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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 315 KB, 1384x913, 03-2904-PRO-120928-Mundinger_IMGL3526[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12501313 No.12501313 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody feels the same ? I have friends and family but I just love being alone,I hate the people,the drama,the decadence,etc
I think I would only miss my family,I would visit them tho

>> No.12501322

I want to build empires, all over the galaxy, earth first mars second then some extra planets.
big beautiful palaces

>> No.12501429
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Fucking same. Having financial freedom is my dream. Living in a comfy place like in your pic would be pretty sweet too. I hate dealing with normal fags, NPCs and nigger monkeys. I just wanna get away from it all and pursue my hobbies and be the best version of myself

>> No.12501449

I say dream about this all the time. My goal thus is to get capital - and LOTS of it.

I’m categorized as INTJ and I’m pretty sure you might be too since apparently our type just has a thing for this

>> No.12501463

*day dream
Typing on mobile is shit

>> No.12501472

lmao what an NPC thing to say.

>> No.12501488

no buddy ,NPCs are social they need daily validation while we prefer being alone,they prefer loud places full of people we prefer quiet places with few if not people at all

>> No.12501504
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>> No.12501514

>we're different, trust us

>> No.12501519

Yeah idk what that intj thing is but I like having variety of places to go to. Like real emperor shit

>> No.12501523

Same, anon.

>> No.12501533

kill yourself you insecure NPC piece of garbage. you're barely worth the piece of shit i took yesterday.

>> No.12501536

yeah, Im pretty much the same way

>> No.12501543

same but not filthy rich, just the bare minimum to survive comfortably without working

>> No.12501552

Intj is a personality type. NPCs take a test and they mold themselves into whatever the test tells them they are.

>> No.12501556

>"eco home", probably full of energy friendly solar panel sod roof drainage powered off the grid rainbow strength recycled aquaponics isolation eco memes
>massive manicured lawn and heat sink pool
whoever designed this is a brainlet and anyone who likes it is too

>> No.12501558
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small house on the outskirts of a town would be perfect and >>12501543.

>> No.12501561

INTP here. Can confirm, this is also my plan

>> No.12501580

Guess I was right, touched a nerve.

>we're all different, we just all want the same thing and to be validated on an internet image board

>> No.12501581

Financial freedom is freedom of choice. Everyone who isn't financially free is basically forced to endure all the shit being thrown at them, so yea OP.

>> No.12501604

entp confirmed

>> No.12501619

Would love to live in something like this if I was single. Maybe with a cellar underneath where I can store long term foodstuffs, have washing machine, etc. Things that should be out of the way of living space.

>> No.12501625
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The house you posted looks heavenly. Perfect actually.
My problem is not having anyone to enjoy it with. I think what I crave most is human connection, but I don't feel like I'm cpaable of connecting with anyone on Earth. No kind of money can fix this.

For now I'm curious what money would do to my self-confidence and well being.

>> No.12501626
File: 2.42 MB, 1012x1800, dahyunyoy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German engineer INTJ Linkmarine here.
I want exactly the same.
But I want a Kim Dahyun (Dubu) waifu with it.

>> No.12501631

Get rich and people come to you.

>> No.12501645

I don't need all this but god damn am I tired of having to pool resources with fuck-ups and shit heads just to live indoors and not starve.

>> No.12501671
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Max comfy

>> No.12501711


This is exactly what I'm going thru. I cant connect emotionally with anyone and it makes me so sad inside. I also think that everyone who tries to be around me gets hurt. I dont know but I'm somekind messed up in the head. Since I was young I had to deal with bullies and people have treated me like monsters. I have always dealt with everything myself and never asked anything from anyone. But somehow, I'm 24years now and I just feel so bad for how life has treated me. Its not fair to be a mess in the head when it makes everything so hard. If I wouldnt have the will power I would be a junkie or an alkoholic, but who knows if the future will bring it to me. It feels very alien when you cannot have a connection with another human being

>> No.12501743


>> No.12501770

I was in the exact same spot, and I'll tell you what worked for me. Just get buzzed on alcohol. Don't get drunk, just buzzed. Constantly. For like a year or more nonstop. It will eliminate trivial inhibitions and allow you to be extremely social. I started this when I was the most awkward silent kid on the planet, and after a year, when I stopped, the fear of social interactions didn't come back. I literally learned how to socialize from alcohol. I rarely drink now, like maybe a dozen drinks A YEAR.

