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File: 241 KB, 1024x629, AfricanGold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12500439 No.12500439 [Reply] [Original]

>He thinks he is going to make it with out selling Ivory
You will never make it unless you embrace the Ivory Trade

Ivory Tips
>Ivory is going for about 730 dollars a lb
>The Average weight of a full grown bull elephant Tusk is roughly 99lb
>This means you will gain a potential of 72K a single Tusk
>Elephants have 2 Tusks -

You literally only need to kill about 12 elephants to make it

>> No.12500475

Post some hot tips and tricks of the trade anon.

>> No.12500479

>buy land
>buy a few elephants
>breed them
>infinite money

>> No.12500497

>It literally takes 2 years for a pregnant elephant to give birth.
>How can we speed this up like in the farm industry ?

>> No.12500508
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artificial elephant wombs

>> No.12500535
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We are literally going to make it Anon if we can get enough of these.
Imagine a farm where mammoths are grown in an artificial womb fed steroids then have their tusks harvested for gains.

How can we short this ?

>> No.12500539

this is why I came to /biz/, actually good business idea

>> No.12500550
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>TFW when you're only 11 or 12 elephant kills away from making it.
How do we do it ?

>> No.12500553


>> No.12500554

This just might fucking work

>> No.12500566
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i know this is 4chan and all but kill yourself

>> No.12500570

So what about rhinos, are they better investment than elephants?

>> No.12500572

Tagua nuts block your path

>> No.12500579

sounds good. we can genetically engineer them to grow giant tusks which just fall out

>> No.12500581

Can you grow ivory with elephant stem cells?

>> No.12500583

oh, fuck off

>> No.12500584

Alright, I'm intrigued. Could you make it more ethical on taking away their tusks for profit, by giving them artificial tusks or regenerative tusks? Is this plausible?

>> No.12500585


>> No.12500599
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make me bro say that shit to my face not online see what happens

>> No.12500764

not hunting the mammoth ivory NOW before they are cloned and mammoth ivory devalues:

>> No.12500866

Fuck off my 4channel and never come back moralfag

>> No.12501057
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>tfw you put down an entire family of elephants with your .303
Gonna make it bros, I'll see you all in lamboland.

>> No.12501119


if farming elephants for their tusks was profitable, chinks would have already been doing it long ago

>> No.12501137
File: 87 KB, 1024x1024, 3022AFC8-B5C7-47BA-8837-8AA9C648A9D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all poachers are parasites

>> No.12501148

Former elephant poacher here. Do not do this if you have an evolved brain. I’ll never shed the nightmares and guilt. The guys that I did this with were basically apes with distorted emotions, they laughed and got a sick joy out of watching intelligent animals suffer horribly. They would saw the tusks off without even fully killing the elephant. I literally often think of killing myself, the money is more of a burden than a gift.

>> No.12501241

>Elephants have 2 tusks
You need 6 elephant kills to make it
Not 12

>> No.12501248

>thread about how profit off of women, a legitimate target demographic
>gets deleted
>thread with tips on how to illegally poach animals
>up for hours and counting
Stay classy you piece of shit mods.

>> No.12501264

ehh...sure but you would have to go to africa...

>> No.12501274

Ivory is fucking stupid

Next you're going to tell me we are going to collect shiny rocks out of the ground and call them precious

fucking mongs

>> No.12501295
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Pic of the aftermath btw, the babies didn't have any tusks but were quite entertaining to shoot regardless. 6 tusks in total, big green candles for my portfolio, put it all in LINK.

>> No.12501298

Trump lifted the ban anon it's no longer illegal.

>> No.12501373

I value elephants more than 99% of people. Unironically kys.

>> No.12501400

Post pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.12501401

You'll get horrifically fucked up in the afterlife or your next life.

>> No.12501422

I am triggered though so well done.

>> No.12501515


Iol who hurt you?

pretty solid point

The only path to retribution is to go back over and kill them. You would know better than anyone you larper.

