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12526313 No.12526313 [Reply] [Original]

>Be Me
>30 minutes ago
>Log into MyEtherWallet via Nano S Ledger
>Discover all Chainlink + Ethereum = Gone
>85,000 tokens lifted

I am fucked.

>> No.12526332

i bet you just dont know how to use MEW's ui and just didnt find the tokens.
you probably dont even know how to check transactions.

>> No.12526342

I'm looking at the list of transaction where all my addresses were lifted 19 days ago.

>> No.12526380
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>> No.12526383

Cristiano is better.

>> No.12526387

Guys how is that possible with the nano ledger on mew?

>> No.12526406

Dont "log in" to MEW moron, just look at your wallet using etherscan

either bait or you didn't deserve the tokens in the first place, and in that case it was a physical hack

>> No.12526425


>Dont "log in" to MEW moron, just look at your wallet using etherscan

I didn't log in to MyEtherWallet, just viewed my balances and used the website interface to use the Nano

>> No.12526436

Fook Ronaldo

>> No.12526448

I don't understand how the fuck this happened. Nano's are supposed to be unhackable when used properly.

>> No.12526450

Im confused. Don't they physically need his nano ledger s to gain access to his funds. Even if they got his login details for mew how did they bypass the nano ledger?

>> No.12526454

correct, had to be physical

>> No.12526458

>Be Me
>30 minutes ago
>Log into MyEtherWallet via Nano S Ledger
>I didn't log in to MyEtherWallet

which is it?

view balances via etherscan, no need to use ledger unless signing a transaction

>> No.12526460

Seems like bait

>> No.12526466

Basic bitch level bait, get a life you fucking loser

>> No.12526468

proof or LARP

>> No.12526470

seems like a pre-cursor to begging

>> No.12526481

its literally impossible to be remotely hacked if your funds were on a Ledger

the only possibility is that either you're lying, you're not looking in the right place for your tokens, or someone physically gained access to your Ledger and guessed your 4-digit PIN (please don't tell me you use something common like a birthday, or a bank card PIN that friends/family might already know)

>> No.12526492


My life is fucking turned upside down.

What proof can I offer of this?

Here is the address where my coins are now sitting:


>> No.12526506

You don't use a ledger to 'log in' to view your balance.
You didn't have email alerts to notify you of any activity on your address - only discovering the missing LINK 29 days later.
OP is a faggot

>> No.12526509


>its literally impossible to be remotely hacked if your funds were on a Ledger

All my tokens were on the ledger

>the only possibility is that either you're lying

I am 100% not lying.

>you're not looking in the right place for your tokens

I posted the link to the address where all my funds were lifted to

>or someone physically gained access to your Ledger and guessed your 4-digit PIN (please don't tell me you use something common like a birthday, or a bank card PIN that

The pin to unlock my Nano is 8 characters, not 4.

>> No.12526517


I didnt fucking log-in to the website, I used the website to unlock my Nano and view my balances and move funds out. No, I didnt have any alerts.

>> No.12526522

Your info is probably sold on the internet. Your not organized. You slipped up and got key logged. You could still be larping. Should of just left it on binance if your so clumsy

>> No.12526524

Someone who was in your living area obviously did it or there is some unknown vulnerability to the ledger. Or you are are stupidly storing your seed phrase on your computer or online somewhere.

>> No.12526532

>unlock my Nano

>> No.12526535

Has something like this happened to anyone else browsing biz?

>> No.12526542

>key logged.
what exactly do you think the purpose of a hardware wallet is anon

>> No.12526550

Ah. This is just a LARP. Carry on boys.

>> No.12526555

Do you have a explanation?.... I thought so, this whole thing doesn’t make sense

>> No.12526559

So you're the first one in the world that got your nano hacked without it being physically stolen? kys.

The ONLY thing is, you didn't happen to have your recovery phrased saved on your phone or PC did you?

