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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 325x541, bucko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12508891 No.12508891[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It has come to my attention that /bucko the boomer/ has come back to shit up /biz/ with the same garbage every day.



Imagine being so pathetic that you would come to an anonymous anime forum to brag about your shitty million dollar cookie cutter house. Imagine being such a loser compared to your peers that you have to KEEP POSTING THE SAME SHIT EVERY FUCKING DAY ON /BIZ/

>> No.12508899
File: 1.05 MB, 1892x1050, bucko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his dox

>> No.12508912

Small dick and being cucked by Tyrone makes you become this

>> No.12508917

Checked. Based and redpilled

>> No.12508927

Paying 7.5k a month for cuckshed

>> No.12508929

he seems like a cool guy. why are you so triggered by him?

>> No.12508942
File: 246 KB, 777x759, 1482559062449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you aren't fooling anyone

no one is triggered, tired of seeing the same boring, drawn out, stupid ass fucking post every fucking day. It's fucking pathetic. Go make some fucking OC or get a trip so I can filter your faggot ass

>> No.12508943

Hi Bucko.
Is your wife on joga?

>> No.12508946

He's not Asain "male" asain men love BBC

>> No.12508947

Long time no see, Bucko.

>> No.12508964

it's time to take a break anon, go outside, get some sunlight. it's not healthy to sit inside on /biz/ all day keeping track of posts

>> No.12508978
File: 48 KB, 613x531, 1529889121825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post same thing everyday

>a-anon you need to get outside even though here I am "bragging" about my shitty family and shitting on an anime forum everyday instead of spending time with them

neck yourself

>> No.12508998

Thats fucking it, now I will send pedophile rumors about him again to every neighbour.
Will also annoy niggers on craiglist using his adress.

hohoho bucko better strap in, niggers are coming.
Will promise them free shit, will also use the darknet to lure pedophiles to his house.

Bucko is as good as finished.

>> No.12508999

how mad are you lonely little faggot? you gonna cry?

go hire a prostitute or something

>> No.12509027


Sure you will. You are a spineless do nothinger and you know it

>> No.12509047

you dont have the balls to do anything. if you had the balls to doxx Bucko, you would have had the balls to get your life in order. keep crying little a little bitch.

Bucko has a 6 bedroom mansion and gets laid regularly by his wife. You probably rent out someone's basement for $200 a month LMAO I bet you want to kys don't you pathetic little faggot?

>> No.12509085

Yes I will do it, Bucko is as good as finished.
Consider the job already done.

Bucko is already doxxed and all I have to do is type into a keyboard and finish him for good this time.
We gave him a chance to go away, but seems like he wants this.

Whats the best way to get niggers angry at him?
Promising free stuff always worked good in my experience.
I‘m also telling the niggers about buckos house and what to expect in there so some nigger hopefully breaks in.

Authorities already got a tip submitted before but from another anon, I’m about to send one to the FBI right now calling it child abuse and child pornography redistribution.

Bucko will have to answer a lot of questions my dude.

>and gets laid regularly by his wife.
Her pussy is all destroyed from childbirth, nobody is jealous about some blown out roaster, might as well throw a sausage intoa hallway.

>> No.12509104

you sound like a loser

>> No.12509133

/biz/ did FUCK ALL last time!

>> No.12509169

at least post more "intimidating" pics so we can get oc cucko

>> No.12509171
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Really makes you think

>> No.12509179
File: 909 KB, 1125x2436, 630F248E-D570-4E92-921A-9381976ED7C4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, last time, a bunch of retards got themselves permanently flagged by some alphabet agency

>> No.12509201


I own a house, have a gf, and have a stable job. I would never pay 1.24MM for a fucking cuckshed. Holy shit, these actual boomers are delusional.

>> No.12509204


Anything more and it would be entrapment

>> No.12509211


lol i ordered tendies to that guys house in the original thread, i wonder if he ever got it

>> No.12509224


“Thanks for the tendie” a some cia or ODNI agent probably. Bucko is literally Stan from American Dad.

>> No.12509236
File: 64 KB, 600x325, C0848550-50DD-4AD6-ACE7-934C3D181E7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


His real identity

>> No.12509287
File: 128 KB, 300x423, boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing my trump card.

>> No.12509299


Who fucking cares. This only matters if you're a paranoid neet or doing weird shit on the internet.

>> No.12509323


It’s hilarious, a bunch of incels got trolled to literally doxx some CIA’s director’s house. Enjoy Guantanamo Bay

>> No.12509413

stay mad bucko the cuck

>> No.12509440


I hope you enjoy tyrone’s tip

>> No.12509469

>a some cia or ODNI agent probably

heh good thing i was behind 7 proxies

>> No.12509476

this is how they justify their jobs now. they dont catch bad guys, they coax and create them.

>> No.12509946

Nobody got flagged and Buckos reputation in the neighbourhood was shat on.

I also reported him to the police for showing off his weapons, now just waiting til they see the connection to the child abuse reports and reports of niggers coming to his house every day.

Soon they will take his kids away and lock him up for child porn distribution.
Funniest thing is I explained his archived posts and threw some CP connections in there like he wants to sell his toddler to pedos for sex.
Buckos life could fall apart any minute.

>> No.12510192
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I don't wage cuck, I live off software royalties.

They have bigger shit to worry about. They'll def look at some of the internet histories on here and have a chuckle though, plus those dudes love trolling conspiracy neets.

> based alphabet agencies

These guys are making and using bleeding edge programs while you sit there and think about starting your drop-shipping business or writing that python trading bot finally. Stay mad neets...

> doing the needful

>> No.12510223

no one cares retard quit shitting up the board or get a trip so i can filter you

>> No.12510269
File: 29 KB, 486x309, distored_laughing_tom_cruse .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But seriously they'll probably gist a couple of these guys on here for a second look. But I promise you once they get a profile built they're just going to fucking laugh lol. I see it happen all the time. People think they're anon online, but the software has gotten pretty good in terms of pattern matching (sentence structure, and other things) and using a regression line to see which public units of text belong to whom. All you need is a couple of baseline sentences to start building the profile on someone, which thanks to facebook, turnitin, mongolian ball washing forums, etc, is really easy. From there you can predict with reasonable accuracy (which is almost directly correlated to number of words, almost...) which text belongs to who. And you can just tweak the algo for other domains too, not really that hard tbqh senpai.

> No one can hide from me cocksuckas...

>> No.12510283
File: 35 KB, 847x431, chad_entrepreneur_vs_virgin_wage-cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wagie gets a taste of the three day weekend and then rages when he realizes that he only gets this privilege from his employer 7 days a year. If you learned to be nicer you probably wouldn't be in your position (the one that makes you lash out).

> yikes

>> No.12510376

>python trading bot

pythons too slow for trading bots you larper

>> No.12510392

I don't understand American houses. Why do you need 7 bedrooms?

>> No.12510408 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna kill your whole family :)

>> No.12510457

>People think they're anon online, but the software has gotten pretty good in terms of pattern matching (sentence structure, and other things) and using a regression line to see which public units of text belong to whom
Imaging saying this & then getting doxed! By the lowest IQ board on the 4 channels no less!

>> No.12510487
File: 323 KB, 524x800, 1484943041191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cia isn't sending their best. SAD.

>> No.12510766 [DELETED] 

Fuck jannies

>> No.12510798

I was here for that thread. Best threat last year