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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1249270 No.1249270 [Reply] [Original]

whats /biz/ do for a living

>> No.1249285


>> No.1249290

IT contractor
25 yo
200 bongs a day

>> No.1249291

part time wage-slave, part time investor

I make 3k of passive income a year.. will suppliment that as i gain more capital from my cuckslave income

>> No.1249297

what is your passive income deriving from_

>> No.1249301

Im a full time wage cuck, the only investing I do is through my RSP the company gave me. Whats the best online broker to use

>> No.1249303

Software development. Pay isn't super high but I've got job security as a mid level dev. Feels good. I'll have my annual review in a few months and hopefully jump to the mid 70k region.
In b4 some valley cuck tells me I should be making 120. I live in the south east where that goes a long fucking way.

>> No.1249307

>job security

is that really worth anything these days? when i was a permanent employee actually found it hard to stay put because there was always somewhere else to go for more money.

>> No.1249317

an average trust fund that i created for myself.. its quite basic, nothing special

medium to high risk tier

>> No.1249331

Self-employed, feels boss nigga.

>> No.1249341

Underground gold mine electrical supervisor. Studying mba via distance part time. I want to start a business but that 135k is pretty hard to beat. Once I pay off my house I will either invest in shares and try and go full time investor eventually, get a business or go for a job in corporate in a capital city

>> No.1249343

Accountant (cuck level). Government bonds pay well here, so I do some of that too.

>> No.1249409


25 years old
$62k a year

I live comfortably and, through some careful planning, I'm already on track to have a nice retirement fund for myself. I have an offer to go into a quality control office that will pay about $12k more a year but it's not guaranteed I'll get it. If I can't get into that sector, I'll probably get an MBA or a master's in public health to get into management.

>> No.1249416

Currently suing my employer for 25k.

>> No.1249438

I'm in the business of facilitating the safe and efficient movement of trains.

It's pretty cool.

>> No.1249460

Used to do software but I started becoming too expensive so they let me go.

Now I live off of real estate income

>> No.1249474

Got offered a job a the green dot tonight, which I accepted. Bow before me

>> No.1249476

warehouse operator but i invest my money like a jew

>> No.1249538

30 years old

make 33/an hour always 60+ hours a week

I support healthcare software

>> No.1249570


PMO Analyst


>> No.1249572


>Part time student, investor and shitposter.
>Last 3 years my yearly income was 38k euro after taxes.

>> No.1249587

Wagecuck in finance

30k€ before taxes
18500 after

>> No.1249589

Investing in shitcoins doesnt count faggot.

>> No.1249608

get paid to go to school cause thats just a job for some people

>> No.1249612

would you be willing to make a new thread speaking about this?

>> No.1249622

>imlying I invest in shillcoins

Index funds and real estate is where the money is currently located at this time atm :^)

>> No.1249626


I found this the other day. You should check it out

>> No.1249644

>app developer

looking to add investor to that list very soon

>> No.1249649

instructional designer (build shitty corporate lessons on how to use a printer, or how to not take shady bribes from nigerian princes through your company email)

shit is so menial and far from what I imagined myself doing out of college, I barely have any work, my coworkers disrespect me (and I don't blame them, my job is a joke), and the location is balls. On the upside, the pay is good, and I sit on my ass and read at my computer 90% of the week.

could be a hell of a lot worse. But that hasn't stopped me from setting up interviews with other companies this week... hopefully can shove my boss' midyear review "raise" of 800/yr, when promised 4%, back up his asshole.

>> No.1249652

>using the smiley with a carat nose

>> No.1249655
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>greentexting unironically

>> No.1249994


>> No.1250002


>> No.1250008
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Public sector accountant, 26yo, £38k.

>mfw I went to LSE so all the dickheads that I graduated with are now earning £100k+

>> No.1250084

trust funds arent hard to make.. just go to your local goldman-sachs equivalent, with some money and sign up

>> No.1250103

Burger King kitchen worker

>> No.1250115

24 yrs old, Skilled laborer, Patios, framing, drywall flooring, etc. Currently working for a couple of dudes that flip houses. ~$36k/yr for the moment. Have a degree in Biology and a few years experience as a Park Ranger, but a DUI fucked up my cozy government job and I've been reduced to labor. Sucks to feel like I've thrown away a good life at such a young age

>> No.1250245

mostly software and consulting, made around €44000 p.a. last year. try to reach €100k savings next year, so I can work on some own business ideas.

>> No.1250280

>literally a Ponzi scheme
wew lad

>> No.1250293

Data Analyst
22 y/o

Pays the bills I guess.

>> No.1250297

What do you do? What's your degree?

>> No.1250300

Mostly my job consists of data querying and manipulation. I also do some reporting for my department. My degree is in Econ.

>> No.1250303
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Gawd can you please open you're eyes dum dum

>> No.1250306

Production supervisor
65-70k a year
Easy hours and cruisey job allows me a lot of flexibility like posting on /biz/

>> No.1250311

Schizophrenic since a young age, I live off disability government funds at 10k a year.

>> No.1250315

IT/Finance software developer
25 y/o
95k, supplemented with around 2k of dividend income

>> No.1250317

I am a professional poker player. I haven't gotten into tournament play, so all my income is from playing in cash games. In 2015 I made just under 150k. Which is a lot considering the stakes I play, and time spent at the table.

>> No.1250341
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Courtesy Clerk at a Tom Thumb. I used to be a both, but primarily a cashier before my Albertsons store closed, and they've essentially demoted me with the same rate of pay. It's amazing how ineffecient and annoying they are.