>> No.12526562

It does not matter. Even if your computer was filled with keyloggers, those type of trojan programs or other malware that take pictures of your screen in real time: it does not matter.

Your Private Key never leaves the Ledger. You need to physically confirm the transactions that leave out of your wallet.

It simply is not possible, only possibility is that you don't have a real Ledger: you have bought some Chinese fake Ledger from a untrusted source or vendor. Or someone close to you has seen the seed phrases.

There is no other way, I am sorry.

It really is impossible to "steal your funds" if
>You bought your Ledger Nano S straight from Ledger.com
>You athenticated it through the Ledger Live program to see it is a fresh install
>You generated the Seed phrases upon starting

Sorry, impossibility.

I am comfortable using Nano even with totally infected computers with keyloggers solely designed for stealing funds from Ether-wallets for this fact.
ONLY possibility other than is infected program that changes the deposit address IN YOUR BROWSER. But you can even confirm where you are sending the transaction on your Ledger screen. Always check you are sending the funds to the right address, and not some address that the malware changed at the last second.

>> No.12526566

Im so tired from this I cant even see straight. Ill be back online tomorrow after I have time to process this further.

>> No.12526604

You can use Ledger Nano S comfortably with keyloggers and infected computers, it was designed solely this fact in mind.

Granted you don't actually type out/store your seed phrases onto the computer.

>> No.12526605

i gave one. physical theft/"hack"

most likely is stolen seed phrase

>> No.12526609

As I said it doesn’t make sense all of this is fake news

>> No.12526612
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see you back after the fireside chat

>> No.12526614

The only possible option is you saved your private key somewhere digital like dropbox or in an email

>> No.12526615

honestly you deserve it for being stupid enough to make some fat NEET philosopher rich for doing nothing (aka holding LINK)

>> No.12526625

Which is the safest hardware wallet to store you link tokens? Do you think a Trezor is safer?

>> No.12526627

If the Nazi's had Ambrosus there would be no questions about the six million.

>> No.12526631

that's over 40k usd, damn anon.


>> No.12526635

The ledger is safe. OP is just stupid

>> No.12526641

i bet OP is a psyop from Trezor to fud on Ledger.

Either that or LARP. Thats not how these devices work.

>> No.12526642

Its closer to 20k. Op had 40k linkies stolen from him. Not the 86k you see.

>> No.12526650

Technically and hardware-wise, Nano Ledger is more "high quality" than Trezor. I am not a nano-shill, but there are sites and reviews which compare the two.

Nano, when installed properly following the instructions, is a foolproof piece of hardware.

I am comfortable making any ERC-based transactions like LINK with Ledger while browsing shady Porn sites that anti-virus would give warnings constantly. I would be comfortable to even give remote access to hackers to view what is happening on my computer screen while signing transacitons with Nano.

>> No.12526653

I think im going to buy the Trezor. Should I reconsider?

>> No.12526661

Trezor is open s ource though. If there were any vulnerabilities in the code people would see it.

>> No.12526666

Those meme wallets are riddled with back doors you'd have to be a retard to get one delivered

>> No.12526691

The bottom line is: before Quantum era, it is almost physical impossibility to "hack" seed phrase generated wallets

It might be possible with Quantum computing crytopgraphy and encryption-wise, but this is like speculating that in the future we might make cars that can achieve the speed of light.

>> No.12526697

I riddled your moms backdoor

>> No.12526715

>Should of
Based retard

>> No.12526717

I think you're just jelly of those sweet ass digits

>> No.12526737

General security question: Is it really that stupid to keep your seed phrases encrypted and stored on Google Drive or whatever? I know it's not best practice but I can think of no better way to make sure I'll always have access in case the unthinkable happened, like a housefire or being robbed by a nerd or some other very unlikely event. Still, less likely than someone hypnotizing me into giving them my unique password for the encrypted file.

>> No.12526775

Get whatever makes you happy

>> No.12526795
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Have a (you) because that was a great explanation. Thanks. I hate seeing all the misunderstandings in the crypto space.

