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File: 51 KB, 632x534, blizzard_stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12499396 No.12499396 [Reply] [Original]

Is it time to start investing in Blizzard, with them pushing out WoW Classic and Diable Mobile; both guaranteed successes.

WoW will sell because it will appeal to both hardcore players since "muh nostalgia" as well as being a great starting point for new players.
Diablo will be one of the first and only decent mobile games made by a big company in a rapidly growing 140 billion market which accounts for 50% of all game revenue.
Thoughts /biz/ ?

>> No.12499409

>public information
>thinks he has an edge

>> No.12499503

What on earth makes you think diablo is going to be anything but a dumpster fire?
It's doomed to fail just like WOW.
You should have shorted them right after blizzcon

>> No.12499516

>WoW will sell


>> No.12499518

From 2007 to 2012, when Activsion grew Call of Duty into arguably the most recognizable and most profitable gaming IP, Activision stock didn't budge. It started and ended that period at about $10. So what the fuck makes you think the "success" of either of those products hasn't been priced in. Idiots like you who think they have an edge with entirely public information are why the middle class stays poor.

>> No.12499525

So the Reddit invasion was real after all.

>> No.12499528

nobody remembers how much of a horrendous grind wow vanilla was. once the nostalgia goggles come off and it will fail

also the idea that you have to buy the game again because they destroyed it with expansions is late stage capitalism

>> No.12499542
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>believing in efficient market theory

>> No.12499553

Not OP but Diablo mobile was clearly created by and intended for the Chinese market. It will most likely be successful.

That said, WoW Classic is the death knell of Activisions main cash cow. The Modern Warfare franchise is getting old, Overwatch is old. The focus on esports is cool and all but that’s not going to bring considerably more revenue. Put your money elsewhere.

>> No.12499563
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>both guaranteed successes.

>> No.12499566

All game producers have been compromised by SJW. Sell.

>> No.12499574
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>reading comprehension

Right now the mobile game market seems to be a very interesting playground which isnt being dominated by anyone, diablo is very easy to play and port to mobile above that it has an established player base and a major company behind it.
Ask yourself this; what other mobile game is worth playing at this time?

Wow might fail in the long run but it will know initial succes.

>> No.12499587

Only a new IP or buying established IP (like PUBG) can save this company.

>> No.12499596

Based retard.

>> No.12499611

Diablo Mobile still has to get past the Chinese censor bureau. And IIRC they're not clear yet. If we're lucky China will ban it as a part of this trade war. Blizzard needs to unironically die off. I guess Activision too.

Sekiro will do well but its a single player game so don't expect recurring revenue. So you might see a bump from Q2 earnings, but don't long this dumpster fire.

>> No.12499850

All that money in mobile games is just addictive bullshit like micro transaction retardation or literal gambling virtual pokies. Doubt there's money in making good games for mobile.

>> No.12499928
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See this shit. Imagine what that chart would look like if online gambling sites counted as browser games.

>> No.12499942


>> No.12500070

To be fair it looks like you don't actually gamble for money. It's just a game where you simulate gambling and if you pay extra you get more virtual gambling bucks. People are very sad.

>> No.12500212

WoW is deader than dead atm, it's on life support, classic will kill it and it'll be completely empty and shit just like Runescape

>> No.12500274


>WoW Classic and Diable Mobile; both guaranteed successes.

Personally I'm not excited about either one and would be surprised if they turned out to be successful. People think they want to play classic but they'll probably play it for like a month or two tops and realize how shit it actually was and quit. Diablo mobile might be good but I don't see it.

The old guys like Morhaime and Metzen already left Blizzard, probably knew it's all going to shit. Bet they dumped their stocks too.

t. played Blizzard games for 20 years

>> No.12500325

Jagex had their biggest revenue in years in 2018. Runescape is far from dead

>> No.12500342

>WoW classic
>Diablo mobile
>"both guaranteed successes"

lmao you just objectively proved you're retarded and have no idea what you're talking about. Let me guess, I should also invest in Gillette?