>have to punch in floor sweeps twice an hour, then physically write them down on a sheet
>there is no turn table on registers, so they just come straight at you on a conveyor belt and start bunching up and falling down
>last store had a button you'd press with your hip to move the turn table as did cashiers
>now you have to dig behind the tray of bags for a switch to flip on and off
>the tray of bags is facing the same direction the conveyor belt moves groceries instead of inward towards the bagger
>bags are amazingly thin and tear on edges
>not to mention at Albertsons, the cashier had a bag tray right next to the scanner so cashiers bagging was easy, but at this store, it's way off to the side, meaning you have to walk over and bag your own groceries, meaning most cashiers give me EVERYTHING to bag on this itty bitty conveyor belt
>have to inspect restrooms every hour
>have to keep the lot perpetually clean of carts or they grill into me
>the lot is downhill, so you can't push a lot of carts at once otherwise they fall from the chain
>entire work environment is anti-social and tense

Some of my favorite parts
>if you close, you have to 'condition' all the frozen aisles, meaning bring them all to the front and make them neat, otherwise they grill into you
>Albertsons had a night crew do all this
>they never stand up and fall on you or the ground while your hand gets brutally frozen
>lunch breaks are never as scheduled and are just whenever
>even if the lunch is listed as 1hr, you only ever get 30 minutes

>there is only ever ONE courtesy clerk, so this falls all on you at the same time.

I want to quit. This job is too much.

It's not worth $7.75/hr

>> No.1250344

Oh, almost forgot

>no scan guns at any of the registers.

>> No.1250361

I sell xanax, weed, and adderall

>> No.1250362

IT Consultant
35 years old
97k per year

>> No.1250365

mexican codemonkey, 10k-ish a year.

>> No.1250371

any special language? specialization?

just asking, because I'm eyeing on Consultancy right now


>> No.1250377

How'd you get into the field?
What are your qualifications?
Where do you work?
Is IT networking/network security a good field to go into?

>> No.1250407

>Burger King kitchen worker

Honestly, I'd even kill to be a kitchen worker for at least 5 years.

Anything is better than being a guy who still can't get a job due to no available positions (not in the US).

Having a job, earning money and buying what you want sounds amazing.

>> No.1250409

Where do you live? Somalia?

>> No.1250422

In the Caribbean.

Life doesn't suck here unless you're a wealthy tourist or have wealthy parents

>> No.1250426

I meant to say 'if' not 'unless'

>> No.1250427

Puerto Rico?

>> No.1250429

My wage cuckoldry is almost at an end.

I've done a bunch of things in sales and marketing over the years but now I'm literally just doing door-to-door cold calling for a few more months before leaving my home country to start my own English teaching business on the other side of the world.

>> No.1250433

I do C#/.NET and a shit ton of T-SQL. My role is client facing, so being presentable and responsive is important. Also I have excellent written and verbal communication skills.

>How'd you get into the field?
>What are your qualifications?
I graduated with a degree in computer science and bounced around jobs a bit until I landed a job at a major consulting firm.
>Where do you work?
I support a large federal agency in the Washington DC area.

>Is IT networking/network security a good field to go into?
The pay is good. I'm actually under paid for what I do and my salary doesn't go as far as you think it would in the DC area. My job is stimulating. I work with dedicated people who are all supporting a mission for our country.

>> No.1250450

Thank, much appreciated.

>> No.1250481

31 years old. acquisitions & development for a hotel company; made $230K last year, will top $250K this year.

work in a hotel. caribbean hotel workers generally fucking blow, and there are really strong government protections that make it so they don't work hard and they are impossible to fire. if you're local and even remotely hard working / smart, you'll get promoted up through the ranks, as every caribbean government has local worker quotas and there are very few native-caribbean workers who ever qualify for management positions, making the ones that do like fucking gold.

>> No.1250537

Well, I prevent myself from killing myself everyday from working two jobs with customer service.
Also baker at one shop, and baskin robbins at another.
From homeless to 8.2k saved in 11.5 months.

>> No.1250542

I give blow jobs in exchange for little rocks of baked cocaine.

>> No.1250547

Baskin Robbins always finds out bro.

>> No.1250561

What stupid movie is that from?

>> No.1250597

investment banking analyst: mergers and acquisitions

It's the best thing I never want to do again

>> No.1250614

I also wanna know, I was told this joke by a customer.

>> No.1250618


it's antman

>> No.1250621
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>> No.1250654

Hospice social worker. I enjoy my clients and actually feel like I'm doing some good in the world.

Make 46.5K a year, about to wrap up my first year of the job right out of college. My coworkers are great, my caseload is fluctuates and I rotate between being busy on insanity levels to having literally fuck-all to do.

I'll do this for a few years, 2% salary increase each year, 3% 401K match, good benifits (thought not vision or dental). It's a small organization so my room for growth is very limited, I'll probably ride it for a few years (maybe....5?) before looking for another org. I'm on the student loan forgiveness program so in roughly 9.5 years my student loans will be paid off completely.

Endgame is some sort of supervisiory role in the VA or VA facility/clinic. I'll make 6 figures and quite literally sit in my office and masterbate. The VA is infamous among social work as a place that pays unbelievably well and never fires anyone. It's common knowledge that you have to be caught committing outright fraud to be fired, sometimes not even. And no, the shake up from a few years back didn't change anything.

Also, I'm a male in a field that is 90% women. So I'm a fucking unicorn that is considered 'diverse' when hiring.

>> No.1250669

Living da gud life

>> No.1250672
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Software dev (but i just test shit)
24 y/o
$60,000 a year not including OT

>> No.1250680

>I'm on the student loan forgiveness program so in roughly 9.5 years my student loans will be paid off completely
This is an achievement? 10 years before a loan on a fucking social worker degree can be 'forgiven', not even paid off? Explain the math and logic

>> No.1250683

On a serious note when did you get diagnosed and what are the early signs (18 y/o). I am kind of worried something is wrong with me, this afternoon and few other occasions I haven't even been able to recognize myself in the mirror. That freaked me the fuck out.

>> No.1250687

IT plus stock market on the side. Hopefully being a full time day trader one day.

>> No.1250689

I owe roughly $65,000 in student loans due to 6 years of school (bs of psych, masters of social work). Using the PSLF (Public Service Loan Forgivenes) program, as long as I work full time in a non-profit then I pay my loans on an income based repayment plan. After 10 years of consecutive on time payments the remaining balance on my student loans will be forgiven.

