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12527612 No.12527612 [Reply] [Original]

paintbucket europe thread

>> No.12527620


>> No.12527626

No no, he's a lost /int/fag. Go to sleep you moron.

>> No.12527634

WOW nice going you fucking spanner monkey how about you just fuck off

>> No.12527646

I like all of them, literally no other continent matters.

>> No.12527665
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DGAF about most countries

Irish can fuck off tho, and the Turks.

>> No.12527669

also, Jersey and Guernsey are British, not French

>> No.12527675

all light green/red

>> No.12527685
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>> No.12527702 [DELETED] 

>t. hedgefund manager

>> No.12527710
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>kill turkey with fire but loves albania and kosovo

>> No.12527721
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>t. hedgefund manager

>> No.12527775

Based Corsican poster, why do you hate Liechtenstein though desu

>> No.12527789
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>> No.12527855

So ?

>> No.12527869

They are the same people. Balkan muslims(bosniaks and albanians) are turks
t. live here

>> No.12527873
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>> No.12527888
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Dirty nigs

>> No.12527945
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>> No.12527959
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>tfw romanian fag and everyone has either mixed feelings or want to nuke us

>> No.12527968

haha mixed feelings because shithole country, buy hot cheap women

>> No.12527994

build infrastructure, manufacturing and public works, link blacksea to hungary

aside from ur trade balance sorted, go for an agrarian economy based on hemp products (infrastructure to food) and commercialise indica and sativa

>> No.12528030

My neighbour, why the hate for austria?

>> No.12528056

it's because of your gypsies

>> No.12528071
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>> No.12528089

your people are arrogant because you are a lot richer than us
you were on the right side of the fence after ww2
you think of us as plebs, and lower class people
your people are stuck up and snooty, and you represent the worst kind of globalism, multirculturalism, pc, socialist, gender, feminist faggotry

>> No.12528095
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you had too much vodka, ivan, but dont worry, i got you senpai.

>> No.12528104
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>> No.12528107

If you speak of the faggots in vienna, yes.
Not all of austria.
No more brother wars my friend.
Hate those few idiots but keep an open hand for the rest.

>> No.12528119

Je vois que t'es romand, quel est le sentiment vers les polonais en Genève ? J'ai une possibilité d'aller y travailler en Novembre

>> No.12528135

Enjoy being a pig farmer after brexit.

>> No.12528148

No I'm not french
All I'm hearing in central/east switzerland is that poles are cheap,hard working people with mostly pretty good education

>> No.12528173
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t. wolga german

>> No.12528174

Yeah and you can fuck off too you prick

>> No.12528180

tripple nuke unequivicolly ends europe

>> No.12528198
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Ok, I can make this quick and easy. I am coming from Germany, a country that I hate, and I would instantly push the button for nuking the whole world. Yes, before you ask, I am a doomer.

>> No.12528202



what is /pol/?

>> No.12528207

I fucking hate pol now

>> No.12528223
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It's not as bad as make it out to be. Maybe go out more (presuming you don't live in shitty areas). Me myself will use up tax payer money for university and leave this shithole of a country.

>> No.12528233
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>> No.12528236


>304 applications for my first job
>fixed-term contract
>jobless for 6 months now

No, I don't think so.

>> No.12528300
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Ouch, I thought Doomers were all in their twenties. Don't be scared to change things up in life, I'll cheer for you anonymously.

>> No.12528339
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yeah, but we exported most of our gypises to you so we don't have a gypsy problem now.

>> No.12528342

Så, du kan godt lige svenskerne..

>> No.12528367

Ba, sa moara mama. Taci-n Pula mea ca se prind astia.

>> No.12528368
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>> No.12528379

post the 2/2 followup

>> No.12528454
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>> No.12528464

Why do so many people don't like french?

>> No.12528478

Baggethes are difficult to eat.

>> No.12528479
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triggered uk dogshit faggots incoming

love russia only because of the people in central and eastern russia

>> No.12528496

>T. Better 20 year plan than the last 20 govts combined.

>> No.12528502

I OK'd you

>> No.12528515

if you encourage ur people to travel to the black sea partners and hungrary they can set up business connections and relations so these relations should be bilateral as trade policy and partners also culturally, economically, tourism and travel through cross subsidization deals and a league thats beneficial to you, and dont waste energy where its not to them

>> No.12528530

gypsies ruined your reputation forever

>> No.12528535

How the fuck can you dislike Ireland?

>> No.12528800
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>> No.12528886
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>> No.12528915

You like Turkey so your opinion is instantly trashed

>> No.12529219
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>> No.12529242

What did Belgium ever do to you guys.

