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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 79 KB, 550x777, 15892329080439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12518244 No.12518244 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like you faggots were wrong after all. Former chairmen of The Federal Reserve just admitted that they alone cause bubbles and trigger recessions. It's not because there are more people alive today. The parasitic fractional reserve banking system ruins economies, enslaves populations, and the owners of the system skim the cream off the top while you sit there and enjoy it and apologize for them like the cucks you are.




>> No.12518422

Sadly OP Most biz tards are too stupid to understand this.

Long pms and crypto you faggots

>> No.12518425

wtf is a pms

>> No.12518440

precious metals?

>> No.12518443

>wtf is a pms

Premenstrual syndrome

>> No.12518454

Nice retardation. It isn’t the fed’s fault you’re a loser OP.

>> No.12518458

just say boomer rocks then

>> No.12518466

If the fed causes all recessions, how did the concept exists before the fed? Checkmate Austrians.

>> No.12518480

they have a computer that just writes money its crazy sight

>> No.12518481

Lmao who wrote that article a fucking 12 year old

>> No.12518768

this is their warning to the goyim that another one is on the horizon

>> No.12519164
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>> No.12519211
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And now they've hijacked btc

Thank kek for free markets and other options.

>> No.12519230

Fuck I did not know that.

If you only knew how bad things really are....

>> No.12519303

Without the fed causing recessions our economic growth would swing more wildly causing bubbles and depressions from financial imbalances. Depressions lead to war and a big war today will destroy all complex life on earth.
Thanks to the fed our society won't destroy itself. Thanks to the fed inflation doesn't grow uncontrollably.

>> No.12519320

A quote from a literal american nazi. How quaint

>> No.12519366
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The Fed is why inflation exists in the first place.

There were no bubbles or inflation before the creation of The Federal Reserve. That's the point.

>> No.12519375
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Seems appropriate considering Jews own the Federal Reserve and have been leeching from the American people for over 100 years.

>> No.12519385
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The Fed caused the Great Depression to begin with, genius. Everything would be stable with a commodity backed dollar. They straight up admit it.


>> No.12519409

Fed reserve does controlled demolitions (or tries to)

Thats the difference. Or to put it in a way you guys will understand:

Yessss goyim. Leave the recession triggering to us, we will make it sssafe and control it. You dont want random chaos to dictate the economy right? That would be ssscary...

>> No.12519459
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The Fed has to do "controlled demolitions" as a result of the "fractional reserve system" that they planned out with the creation of the Fed.

It's like saying we need suboxone for our heroin addiction to come down a bit but without The Fed we wouldn't be addicted to heroin to begin with.

Try again, knucklehead.

>> No.12519555
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(Fractional reserve banking start at 4:00)

>> No.12519655
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The great irony here is that Henry Ford was right.

If low information know-it-alls like you actually understood how money is created, why everyone is in unprecedented personal debt, and why the dollar has lost 98% of it's value, instead of spewing your condescending pseudo-intellectual drivel, you would be up in arms with the rest of us.

>> No.12519676
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let's observe a simple cartoon so your type can understand

The banks loan out money that they literally do not have and thus make interest profit off of NOTHING. The system is broken and the recessions are a symptom of it.

>> No.12519705

The only reason bubbles didn't exidt before fiat is because there was no such thing as a stable currency. Now that we have a stable currency we can see how the market as a whole moves which is in boom and bust cycles.

>> No.12519718

The head of the fed is a christian go kys you nazi scum.

>> No.12519736
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That is the stupidest thing I've ever read.

>> No.12519766
File: 501 KB, 458x684, 14287249080298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A commodity-backed dollar IS the epitome of a stable currency. Fiat is unstable and thus lost 98% of it's value since 1913.

Chairman of Fed =/= owners of the Fed
It doesn't matter which puppet Trump puts as Chairman. The Fed is PRIVATELY OWNED BY JEWS.

Everything you said is either false or a misrepresentation because this information conflicts with your NPC programming.

You literally know nothing.

>> No.12519841
File: 717 KB, 630x943, 1548173018168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No this is the stupidest thing you've ever read

What you just read is the truth faggot. You just can't handle it.

>> No.12519849
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You are a khazar

>> No.12519872
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First, define stability.

Now look at the image in >>12519366 and explain why things are more "stable" after 1913.

Protip: You can't. You're just a triggered SJW kike.

>> No.12519901

Do you have an actual rebuttal to the quote or do you just break down and cry when other people hold opinions different from your own?