To illustrate, my current loan payments are $168.50 per month, if I were on the normal 10 year full repayment schedule, my monthly payment would be closer to about $800.00 a month.

>> No.1250696

Good grief.

>> No.1250715

Fuck all.

>> No.1252707

what's a normie salary in the US?

>> No.1252712


r you a spaniard or some shit?

the US is probably as big as your continent, unless your a nigger, so the """normie"" salary varies dumb fuck

>> No.1252717
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god damn this makes me glad that I spent my highschool years dicking around with web development and graphic design.

I make~$300 a day through 2 websites I own with reviews for clickbank products.
Mfw I'm making 6 figures a year with less than 2 hours of work a day.

>> No.1252721

watch out for those quotation marks, you might get a seizure.

>> No.1252752

do you use those crappy landing pages that shove it all in the reader's faces? if so, does it actually work? Did you do much SEO?

>> No.1252772

lol the ones with broken english and shit?
No they're full sites with news and shit.
The only people that still talk about SEO are indians.
SEO is too fucking slow and paying for ads is useless if you're not coughing up huge amounts of cash.
Positioning is way more effective.

>> No.1252774

32, Insurance Claims Manager
$72K AUD

>> No.1252781

what do you mean by positioning? How did you get visitors to your site in the first place? So basically you just insert affiliate links throughout your article or at the end like "click here to purchase ebook".. etc? Also I assume you write the articles yourself?

>> No.1252816

What did they do?

I'm just curious because I have noticed that employers treat employees terrible.

I live in a small town where people think lawyers are only in fiction stories.

>> No.1253399

31, Supply Chain Analyst
$74,800 USD, eligible for up to 10% bonus on top.

>> No.1253400

>Paying for school for 6 years to enslave yourself for 10 more

>> No.1253418

18 "front service clerk", aka grocery bagger and cart bitch

I want to get into IT but I only have a comptia A+ cert and no degree (yet)
I'm really nervous about the future honestly. I don't know what the fuck to do

>> No.1253420

tfw I make half that in a week if I'm lucky

>> No.1253425

I'm still in college, but drying the summers I work as an opening manager for Papa John's making 10/hr. Easiest job ever.

>> No.1254603

Starbucks barista while finishing college.

Its not bad; $8.75 base/hr +$1/hr or more in cash tips weekly. Jobs easily as hell honestly. It helps that my store is a franchise (no corporate BS), the nicest in the city, great clientele, I get free drinks whenever, and they are super flexible.

Not many part time jobs pay $10/hr (in the midwest) but I really want a business job that pays better. Been here a year getting tired of it.

>> No.1254615



>but I only work 4-5 hours a week

I'm a failure, might actually end it soon

>> No.1254648

I drive

>> No.1254659

What are you going to school for?

>> No.1254671
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Swing trader, trying to build a professional track record so i can get in prop or manage some capital
>wish me luck brehs

>> No.1254673

Pizza cuck $200/w
Grocery stocking cuck $250/w
Street pharmacy $500/w profit

>> No.1254691

I shoot birds at the airport

>> No.1254719

I shoot pigeons at the city square. That's just for fun though.

>> No.1255078

International business.
Not a great major probably, but at 25 i'm ready to be done. Senior now. Going to try to work in international firm.

>> No.1255105


>being a senior at 25

I graduated at 21.

>> No.1255135

Air National Guard
But I have a full-time job with the Guard
I enlisted as a 3D132 (Cyber Transport - basically network infrastructure maint), but applied for a job in IT Plans and Programs. I had no idea what it was.

Now, I'm the base IT ECO (Equipment Control) managing an inventory of over 4000 IT assets. Each unit has an IT Inventory manager who is accountable for their particular units' assets. I have to maintain the online inventory system, add new assets, move assets between units, force unit IT managers to conduct an annual inventory, provide them with training, etc. I also have to make sure all assets are replaced when they go out of warranty. This year, for example, we ran a report and determined that among other things, we had 100 monitors going out of warranty within the year, and 300 already out (The previous ECO was a shiteater who did nothing, that's why). I put through a requirement document and we got 400 monitors from NGB, and I immediately starting going through the base, unit by unit, replacing all of the expired monitors. We have to send old equipment to DRMO, and that involves a lot of paperwork and taking the equipment over to Supply and helping them palletize it. DRMO is basically the government's recycling clusterfuck, and they apparently put some reusable stuff out to schools and law enforcement agencies and other places where old monitors and computers might be useful. Each monitor I replace requires me to click 6 times in an inventory system, input the two serial numbers, generate a label and fill out two pieces of paperwork, and actually move the damn monitor. In my first year, I replaced 400 monitors, about 90 desktops, 20 printers, and around 200 laptops.

Now, the "fun" part of my job: IT Planning and Requirements and project management. WE have a whole bunch of paperwork and computer systems whose sold purpose is requesting money from the Pentagon, from NGB, or from the state, for IT projects or orders.

>> No.1255157
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Sell hardwood flooring.

I get to witness idiots here pile every last penny of their income into the only asset cash they have: a house, at the peak of a housing bubble (Toronto, Canada).

>> No.1255159

So, say our commander in Comm decides he wants to see if we can get money to replace all of our network switches on base, along with their UPSes (he did, and this example is real)... I have him fill out a form I made asking him to describe the shortfall, what the suggested solution was, if there was a deadline or timeframe the requirement needs to be filled in, and how mission-critical the requirement is. I have to turn around and fill out a bunch of forms on a site NGB set up, and I'll usually translate anything that's unclear when filling it out. I'll go ahead and get quotes for everything in the requirement (in this case, I had our network guys give me quotes for exactly what would work for them)
I then put in the prices, upload the quotes, and wait for funding to be released.

Then I'm the project manager - not the project lead. I just have to sit in on boring conference calls and schedule dates for contractors to come out at this point, make sure the money is in our unit checkbook when they charge us, and I have to schedule our QA guys to sign off on the project before I mark it as "complete" and it falls off the face of the earth and everyone wonders where all of the guard's money went.