>> No.12501782

Thanks again and I look at it

>> No.12501796

Why the fuck you need money for this? My dad did it with less than 2k usd. He has been the happiest man ever since. He knew a bit of farming and he had always been self sufficient.

>> No.12501798

my dream too kek.

>> No.12501821
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>> No.12501827

not to say i'm an expert on mental health but that doesn't sound like good advice

>> No.12501841

>eternally wet roof
not going to make it

>> No.12501846

> house down in a valley
> heavenly

>> No.12501855
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I actually didn’t know what the MBTI actually was - I answered how I always would to what I related with and it just told me INTJ - normally I don’t concern myself with things like labels but the accuracy to the behaviour was so spot on that I contemplated how someone was able to acquire such information and categorize it in such a manner to the point it’s easier to type 4 letters rather than context to quickly give a rundown to the state of mind generally done. I get what you’re saying because I decided to see if it was a one-off thing where it changes so in the span of a several months I retook it 3 time’s from 3 different sources with different questions and orders ( just make sure it’s official or as close as you can to your judgement ) - every single one resulted in INTJ. And just INTJ. I learned later there were dash things next to it but mine never did. NPCs who don’t think this is accurate simply don’t answer truthfully or reject the category they are placed in because of ego. Just because INTJ is rare I get people try to conform to it - but these tests are to make you feel happy - I did it to understand myself when I was trying to find the best ways to measure how low I was in my depression.

>> No.12501878

*aren’t made to make you happy

Fucking iPhone shitty keyboard - I’m too paranoid to try third party given how I log in to crypto sometimes to check on shit when out and about and even if I have it stored so I just use touchID

>> No.12501908


>> No.12501959

whats your number ($$) to make this happen? $2m here

>> No.12501981


Remote mansions are the most favoured targets for armed burglars.

Retreating from society comes with many costs, and security is one of them.

>> No.12502019

really not that simple
depends how far you go, where you are, how much you invest in security etc

city life might be a bit safer for burglary but way higher for personal aggression

>> No.12502065
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Truest thing posted in this thread.

>> No.12502067

Mbti is shit, its like a horoscope where everybody wins.
Do a big 5 personality test

>> No.12502118
File: 176 KB, 1081x823, A2663D16-3D8F-4E09-87D2-5DFE89F7ADE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my goal. INFP. But we need to take this at its next level. Being their alone with our lonely “green” homesteads will not make us happier. What you need a opinionated decentralised eco-village setting with strict admission criteria.

Some thoughts —

- Decentralised governance
- Spiritual centric (Krishna / Buddha / Christ-consciousness / whatever; higher consciousness)
- Sustainable eco-village
- Organic farming (co-operative model and yield distribution)
- Powered by solar energy (and a micro-grid; P2P energy trading)
- Rain water harvesting and water storage and bio-filtering
- Waste composting and recycling
- BI (Basic Income) fund for each inhabitant.
- Restricted tourism: "spend some days in pristine environment and experience farm life"



> You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.― R. Buckminster Fuller

It’s kind of strange that Gandhi came to similar conclusions. (Contd.)

Pic related. There has to be a GitHub blueprint for these kind of self sustainable decentralised eco villages based on a religion agonistic spirituality

>> No.12502127

My idea of village swaraj is that it is a complete republic, independent of its neighbours for its vital wants, and yet interdependent for many others in which dependence is a necessity. Thus the village’s first concern will be to grow its own food crops and cotton for its cloth. It should have a reserve for its cattle, recreation and playground for adults and children… The
village will maintain a village theatre, school and public hall. It will have its own waterworks ensuring a clean water supply. This can be done through controlled wells or tanks. Education will be compulsory up to the final basic course. As far as possible every activity will be conducted on a co-operative basis. There will be no caste, such as we have today with their
graded untouchability. Non-violence with its technique of satyagraha and non-cooperation will be the sanction of the village community. … The Panchayat of five persons annually elected by the adult villagers, male and female, possessing minimum prescribed qualifications will conduct the government of the village. These will have all the authority and jurisdiction
required. Since there will be no system of punishments in the accepted sense, this Panchayat will be the legislature, judiciary, and executive combined to perate for its year in office. Any village can become such a republic without much interference.