>> No.12500420
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at least the grind in vanilla matters unlike bfa where they just nerf you 50% over night to give casuals a chance. can't wait to grind normalfag tears in stv after they come home from work just to be corpsecamped until they log off.

>> No.12500437

I have played private servers and it was better than I remembered. Vanilla is just perfect.

>> No.12500438

all they have to do is add a crypto to RMAH in diablo4

imagine it will be more profitable to play d4 and sell some good items for crypto than mine btc ot eth

and playing diablo4 could be addictive if the game will be good

>> No.12500444

Every game company is overvalued like fucking crazy. Both EA and ATVI grew thanks to their big introduction of microtransactions 5-6 years ago, they blew the roof of their past targets thanks to it.
Now though, thanks to even their casual playerbase faltering you will see massive losses which will bring their stock down even more. We also had a small tech bubble popping late last year aswell which pushed them down, but that correction might be done for now.

Either way, classic WoW won't do much difference since it won't have microtransactions. But Diablo mobile might change things up big time IF they manage to market it well in Asia.
I bought in at 44 because I had an idle order there, let's see when they report earnings. I think we might see some losses

>> No.12500452

fuck that SJW company

>> No.12500527

blizzard isn't blizzard anymore.
sure it has the same name, but the core team is gone.

>> No.12500562

I bought ATVI last week. Will provide good gains for 1-2 years with subscription base increase from classic wow and I think current COD game one of best selling titles to date. Should at least touch ATH again.

>> No.12500574

If Thrall comes out as gay I’ll resub.

>> No.12500592

Gaymers hate Diablo Mobile, but have hopes for WoW Classic. Blizzard themselves have dissed Classic for a long time because they feared it won't pull in many subscribers. Maybe they were right in the first place. But we all know stock price has nothing to do with how well the company does, it's all market speculation, just like cryptos. Do as thou wilt.

>> No.12500688
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>disabled mobile

>> No.12500704


>> No.12500708
File: 537 KB, 1700x988, zelda majoras mask clocktown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you're right but I don't like Blizzard anymore so meh. It's too clear the same people aren't working there anymore, it's Blizzard in name only. BSV will be enough to make it anyway.

>> No.12500744

retail wow will die and they can't actually resurrect it so they gave in to classic hype. desu I hope classic flops aswell and all the greedy shits at blizzard get fucked.

>> No.12500760

we want warcraft 4 or this company can fucking die. Only wc4 can save it, otherwise its a long bleed to 0

>> No.12500930

>implying one PC game can make or break a publicly-traded conglomerate which is slave to the quarterly earnings

>> No.12500980

>one PC game
if its warcraft 4 and its as gamechanger as wc3 was then yes. But then the old team is gone and the new team probably sucks so they'll never pull it off even if they tried.

>> No.12500995

literally no playerbase to support starcraft and warcraft at the same time - it wouldnt sell
rts are basically dead (and I dont count mobas as rts)

>> No.12501044

Nah time to be bearish. The p/e is still high. The market expects miracles from this company that hasn't made a good product in 12 years.

>> No.12501068
File: 217 KB, 1066x600, 360E2E8C-ACB2-491C-A446-21426F331513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy on news
>sell on rumor

What a dumbshit. ATVI is going to pop a bit just before or about when those games come out, then plummet when Diablo is declared a flop and reviews come out saying “you think you do but you don’t” Man was right. Bears will eat you alive and THEN it might be time to buy if they pull their heads out of their asses. That incredible fuckup at Blizzcon is proof they haven’t learned anything yet though so I’m waiting.

>> No.12501082

there are lot of people still playing starcraft and wc3. Thats why they did that shit wc3 remake, but they are charging like 300 usd for it which is insane (300 for a remake give me a fucking break). This company is now out of touch with reality

>> No.12501116

they “grew” it
that’s the problem
you want something that comes off like a box office hit

strong numbers from the outset and then death

that’s how hypemantals work

trade sentiment, not figures

>> No.12501126

Blizzard is owned by Activision now? Also, video games are gay and a waste of time.

>> No.12501133

>a game cost 300 dollars
wat please explain this can't be right. Is that 300 for a subscription or simething?