>> No.12529345
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That's where all the (((globalist))) sit. Also fuck Belgium for not letting the German army pass and then crying for getting blitz'd.

>> No.12529399

Absolute Sociopath

>> No.12529429

lmao bulgarian subhuman
classic inferiority complex

>> No.12529611

>Hey belgium, give us access so we can genocide the innocent people south of you
>Wtf no
>Ok I guess we'll just genocide you as well
If globalists really are in control in Belgium then that's germany's fault to by starting such a dumbfuck war and giving other parties the opportunity to seize power in Belgium.
I'm not even Belgian but wehraboos are the most retarded people on earth.

>> No.12529651
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>OP didn't include Israel as an inset

>> No.12529700

turk here, why do you all hate us? we did nothing wrong

>> No.12529722

i don't hear the swiss speaking badly about polish people. German Television brainwashed the people into thinking the poles are all thieves and the turks are noble god-like creatures but reality is the complete opposite, but i don't know about the french swiss, they are far more tolerant towards muslims than the german speaking part.

But if you got the option to work in Geneva you should probably do it, the cost of living is insane in Geneva and so the wages are probably gonna be quite decent.

Je ne parle pas francais

>> No.12529748
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I guess it takes a lot for me to dislike a place

>> No.12529758

except for stabbing people, raping women, and turning entire neighborhoods into shithole ghettos.

Maybe stop allowing retarded turks to leave the country so they don't end up giving everyone a bad impression about Turkey.

>> No.12529795 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12529821

What the fuck have we ever done to you to get nuked before the french?

>> No.12529823
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Nuking is too ethical, also, I would want the land to still be of use.
Kill with fire is the only option.

>> No.12529826


>> No.12529845
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>> No.12529902
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Yeah sure, Germany wanted a war with France...and genocide everyone. Whatever floats your boat.
I dislike Turkey, because Turkey dislikes me. In Germany you guys build your mosques everywhere, but don't you dare even building one church in Turkey. Also most 2nd generation Immigrants are insufferable as fuck.

>> No.12529953
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>> No.12529983

haha probably cos irish men come over and rattle your skanky women

>> No.12530004
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>everybody loves Polan
Polan can into frens!

>> No.12530042
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>> No.12530043
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>> No.12530057

Why people dislike the french, they are stupid but honest people aren't they?

>> No.12530091

>Why people dislike the french, they are stupid but honest people aren't they?

They're arrogant and bitter.

>> No.12530095
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mostly OK with anything that's not a tax haven, (((banking))) country, or a fucked up socio-racial experiment like the balkans. No islam allowed aswell.

Netherlands and Belgium are cucks and oranje fits them well so fuck... why not?

>> No.12530179
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>> No.12530486

Why the fuck would someone dislike Portugal and like Spain? They're almost identical cultures.

>> No.12530505

this. doesnt make sense

>> No.12530611
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>> No.12530664
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Trips of wisdom

>> No.12530671

You guys are known globally to be rapists and using knifes even in the fairest of fist fights... its not a good look... You guys also tend to be greasy and smell, and are unnecessarily over-aggressive for small matters.

>> No.12530746
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make germany great again

>> No.12530757

Turks are gentlemen compared to other arabs.

North africans and egyptians are worse.

At least Turks are -somehow- civilized (Ottoman empire).

>> No.12530798

how much chainlink do you hold dude...

>> No.12530799
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Yes but the standard to which you are compared is not other arabs countries but europe. May Allah nuke your fucking ground you filthy turks

>> No.12530836

Turks are so considerate, they sometimes come in groups to me and ask me if I got a problem.
Jokes aside, yes Turks are one of the best Shitskins, but that still doesn't make you pleasant. I only experience Turks living in Germany tho. Most Germans can't distinguish between Shitskins, so they think most of those others are Turks. Also: REEEEE GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY.

>> No.12530841
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>> No.12530850
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>> No.12530863
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>> No.12530886

I'm not Turk. Just saying. When you experience everyday algerians for a few years (possibly one of the worse), and they experience Turks, it's a relief.

>> No.12530895

If you're in London, you shouldn't need to ask. If you're in Belgium, you're responsible for Brussels and everything that comes with it. Luxembourg is a den of rich people assfucking rest of europe for profit. Andorra because it's a pain to get there and it's not worth seeing at all.

>> No.12530904


>> No.12530905
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good evening my frens

>> No.12530933

this board is for whites only

>> No.12530953

oh didn't know it's a slavic board

>> No.12530999

i guess european union lol

>> No.12531667
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Nuking is too fast. Let's just set fire on it all and wait slowly.

>> No.12531694 [DELETED] 
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