>> No.12519911


Do you miss Reddit? Wouldn't you much rather play in a safe space? It sounds like it would fit you perfectly.

>> No.12519924

>Andrew Moran
Hm, I wonder what other articles this guy has written. Oh what?
Shapiro.. Shapiro.. hmm that name rings a bell

>> No.12519980
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Red herring
Here ya go, pick one that isn't kosher if it suits your fancy:







>> No.12520009

Yeah actually no. With a commodity market the cost of goods like eggs and milk would have wild swings in price every few months or weeks. Thanks to fiat the cost of goods people consume stays very stable and only changes by a significant amount on a multi year basis. Yes all fiat currencies have inflation to promote stability and spending like a good currency should. Thanks to the fed that growth that comes from an increase in spending is kept under control. You can always put your fiat in a savings account to counter inflation. Or you can always hold commodities like gold yourself.

>> No.12520041 [DELETED] 

You mean a rebuttal to an unexplained oppinion? No it would be impossible to refute that if i don't don't know what he is even saying.

>> No.12520048

is this a joke lmfao. these are all written by a guy named David Haggith.

>> No.12520054

go back to /x/ dumbfuck. This is a business board

>> No.12520055

Yes fiat lost 98% of its value to gold since over 100 years ago meanwhile btc lost 84% of its value in 10 months. Usd is way more stable from what I can see.

>> No.12520074

The Fed is responsible for the 1929 crisis for sure.

>> No.12520078

Hey david. How's it hanging?

>> No.12520082

fuck that's hot

>> No.12520158
File: 341 KB, 1967x1564, 156309842098024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC is not backed by a commodity. It's backed solely by demand and faith.

Yes, the most desired fiat currency (backed by a GDP) is "more stable" than imaginary currency with nothing backing it. What is your point? Compared to gold, USD is about as stable as bitcoin.

>> No.12520200
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The Bitcoin experiment was just that; a means of testing fiat release to the public that unlike wall street runs 24/7/365, like an engine running with zero resistance. They wanted a dollar-collapse simulation so they could study the data.

Is it a coincidence that graphs of 1 year of bitcoin resemble 40 years of DJIA?

>> No.12520238
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Coincidence the Dow is dropping today?

>> No.12520346
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>> No.12520404
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Going to be a long way down...

>> No.12520429
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>> No.12520445
File: 774 KB, 964x720, 14290820982023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd think business people would be interested in discussing the method of creation of what they accept as payment for their goods and services instead of being little children that jerk their dicks to shitcoins whilst knowing nothing about money in the real world.

>> No.12520457

>BTC is not backed by a commodity. It's backed solely by demand and faith.

So is gold
Its a falacy to say that something that has been around awhile will be around awhile. If we go on a commodity standard and that commodity fails so does our society.

>> No.12520458

Imagine being so historically illiterate to proudly proclaim bubbles didn't exist before jews controlled the money supply.

>> No.12520469

Also, imagine being so historically illiterate to think that economies based on precious metals never had bubbles.

>> No.12520495


>> No.12520542
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>> No.12520559
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Bitcoin has no use outside of being a cryptocurrency.

Gold is a valuable conductor metal with lots of practical uses. It's also quite rare. Gold has been precious since man took his first steps on this planet.

>> No.12520624
File: 1.63 MB, 2479x1829, 14878309830980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anecdotal because of war. During peacetime everything is stable.

A gold "bubble" would essentially just mean hyperinflation in modern times. Not a changing in value of the gold itself.

>> No.12520732

Most of golds value is speculative because people think it's a store of value. It could lose over 90% of its value and still be more valuable than those use cases. A great example of this is that silver is more valuable than gold from an industrial usecase standpoint and has a smaller circulating supply which should make it more valuable than gold yet gold is 20 times more valuable.

>> No.12520771

Wrong during peace time everything rises. Using gold as a comparative measue of everything will make everything seem like its stable but that is only because gold rises in peace times.

>> No.12520806
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>gold could lose 90% of it's value
At this point, if you haven't been able to wrap your head around why precious metals always retain their value, especially in times of turmoil, I don't think I can help you. Gold is the absolute best hedge against inflation because it basically defines stability.

You will NEVER pay 1oz of gold for a basket of groceries unless you are on your deathbed minutes away from dying of starvation.

>> No.12520874
File: 367 KB, 640x821, 1547839605223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if these Jewish billionaires think gold is about to lose 90% of it's value...?

>> No.12520900

I don't wan't to bet the survival of modern society on your infographic.