Anyways, for all of this, I make about $45,000/year no matter whether I literally shit my pants at work and continue watching youtube videos at my desk (like the guy before me did), or whether I bust my balls and fix that guy's fuckups.

I really need a change.

>> No.1255185
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having a quality time in scandinavian refugee center,,

>> No.1255192

Security guard with a really shitty company.

Currently looking into colleges or certification programs for EMT. Opens the door into the field of medicine.

>> No.1255193

you're dad practically owns the company
I don't know why you don't just quit

>> No.1255206

Where I'm at, average salary is $25,000, but I live in a hick town full of welfare cases, I think the national average is probably like 35,000

>> No.1255221
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it's not that bad job,, I'm making ~3k per month (euros) and I have easiest job ever, shitload of ''free time'' and good overtime and other bonuses because it's getting really difficult to find people to guard these rapefugees.

>> No.1255234

I deliver mail. Best part of my job so far has been meeting people who are starting their own businesses, working out of their homes and selling shit online.

One guy I pick stuff up from every day sells toys. Started out only a couple of items a week, now his business has taken off and he makes enough money during Christmas season to cover his expenses for the entire year. I really want to know how he does it but I would probably sound like an autist, plus he and his guys smoke so much weed they barely notice me when I arrive.

>> No.1255253

how did you get into that? What is your educational background?

>inb4 have the last name Patel

>> No.1255284

Government data entry for 10 bucks an hour.

I'm already ahead of my coworkers because I just work with my headphones in listening to music or podcasts and don't have loud conversations gossiping about other people in the office that cause drama and bother the engineers and other real employees with the noise.

I can pull a Ben Hamper and meet my hourly quota ahead of time by cranking down and processing all the files I need to do for the day with hours to spare, then do the 10 minute drive home and do whatever I want there while still clocked in. Then I'll drive back after an hour or two and work for a little while before clocking out for the day.

I get my work done and I'm not a dumb loud redneck Bubba/Krystal or a dumb loud ghetto Tyrone/Shaniqua who can't use their inside voices and literally talk about crimes they've commited and about pussy as vulgarly as possible loudly enough for a dozen people to hear them or loudly talking shit about their coworkers or having retarded religious discussions about how stupid Catholicism and every other religion or lack therof is compared to the Southern Baptist church that a clique of them belong to.

Lol the people on our floor hate us, we have engineers with advanced degrees working in cubes next to group cubicles of ghetto diversity hires, ignorant country bumpkins, and a handful of college students like myself all making just above minimum wage.

>> No.1255333

Get a blog. Jesus christ...

>> No.1255343

What a dick

I hate when you bother to make a detailed post on this shithole of a Filipino sport fishing forum and some asshole tells you to get a blog.

>> No.1255414

Yeah. Like, dude, sorry I gave as much detail as I could and didn't just say "IT planner, 45 grand"

Some people want a boring chan, I guess.

>> No.1255527

Environmental, Health and Safety Specialist
75k a year plus bonus (not much really, like 2k)

No degree, just a high school education.

>> No.1255549

Second tier software engineer at a large share online retailer that isn't Amazon.

I write parts of a big piece of software that projects delivery costs and time estimates for warehouses and suppliers. I actually just recently finished a large solo project that will incorporate a massive stock of data from Fedex to shorten our time estimates by about 50% on a whole. It's neato. I want to use my competence as leverage to continue advancing upward. Two levels above me gets unlimited vacation time. Kinda looking forward to it.

>> No.1255552

M&A @ GOldman Sachs













>> No.1255651 [DELETED] 
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debt collector in auto finance

$22/hr + anywhere from 700-2k performance bonus monthly

breddy easy job as long as you can handle people screaming at you and still manage to convince them to pay their contractual monthly payment

>> No.1255655
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debt collector in auto finance

$22/hr + anywhere from 700-2k performance bonus monthly

breddy easy job as long as you can handle people screaming at you and still manage to convince them to pay their contractual monthly payment

>> No.1255667

Forensic Accountant 5 years xp

>> No.1255679

How did you get that job?

>> No.1255707
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>4th year machinist
>50k/ year
>Just got laid off

Going to finish this apprenticeship in August, then possibly start a millwright apprenticeship as I will get a year credit towards millwright, i.e. start at 2nd year.

Unfortunately Alberta is shit as far as machining goes. Don't have much choice.

The issue with being self employed in the machining industry is that it's very expensive to buy machines and a shop, etc.

>> No.1256224
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Legal intern, unpaid, 24. Studying the patent bar exam. It's kind of a shit situation; I'm not a very good student, so I couldn't get one of the few paid internships, but putting this one on my resume will fix that, especially if I can be a patent examiner.

So for right now I'm less than a wageslave, I do it for free. Luckily I have savings from working as an engineer before so I don't have any debt and will be able to pay for school entirely.

>> No.1256301

if you buy a machine how much are you going to be profiting per year, and how fast can you expect to pay it off?

>> No.1256432

Trade stocks, live off passive investments.

>> No.1256452
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Geez. It's so depressing how everyone does boring jobs that they hate. Tfw do same shit for decades then die.

Life is truly scam unless you are born rich and good looking.

>> No.1256458

Unemployed, but I want to be an artist. I'm really good, so I know I'll be successful. Although, I understand all the disdain and uncertainty that people have towards the pursuit of an art career, so I'm investing some financial aid money in trading stocks and hopefully can earn a reliable fortune from it.
I used to work in a kitchen for a long time and hated that shit, and concluded I never want to have a wagecuck job ever again.

>> No.1256459


What passive investments do you have?

>> No.1256462
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lol another mad cuck at missing the bitcoin boat

if you aren't young and rich kys srs

>> No.1256476

Just try to be more concise angryfag

>> No.1256487

>3k euros a month
why is everyone lying in this thread lol

>> No.1256492

positioning means your webstie shows up first

he had luck to position his websites if he didn't do any precise research

i have a youtube channel, and i have managed to position several videos in the first page of keywords that have thousands of videos, i just made decent content

i get around 200 bucks a month from the channel

the guy saying he's makin 6 figures from 2 websites is probably lying or just had mega luck with his site. you never know how the fuck the search algorithm will react to your content.

