Yikes, my dudes.

>> No.12538178

fudders btfo

>> No.12538202

>Sergey: "ah this is a stream?"
>Daniel: "yes i ask my mommy before"
>Daniel: "you have a lot of exciting fans"
>Sergey: "is it still streaming"?
>Daniel: "i can turn it off"

after that sergey punched him in the face and told him to never ever stream again to 4chan fags.

>> No.12538208

Daaaaaammnnnnn Daniel, back at it again with the videos

>> No.12538225

I never said he was an inexperienced leader only that, at this stage, it seems wise to let Tom handle the public relations side of things. He didn't deliver the best performance and he's been doing the same speech for what a few years?
> Props to him for his past success though I'm not going to ignore that

>> No.12538283

You must think everyone over the age of 20 is “gonna die soon”

>> No.12538394
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>> No.12538681

Maybe at this stage you should stop posting.

>> No.12538713
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no wonder you cock suckers worship him so much, hes fat with no working product

>> No.12538777


>> No.12538888

>Danny Devito


>> No.12538894
File: 711 KB, 1094x616, 1526157293355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no. ohh no no no no

Sergey is NOT happy about this

>> No.12538908

Has Sergey gained weight? :(

>> No.12538909

okay, what's with the shirt. does he think it's funny?