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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.37 MB, 1489x1244, Gary-Vaynerchuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12526154 No.12526154 [Reply] [Original]

you just need to learn to love Mondays and work harder. dont you agree wagie? you do have a side hustle, right wagie?

>> No.12526192

I hate that fucking schmuck. reminds me of that Bezos article "you don't need work balance wagie just learn to love your cage! be a good tax cow!"

>> No.12526220
File: 40 KB, 300x373, 1469280671247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right wagie. Live humbly, be modest. Those resources need to spread around for Shalonda and her 17 kids


>> No.12526241

facebook normies love this guy

>> No.12526353


>> No.12526364

who is this guy

>> No.12526424

The self improvement industry and its target market are mostly glib bullshit artists shilling to normies who sell phone plans, thinking of themselves as hustlers.

>> No.12526456

some Gen X, fast-talking, New Yorker type who sells "work hard!" bullshit to normies


>> No.12526463

Found the wagecuck

>> No.12526480


>Just work hard bro
>Just love working bro
>Just love mondays bro
>Just hustle bro

99% of what these self-help whatever the fuck conman guru faggots spout is literally useless information.

>> No.12526497

he sounds like michael scott but with cursing

>> No.12526578

This is what normen look up to, because business degree holders shunned the sciences early on and now all they can do is muddle about in "sales", "branding", "marketing" and in short, gaming the system and trying to get people to buy things that real men made

>> No.12526593

He's a Jew (unsurprisingly) and inherited his family's business, then turned it into online sales. He was well off from the start, their business was worth 3 million before he even touched it.

>> No.12526594

"Real men" don't put themselves in a position to take orders from other men.

>> No.12526599

like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like

>> No.12526774

Work "harder" against the runaway cost of living and reduction of available full time employment into underpaid casualized positions lmao.