>> No.12501537


I prefer being poor, or worse, a REQ bagholder, than kill my elephant bro

>> No.12501614

sustainable business model...extinction up ATH, brainlets everyone

>> No.12501636

>people who buy it are dumb ultra rich pseudo collectors
Use a water cutter to saw through layers of tusk. Make multiple tusk shells. Fill them with equivalent weight cheap material. Seal tusk. More tusk and buck. Idiot fucks won't be able to tell the difference.

>> No.12501669

Nobody will even bother with removing 7.63x39 and .308 caliber rounds from your lifeless body when you get hit by local special operators hunting porchers in the area.

>> No.12501752

You can also mine ivory in some regions of Russia.

>> No.12501824
File: 543 KB, 682x437, ppppp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elephants are too smart to kill

it is morally wrong to kill something with a high level conscience

>> No.12501858

I cannot express how much I hate niggers

>> No.12501880

Hate niggers all you want but it is the chinks driving demand for this barbaric practice. Niggers just get stuck with all of the risk and dirty work.

>> No.12501926

>Watch humans get killed
>Don't even flinch
>See some elephants get hunted
>Start crying and screaming

Just like the faggots on LiveLeak. You cunts deserve to end up like these elephants.

>> No.12501958

based and tuskpilled

>> No.12501961

I bet you support bullfighting too you sick fuck.

>> No.12501964

and it is fucking based, look at the photos in this link >>12500764

>> No.12502104
File: 8 KB, 250x233, 99762A83-AB13-4637-A1B7-DE56BE7D102A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulls need more rights!

>> No.12502116

phuck this gay earth

>> No.12502162

idk if i could kill an elephant. they are beautiful creatures. id rather sell heroin the chances of you getting shot by a game ranger or getting eaten by wildlife is lower

>> No.12502205

I would kill op before killing an elephant

>> No.12502212

I would literally execute you on site given the opportunity. All poachers deserve torture and death, no exceptions.

>> No.12502238

New intensifies

>> No.12502242

>Take enormous risks to get a hot product
>Think you're going to make it
>Get murdered by your buyer who takes your stuff since they have no moral qualms either

>> No.12502257

if they made ivory legal, and sourced it from elephants in zoos, sanctuaries, and from dead ones found in the wild. the price would collapse and then the motivation for the poachers

>> No.12502283

the price of ivory would plummit!

>> No.12502284

Unironically I do. Saw one in Spain once, was great fun. Are you a soccer mom or something?

>> No.12502296

>kill buyer
>no more revenue

>> No.12502297

wouldn't it be easier to poach niggers? they're everywhere. you can put them to work, or use them as animal feed.

>> No.12502321


I'm trying to make a million dollars quickly.

Do you think its possible to sneak into a zoo with a sawzall a few times and steal their tusks while they're sleeping?

>> No.12502333
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you didnt think he brought any money with him did you?

>> No.12502385

Yes because there was no trade in Ivory until it became illegal

>> No.12502408

The difference is human beings are pieces of shit.

>> No.12502412
File: 66 KB, 529x529, are you retarted or yes, reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid. look at how much revenue marijuana is generating for the states that have made it legal. i am advocating doing the same thing with ivory and ivory products. have fair trade ivory available, what would be the motivation for the poachers still facing incredibly high prison sentences or even death to make significantly less money than before.

>> No.12502437

yeah, if we made everything illegal legal there would be no crimes

>> No.12502517
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trolling this hard or an actual retard cant tell

>> No.12502520
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>> No.12502533

Why are males so cruel?

>> No.12502558
File: 50 KB, 400x388, 1508702053435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, Lefty.