>> No.12520915

Yes, because that's what the Jews decided would be valuable and spent all their time collecting 1/3rd of the world's supply

>> No.12520923

Are you implying that it is impossible to usher in a gold-backed dollar simultaneously while Fed Notes are still in circulation?

>> No.12520937

Of course they do you fucking retard.
The pop bubbles before they get too massive because retards like you get all excited otherwise and create 1929...

>> No.12520944

In 100 years we as a society might find a beyter commodity than gold. Gold will then crash and if our society had a gold standard it would fail and war would break out. Other countries would have incentive to start a war with other countries to take their gold which has happened many time throughout history. Countries and hovernments would mine the earth for gold and increase tge circulating supply making the gold you own worth less. If asteroid mining ever becomes a thing you better hope you don't hold gold ir any precious metal or stone commodity.

>> No.12520971

>a better commodity than gold
like what? gold is the perfect commodity for a store of value.

>> No.12520978
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So what. Don't bet then.

>> No.12520985
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Already addressed this low-information response.
See >>12519459
See >>12519555
See >>12519655
See >>12519676

>> No.12521007

Exactly why i won't bet the fate of a country on the stability of a variable commodity and why i think fiat and the fed is a better substitute.

>> No.12521027
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Pride can prevent the ability to concede in a debate, especially to whom one considers a "nazi". He rambles on with cognitive dissonance.

Modern liberalism is a mental illness.

>> No.12521052

Just because one doesn't exist now doesn't mean one won't be found in the future. Gold can be subject to uncontrollable inflation if 1 we find a way to produce gold more cheaply in a lab or 2 if we mine it out of the earth or astroids. You still have to pay a fee every time gold changes hands to validate if the gold is really gold. Gold is also expensive to move around.

>> No.12521056
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You're not betting the fate of a country though. You'd be betting ON the fate of a country.

>> No.12521060

Checked. Damn I really hate the jew. Just really really hate.

>> No.12521089

Noone has proven that gold or any commodity is an objectively better substitute for fiat. When you use gold you are effectively betting on the success of that asset and your nations ability to defend it from the wrong hands. As with hold backed notes you are betting that your country won't ptint more notes than thry have gold and potentislly cause a bank run. Fiat is stable, with the fed keeping it in check we prevent depressions like we have with commodities and we get the added benefit of economic expansion.

>> No.12521099
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The Chinese recently figured out how to turn copper into a metal that resembles gold.

Guess what? Real gold didn't tank, it's actually gone up in value since they announced that fact.


You're grasping at straws, friendo. Literal billionaires think you're wrong.

>> No.12521103

There's nothing actually wrong with gold backed notes, so long as the notes are 100% backed by gold. You could even have a gold based cryptocurrency.
The tech required to make gold go into hyperinflation would be astronomically difficult to produce, and the odds that a golden asteroid flies by the earth are infinitesimal.

>> No.12521121
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>Fiat is stable, with the fed keeping it in check
But they have proven that they will sacrifice the middle class to prop up a few losers. They've already sabotaged the system.

>> No.12521127

You're completely delusional and don't have a firm grasp of the subject. You are probably hastily googling stuff to form an argument and it's making you look ignorant.

We don't get any of that BS. We borrow tomorrow's wealth while the rug is pulled out from underneath us and who ends up getting fucked over? Posterity. You're probably just a teen yourself. You have no idea how badly the fiat that you're so vigorously defending is fucking your children and grandchildren over.

>> No.12521551

>believing chink science

>> No.12521572

The Chinese have mastered the art of producing fake shit.

Americans have mastered the art of importing fake Chinese shit.

There is some degree of risk.

>> No.12521653

Fuck the FED

>> No.12522543

Amen brother

>> No.12522566

gtfo newfag

>> No.12523240
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he's right tho

>> No.12523310

Yikes you retarded af

>> No.12523375

>you faggots were wrong after all.
shut up nigger. I'm the one that first told you about how the stock market boom/bust cycle is caused entirely by the federal reserve's control on the monetary policy and how those booms/busts do not happen in an economy based on real money
fuck you

>> No.12523395

>look mom, I called someone a newfag
>I'm fitting in!
>They really like me!!! =')

>> No.12523404
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>the price changes at all
>that means the markets are unstable

>> No.12523593

>You can always put your fiat in a savings account to counter inflation
Are you smoking ?

>> No.12523838
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You say that like its a bad thing

>> No.12523860
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Dead jewtube link, sorry. Watch it though. https://vimeo.com/159025234