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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 63 KB, 300x451, garden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12506141 No.12506141 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here actually put together a successful micro farm that produces enough food to at least sustain yourself? Down size somewhere out to the countryside and now enjoying life?

>> No.12506645

No but it's a dream of mine
There's a lot of good info on YouTube

>> No.12506688

Small organic farms are hard work like really hard work pulling weeds fighting off disease and pests
I like the margins of mushroom growing more
You'll need to figure out your local market

>> No.12506702

what are you growing?

>> No.12507720

Im testing inflatable greenhouses for this purpose.
Few layers of argon should do the trick even in -20c

>> No.12508037

i can't find any info on how many plants can grow in a single square meter indoor without soil. so in a hydroponic bed filled with clay pebbles and circulating water.
hlp plz

>> No.12508092

type your question into youtube followed by 'richard perkins' or 'curtis stone'. richard has yellow teeth and curtis maintains a peak onions physique despite working on a farm all day but both know their shit.

>> No.12508123
File: 201 KB, 945x709, best-mulch-vegetable-garden-mulching-straw-for-mulch-in-vegetable-garden-pine-garden-large-size-mulch-vegetable-garden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not mulching like a mad man

>> No.12508243

hydroponics and aquaponics are the future of farming. No weed or disease or pest. 90% less water. Can be done indoor all year long.

>> No.12508447

>getting the bulk of your nutrients from plants
Enjoy your intergenerational nutritional decline. Either become a cattle rancher or stfu

>> No.12508451

Organic is a scam that only works on a huge scale using pesticides and bigass tractors and shit. Only a retard will pay extra for something that is less nutritious and tastes worse. My idea for a farm is to be as far from organic as possible. I'm going to grow the good shit our great grandmothers knew and loved, and use the most effective techniques for yield, nutrition and taste. Since the idea is to provide for myself and hopefully family one day it's worth the effort. I only deserve the best. Hydroponics but outdoors utilizing sunlight, there are some exciting possibilities here.

>> No.12508454

cool dude this curtis guy, but still no answer. he did say something about lettuce but that's it.

>> No.12508486

traditional sustenance farming without hyroponics/aquariums is an 8 hour a day job, at least

we're talking actually supplying your body with 2500 calories of a balanced diet, a day, in perpetuity

that is NOT comfy

a veggie garden as a HOBBY is comfy, but don't be ridiculous

>> No.12508519

Ever wondered why cancer is so prevalent nowadays?
Every single chemival used to kill weeds and pests and shit is also harmful to people. It just accumulates in your body and then when your organs shut down or go ham, the doctors will just point at the cigarettes or alcohol or tell you they dont know the cause.
And no, washing fruits and vegetables doesnt do jackshit to remove the chemicals absorbed by the plants' cells.
I agree that organic yields are a meme and it takes way more work to get something that tastes worse, but if you want to give your kids cancer, you might as well inject those pesticides straight into their veins, at least it will be quicker this way.

>> No.12508528


>Herrrrrp whats a vitamin? Herrrrrrrrp

>> No.12508538

That's not how it works at all. Why do you tell lies on the internet?

>> No.12508566
File: 102 KB, 411x602, 1547407384740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How does it work anon, please do tell. So many nutrition experts in the business sub of a basket weaving forum.

>> No.12508670

Oh believe me, it does.
t. Bayer sales agent.

>> No.12508734

had one growing up. id say the garden was 20m x 40m. we lived in northern idaho so we canned and dried for the winter months. we also had chickens, cows, and hunted for meat. the yield from the garden was incredible and didnt require much maintenance beyond yeatly illing and crop cycling

>> No.12508780
File: 81 KB, 734x843, Free-radical-attack-on-a-polyunsaturated-fatty-acid-to-form-a-hydroperoxide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's a lot to be said about PUFAs and cancer. These are being fed to animals too which in turn makes some of their own animal fats unsaturated which we then ingest.

This can't occur with saturated fats as there is no double bond. PUFAs are like ticking time bomb.

>> No.12508804

>hurr durr I've never heard of the differences between plant and animal forms of vitamins hurrrrr durrrrr
>hurrrr durr what is bioavailability
Enjoy your sickly physique, slave food eater

>> No.12508823

Its literally illegal to cure cancer in the UK!

>> No.12508839

Just let the NHS cure you.
Wait? You want to leave the country to try save your own child with experimental treatment? No can do, have to stay here and wait for them to die

>> No.12508869

Of course commercial operations are shady
I'm talking about my experience with volunteering at a community garden maybe a half acre in size
It's really hard maintaining everything
1000s of hours from seeds to harvest
And then a caterpillars or groundhog fucks your shit up it's not an easy job

>> No.12508908

>>>/out/ has a general on this

>> No.12508909

>No can do, have to stay here and wait for them to die
Yea, thats not 'your' child...
Also Burger healthcare is expensive its not worth it! let the kid die, happens all the time, especially in Burgerland!

The Burger referral system is worse than the NHS even if you have a $1600/month health insurance policy! You will get a nicer bed though!

>> No.12508918



Doesnt know that the correct combination of supliments increases the absorption % of nutrients in the body making the difference between meat and supliments negligible.

>slave food


>> No.12508931

Check out Permaculture! Aquaponics is also cool!

>> No.12508968


You're right it's not mine, apparently the state owned it.

>> No.12509060

>Organic is a scam that only works on a huge scale using pesticides and bigass tractors and shit. Only a retard will pay extra for something that is less nutritious and tastes worse.
Do you know what organic means? Means growing food the way your grandma did...

>> No.12509065

>literal chemical waste "supplements" is healthy
>not slave food

>> No.12509083


Alright anon agree to disagree. Good chat though and thanks for correcting my spelling.

>> No.12509150

He's saying supplements are a meme because they may not be bioavailable. Just because it says 100% of X on the bottle doesn't mean your body can make use of all or any of it. Some may even be detrimental through interfering effects.

I'm blanking on a study/documentary about supplements being a health meme the same way "Fat-free" stuff was as it preys on people's ignorance.

>> No.12509373

Do Bayer folk think they got screwed on Monsanto deal