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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12495701 No.12495701 [Reply] [Original]

Hey biz, last year my net worth went from $1.1 Million USD to less than $100k.

I put just under $1 M into Ethereum and Bitcoin in early 2017 thinking I was "buying the dip".

Any of you fags lost even close to as much? (Also, wife left with the kids 3 months ago cause I've been "unbearable").

>> No.12495717

unbearable how?

>> No.12495723

Bitcoin will rise again. Here are some of the projects being developed.

>> No.12495733

you didn't lose shit if you didn't cash anything out

>> No.12495745

Basically just put it in, then slowly watched it go down 90%, everyday thinking, what the fuck, what the fuck....

But yeh, still holding the coin, mostly in BTC, ETH and BCH

>> No.12495750

Is this larp? Was the 1 mill yours or did you take out a loan?

>> No.12495752

so you put 90% of your networth into internet money, am I understanding you here?

>> No.12495769

Yes, I took almost all of my money (and Wife's) and bought Bitcoin and Ethereum on Gemini over about three monhts.

I now have a few hundred Eth, Bch, and a couple of BTC

>> No.12495771 [DELETED] 

>I put just under $1 M into Ethereum and Bitcoin in early 2017 thinking I was "buying the dip".
So you bought Bitcoin at $1000 and Ethereum at $10?

>> No.12495779

Sorry, ment 2018, not 2017.

>> No.12495782

If you bought in early 2017 then you would still be up massively...

>> No.12495786

are you still holding or did you sell?

do you have a gambling addiction? have you ever gambled before?

>> No.12495787

Niggers stink.

>> No.12495789

Where did you 1M USD from?

>> No.12495797

Wow op and I thought I was a fucking massive retard for putting in 6k and watching it go to 1k, my condolences...

>> No.12495828
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you've been separated for 3 months and haven't been served yet?

>> No.12495837

Sucks to be you, you bought the top, but BTC went to 19k specifically because people like you have put their life's savings into it. If you at least did it two-three weeks faster, you could've made a small fortune on alts, so your timing was really unfortunate.

Good luck, but somehow making your money back probably won't solve your problems anymore.

>> No.12495845

>1k to 18k
>18x profit per
>boomers and funds would kill for that
>watch it fall down to 3k

>> No.12495853

OP you don't make sense, if you bought in EARLY 2017 you would've been up for most the year, did you mean you bought in early 2018?

>> No.12495857

why didnt you diversify? you couldve lived off interest/dividends with stocks bonds

>> No.12495897

He meant 2018

>> No.12495911

you should only gamble money you can afford to lose

>> No.12495916

Well we should be around the bottom between now and the next 8 months and then a year or 2 of growth
so hold on there

>> No.12495921


>> No.12495936
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"unbearable" haha nice pun op

>> No.12495939

Every time you hear about a crypto fag driving his lambo, ponder how you helped him finance that purchase. Crypto is zero sum.

>> No.12495955

Not as much but went from 330k to 8k. I’m dead inside

>> No.12495970

Negative sum. You have all the miners that need to pay their eletricity bills.

>> No.12495971

Is your wife getting fucked by a nigger now?

>> No.12495984

Learn TA, never invest what you can't afford to lose and take care of a trade before it takes care of you ... this is common knowledge in any sort of trading, how can you sit and watch yourself lose money.

>> No.12495985
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>bitcoin sv

really dude? really?

>> No.12496095

>I put just under $1 M into Ethereum and Bitcoin in early 2017
okay then you should have like 5 million now, I don't get it

>> No.12496154

He's a fucking newfag retarded LARPer. He doesn't even know the timeframes lmao

>> No.12496218

Op is small fry. I ran 200k up to 22m, sold 200k then watched it drop back down to 3m. Dgaf

>> No.12496235
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larp 4sure

>> No.12496280

No larp. im already wealthy so was just a bit of fun for me.

>> No.12496337

k what r your top 3 indicators mr.whale

>> No.12496403

How you made those money in my the first place?
Already rich? inheritance? sold properties?