>> No.12501152
File: 722 KB, 307x465, Alexstrasza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just "invested" in crafting two of these bad boys

>> No.12501181

just looked it up. Preorder is 29.99

>> No.12501188

muh man!

>> No.12501195

Have been for a decade dude

>> No.12501224

nah thats what my cousin told me looks like he was making shit up. I think its gonna be $30 but still.. all those resources for remaking sc, wc and wow.. just make wc4 already dumbfucks

>> No.12501263

>diablo mobile
>established player base
you mean the player base that unanimously hates it to the point they boo'd the devs?

>> No.12501271

>Activision Blizzard: A case study in "Get Woke, Go Broke"

>> No.12501280

There are 2 ways you can look into this stock. long term profit and short term.
Short term there is a good chance this stock will recover to 52-55$. If you are interested to sell this stock in the next month or two months again. You might gain 5-7% profit if you have luck with the selling time.

For a long term investment.
Don't invest in Ac /Bl and Game companies in general. We are in a market down phase right now. Tech companies (including Video Game companies) were completely overvalued in the summer 2018. In Blizzards case they will not come close to the 80$ mark the next few years.
Second of all you have no Idea about the mobile game market. A lot of games a flooding the market small studios as well big studios produce a lot of content. In the past especially big companies have failed numerous times. Also the the china mobile game market is dominated by Tencent and other big national studios. Diabolo could be a big failure or a big success. Also the recent problems between USA and China still effects the foreign game industry in china. In general is china very hostile towards video games from abroad.

So the conclusion is: If you are ready to sell the stock again in the next month you could generate a small profit. This means you will have to invest some time and watch closely. If you want to invest long term, don't do it.

>> No.12501325

>boo'd the devs

>> No.12501362

Do you think the aim will be US/EU? The main target for Diablo mobile is Asia, where playing mobile games 8+ hours daily is the normal. Not to mention the amount of money going into microtransactions, it's ridiculous.

>> No.12501379
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you live under a fucking rock you autistic monkey?

>> No.12501412


I believed video games would get more popular as technology got better, so I bought video game stock. I thought canada would eventually legalise weed so I bought weed stock. I thought social media would be popular amongst dumb kids so I bought facebook after IPO.

I turned 3k into 400k between the ages of 15 and 25 just following common fucking sense. The reason 'muh efficient market' fucks people over is they are impatient overconfident fucks who can't see the forest for the trees and buy into some single company with a single solution to some problem that will end up not working, instead of investing in what are very obvious social trends.

If in 2002 you couldn't already tell video games would literally explode in popularity and are basically like crack cocaine to kids with lazy parents who will just use them like pacifiers, then you unironically deserve to be poor kek

>> No.12501478

This is the kind of shit you make up when you drink too much sugar on the daily and have autism levels above average

>> No.12501512

no, it's time to SELL Acti/Blizzard, and the gaming market in general:
>governments regulating looboxes
>franchising values going to shit
>live servicing failing left and right

there's not one 1 (one) single good company right now. Maybe Ubisoft could be a good investment choiche.

>> No.12501530


How is this made up? Is it genuinely hard for you to believe this? A year ago there were loads of people with portfolios in the hundreds of thousands.

Or do you really think predicting the short term future is that hard?

>> No.12501565

>WoW Classic and Diable Mobile; both guaranteed successes.

I stopped reading.

Come back to /biz/ for 1 day and I see this shit. You retards are getting worse and worse everyday. I can't even imagine how horrible and shitty your future is going to be. May God have mercy on your soul.

>> No.12501573

Diablo IMMORTAL!!!!!!

>crowd goes silent
>stock drops 30%

Definitely going to be successful op, buy Blizzard.


>> No.12501592

This, expect a gaming revolution pretty soon. People are getting tired of DLC and microtransactions being prioritized over gameplay. ActiBlizzard pioneered that shit and Diablo Mobile shows their focus for the next gen. WoW Classic is Blizzard's last gasp for air with that franchise. Would have been a good idea 5 years ago, but new WoW players have no idea what they are getting themselves into with how long everything took to do in Classic. I'd expect it lasts 1-3 months before all of the new players realize they will never see lvl 60, let alone late game content like Naxx that newer xpacs have casualized

Accessible VR will be the catalyst for the next wave of gaming. If you want to invest in gaming, do that.