>> No.12502566

We kill pigs all the time why do elephants get a free pass ? Because they are cute ? Pigs are just puppers with curly tails

>> No.12502628

i wonder what elephant meat tastes like... looks good desu

>> No.12502647

How do you know the elephant was Male ?
the asian elephants differ from African I do not know if this one was asian or african

>> No.12502660

Fuck you OP, kys

>> No.12502675

> wanna trade tusks
> go to africa
> get malaria
> get shot by nignogs
> get stomped by elefant
u doin it rong
> get a water pump
> go far north
> find a frozen swamp
> hose that shit up until u see mammoth skeletons

>> No.12502683

Fuck jannies

>> No.12502755


What is worst ? Siberians or Nogs ?
How do I short the Siberians ?

>> No.12502779

If you see people around, you gotta go somewhere more distant.

>> No.12502794

Watching the Siberian digs now Anon
Apparently they dig them up in Michigan too but University fags want to do "Research"

>> No.12503140


how much did that cost you?

>> No.12503279


>> No.12503305
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>> No.12503338

>The guys that I did this with were basically apes with distorted emotions,
Even if this is larping, you are not wrong.
I mean we are talking about black people.

>> No.12503485


>> No.12503507

Didn't he lift the ban on trophy hunting, not fucking poaching?

Look anon I am not going to say I like this idea but I'll give you a more ethic solution that may also not give you as many problems with the rangers and the CITES authorities as yours
>A license to hunt an elephant is around 45K dollars
>Specimens are often selected so that the kill doesn't affect that much the population and even benefits it, normally they go for old males because they prevent the youngsters to fuck.
>Old males normally means bigger tusks as well
>Bigger tusks more money
>Just with a tusk alone you could make what the license costed you and even more.According to your own calculations
Best part is that your initial investment goes to fund the efforts to protect the elephants, and thus your product, from being poached into extinction.

>> No.12503654

Its literally like owning a printing Press?
Can I sell the meat or does that have to be given to starving africans anon ?

>> No.12503757

you can sell it. elephants are hunted as much for their meat as their tusks

>> No.12503852
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No wonder these things are hunted to near extinction. The problem is they do not reproduce fast enough to keep up with the demand.
They are literally like owning a Mint

>> No.12503886

do you know how much an elephant shits?

>> No.12504009

Kinda, but instead of getting thousands and thousands of your product each day you have to be careful and get it slowly. It's shitty, but it's better than having nothing at all.
Every biodiversity related resource has the potential to become renewable (and thus, offer infinite money) but people are often dumb and go all in without realising that by, for example, killing as much elephants as you can and as soon as possible to get the tusks you are loosing money on the long run.
Fun fact: According to some authors we are wasting untold billions because we manage the environment in a very retarded way..

>> No.12504103

Fuck animals. The more we kill, the better.

>> No.12504119

3000 IQ

>> No.12504152

Well, ye. It is illegal. But there are no cops innawoods

>> No.12504183

I agree with this anon.
Not enough elephants in the world.
Planty of shitposters though.

Why not just harvest the organs of shitposters? You'll have an endless supply and be doing the world a service, rather than exterminating a majestic species

>> No.12504193


>implying neets aren't majestic

>> No.12504208
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>this will make for a great thread tomorrow Anon
>How can I short the chinese organ market ?

>> No.12504222

He's not going to make it

>> No.12504262

I want to live to see a cloned mammoth. Once that happens, feel free to harvest mammoth remains all you want, but let the world have their one great success in reviving an extinct species first.

>> No.12504273

We will have to breed quite a few of these majestic animals before we can harvest their white gold

>> No.12504324


i like animals but certain ones need to go. great white sharks for example. they are just a giant fish and very dangerous to humans. it's ridiculous that they are a protected species in certain parts. we have an ethical duty to hunt them to extinction.

>> No.12504364

Tiger sharks and bull sharks are way more dangerous to humans than great whites though.

>> No.12504398


they can go too. the only thing sharks are good for is snapping someone in half filmed in HD/4K, which WILL happen given people are now diving with these barbaric creatures. but apart from that, eradicate them.


>> No.12504467

>Let's remove a top predator that is regulating other species by eating them
>What can go wrong?