>> No.12497095

went from 980k to 180k at low, now 220k
feeling comfy since i'm a NEET and never worked

>> No.12497197

same here
however I was lucky, I invested only 100$ into bitconnect made almost a million
and sit now on about 100k

>> No.12497276

Fucking liar, if you put your money in early 2017 then you should be up atleast 3 times BY NOW.

>> No.12497285

And anyone who have a brain to come up with a million dollar would never put ALL of his/her asset to this like that. fucking liar attention whore

>> No.12497418

Your so fucking stupid. Actually kill yourself, how can someone as blind as you be able to gain 1mil? Didn't you look at charts, did you read anything about current market trend? You expected a year of bull to continue when we rose from 500ish to 20k.
Yes your unbearable to be around and I hope your wife is taking a big nigger dick while your daughter gives him a rim job. Your a pathetic excuse of a man go down a bottle of pills.

>> No.12497768


>6 hour old thread

this thread will be number #1 spot tomorrow on biz front page. Why? because we love misfortune and if somebody is doing worse than us we cant wait to offer our "sympathies" and condolences at the same time turning the other cheek. If you were a shitcoin i would invest in you and then dump your ass. Sorry but your story is a dime a dozen (literally) at this rate and i only expect things to get far, far worse.

>> No.12497990

I went from 3k to 30k back to 1.5k


>> No.12498634


Nice larp.

>> No.12498898

do you fucking morons understand now that bitcoin is never coming back? there are thousands of motherfuckers like op that put their life's savings into bitcoin, and they're not coming back

>> No.12498906
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>> No.12498920

Might as well average down and put in another million idiot

>> No.12499035

how much you earn per month

>> No.12499078

Im poorfag that went from 1k up to 30k in Jan and now I'm at 3k cause retard hodling
I feel much better seeing op and others losing so much and I'm still in profit
Thanks guys
Hope another bullrun saves you all

>> No.12499476


Nice LARP OP. You sure disappeared quickly.

>> No.12499666


>> No.12499692

How did you even get the million in first place? Crypto?

>> No.12499812

went from 60k to 600k
cashed out 30k
now 30k in debt

even if i make it one more time, ill stay dead inside

>> No.12499861

i lost more than op

>> No.12500126

early 2017 bitcoin was $1k and eth was $10,
you have now a 4-10x profit

>> No.12500141

This is what brainlets believe. Keep on coping.

>> No.12500369


You put almost all your eggs into one basket and the basket got mauled by hawks, are you surprised? Losing money is not the end of the world, be happy you didn't lose an arm.

>> No.12500399

>I put just under $1 M into Ethereum and Bitcoin in early 2017
You'd still be up 6x if you invested that in early 2017..

>> No.12500456

>early 2017
You would still be up. A lot. OP is a faggot.

>> No.12500514

In early 17? What did you do by late 17 when it wouldve at least been 3-4x value? Did you not think about capital preservation? Sheesh you’ll never make it anyway

>> No.12500741
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t. crybabies looking for sympathy on a mongolian basketweaving forum

>> No.12500776

Well if you wait long enough it's like you bought low and now you just have to sell high. Cheer up pal, there is nothing better than ETH yet so don't worry.

>> No.12500826

I'm guessing he means "unbearably no longer a millionaire"

>> No.12500835

>has lost a million in computer coins
>probably spends all day (rightfully) whining about it
Gee, I wonder

>> No.12500873

How much?

>> No.12501845
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>Blocks your path

>> No.12502379
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>> No.12502397

>Learn TA
Learn coin flipping

>> No.12502403

Should be $0 if it was bitconnect

>> No.12502424
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>cause I've been "unbearable"
How can she say this after you lost so much? It's the damned opposite, you got bobo'd all the way down, you are the more bearable guy out there.

>> No.12502447

>I put my life savings into a speculative currency
>I also have kids

I dont understand how people can be so retarded.

>> No.12503041

put in 85k in Feb/March, lots of shit alts, ICOs, failed mexing etc later, worth about 7k.
Since December put in another 35k, this time just accumulating BTC, LINK, ETH.
Luckily could afford to lose it but it was painful.

>> No.12503125

OP I was 3.9m now I'm at 400k. Kinda annoyed but if you really lost your kids you must have been acting like a proper fucking bitch about it

>> No.12503318
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>> No.12503608

Read the thread you lazy ape.