Such village republics would be interlinked in a set of ‘ever widening, never ascending circles. Life will not be a pyramid with the apex sustained by the bottom. But it will be an oceanic circle whose centre will be the individual always . .

-- M Gandhi as written at Harijan of July 26, 1942.


>> No.12502136


Yeah that would be cool I don't like most other people either. I don't have any friends and I like being alone, not even sad about it, I like it like this. Only thing is I'd like to hire way more hookers than I already do. I don't want gf, but I do love naked women and need sex.

Though to be honest, I already basically live like this but a poorfag version. I live in a granny flat on my grandparents rural farm property. The problem is internet in these far away areas is shit and there are power outages all the time, also lots of bugs and shit.

>> No.12502142

>a community of antisocial neets
yeah, there's no way that this could go wrong.

>> No.12502145

I want to attack her with a makeup remover cloth

>> No.12502152

if i ever make it ill just build a huge bunker away from everyone and wait for the bombs to drop

>> No.12502157

>tyrone drives 300 miles out from philadelphia

>> No.12502258

are you a schizo? or what's your illness?

>> No.12502485

It's called an independent thought process. Thankfully it's a rare disease close to being wiped out.

>> No.12502789

Damn this is smart and kino as fuck. I'd legit have came up with this myself as well

>> No.12502853

>I did it to understand myself when I was trying to find the best ways to measure how low I was in my depression.
fuck, are you me?

>> No.12502863

>fish farming
>design concerned about water conservation
if you have water supply concerns you are a retard for dreaming about farming fish.

>> No.12502901

what are guns?

>> No.12503131

This is my goal as well, like a nice house on ~50 acres of land, or just buying a fuckhuge offshore fishing vessel and island hopping. The majority of my hobbies are outdoor related, i.e. hunting and fishing so having the ability to just walk out into the woods on my land to hunt or wake up and catch some fish on my way to the next island sounds great.

Not in Texas senpai, good security and the ability to purchase high powered fire arms and military grade night vision and thermal scopes generally makes people wary of breaking into homes out in the country.

>> No.12503165

This kind of mindset is really st the heart of the true biznessman. A guy who can fit in but just doesn’t like people and bullshit. Preferably into psychedelic drugs.

>> No.12503185


>> No.12503198
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> 95th percentile emotional stability
> 6th percentile extroversion

>> No.12503204
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>He doesn't vicky schauberger

>> No.12503213

im in. i recently got (family member to be precise) access to land w/o a regulated gouv on an island and we wanna start a project similar to yours over there
wanna chat?
discord: shiro#2682

>> No.12503929

That's was just a blueprint. Feel free to customise it in areas where water supply is tight (ex. Australian outback)

>> No.12503962

Of course, anon, of course

>> No.12504188

4th percentile agreeableness o_o

>> No.12504531

Sent a request to you.

>> No.12504671

>turf roof with wooden trims and no drainage
>wooden slat walls directly touching turf on ground
>brown water from runoff gets into the pool during rain days
>have to be careful not to get grass into the pool when lawn mowing

Looks like a high maintenance nightmare

>> No.12505121

so you want to clean a house like pic related alone? you will still need a maid, you will not be alone.

>> No.12505127

This but microdose lsd and drink like 1-2 beers for ultimate chadmode. Also mindfulness meditation 20 mins per day NON-NEGOTIABLE.

>> No.12505292

>sitting inside my modern home
>hear a thud
>dumbass deer fell off my roof
>go get the shotgun
>It got up and smashed the glass with its antlers
>blood all over my 20 million dollar house
>no gf
>relist the house the next day.

>> No.12505482
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Everybody here wants the same. Guess what? Almost nobody here will be able to do it, and that's the hard truth.

>> No.12505497
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You'd like this book.

>> No.12506071

>I just wanna get away from it all and pursue my hobbies
You will not improve much at competitive masturbation, you are already a grand Master

>> No.12506431

ambitious. if you can get gov money or cult money you're settled

>> No.12507755
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Based imperial administrators. I'm going for technocratic theocracy. My capital is going to be used for creating a vast robot army to conquer the stars.

>> No.12507756

Sell drugs