>> No.12501603

I know 20 stocks that could of made me 2-3x gains at the least in the past 10 years but I don't have $100,000 to invest and have sit around. You don't either. Making money off stocks isn't fucking hard, it's hard having the balls to put away a lot of money you don't have

>> No.12501642

If Blizzard does it correctly, WoW Classic could be insanely based. But they wont, and it wont be.

>> No.12501705
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3k > 400k was achievable LITERALLY just following common sense and some 4chan advice.

2010 post economic crisis I 3k of my bar mitzvah money into EA stock, (my parents told me to buy stock and I liked FIFA and I figured vidya was a good business to be in), it took 4 years but I had doubled my money, so I put it into netflix because as an 18 y.o I knew everyone my age was getting netflix and no one liked cable tv, two years later in 2016 it was doubled again and I had 12k.

Then in 2016 I bought CGC because Trudeau and canadians are cucks and would legalise weed. I sold in late 2017 for 90k because buy the rumour sell the news etc, and put it all in ChainLink ICO. So I have now almost 500k.

There you have it, 8 years, 3 common sense trades and one yolo biz trade and I turned 3k into ~440k.

Meanwhile good goys are all doing TA and debating a Random Walk Down Wall Street.

>inb4 GTKRWN, I don't even like my own kind but I can't do anything about it.

>> No.12501728

>bar mitzvah
>and put it all in ChainLink
..and everyone walked the dinosaur.

2/10 made me reply

>> No.12501934


Jesus, I wish I had been given thousands of dollars as a minor with no bills

>> No.12502022

Treyarch is a fucking retard. I paid $60 for BO and now the game is free. He’s giving away profits.

>> No.12502170

you're still one ugly fuck

>> No.12502263


Yeah I know, in fact if you read my posts you'll see I have extremely low self esteem and will probably die a virgin with no kids. My point isn't that I'm oh so special and clever, my point is stop letting a bunch of boomers discourage you by believing their 'efficient market bullshit'.

>> No.12502299

I went from 1k to 200k within the course of 2-3 weeks riding the altmarket in Dec-Jan. I lost nearly all of it, of course.

>> No.12502313

you bought pre market pump. Putting 3k today you cant expect even close to same results, even if choosing really wisely

>> No.12502373

I realise half of the opinions in this threas are worthless however >>12501280 and >>12500444 aswell as the possibility of diablo not getting through the censor bureau are valid.
Im looking to get into the stock market and figured blizzard would be a failsafe first option, but im not so sure anymore

>> No.12502491
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>bar mitzvah

>> No.12502589


Buying games is a bit late, diminishing returns in terms of technological improvement. On the online scene you have players already steadily invested into certain games like LoL and Fortnite who won't move to another game because it would reset their expenses due to the investment money in microtransactions.

Then in the offline scene you now have such a backlog of great games that are visually stunning that there is much less incentive to buy the latest game. A game that came out in 2015 vs 2018 looks a lot closer in visual performance than 2005 vs 2008. So people aren't going to keep spending MORE, plus lets plays and streaming means an increasing number of people are being passive and not playing games but watching people play games.

Remember stock market is about GROWTH, if a company makes 1BN in profit this year, then makes 900MM in profit next year, the value of the stock will actually go down even if the company is making heaps of cash. You need to invest in growing sectors.

The biggest mistake and what absolutely KILLS rookie investors is this idea of 'I'm going to find a gem amongst the 10k companies out there', don't find gems, wait for them to find you. Put your money in VOO and let it slowly grow until you see a new exploding emerging trend, then go all in. That's the only way to win imo as a retail investor, you wait for your golden opportunity. Every x number of years a new sector comes up, the problem is people always think thats it, there's nothing new left to invent.

