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File: 800 KB, 718x719, VESUPERCOMETSUPERNODE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12516358 No.12516358 [Reply] [Original]


...Guys? Why is this scam being shilled by Renato Grottola of DNV-GL to the fucking Italian Minister of Economic Development...

>> No.12516398
File: 329 KB, 1600x1200, 1529217633005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


W-What the fuck is this?! https://todaysgazette.com/vechain-vet-collaborates-with-mlily-official-global-partner-for-manchester-united/


>> No.12516747

This is all cgi, prob green screened. The chinks r good at computers don't forget, this is all part of the scam.

>> No.12516961

You're a massive brainlet if you believe anything biz says.

>> No.12516967

>This is not a white paper... It just isn't

>> No.12516968

DNV-GL had a stand in my uni last semester. The dude admitted to having invested several million usd into vechink in January. They just want to dump their bags

>> No.12516973

That guy looks very shady

>> No.12516976

It’s a who’s who of literally whos

>> No.12517099

No project has forced FUD goalposts to be shifted as many times as Vechain.

>> No.12517124
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>> No.12517135

my third biggest bag

rule 1 of crypto:
when you see fud on biz you buy
rule 2 of crypto:
when you see shilling on biz you sell

>> No.12517148

>Why is this scam being shilled by Renato Grottola of DNV-GL to the fucking Italian Minister of Economic Development...
because he's technically illiterate or got bribed hard in new york

>> No.12517172

top kek

>> No.12517176


>> No.12517186

sometimes big companies get china hustled. they're human.

>> No.12517212

I've been fudding this whole time to buy back in lower, cheers brainlets

>> No.12517305

1- 70% of Vechain Partnerships are POC (= some presentations on how it could or would...)

2- 300.000 wine bottles share just 1 qr code!

>> No.12517363

The QRs are actually unique per bottle.

>> No.12517385

Italy is a scam tho

>> No.12517488

do I buy VET or not?

>> No.12517506

why the fuck would you need blockchain for supply chain management? what purpose does it serve? it makes no sense. iits a china hustle and Im not even gonna get into the super shady marketing and sunny lus history of sexual assault

>> No.12517585

>Shilled by Italians
Scam confirmed.

>> No.12518006
File: 80 KB, 951x484, 1536160705070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost admire vechain's ability to scam. They really did their homework. When one scam dissapates, another one takes it's place. They used all the classics too.

>timing the ICO on a bullrun when people are least suspicious
>implying they are chinacoin or "connected"
>implying they are Western by reaching out to small Western companies (DNV GL is a small company)
>having a "foundation" with a associate professor and your corporate buddies on it
>evolving from a supply chain to a platform to a worldwide financial system...in 2 months
>shill armies on reddit and telegram suppressing discussion
>being a Chinese coin with no Chinese customers
>partnering with a wash trading site to pump your volume
>creating tokenomics that force people to hold or buy preset amounts
>creating a news cycle by manufacturing your own (medium)
>cult of personality (Sunny Lu)
>contests, airdrops, and giveaways
>"stealing" ICOs when most are failures
>taking code and repurposing it as your own work
>absurdly long whitepapers and financial "reporting" riddled with jargon meant to confuse people that are impossible to verify
>changing the rules and parameters as you go
>hype marketing (CCK and CREAM)
>constantly implying thing are happening tomorrow, or next week
>call everyone who disagrees with you FoxyIT
>pump a bunch of money back into the tokens
>pump fake transactions to make it look like your chain is being used (then stop)
>imply you are going to save the children in all of China by tracking vaccines
>put an RFID chip on a sticker and call it tamper proof
>have Teeka shill it
>september 1st the phoenix rises from the ashes blah blah
>more undefined partnerships with chinks
>timing your medium articles with your "announcements" for maximum shilling

Anyone got guesses what's next?

No identities of the authority nodes and no transactions on the chain. Worthless shit.

>> No.12518298

You must be new here

>> No.12518343

>>call everyone who disagrees with you FoxyIT

Foxy, this you?

>> No.12518359

Their admins are all huge faggots

>> No.12518595
File: 29 KB, 496x180, A2DE1CB5-6EA8-44AB-ADD5-AD2015EB5151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s because most of them are unpaid dropout brainlet volunteers or paid promoters. Red ribbon army faggots. Imagine being the next Google/Amazon and not having professional community managers

>> No.12518611

Please to not buy chainlink sir, it is most awful of coins

>> No.12518635

this, Italians are known to be corrupt scammers, it's part of their culture. I lived there for a couple years while in the Marines, the income disparity is high so people will do whatever they must to escape poverty regardless of morality.

>> No.12518649

Looks like you know more. And indeed, all paid promoters. Same goes for cck lmao

>> No.12518827

Yeah lol, some admins are really fucked tho.

>> No.12518916
File: 887 KB, 902x1701, 4A056B46-3EDB-4387-AAFB-EAAC416AB732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12518932

CREAM is the biggest faggot of them all

>> No.12519063

Tell me more

>> No.12519092

I do agree, the amount of vechain circlejerking in his incest tier group is unreal

>> No.12519232
File: 1.12 MB, 2794x3725, stool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get me started on this pajeet-tier chink shitcoin and their Marvel Thor super faggot nodes.

Do you remember that X-node bullshit they pulled earlier in the year?
Sunny: Hey round-eye, lock-up your X-node before it's too late! This will be your one and only chance -- NEVER AGAIN -- to be the proud owner of an X-node and Vechink ambassador!
And many faggots fell for this bullshit and sunk tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars into this faggotry to secure those X-nodes.
Several months later…
Sunny: Hey round-eye, exciting news! X-nodes can be purchased on the open market in exchange for VET!!! Now you can all be proud owner of an X-node!
And these shitty X-fags can be bought for just a couple of thousand bucks!! I kid you not. All those faggots that invested their life savings to get an X-node and are down 90+% could have just waited until now and bought one for just 2k. LMAO!!! The absolute audacity of these chink scammers amazes me. If I didn't have a conscience I might actually admire these fuckers.
If you want to learn how to scam then get an apprenticeship with Sunny Lu or Cream. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this shitcoin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To give credit where it's due, I do like their Vechink stool. I'm not larping either. This fucking stool is a greater achievement for Vechink than anything that the 99% of other shitcoins have achieved (I wish I was kidding). Seriously, good effort Mr.stoolmaker, Vechink certainly doesn't deserve you.

>> No.12519327


>> No.12519943
File: 77 KB, 1022x892, vethor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long time i didn't see a Vechain post ...
let me remember the Vethor shit (pic related)

note the 1600$ volume....
and no trademarket on binance since mainet...