>> No.1256493

Just traditional shit; stocks, funds and whatnot.
I'd like to bring in a bigger percentage through trading, but it takes time.

>> No.1256496

probably 3k bruto of which 42% go to father state


>> No.1256835


Don't really have any knowledge of the business side. I suppose I should educate myself and get my employer to include me in these duties if possible.

Both new and used machines have a wide range in price too.

>> No.1256925

What is the most profitable job in the arts industry?

>> No.1256940


>> No.1256959


Technical Support Analyst

48k base + 12-15k a year profit sharing + med benefits

Pretty happy with it, just graduated last week and I should clear 60k my first year before taxes. Only thing that bugs me is that this field isn't very related to my Supply Chain major, but I'm gonna try to get into cyber security after a few years and aim for that 6 figure salary.

>> No.1256969

student 23
my own business repairing mobile phones

>> No.1256982

FX Sales & Trading. Around 90k a year with commission. Just finishing up my second year after graduation.

I can safely say I'm paid way more than what I produce in this society but fuck it, about 40% of my income goes to taxes.

>> No.1256987

I work for a planning department at a local authority.

It's fucking tedious and I dread going to sleep each night.

>> No.1256994

how much do you actually make a day?

>> No.1257003

>about 40% of my income goes to taxes

La'De'Daniqua and her 12 welfare kids thanks you for your generous donation.

>> No.1257021

I'm trying to learn more about S&T, what is a typical day like for you? How did you get into S&T? Why did you decide to focus on FX?

>> No.1257036

I can repair 2-3 iPhones in an hour. Each iPhone earns me 60 EUR.

It's not a fulltime job though. More like 1-2 phones a week. However it's a fresh market and there could be made a lot of money in it if handled correctly.

>> No.1257042

What I want to say, give me 150k and I'll make a million in this business.

>> No.1257050

pool cleaner
$600 weekly

i should probably just kill myself once im 30

>> No.1257111
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Software Engineer

I have ~30k positive net worth (retirement, investments, savings, etc) but I still feel broke as fuck. At least I like my job.

>> No.1257401


Listen you stupid fucking comma diarrheatard, maybe he doesn't know what the average is in certain regions. Why don't you tell him since it's so obvious. Fuckboi

>> No.1257586

Just to clarify, are all these salary figures that you guys are throwing around pre tax or post tax amounts?

>> No.1257605


>Mortgage Loan originator
>Missed the bubble years ago because college
>Feels bad man

Still make decent enough because of the commission but dam new laws and guidelines make giving out loans extremely hard. Instead of 1-7 days to pass any loan thru it takes 25-90 depending how fucked the clients file is.

Can only imagine how much money I would be making if it was like early 2000's when people could just pass out loans like candy on Halloween.

>> No.1257629

>30k€ before taxes
>18500 after
What the actual fuck.

>> No.1257632

Im a waiter :)
Thinking about becoming a dental hygienist. I dated a girl who did that. Dumb as a box of rocks but after a one year course shes making like 60 grand plus benefits. Cush ass hours too. But im not sure if anyone would hire a male hygienist nomsayin

>> No.1257640

I should mention 60k is on the low end of the wage spectrum also

>> No.1257649

Train Conductor/ switchman

Make $42/hr

>> No.1257669


my dentist has about 50/50 mix of them.

>> No.1257681

>Correctional Officer

>> No.1257742

21 Working in a project team for Stryker

21 k p/a

>> No.1257759

Profffesional dick sucker

i do it for free

>> No.1257765

>wasting bitcoins on cars
>kys srs tbhfam
>This is who has money in the world.

Please kill yourself in the most expensive way possible.

>> No.1257766

I am really quite jealous of your position anon, how long you been at it? sounds cushy

>> No.1257771

29, decided to go back to university at 26
studying law because I think it's cool

make 15k/year on the side with the remains my own online business, covers living expenses

net worth basically 0

will be finishing among the top 1% of my class next year

mfw I don't even own a car at 30

switching between "life is awesome!" and "it's probably best if I kill myself" on a daily basis

>> No.1257775

>switching between "life is awesome!" and "it's probably best if I kill myself" on a daily basis
This happens to me too.

23 and still in school, wanna get into web development (yeah I know you don't need to have a degree for it but whatever, I'm not from America).

Work casually at a warehouse @ $37.50/hour.

>> No.1257776

How? Let me guess, you knew someone? Not hating, just curious.

>> No.1257777

Where is that at and probably rape

>> No.1257779

Profit = free NyQuil

>> No.1257781

>Work casually at a warehouse @ $37.50/hour.
That seems like quite a lot, what do you do there?

>> No.1257894
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I have a question that doesn't deserve its own thread and I feel like this would be the place to ask.

Yesterday I was working my cashier wageslave job and I struck up a conversation with a lady that asked me a chain of seemingly unrelated random questions. Evidently something about our conversation impressed her about my "customer-service" abilities and she revealed herself to be an interview manager at a place that "trains branch managers" if I remember right. She wrote down her information on a piece of receipt paper (pic related) and told me she would call me back in what is now between 7 to 12 hours.

Is this going to be a full-blown phone interview? What should I even expect?

>> No.1257896

Aren't these things usually pyramid schemes?

>> No.1257900

If I'm not being fucked with would it be okay to open the "interview" with enough questions of my own to figure this out without coming off as a dick?

>> No.1257901

don't hand over any money
see what it can do for you and if it's an opportunity

>> No.1257915

IT Consultant at the DoD

>> No.1257941
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>Senior Analyst

I just took some edx courses on excel and ms office vba. Finance is filled with retards.

