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12520160 No.12520160 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12520177

if he's lucky

>> No.12520191

i had a feeling this gook would neck himself. magine lossing over a billion dollars. that's 1000x more than i lost in 2018. must hurt.

but come on.. going all in on a bitcoin fork led by 3 scammers?

>> No.12520201

imagine if he sticked to BTC and minded his own business instead plotting bullshit plans with his retarded ex friends

>> No.12520247

I have heard from a non-crypto Chinese source (!) that he convinced some influential government officials to invest in “his own cryptocurrency” with guarantees that he could 10x their investments.

He’s unironically in a concrete filled steel drum right now.

>> No.12520254

he should have not been such a scamming faggot.

>> No.12520263

You split, we suicide you.

>> No.12520276

Omg, Jihan ded confirmed. Sell your BCASH right now!

>> No.12520280

This, those chinks can be merciless and extremly cruel

>> No.12520283

did he bribe the right gov people?

>> No.12520318

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if he’s dead and processed into gutter oil. He’s been shilling BCH with the fury of a thousand suns in China and gotten a lot of people absolutely justed.

>> No.12520323

Fuck your mother if you want fuck

Lmfao good riddance

>> No.12520326

Prolly sold becash to some wrong people

>> No.12520328

I saw Ver' interview or some video a couple of weeks ago. He mentioned that he is very welcome at a conference in China, but he is not going to come to China, ahah, sorry, I am too busy here in Japan, sorry, see you later, something like htat.

>> No.12520361

and you know ver wouldn't pass up a chance to shill bcash

>> No.12520367
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>> No.12520494

Bullish af

>> No.12520520

The perils of listening to ideamen...

>> No.12520733

70 of 150 billionaires were killed in China last year

>> No.12520855

I found this article from 2011
>I'm no statistics whiz, but it seems to me that a Chinese billionaire dies every 40 days.
>China Daily reported Friday that unnatural deaths have taken the lives of 72 mainland billionaires over the past eight years. (Do the math.)

>> No.12520896
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>Was Chinese Billionaire's Death in South of France Really Just Selfie Accident?
>China: Billionaire Killed By Champagne Bottle Cork
>Some of China's richest and most powerful men have mysteriously vanished

>> No.12520934

no the author of the article doesn't differentiate between US$ billionaires and yuan billionaires.

>> No.12520964

Hopefully he got Gook'd and won't be seen again. stupid fucking BTC drama

>> No.12521003


>> No.12521066

Good, chinese new year in hell

>> No.12521126

I personally met Jihan, that nigger is a smart motherfucker.
If anything he just did a Machiavelli on us and will come back harder and strong with vengeance.

I feel very very sorry for NChain, Coingeek, Craig Wright, Calvin Ayre and Jimmy Nguyen from Bitcoin SV.

>> No.12521153

he ded, Xi not happy with his shenanigans

>> No.12521230

I feel very very sorry for NChain, Coingeek, Craig Wright, Calvin Ayre and Jimmy Nguyen from Bitcoin SV.


>> No.12521374

he tried to gook the gooks
that nigga dead

>> No.12521430

he should not have listened to scammers

>> No.12521458
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He’s hiding...he’s convincing people they can gook some rich Jews, but he’s actually personally choosing who gets to be in on his scam and having a hard time slimming down his chink donor list there are so many wanting to outjew the Jew.

>> No.12521492

the rumor is true

>> No.12521493

Well he did have a pretty meteoric rise. Sometimes it's best to start a fire and consolidate afterwards. Burn your company lean so you stay in control.

But you have to remember, he not only destroyed his own project to stay in control of the shit-coin flow and try to suffocate BSV, but he also tanked bitcoin-core and as a result fucked with MANY wealthy people in the market. It is very possible he didn't realize he was going to piss off so many with his reckless moves. I'm sticking with CSW. The BSV team doesn't need to "dragonslayer" or PnD...they just have to keep delivering scaling and useful products like they have been doing.

>> No.12521535
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CobraBitcoin is without a doubt the weirdest moniker in crypto. This guy jumps from one personality to another, bouncing between all kinds of sides. Wonder if theymos and CobraBitcoin really are the same person?

>> No.12521554

How could he have seriously thought it was going to work? Was it just blinded by greed? He literally had a monopoly on mining. All he had to do was wait it out for few years and he would be grandfathered in as the new elite.

>> No.12521582
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any of you remember this?
https://youtu.be/oAAML7hy3gA?t=2831 (47:11)
craig laughing out loud straight in jihan's face over roger's description of him

>> No.12521630

Good, fuck him for ruining crypto mining last year.

