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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 45 KB, 856x764, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12523214 No.12523214 [Reply] [Original]

>"Wow, fancy that. Web ad giant Google to block ad-blockers in Chrome. For safety, apparently"


>> No.12523317


>> No.12523322

>using chrome

>> No.12523326

Bat is shit

>> No.12523334

>using chrome

>> No.12523346

>yubikey only works on chrome


>> No.12523369


Based Holo. This benefits (Mozilla) Firefox. Not Brave.

>> No.12523378

This. No one wants the transphobe browser. Firefox already has 12x more name recognition. Anyone who ad blocks knows Firefox but thinks Brave is a shitty firefox fork.

>> No.12523388

chrome fork i mean

>> No.12523591

Wow this is actually amazing news. Tons or people will switch over to Firefox but once it starts slowing down their computer they'll want to switch again and that's when they'll find Brave and discover BAT. This is how we get the "nerds" to by in.

>> No.12523688

Goog is removing adlock plus? Holy hell

>> No.12523720

No it won't you retard

>The proposed changes will diminish the effectiveness of content blocking and ad blocking extensions, though they won't entirely eliminate all ad blocking. The basic filtering mechanism supported by Adblock Plus should still be available. But uBlock Origin and uMatrix offer far more extensive controls, without trying to placate publishers through ad whitelisting.

>> No.12523724

>Adblock Plus will most likely not be affected, >though similar third-party plugins will, for >reasons we will explain. The drafted changes >will also limit the capabilities available to >extension developers, ostensibly for the sake >of speed and safety. Chromium forms the >central core of Google Chrome, and, soon, >Microsoft Edge.

>> No.12523813

very bullish for Brave. It only needs a small percentage of Chrome users and Google ad revenue to make BAT moon and once that snowball starts...

>> No.12523846
File: 258 KB, 1378x1080, Resized_20171103_153045_6509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who still use chrome

>> No.12523863
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>It will also be interesting to see how Opera, Vivaldi, Brave, and other Chromium-based browser developers react to the change, if it passes the way it is proposed right now.


>> No.12523918
File: 130 KB, 596x668, brave chromium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Brave is the future. The longer you fight it, the later of an adopter you'll be.

>> No.12523951

yubikey works on Brave

>> No.12524080

Truth. BAT is one of the handful of cryptos that will make it.

>> No.12524146
File: 119 KB, 472x472, 1534738276529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel knowing LINK blasted past BAT's marketcap without a fiat on ramp and without a working product even released?

>> No.12524273

>what the fuck >are you doing
but seriously, it's apparently because Google pays ABP under the table (Eich has talked about this a bunch on Twitter, even directly to their CEO), so that's why every other adblocker gets a middle finger and they get special treatment here.

disclaimer: writing from the hip and doing no deeper research on this right now than what I've seen on Twitter

>> No.12524307
File: 119 KB, 1024x813, krugman internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"lol yahoo has all the name recognition, who would use some stupid search engine called Google"

"lol myspace has all the name recognition, who would use some stupid website for kids like facebook"

>> No.12524324
File: 11 KB, 229x221, FF417C01-2297-43CD-B21A-9B59F62963D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh browser plugin
Fucking idiot

>> No.12524354


Brave is going to go mainstream within a couple years. Lead users are all going to say "why aren't you using Brave?" like they used to say "why aren't you using Chrome?" or "why aren't you using an adblocker?"

Just watch.

One of the moments I realized how big this would be is when I was talking about BAT to a 50+ year old woman, and it was all going over her head, and then I mentioned Brave, and she was like "Oh yeah, Brave, I use that on my phone."

>> No.12524376

Things that won’t happen, followed by things that didn’t happen.

>> No.12524438

Don't believe me, I don't give a shit.

You know what has happened whether you believe me or not?

Brendan Eich created a tool that became a widely adopted web standard.

He also restarted the browser wars, and took down the big-tech-backed #1 browser.

Name another person on the planet who has done both of those things before.

>> No.12524481

what can google do? chromium exists, plus it's not like it's even possible for them to prevent adblockers from working without completely removing the user extensions feature

>> No.12524528
File: 308 KB, 1764x1096, Screen Shot 2019-01-23 at 12.41.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ unironically just installed brave

>> No.12524613
File: 34 KB, 645x729, brainlet1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm. Completely different use cases, not comparable at all. Also BAT was ranked low as fuck on CoinMarketCap back in the day. You're an absolute fucking brainlet if you want some other cryptocurrency to fail just because of some weird, faux-tribalism based on what "coin you picked".