>> No.12504504

wow. people on this board are really retarded. I literally doubt you have over 90IQ. Great white sharks killed about 70 people in recorded history. Chicken killed much more people. Light bulbs killed more people. Toilet paper killed more people. Please try to not reproduce.

>> No.12504543

Nah. Needs to be freshly killed tusk. Chinks won't buy your knockoff engineered tusks the murder is what gives it value.

>> No.12504547

>Great white sharks killed about 70 people in recorded history

as i said in my last post, i would not limit the destruction to just great whites. sharks have killed thousands throughout history. nice use of selective stats there. chickens, light bulbs, toilet paper are all necessary and improve our quality of life. similarly our lives would be improved if we could enjoy the ocean with having to deal with these monstrosities.

>> No.12504576

This board is 18+

>> No.12504604

>sharks have killed thousands throughout history
This is the only thing you said that is true.
Tell me how is light bulb necessary. Tell me how it improves your life in comparsion with LED light. On the other side sharks are really necessary for ecosystem.

People like you are fucking our planet up. And I don't mean wanting to kill sharks or any other species. I mean you are fucking the planet by stupidity.

>> No.12504621
File: 5 KB, 180x120, Kill+_a88d99af34c5803133f277313c362058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd trade your life for this elephant.

>> No.12504632

Imagine being a zoomer and having to live on the planet we completely fucked up LOL

>> No.12504716


it's people like you that are the problem actually. we have no moral obligation towards sharks. they are lowly creatures that do humans harm and cause humans unhappiness. i want to put the lives on humans over the lives of a big fish, that's all.

>> No.12504735


(i switched to mobile btw)

>> No.12504955

Elephants kill much, much more people than sharks do.

>> No.12505017

I actually do have a lot of pics. Do you really want me to post them? They’re disturbing.

>> No.12505045


save that for /b/

>> No.12505820

This seems like a logical step up from my shrimp farming. Thanks anon!

>> No.12505829

I hope you get arrested and beaten up.

>> No.12505858

Serious question, why do they have to kill the elephants to get the tusks? Why not use severe tranqualizers and cut the tusks off?

>> No.12506351

Because niggers

>> No.12506977

HOW THE FUCK do you have the licence to get a land and put elephant on it?
ANother question: with genetic ingeneery don't you think that ivory will be simply made in lab without growing and killing elephants?

>> No.12507723
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That would hurt the elephant
>He Gets It

>> No.12507796

We need to wipe out the niggers once and for all.

>> No.12508200

An hero moralfags

>> No.12508232

It's easier, cheaper and safer to just kill the elephant.
They already have guns anyway.
>Whelp the tranquilizer didn't work guess we'll all fucking die no by this giant beast

>> No.12508261

you know what they do to poachers in Africa right? they are usually shot on sight.

>> No.12508426

Get shot at by triad gangs

>> No.12508536

Ivory trading is illegal in my country. Also KYS!

>> No.12508588
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based and shrimpilled

>> No.12508597
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>> No.12508665
File: 735 KB, 879x540, TrumpElephantHeads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're still allowed to bring home an Elephant Head
See video below

Based Trump lifting the ban


>> No.12508676

nignog tier hustle
no wonder africa is a complete shithole that just keeps getting worse

>> No.12509125

>from Zimbabwe
>Trusting that they will use the permit money for conservation
They are in so deep shit that they would even sell their mothers to get one of those trillion dollar bills that are worth absolutely nothing. All thanks to the brilliant Mugabe.
Also if they don't want white farmers, they shouldn't want white money either.

>> No.12509185


You’re still not allowed to poach endangered species in the US

I’ve sent screenshots of this thread to multiple 4channel advertisers

Eat shit jannies

>> No.12509194


>> No.12509272
File: 987 KB, 1351x580, WereGonnaMakeIt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news Anons
It seems that this couple who smuggled $25,000 dollars worth of Ivory into the USA where only given a 500 dollar fine and had their White Gold confiscated.


>> No.12510170