>> No.1257948

>Finance wage cuck

I just started a new job. Between my bonus (on the low end, could be up to 10k more), my relocation/signing bonus (written off as reimbursed expenses), and my base salary, I'll earn about 92k this year before taxes. Could be up to 98.5k, and I earned about 8k from my last job.

So all in, I'll be over $100k this year.

I'm thinking about become a ride share driver on the weekends to supplement my income (really wanna buy a condo), but then I think I need to maintain a decent car which would cost a lot.

>> No.1257958

what's your degree?

>> No.1257968

>about 40% of my income goes to taxes.

40% is low compared to what others have to endure. I had to pay 40-50% taxes when i worked packing boxes in my gap year. All so the rapefugeeeees can get nice houses.

Well at least now I can work the system so i recieve more money from the goverment than i pay :^)

>> No.1258008
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31 years old. Dropped out of college in 3rd year. Calibrate infra red cameras for Chinese company since 2008.

Gross exactly 1800/month. Net 1610/month

I live in a shitty apartment complex where my car gets vandalised all the time because it's all I can afford while still having some money left at the end of the month.

>> No.1258018

>i just made decent content

>> No.1258028

hydrologist. chill office job where I get to go play outdoors sometimes. geoscience is the place to be lads.

>> No.1258037

That was an interesting read, thanks anon

>> No.1258071

> 26
> 27k Yearly
> TA at mid-major university (rhetoric and comp.), freelance, occasional landscaping

Only 20 more years to tenure.

>> No.1259044


>> No.1259059

Lead Aeronautics Engineer
$400k/yr + stocks + bonuses

$200k/yr from real estate
$100k/yr from e-commerce business that runs itself

>> No.1259097

Assistant to the CEO of a Japanese startup
I do data analytics and go on business trips (I'm fluent in Japanese)
25 years old, I make 75k a year
CEO wants to take me with him to his next startup

Life is good.

>> No.1259130


>> No.1259132

Fell for the CS meme. Just graduated and I'm about to start my 100K job in Texas. Fucking paying an assload in rent though so I can walk to work.
Being a wage slave is comfy

>> No.1259134

>final year of business studies at university

>> No.1259135

>Front Desk Agent
>27 years old

>> No.1259160

IB analyst

>> No.1259527

looks like you're doing pretty good bro. When did you start earning? You must have started pretty early to amass enough property to make 200k from it, how did you do it?

>> No.1259631

He didn't

>> No.1259635



>> No.1259656

>switching between "life is awesome!" and "it's probably best if I kill myself" on a daily basis
Also fighting these bs feel battles.

3rd shift security wagecuck. Hours are stable and I can take time planning our my next steps. I have pretty low living expenses, so the theme of the month is finding ways to invest what I've managed to squirrel away.

>> No.1259657


>The phone is my sword
>Email is my landmine


>> No.1259662

bitcoin new elite masterrace checkin in
stay mad poorfag lol

>> No.1259663

OR get new clients
Hiring someone to do more pools.
Continue until you are top area pool cleaner

>> No.1259665

Yea really wish we could go back to those high flying times when erryone went full ruhtard

And back through the collapse again.

Could really capitalize on some peoples losses

>> No.1259692

warehouse worker.


trying to invest any leftover money I have after paying off bills.

>> No.1259693

> yurop

>> No.1259704

This always pops up....
Anyway Senior clientele manager for one of the big 4 law firms.

>> No.1259765

Hate satan's control.
God wouldn't do this.

>> No.1259776

Network Engineer

>> No.1259805

>Bank Examiner (Federal Government)
> $70k + Federal Benefits

I'm just starting out (Still in my first year coming from no experience). I should be making well over 100k in the next few years. I'm also hoping to start more aggressively investing to get a passive income going.

>> No.1259854

What kind of analyst? What do you analyse day to day?

>> No.1259874

Interesting. What do you do that the firm needs you ?

>> No.1259883

>nothing yet
>doing a music course in college
>realized that it won't put food on the plate
Not to try and hijack the thread, but I feel like I've fucked my life up already. what do?

>> No.1259938

You haven't even graduated yet, so you have plenty of time to change course. Think about you what you enjoy, what you've been successful at in the past, and what education is in demand. Once you've reconciled these factors, change your major accordingly.

>> No.1259948

The 1st year of the course ends in like 5 weeks, and it's a UK college so it's only a diploma. I really didn't end up enjoying school much due to mental health issues during my final years. Although I've really come to appreciate wood strangely so I was thinking forestry.

>> No.1259958
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ILWU longshoreman. My base wage is $38 an hour, but I get more if I operate a machine and/or work the night/weekend/holiday shift.

>> No.1260009

webcam model - gay4pay - made $87,000 a year. Spend 16 hours a week fapping and showing off my body for horny old men. I also have an office job that pay 40k a year

>> No.1260013
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Keep on hauling that big freight, brother.

>> No.1260016

Go go ro/ro

>> No.1260023
File: 157 KB, 960x720, UiSrkvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, logisticsbro, I will.

Never heard that before. Clever.

>> No.1260029
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All dem pigs about to go to the slaughter.

>> No.1260036

elec engineer

have almost nothing in savings....

>> No.1260048 [DELETED] 
File: 1.20 MB, 1062x812, smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planner for a main contractor
£34k a year (+£1k a year in commission)
25 years old.

>> No.1260062
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>I have the same job, have the same degree, and am the same age

Weird, but cool

>> No.1260085

He didn't, you dumb fuck.

Aerospace engineer - 26 - 80k Canadian

>> No.1260086

$16bn asset size bank bond portfolio manager

>> No.1260090

Someone works at Publix

>> No.1260091


This is the only guy I believe

>> No.1260138

live or online

>> No.1260227

How do I become please tell me.

>> No.1260315

It manager, $80,000 CAD salary. Job is chill, lots of idle time to trade penny stocks, fuck around on forums, or play Civ5 via remote desktop.

Part of me feels like I should be investing that time into certifications, but I don't give a shit about career advancement and the stress that comes with it. Current plan is so continue making easy money, keep renting a cheap pad, and driving a shitbox, while I invest every penny I can and retire young.

