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12503600 No.12503600 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink team created external adapters for Zilliqa and Aion? This is unironically big if true


>> No.12503625

It is true read the readme

>> No.12503638
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>> No.12503664

does zilliqa and aion know ?

>> No.12503668

is this good for zil or link?

>> No.12503669

Does your stepdad know you're here?

>> No.12503675

They basically are exernally aware now.

>> No.12503691

this is how chainlink wins. making every project externally aware, while still secure and decentralized

>> No.12503703

yes, it allows these other projects to stay focused on their main functions. Aion has been rumored for a while and it looks like the team just delivered. Zilliqa is news to me but it makes sense with Evan Cheng advisor to both chainlink and zilliqa also director of blockchain at facebook.

>> No.12503704


you missed the biggest thing. Chainlink can now control BTC wallets

>> No.12503722

Oh shit...Chainlink just made dinosaur btc externally aware? BTC doesn't have smart contracts but there's a lot of value with access to wallets.

>> No.12503728

It's true. AION is severly undervalued and has a lot of money in reserves still. It's also faster and easier to program for then ETH.

>> No.12503747

I thought it was interesting in the pompit podcast Sergey said ethereum and bitcoin were still the most interesting projects

agree with ethereum, but I'd always written bitcoin off as dinosaur coin with fuck all going on, a bunch of narcissist devs, and a lot of infighting, but maybe I'm missing something (and maybe I'm on /biz/ too much)

>> No.12503761

BTC has simple contracts like for multi-sig wallets and simple wallet stuff. But yeah now you can send BTC based on an Ethereum contract, and also manage all the private keys using SGX or similar tech

pretty awesome. im surpised how quickly you can make adapters... chainlink mainnet 2019 easy

>> No.12503770

Bitcoin is outdated...but it's the only blockchain project besides eth and link that I still see existing and thriving 10 years from now...it was the coin that started it all. Based on that reputation alone, it's not going anywhere.

>> No.12503771

thanks...thats actually pretty cool.

>> No.12503778

BTC isnt a dinosaur it's actually at the forefront along with ETH. all the other better "currencies" that people think make BTC look like a dinosaur are only proof of concepts that could easily be implemented in BTC. Take Litecoin and how it got segwit before btc as an example. now grin and mimble wimble

>> No.12503807

Brainlet here, what do you mean by externally aware?

>> No.12503814

and monero

>> No.12503818

Ancient Astronaut Theorists refer to it as, "off chain data".

>> No.12503826

dude nothing can be easily added to btc since itll never fork or go above 1mb. dont be a moron

>> No.12503831

access to real world inputs and outputs

>> No.12503839

btc and eth are unironically the only projects that matter. outside of the bubble of dumb retail traders bagholding alts, i.e. the chainlink demographic, the developers and innovators are still entirely focused on building on ethereum and bitcoin.

the ultimate bluepill is thinking that btc or eth are replaceable.

>> No.12503843

What is the best way to inform the zilliqa and aion communities?

>> No.12503849

gimme the slow rundown

>> No.12503856

Anyone have reddit


>> No.12503857

Without chainlink, eth has no real usecase besides scam icos. I would say btc, eth, link is the holy trinity.

>> No.12503866

A huge part of the promise of ethereum is being able to use off-chain data and chainlink is essentially the gold standard oracle for it, e.g., Vitalik and the toyota of oracles, zeppelin saying chainlink is the leader and making it the default, etc. I have no doubt you're right about BTC and ETH, but LINK certainly will play an important role in making ethereum important.

>> No.12503869

+XMR and you're done

>> No.12503888


>> No.12503910



give it a upvote and comment if you are knowledgeable

>> No.12503958

Trips wasted on a redditcuck, Kek moves in mysterious ways

>> No.12503959

feels good holding all 3

>> No.12503975
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this is what will make us slide to the 1000$ timeline some evil is needed

>> No.12504008

you have cat to be kitten me.

>> No.12504071

ZIL is clearly future or at least going to play important role in it. Very suprised that Link took this step, showing they're very up to date with the current development in this space, Something that you'll be suprised how many projects lack.

It's possible but it depends more on the ability of ETH to keep up with upcoming next gen platforms, Every minor step for ETH is a huge step to seal the deal.