>> No.12526841

Some possibilities.

1)You bought a nano S that had a chip installed inside it. Open it to see if there is something extra inside that shouldn't be there.

2) infected ledger software in chrome browser that changed the address you sent it to. Like someone said, you have to check the ledger hardware before sending to make sure it matches the address on your PC.

3) MEW has been hacked before. If you used the ledger nano while MEW was hacked you could lose your funds. Make sure to check that the website has proper certificates before using nano S.

4) someone found your 24 word recovery phrases or you were dumb enough to put them on your PC or smartphone.

>> No.12526854

Well OP you got me I checked and still got all my linkies, might buy another ledger and split em' up for my own sanity

>> No.12526858

Keepass database my nigga

>> No.12526861

aka. user error

>> No.12526880

hardware wallets for crypto got easily hacked by ccc berlin i think. they gave explainations and insights on their summit some time again.
topkek at amerifags who think they are save with their topkek cryptowallets

>> No.12526890

Please do this anon, dont be like OP.

>> No.12526893


>chainlink thread
>fake hack FUD

when will you linkies learn? scam + fake fud in a single thread wewwwwwwww lads

>> No.12526901


Minor correction, mew has not been hacked but Google DNS has been.


>> No.12526911

>2) infected ledger software in chrome browser that changed the address you sent it to. Like someone said, you have to check the ledger hardware before sending to make sure it matches the address on your PC.
i bet it was this one. i read theres tons of such cases happening after you download torrents

>> No.12526918

Inbefore OP has a torrented office and hacked xtreme edition Windows

>> No.12526934

Yet another possibility has to do with the recent BTC wallet crucial vulnerability they might have used to gain access. Ledger won't talk about the details about this yet.

OP, tell us how you initialised the device. How you stored your 24 word phrase. How you purchased the device. Whether there was anything inside the device. Whom you told about owning crypto. Do you live alone?

>> No.12526935

i have a torrented office but i dont think thats the problem.
i understand the malware is an extra file that gets downloaded with the torrented files.

>> No.12526942

Holy fuck this thread is gay as fuck

>> No.12527125

You cant be serious

>> No.12527477


>85,000 tokens lifted
>shows transfer of 43,000

>> No.12527544

different addresses

>> No.12527556

Well, not as fucked as Messi in that pic when he failed the penalty kek

>> No.12527716

Did you use a seed that came on a scratch pad with nano s?

>> No.12527720


>> No.12527797

Yes, they can be hacked.

Not in a sense that you are some Pajeet from India and you infect someone's computer with keyloggers and other type of malware and wait them to open MyEtherWallet

Does not work that way.

Hardware wallets can be hacked, but you have to physically modify the product in question, you NEED physical access to the product or some kind of alteration.

Show me one case of someone cracking Ledger Nano S without some sort of real life interference with the product or owner

>> No.12527826


There is a website called "The Eye" that literally pulls from Google drives and other open directories and anyone can download from it. That's why it's a bad idea. I've downloaded TBs off of open directories because of that site.

>> No.12527883

This, they are centralized shit pies and the most obvious mass backdoor

>> No.12527960

If you actually check the google trends, those searches were coming from Zurich. Completely different location. Also, with how sharp the spikes are, it's clear that there were very few searches. Not LINK related at all.

>> No.12528170

No, is not the best practice. If you're going that route, make sure you have the best encryption available for it. Put the keys in a 7z file, or encrypt them in a volume with VeraCrypt.
TL;DR Encryption. With an actual good password randomly generated. Save that pass on another place inside a KeePass database.

>> No.12528213

absolutely shit larp. all 85k LINK come from 6 different wallets, all of which got LINK at different times. fucking kys you weird ass larper

>> No.12528816


Yes, all 85,000 came from 6 different ADDRESSES that were stored on my Nano. I had all the tokens in different addresses.