The better BAT does, the better off the whole internet is. Similar situation with LINK, except as for now LINK is vaporware. But if LINK succeeds in what it's attempting to do, it's better for the entire space. I hate scams like Tron and Ripple because they offer nothing useful to any of us except pump and dump ponzi bullshit, but we should all be promoting useful cryptos that benefit the space as a whole.

>> No.12524639

how is it ?

>> No.12524662

Three shit things about Brave so far:
1. The name (and icon) is awful. They really need a much better brand.
2. BAT. They should have stuck with BTC/ETH instead of getting greedy and making their own token.
3. You *still* can't earn BAT because they are still working on their ad platform. Too much development time on BAT at the expense of the actual product (see #2). The more time until functional launch the less chance they have of succeeding.
Other than that it's more or less the same as Chrome although I don't know if I need to specially configure Decentraleyes to work with its inbuilt HTTPS option.

>> No.12524664



>> No.12524714

shut up faggot, all of your points are weak bait and invalid criticisms

>> No.12524726
File: 225 KB, 746x1100, Screen Shot 2019-01-23 at 13.02.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is not being a functional product an invalid criticism?

Explain to me why BAT is preferred over a more universally accepted cryptocurrency like ETH and why 13% of the population is responsible for 50% of murders.

>> No.12524796
File: 25 KB, 480x268, bogbat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your criticism is valid and it gets brought up in every thread. I'm actually pretty tired of explaining why BAT is 100% completely necessary as opposed to using ETH, but long story short:

>implying you'd ever in a million years use the BTC/ETH earned to donate to content creators or spend on other online content
>implying Brave's model could even work without user contribution to content creators
>implying Brave could realistically pay users in BTC/ETH
>implying that's at all realistically possible

and on and on. BAT's necessary.

>> No.12524855
File: 76 KB, 988x699, braveIsgoogle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does my brave browser have google shit all over it. i thought i was getting away from google ???

what can i purchuse with my bat i earn ?

>> No.12524879

As soon as Brave takes off, there will be an influx of normies into the cryptospace beyond anything 2017 had. Chainlink is the all important backend protocol, but Brave is going to be the gate through which the plebs will start using crypto on a day to day basis.

>> No.12524881
File: 38 KB, 1680x955, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your default search engine is set to Google, you can change that. I think they recommend DuckDuckGo but you can change it in Settings if you scroll down. Keep in mind Brave is based off Chromium so things will look similar but are very different below the hood.

Right now you can purchased absolutely nothing with BAT, nor can you earn it. Brave isn't even version 1.0. Later this year you'll be able to earn BAT through toggling Ads on. For now you can just claim BAT through clicking that triangle in the top right and going to "rewards settings"

>> No.12524887

you are using google as your search engine
and you cant buy shit with bat

>> No.12524916

Does anyone in this thread understand that brave is based on chromium and therefore susceptible to not being able to block ads? it depends on how much they'll be adapting chromium, but this would be an actual issue for brave and BAT.

>> No.12524921
File: 47 KB, 491x550, bat moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and you cant buy shit with bat

This is true. Keep in mind though, if you browse the BAT subreddit, you'll see the team hint all the time about what they want BAT to be able to purchase in the future. A big one that's brought up is streaming subscriptions and paywall access. Stuff like "pay your Hulu subscription in BAT" or "pay 50 BAT to view this article" etc. etc.

Amazing idea if they can implement it.

>> No.12524926

nigga brave is based on chrome. also thats a search engine. also youre a fucking idiot

>> No.12524939

>also youre a fucking idiot

excuse fucking you!
no difference between browser and search engine u cunt asshole

>> No.12524945
File: 45 KB, 611x135, sampson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


see >>12523918 , also pic related. Not as much of a problem as you'd think, Brave is entirely in control of their browser.

>> No.12524990


You may not be old enough to reminder but the pronunciation of Google was very odd early on, everyone thought it was rediculous.

They needed funds from an ICO. It makes no sense to abandon BAT and screw early investors by using ETH. Also the BAT user growth pool is vital in kick starting the BAT economy.

It's better to have a polished product, if the rewards program is rushed and tacky they'd be shooting themselves in the foot.

>> No.12525012
File: 23 KB, 1088x530, boomer man in the mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ, what a fucking boomer post. I bet you think Google is the internet too

>> No.12525058

how many possible bat in existence ?

is there a cap or is it an unlimited inflation supply ?

>> No.12525074

1.5B fixed supply, no inflation just indirect inflation while the UGP funds are released from Brave's wallets

>> No.12525093

how many are bought up ?