>> No.12504088

I took a look at zil. looks like they have figured out sharding and have a potentially better smart contract language yet still compatible with solidity. Interesting

>> No.12504115

theres a set of standards to exchange information between different software systems and both bitcoin and ethereum are setup to talk to each other. it's always been this way. only now do we have something like chainlink to bridge the chains together

tldr: chainlink is doing exactly what they set out to do in an extremely clean and efficient way

>> No.12504136

im not being a moron, BTC is like apple. theyll push the right updates when theyre ready. the most important people behind bitcoin arent in the public eye like Craig Wright. its all FUD. BTC codebase is mature and the blockchain manages billions. you gotta update slower now

>> No.12504171

Important to note that ZIL is doing Transaction sharding and not State sharding atm, Revolutionary by itself but it's not THE holy grail of scalability solutions. Nonetheless, This should put ZIL so far ahead of its competitors that i won't be suprised if we'll see projects moving from blockchains they established at to Zilliqa after the bootstrap.

>> No.12504307

Is eth the only project working on state sharding

>> No.12504319

Yes which allows for the world computer meme

>> No.12504352

Thanks just down voted

>> No.12504365

>very surprised Link took this step
Evan Cheng is an advisor for both LINK and ZIL, he probably requested the adapter was created. Could mean allot for both projects if it's a sign that he's planning to integrate to get Facebook to integrate them through this.

>> No.12504376

It's interesting and sad how passionate people are about link. People get so passionate about shit like that because they are living such empty lives, that's all they have. They don't really do anything, stand for anything, believe in anything. They just go to work, go to sleep. So they have to care a lot about a shitcoin or they'd put a bullet through their head if they didn't have that escape.

>> No.12504406


Yes, and they have not been able to get it to work. They may never get it working.

>> No.12504449

>he doesnt get excited at being able to witness the dawn of a new era

not gonna make it

>> No.12504459

There is Radix but it's not a blockchain. Also Radix founder is a fan of Zilliqa.

>They may never get it working

This is true and people should be aware of that.

>> No.12504465

If sharding never works out, what does this mean for link?

>> No.12504502

It's ogre. Link is unironically entirely dependent on the success of eth. That's why it doesn't make sense to hold link as it will never be as successful as eth

>> No.12504542


>> No.12504556

I know link is blockchain agnostic;however, if a project that is massively funded and made up of brilliant developers like eth fails to solve scaling, what hope is there for another blockchain project to do so?

>> No.12504579

Err, we want to get rich? Yeah?

>> No.12504587

ETH is the only use case because it's the only thing that companies that are familiar with. You are fucking dumb if you think they are going to use dipesh's chain and a link node

>> No.12504595


>> No.12504596

considering zilliqa is about to do it id say pretty good

>> No.12504618

>Myspace is the only use case because it's the only thing that companies that are familiar with. You are fucking dumb if you think they are going to use zuckercuck's fscebook

>> No.12504624


>> No.12504680

They have massive funding and one of the most active teams in the blockchain space...if eth can't pull this off then crypto as a whole will probably be stagnant for at least a decade.

>> No.12504690

fuck, should i just buy link now? what are the chances i will be spamming pink wojaks here in the future ?

>> No.12505135

Underrated posts, I agree 100%

>> No.12505145

Pretty much. Link is my escape hatch, I’m all in emotionally and financially.

>> No.12505249
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100% chance

>> No.12505324

How you link marines feel about being truly blockchain agnostic now?


>> No.12505353

>not being all in spiritually and existentially
>thinks he’s gonna make it

>> No.12505357


Fancy tech means nothing if a 51% attack can wipe you out. A majority of blockchains could be destroyed at the whim of any mining group. Hence the big ones are insanely important. There's a big winner-takes-all effect with blockchains imo, though scalability is maybe the thing that can erodes that advantage (ie. zil)

>> No.12505359


you mean besides deepfakes of Sergey having sex with their CEOs?

>> No.12505547

Literally hundreds of literally who's

>> No.12505552

my three biggest bags


if you ain't holding all 3 you are doing it wrong

>> No.12505568

Zilica? Aion?

>> No.12505593

is interstellar right?

>> No.12506101


What do you mean control BTC wallets?

>> No.12506116


Sergey was mining bitcoin back in 2011 so it's no wonder it still has a place in his heart.

>> No.12506159

Can I get a link to this pic?