This is not a larp.

>> No.12528878

Sorry to hear this has happened anon. I was hacked for a few grand worth of coins last month. Your situation is way worse though. I believe this is probably an inside job, as hacking a ledger is pretty much impossible. Think who knew you held link and who may have been able to steal your keys.

>> No.12528919

Makes me feel p gud about keeping all my shit on Binance, heh

>> No.12528932

if it's not a larp im glad you lost your chuckecheese tokens you extreme faggot

>> No.12528953

Like others have already posted you either:
Have bought a used Nano and did not create your own seed
Have made a picture of your created seed or have saved it somewhere digitally
Have had someone gain physical access to your Ledger or your written seed page.
Have not checked the correct address in the display of the Ledger when making a transaction.

It has to be one of the above.

>> No.12528971


>Think who knew you held link and who may have been able to steal your keys.

No one physically accessed my device or stole my seed pass phrase. After racking my brain all night and this morning, the only possibility I can think of is that I may have at one time saved my seed phrase to a password encrypted Excel spreadsheet in Dropbox. Im not sure if I actually did that though as I thought it about but I cant remember if I actually did it. I checked and I dont have anything in Dropbox currently so I cant recall if I actually did it.

>> No.12529044


>Have bought a used Nano and did not create your own seed

No, created my own seed when my Nano's arrived. Before creating my seed phrase I confirmed the device had not been used.I bought 2 of them brand new from Ledger.com. I have the other in my safe where its been with my seed phrase for over a year.

>Have made a picture of your created seed or have saved it somewhere digitally

I may have password protected an Excel spreadsheet with the phrase at somepoint and saved it to Dropbox, I dont think I ever did it but was thinking about doing that at one time.

>Have had someone gain physical access to your Ledger or your written seed page.

No. Even if they did get physical possession of my Nano, there is an 8 digit passcode on it that one knows.

>Have not checked the correct address in the display of the Ledger when making a transaction.

I always triple check addresses before sending funds. These transactions that stole my funds were not transactions of mine, the ether scan is here showing all 7 transactions:


>> No.12529191

literally impossible, you're making shit up

>> No.12529215

Think this has anything to do with the critical btc vulnerability they discovered? If there was a btc issue, there's probably other issues

>> No.12529231
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>> No.12529232


This is 100% the truth, I haven't made anything up. I completely understand it looks like bullshit because Nano's dont get hacked. The only thing obviously is that someone got access to my seed phrase but I dont know how and cant figure it out. Im 99.9% sure I never stored my seed phrase online anywhere and if I did it would have been in Dropbox on a pw encrypted Excel spreadsheet.

>> No.12529391
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Any good porn?

>> No.12529404

This is very, very concerning

>> No.12529430

It isn't. OP put his seed in an excel sheet and saved it in dropbox. You might aswell post a picture of it on Facebook.

>> No.12529431

roomates be stealin shit yo

>> No.12529477
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>it would have been in Dropbox on a pw encrypted Excel spreadsheet.

>> No.12529506


It's so easy there's literally no fucking reason to even make them password protected.

>> No.12529539

probably named it "Nano Ledger Seed"

>> No.12529594

Op its so fucking strange, i remember last year end of january i got hacked out of my destkop wallet aswell, it was 40k worth of cryptos, i know your pain

>> No.12529708

Congratulations OP, you have the first official Ledger Nano in existence that was hacked.

Can you imagine the odds? Even the top cryptography experts in the space who were given a task to break Nano and steal funds were not able to steal funds from Nano Ledger without tampering the device, or usb ports physically.

It really is strange, it is even paranormal, you might be a candidate for the James Randi challenge too.

>> No.12529772

Did you buy your ledger from eBay ?

>> No.12529780

As an aside, the best way to write down your seed words is to make most of them into clues that only you know the answer to. Clues relating to your life and such, that will be hard to guess. Also split the list up and store it secretly in different locations (your parents' loft, etc etc)

Or write the words build into a few pages of otherwise unrelated text, with a way to extract them that you're aware of.