>> No.1260316

Engineer/BIM technician

>> No.1260377

Construction Industry
Buyer/Admin/Quantity Surveyor/Whatever the company director tells me I'm doing next week
Currently working on tenders for 3-5 potential contracts
Earning a pitiful 18k before tax, 15k net (britbong dollers)

Want to start up myself selling chink electronics from Alibaba but don't have the disposable income to buy stock due to bringing up 2 kids.

So how should I kill myself?

>> No.1260391
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Government job working in antitrust enforcement.
Sometimes I tell people I'm a competition enforcer but really I'm a desk monkey.
Still I get to oversee murders and executions.

>> No.1260399

gun murder suicide is always fun.

>> No.1260445

>UK fag
>Can't buy more than 2 packets of paracetamol, never mind a gun.

>> No.1260495

Sales Support
Finance Degree

Honestly I feel like I'm working too hard for the money I'm making. Going to tone it down and lay low for one more year and then I'm out of this bitch. Hopefully find a job paying $65k.

>> No.1261096

>labourer at my dads roofing company
The jobs growing on me desu. It's shitty hot hard work that nobody wants to do but it really makes you appreciate the little things in life.
Honestly I live for the breeze that cools my body while I'm busting my ass up on the roof, feels like pure extacy
Not making alot of money right now but this is my 3rd season and I started at 10/hr, aiming to make 18 by the end of this season
Hopefully I can be half the man that my dad is

>> No.1261201


Sounds like he is grooming you to take over the family biz, not a bad position to be in. Maybe take some basic accounting and business management courses. A lot of trades people who should be pulling 6 figures can barely keep their businesses above water because they don't know how to mange money.

>> No.1261242

How do you land a spot like that at 22? Just know the right people?

>> No.1261253

Just bought a 2013 newmobile that isn't a Ford. It can pay off more to get a newer car than to keep running shitboxes.
The last and first car I had was a 1995 than I ran until it commited engine-oil sepuku. I regret nothing.

>> No.1261257

How did you plan on selling alishit? eBay, Craigslist?

I started doing the same, buying small amounts of cheapass flashlights and selling them to my coworkers for a small profit. I know this could pick up to a good part-time gig, but I need the best way to approach it.

>> No.1261322

I've been reading a few success stories, how to's and sellers guides. Mostly bullshit, but useful to learn how to avoid starter pitfalls.

My plan for starting out was to use Facebook local selling groups to push items I buy cheap and make decent profit from, like cheap power banks, usb accessories & household decorations. If I can keep a small amount of that profit in a separate account and use it to but in a decent stock, labels, packaging... Then I'd move into the eBay/Amazon space. Probably buy a promotion slot for fast sellers based on current selling ranks on the site I choose.

Doubt I'll ever get to that stage though. The Facebook pages I am targeting are full of housewives with too much time and disposable income to care what crap they are buying. So I might just stick to that, if all goes well.

My only concern is having to register with HMRC to declare that income. I know they'd be all over my shit because Facebook is such an open platform that they can see all my sales if they feel like investigating me.

>> No.1261700

I won't be taking it over anytime soon as he is only 20 years older than me but my mom is the bookkeeper/accountant so hopefully she'll teach me everything I need to know
My goal right now is to advance to a foreman position

>> No.1261742

The only person with job security in the modern world is a hot whore on a webcam portal.

>> No.1261750

>switching between "life is awesome!" and "it's probably best if I kill myself" on a daily basis

That's probably the sentiment of a lot of people around 4chan. This place unmasks a lot of the mystery of life.

Who can get excited about women when you go look at some Chad plays Tinder thread and see how the hot women are jumping for his cock while he talks to them like fuckpigs from the first interaction.

At this point, the only interesting possibility is making enough to ditch my wagecuck job, owning barely any personal items, and traveling around getting blown by random whores.

Just like a Houellebecq novel.

>> No.1261755

She was a cashier for $7.50 but got a $30 raise after the boss started exploring her colon.

>> No.1261762

Aren't you worried your job will find out?

>> No.1261768

Wealth Management Advisor at UBS, getting transferred to Zurich next week.

>> No.1262358
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>> No.1262367
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Get at me biz


>> No.1262459

i redirect emails, answer phone calls, and generally pass the buck whenever possible. working in finance.

it pays decent, the managers are a bunch of neanderthals though. they gossip with their staff and generally make work life miserable.

working on opening my own business in the meantime..

>> No.1262477


A little. Odds are unlikely.

>> No.1262483

i'd do this as well. which website do you use?

>> No.1262512

residential journeyman electrician
23.50 an hr with as much over time as i want. Not terribly difficult and the boss is a cool guy but I feel like I'm not living up to my potential.

>> No.1262546

Special Agent FBI cybercrime task force. $87,000. Masters in Criminal Law. Stay in school kids.

>> No.1263082

IOS developer, took a 4 months course and got hired before it was even over, been working for 2 years now, company got purchased recently and i got a raise/bump in benefits and a better office.

making $70k
dont even have a degree.

>> No.1263105

Nurses assistant, attending community college and starting the LPN program in the fall. Plan on becoming an RN within the next 4 years.
I make 10.50 an hour and can easily work 50 hours a week if I want. The job isn't hard, especially night shift as most residents are asleep but you will have to deal with some nasty stuff, ie changing diapers, showering old people, wiping up shit etc.

>> No.1263113
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>> No.1263277

I'm desperate for money, fit and rather handsome.

Could you give me some pointers? pitfalls to avoid etc?

>> No.1263285

CPA 230k

>> No.1263422

Full-time deliveries coordinator at Hope Depot, full-time student for my accounting degree, reservist on the side for fun. Post 9/11 paying for my rent and then some, hopefully I can start working in my field ASAP

>> No.1263447

You guys have such amazing jobs and make so much bank. What the flying fuck are you doing on 4chan?!

>> No.1263526

I have been coming to 4chan since.. 2006? when i was still a teenanger, why stop? just because I have grown older?

