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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12528486 No.12528486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You want a serious, politically neutral answer to how modern society works?

Newsflash, it's all about money. Humans are instinctually driven to accumulate resources.

Liberal policies stimulate consumer spending, as poor people get more free handouts and welfare (poors are by far the largest spenders in any society, as they are many and they're too dumb to save) this increase in consume boosts the economy and the money in circulation.

Meanwhile, Republican policies stimulate entreprenurial efforts by incentivising more and more people to create businesses, and cooperate with big business to stop them from leaving the country. These periods aren't as econlmically stimulating in the short-term since poor people can't consume as much - however it is what keeps USA as the prime country for business and capitalism.

In summary: It's a symbiotic relationship and builds a system that cannot function if tipped too far towards either side of the scale. 30 years under either republicans or democrats would not be feasible.

Everyone in politics knows this - it's not a coincidence that the dichotomy between left and right is so clearly split at 50/50 levels. The masses are fooled to think the forces that control society are left/right when it's actually up/down.

>> No.12528497

Nice reddit spacing, faggot.

Anyone reading this: look up "Biological Leninism". It's a good framework for what drives politics.

>> No.12528511

cease the means are production
from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs

socialism is about to be wiped out of the face of this planet, you have 15 years until the last bastion China is completely offed

pro tip, the democrat money comes from china

>> No.12528542

I seriously don't know why simple structural paragraphing is referred to as "Reddit spacing". Is a popular message board your only reference to proper text structure? Sad.

Spacing is a practical way to separate different streams of consciousness, and has been used for centuries across many cultures for that purpose. If my applying this framework for the sake of making the wall of text somewhat readable, then by all means let me use "Reddit spacing".


>> No.12528555

Modern countries with 350 mill populations don't work like that.

>> No.12528563
File: 33 KB, 600x458, trump-smirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sentence isn't a paragraph.

>> No.12528593

When a huge portion of would-be readers are using mobile, long-strung sentences soon become unwieldy.

But I'm just a journalist/blogger/website admin wtf do i know

>> No.12528613

United Socialist of America
in late term abortion we trust

I hope you have lead immunity

>> No.12528646

Go away please and thank you

>> No.12528649
File: 140 KB, 360x360, 1544403536933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I'm just a journalist

Not a good thing to admit, brah.

>> No.12528660

I'm 22 and make 70k a year from journalism, so I'm pretty proud atm actually.

Let's just say I'm not from America

>> No.12528682


>> No.12528684
File: 30 KB, 509x371, 1546843036757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((Let's))) (((just))) (((say))) (((I'm))) (((not))) (((from))) (((America)))

>> No.12528746

>how modern society works?

The religion of the holocaust makes jews the sacred cow, while they push selflessness and demonize in group favoritism as culture for Whites. While they get away with having an ethnotheocratic invader country.

>> No.12528782

liberal:left part of the system that keeps the poor happy enough to continue operating
republican:right part of the system that keeps the economy strong enough to prevent regime change
money:bullshit raining down from above us
marx:trapdoor below us that will flip the system on its head

>> No.12528787

piss off you new fag fuckin fuck.

>> No.12528789


kill yourself nigger

>> No.12529134

in the age of automation all your small businesses will fail with 90% chance. Good luck competing with amazon and other large corporations. It's not 1950s anymore to open up a local shop and make a living off that

>> No.12529422

Funny how this exact thread got 10x more valid, business/finance oriented and less racist responses in /pol/.