Lots of easy ways.

anyway, OP, I hope this is a LARP because I worry the same will happen to my tokens.

>> No.12529796

>Dropbox on a pw encrypted Excel spreadsheet.

>> No.12529864

Excel is hardly safe... Check in Dropbox if you an unauthorized access from an ip you don't recognize or something.
Next time encrypt your shit on VeraCrypt (learn how to use it) and use a good password manager like KeePass.
I'd also check my OS security if I were you.

>> No.12530096


I didn't know Microsoft Office encryption was a joke. I thought it was secure with Microsoft Encryption. Fuck my life if that is how I was hacked.

>> No.12530114


Looks like we got a comedian here. Go fuck yourself

>> No.12530500

>Yes, I did some checking and I emailed an encrypted Excel file to my @outlook.com address, the Excel file contained my seed phrase. The Excel file is encrypted though so I thought I was safe.


Sorry for your loss. Seriously.

>> No.12530769

Dude, I feel bad for you. How could have someone known that you have a seed phrase on a cloud drive?

>> No.12530908

Not trying to be rude, but what was the point even getting a Leder Nano if you stored your seed phrases on a computer?

No, they did not probably even need to hack OP's cloud drive. That's way too complicated.

OP's computer probably has keylogger on it or is otherwise infected.

What is beyond me is why would anyone type out those seed phrases onto a computer, when even Ledger official instructions that come with the box tell you not to do so in any circumstance

>> No.12530969

Nobody hacked your Dropbox or Email

>EDIT: After a lot of digging and researching the only thing I have found where I gravely screwed up is sending a pw protected Excel file to my Microsoft email that contained my seed phrase. Searching my email address online for breached websites produced 4 results. However, I have two factor authentication on my email so I cant figure out how they got into my email account.

No, they did not hack your email, you have infected computer, you typed out the seed phrases to the keylogger in real time.

You have infected computer. If you would have followed Ledger instructions while setting it up you would still have your funds; Ledger is safe to use even with keyloggers granted you do not enter your seed phrases to an infencted computer

>> No.12530973

Same thing happened to me last year. Lost 70k linkies and bunch of others. $80k at the time, so twice your loss, but I managed to pull through. I wrote the seed in a doc that i deleted right after I put it on a usb like a dumbass, it got screencapped, and rest is history. Shit wrecked me, still recovering from that loss. Keep your head up anon, not the end of the world, but I know the feeling. Buy a small stack if you have to. For all anyone knows, link wont take off for another year or two, and you'll be able to accumulate. Best of luck anon.

>> No.12531052

That site shut down, right?

>> No.12531086

this, mostlikely scenario.
If you feel the need to write down the seed phrase digitally, do it with a device that is not (and never will be again) connected to the internet.

>> No.12531246

Fuck sake man :(
What will you do?
How many Euros/ Dollars / Pounds did you lose?

>> No.12531307

Why dont you retards just keep it in binance? if it gets hacked crypto is unironically over

>> No.12531507

I don't get why nobody suggests the following method of keeping linkies:

Some linkies on MEW via Nano Leger,
Some on another random ETH web browser wallet
Some on Binance
Some on BitPanda
Some on Coinbase

>> No.12531741

a secret 25th seed word would have also protected you from this, very hard to brute-force hardened paths

>> No.12531792

what are you people doing that your computers are getting infected with stuff? Malwarebytes lights up like a christmas tree anytime something tries to install

>> No.12531855

ITT cia niggers van eck phreaking your hardware wallet to get your linkies.

>> No.12531903

This is me. I have no idea what the purpose of having all these wallets and ledgers and keylogs is. Don't even know what that shit means. All I know is that my funds are safu.

>> No.12531915

I once checked whether I can restore my addreess from BIP on my laptop.
Seems like Binance is a safer option now