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12508239 No.12508239 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12508246


>> No.12508248
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Is this enlightenment?

>> No.12508250


>> No.12508270


>> No.12508285
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 1547584581981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Welcome to OP's thread. First off Fuck OP.

Fuck jannies
Fuck Kikes
Fuck faggots
Fuck Niggers

That is all.

Fuck off.

>> No.12508293


>> No.12508295
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>> No.12508297
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>> No.12508319

He finna dab

>> No.12508446

I fucking hate niggers.

Every time I have to deal with one or interact with them, some nigger shit happens.

Nigger htis morning ordered my Triple Stack McGriddle for my Uber Eats, fucking nigger ordered a 3 sausage sandwich.

I fucking HATE niggers.

>> No.12508468

why is it always non-whites who deliver uber eats?

even in poland, a country that is nearly 100% white, all uber eats delivery dudes are mudbloods

>> No.12508503

Low IQ.

>> No.12508613

I re ordered just to be petty, because fuck uber and fuck niggers.

Guess what I got, This time my McGriddle was made with mcmuffin instead. I'm telling you, these niggers and plebs are worthless.

I understand why the elite want to oust us.

>> No.12508817

My problem is not with niggers but with sandniggers, the Muslim ones. If you think niggers are retarded then wait until you meet a Muslim. You really need to one one big type of new retard to believe in the shit they do. The funny thing is that it's over, Christianity has won. 2/3 of the world is Christian and it was the Christian nations that made world their oyster yet these retards think Islam is the one and only religion.

>> No.12508950


>> No.12508991

Oh no I hate sandniggers too. I just deal with more niggers lately. Lot of chink niggers too though. I need to move asap.

>> No.12509051

Why do pajeets draw themselves white when they're clearly not?

>> No.12509058

>we are all the same
What absolutely pathetic cope.

>> No.12509156

>tfw literally lol at this in quietly crowded cafe

>> No.12509225

>be me
>yesterday midnight
>Some arab dude with delivert
>well I didn't order anything...wrong address
>he insists it is right address.
>I keep telling him I did not order bag of mcdonalds
>he gets angry
>tell him to show me his order
>28, I live at 2
>point it out to him
>he is angry and tells me that it has to be my address.
>ok... See ya, closed the door.

>> No.12509293

People. are playing the system. Citizens register on the platform then lend illegals their credentials, as there's no actual identity verification on these platforms.
Obviously the money goes to the citizen's bank account, so the illegals are paid only a share for their work and are at the complete mercy of the citizen.
Literal slavery, but nobody says anything because everyone profiting from this votes left.