>> No.12503158


kek, this

>> No.12503230

>Esports won't bring considerably more revenue


>> No.12503313
File: 131 KB, 1200x800, 4234d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell a jew in the OP. Why post something like just before the Q4 public earnings call/report where EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER expects a bloodbath.Conservative estimates atm about active subscriptions for wow put them at just over 2.5 mil.That's 4 months into a new expansion.Now compare that with the ~10 mil that were playing 4/5 months into legion.Wow aside, Bungie was recently released from its contract which gravely irritated investors( to the point where there is an active class action brewing).Oh let's not forget that they fired their CFO,paid him his bonus and then proceeded to rehire him 20 days later.And now i have to ask are that you retarded misinformed or are you just trying to bait poor idiots into buying your bags?

>> No.12503342

>Short term
Jesus Christ you people deserve to lose money.You realise the bloody Q4 report is due in less than a month?You seriously expect him to turn a profit between now and then?Cause i bet you my left nut the stock will plummet the momment this call goes live.He's better off buying lotto tickets.

>> No.12503371

>Diable Mobile
>guaranteed successes
do you even play games?

>> No.12503425
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Was this a good move or a bad move for blizz?

>> No.12503604

you are talking of a port of a pc game into console / mobile , it wont pass the cut for diablo players, diablo 3 console was trash

>> No.12504015
File: 153 KB, 832x1024, 1546782004863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you need to go watch that. Was hilarious.

>> No.12504048

OP is actually right though. it'll probably flop among western PC gamers but there's still a western market for mobile rpgs, and they'll make their real money in the Asian markets where mobile gaming is much bigger.

forget the Blizzcon reaction to Diablo Immortals - that was just a shitty venue to reveal it (western PC gamers) and isn't reflective of how well the game will do.

Personally I won't be playing it, but I expect Activision stock to spike huge as a result of the games success

>> No.12504070

how justed is that chinks hair

>> No.12504108

If you sub to WoW Classic on day 1 you are part of the reason why gaming is so shit nowadays. Ten fucking years of nothing except cash grabs and you're still giving them money...

>> No.12504146

God you are such a brainlet man and it’s very obvious you have never been involved with investing your money. You see your neet game pushing out public announcements and you think this somehow gives you an edge over the market without realizing this information is already priced in.
Your neet game is gonna come out and let’s say for the sake of argument it’s a wild success. The stock won’t see any significant movement. Guaranteed and take this to the bank.

When you invest in stocks you target a market that you think will grow in the future and hedge accordingly with different companies. Let’s say you imagine telecommunication growing rapidly the next 10 years, so you throw your money into at&t, T-Mobile, Verizon etc.

If you think the video game industry is going to grow wildly the next 10 years then a absolutely throw you money into activision, hedge it with EA or whatever video game company is dominating. Thinking you can beat the market because you watched a twitch stream where they showed you gameplay of this exciting neet game is not giving you the edge you hoped for. Sorry.

>> No.12504646

Blizzard is over. Sell, and sell everything.

>> No.12504664

why can't these retards just make a WoW2 or a diablo mmo. Instead these niggers tried to compete with dota and lol and made a shit moba. Fuck

>> No.12504665

They literally just lost one of their biggest IP's..

>> No.12504685

damn those were the days

>> No.12504765

>Products get worse and worse
>Explicit signs of internal bureaucratic hemorrhaging
>BUY time
I never understood this meme

>> No.12504845

dont get into the stock market bro, you are clearly a lost cause

>> No.12505150

>Is it time to start investing in Blizzard

The people working at Blizzard now don't have a fraction of the talent of the people who used to work there 1995-2000.

>> No.12505172

most people think diablo mobile will fail when in reality it will bring insane amounts of revenue

>> No.12505206

The whole Destiny franchise was a failure, they lost people to fucking PUBG of all games, that buggy piece of shit.

There's nobody in the company right now with the balls and the technical chops to make their next hit. The fact that they've remastered Starcraft two years ago and are now remastering Warcraft 3 shows that they've hit a dead end.

It actually has very little to do with mobile. Look at the Diablo I post-mortem video on youtube. Those guys poured their heart and soul into the game. The people working at Blizzard now are 9-5vers

>> No.12505229

the game wasnt made for hardcore gamers. its for causals and chinks. chinks throw insane amounts of money at mobile games. just look at clash royale