>> No.12521639

lol I can't believe these people had control over billions of dollars

>> No.12521997

Dubs confirm - Jihan slowly dismantled over a long period of time, his organs sold to the highest bidder (to recoup losses on Bch) and is now basically just a still living brain & circulatory system, fully concious and unable to move or scream. CSW & Ver should be careful, plenty more space on the extraction table for them.

>> No.12522042

He's a Chink. They're like Jews, they just can't help it. No matter how much they have, their greed always causes them to kill the golden goose. One great thing about the crypto market is that it's thoroughly redpilled everyone on the true nature of the mainlanders.

>> No.12522074

Roger is so fucking weird

>> No.12522181

holy fucking shit lmfao thats gold

>> No.12522255
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>> No.12522289


>> No.12522308

i know right. he could have dethroned bezos, but made bad decisions

>> No.12522489
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you have to say either btc or bitcoin core or else people will think you are talking about bitcoin

>> No.12522642

This. He fucked everything up fo dsv, wormholecash, ctor. It's nearly unbelievable, I'd sooner believe hes an arm of the communist party trying to subvert peer to peer cash

>> No.12522694

>being this delusional even after getting gooked so hard
You've been scammed. Jihan won't come back. He is either dead, in some shithole prison rotting or escaped to some other country fucking hookers with the money he got from selling his shitcoins and 2nd hand miners to losers like you.

>> No.12522707

I really hated this gook fuck for selling outdated mining gear that had already been used by Bitmain after they'd already created better ASIC miners. Hope he really is dead.

>> No.12522797

He’s probably in a re-education camp.

>> No.12522973

>he thought he could mess with high IQ whites
>his corpse is now feeding the rats in some chinese sewer

>> No.12523178

I don't really care and I don't understand why anyone would care about 1 individual when crypto is supposed to be decentralised.

>> No.12523321

> do the (((math)))

>> No.12523443

damn, who's next? looks like Master Senjay craigu has a lot of targets.

>> No.12523470

I am not buying this aswell. Jihan with a Phd in Economics and Psychology, probably coming out of a wealthy powerful family, enabling him to capitalize on build up a monopoly over the world (for some time) regarding hashpower and minersales.
there must be more behind this. how can such a guy make the same fucking mistake as the all these hype driven clueless normies that bought in dec 2017 that are 95% down given whales the liqidity to offload.

like come on this whole mining/crypto industry has manipulating mafia structures. he should it know it the best for years now. who actually run this game. and who the marketmarkers actually are...

>> No.12523482

It isn't that complex. Chinks are greedy and stupid even when they are smart.

>> No.12523671

again i am not buying it...
nobody knows what actually happened behind curtains

just my opinion

>> No.12523700
File: 222 KB, 950x534, E4A504F7-B4CE-450C-AA8D-104365D0C1AF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else wants to test Satoshi?

>> No.12523703

>Nobody knows what happens
>So clearly he did all this shit behind the scenes and is a huge mastermind and this was all a big trick and all this other shit

We do know what happened behind the curtains. He drove Bitmain into bankruptcy by investing heavily into Cash and lost almost two billion dollars over the past year in addition to pissing off really fucking rich people.

He lives in China which has a startlingly high morality rate for people who do that kind of thing and has not been heard from for a while. The simplest explanation is that he was as stupid as he appears and that he is either dead or ran to ground to avoid the people after him.

>> No.12523718

>btc: small blocks off chain
>bsv: large blocks on chain

>> No.12523738
File: 19 KB, 604x244, csw monero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jihan was taken out for an unknown amount of monero

>> No.12523756

hes fucking 31 years old, you think he wont ever make a mistake? hes a fucking child, and his ego is massive. bad combo

>> No.12523772

There is a very real possibility Jihan is somewhere watching his mother get fucked when his captors want to fuck.

>> No.12523790
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>> No.12523804
File: 51 KB, 940x627, jihan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this man is 31 years old

whew lad.

>> No.12523816

the connection with the china gov just dont fits in this whole picture.
reportedly he made deals with chinamen officials. enabling him subsidized energy...
are they also one of the "rich people he pissed off"? dont think so, he would be dead already then. who knows how these guys "drop" people ....

>> No.12523829

Good jeans

>> No.12523842

You are clearly 15 or deluded. There is no conspiracy going on. He was greedy and stupid and you don't understand how the Chinese function at all.

>> No.12523871

you could be right.
maybe chan ruined me.

>> No.12523924

true if big

>> No.12524271


>> No.12524370

If he was dead this would be fantastic news, and extremely bullish. I hate that kid regardless so this is great.

>> No.12524388

Did he dump his BCH or is he literally going to HODL them to the grave.