>> No.1263539

>mechatronics technician
>40k/year after taxes
>currently looking for ways to make a passive income

>> No.1263549

Just because I'm not poor doesn't mean I'm not a loser.

>> No.1264031

Corp cell phone salesmen 50k full benefits

>> No.1264044

I like you

>> No.1264058

bro dont fuck around with baskin robbins, they always find out.

>> No.1264067


Low-level administrator, webmaster and salesman for a successful small business in town. I get paid $15.70/hour. It's my first job and I don't have a high school diploma; so I cannot complain.

>> No.1264088

how/ where

thinking about going into accounting but everywhere I look the salary caps at 80k

>> No.1264136

Wanna' be my (girl?)friend?

>> No.1264144

community college for business and finance

>> No.1264390

Why do that though, tax deferral?

>> No.1264424

Just get drunk and drive around like an asshole, duh

>> No.1264429

I'm a vagina stamp creator

>> No.1264490


>> No.1264499
File: 71 KB, 1000x1771, scrooge-112912-tw-tif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midwest US

Front end dev / ecommerce / digital marketing (email automation)

Cucked at $60k for the past 3 years. I have an interview tomorrow for only email automation at another company. Should be a $80-$120k job. Wish me luck, anon!!

>> No.1264503


>> No.1264506


>> No.1264514

cs major?

>> No.1264725

analyst at a fuckhuge insurance firm
22 yr old

>> No.1264732

what major

>> No.1264736

Economics at big ten school
working in chicago

>> No.1264738

Student going into 3rd year
Currently work as an intern making 16$ an hour, once I finish it will rise to 20$ an hour and then I need my CPA and I will hit 30$ an hour

>> No.1265332

HMRC here, say's you owe £8,230 in tax

>> No.1265509

I do general labor
I want to kill myself.

>> No.1266428

70k/year, but in small town America, so it goes a lot farther than it seems.

>> No.1266436

What do you do on a daily basis?
I'm currently applying for an internship at an insurance company as an investment advisor, but I want to become an analyst.

>> No.1266526

i actually kek'd

>> No.1266536

Chef at Wendy's
5.75 an hour

>> No.1266537
File: 69 KB, 316x208, 1440381416448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Desktop Support/System Administrator.
Jack of all trades master of none 65k AUS

Interviewed and did medical for a Technical Analyst role pay should be mid 80's. I hate my life.

>> No.1266541


Accountant - Fraud Investigation at Big 4
$72k, live in NYC though so it's not as much as it seems

>> No.1266563

>tfw born rich and good looking
>tfw probably just gonna do same shit for decades til i die

>> No.1266576

anyone here have experience housekeeping at a hotel?

>> No.1266593

I own 3 restaurants.
Per hour is kind of hard to say. I pay myself 60k base salary, and then pull owner draws every 6 months. We are growing quite a bit, so the draws will get larger, plus planning on opening 4 more stores. Sitting at 150k now. I imagine when I'm done I'll get 300k annually.

>> No.1266599

I manage a restaurant to finance my career as an Ethereum trader. I hope I'm right.

>> No.1266616

Could be.

>> No.1266736

bullshit anon. i want to believe

>> No.1266744

How did you manage to land that?

>> No.1266749

How did you get in? I want in. Overnight stocker at Walmart. Sucks dicks.

>> No.1266838

I mostly just fuck around with excel data and make presentations for global clients. If you're looking to get into an analyst position in any field learn the inner workings of excel and sql if you can as well

>> No.1266866

25 yo


Digital media analyst

>> No.1267273

sounds cool! what kind of restaurant? fast food?upper class? Franchise or your very own?

How did you start?

>> No.1267364

for real?

>> No.1267410

I assume you're talking about park ranger? 2 easy rputes, go to college for a bachelor of science, while a full time student apply at usajobs.gov for a student internship gs3 park ranger position. Job will either be us army corps of engineers or national park service. You could also be a ranger for bearuo of land management but idk. Anyway work your seasonal student position for $13 an hr in the summer, when you graduate apply full time. The other route to get in is to serve in the military for the minimum then apply.

To get the job you basically hafta be a college student (for seasonal entry level) or a veteran. If you are a woman, disabled or a minority you have good odds as well. If you are a woman minority veteran who is disabled you are a shoe in. No lie.. they won't fire you either. We had a chick at our park who was full time only showed up a few days a week for less than 8 hrs a day and we couldn't get her fired cuz she was a female veteran minority with a disability

>> No.1267450

It's a federal job by the way. Your checks come from the department of defense. Idk anything about becoming a ranger at state parks. Federal was nice though, work was easy, promotion came from longevity and participating in extra training which you can do while on the job getting paid.

>> No.1267472


too bad it's a life of mediocrity, for me that life sucked the soul out of me.

however, many people love a job where they can grind out their lives with no effort, no risk, or actually doing anything of value. which is 95% of government jobs.

>> No.1268116

Yeah I'm out of the game now, (see >>1250115). I'm not sure what to do with my future. DUI really fucked things up for me, I think my BS is useless with a criminal record. I guess I gotta figure out for myself if I want to keep grinding and start my own business eventually doing one of my trades or if I wanna try to snag an entry level biologist position somewhere and grind that out until I can work through promotions or better jobs. I cant help but think a recruiter sees any sort of criminal history my resume is gonna land in the bin. My grades were probably too low to get into a graduate program. Life decisions are stressful

>> No.1268177

Don't they give you training in that? or would that give me a huge edge by learning advanced excel and SQL?

How did you get the job? And what kind of personality and type of person is needed for that job?

>> No.1268182

I am CAD operator and do 5k a year in eastern yurop

Fuck me, shits stressful

>> No.1268268

I just applied for a pharmacist position a week back but haven't heard anything, I know a friend of mine applied for the same position. Would it be in bad taste to contact the company about my application or to just wait?

>> No.1268275

Trains is hard job. Stay strong.

>> No.1268292

Yeah he's a cs (counter-strike) major.
>computer science

>> No.1268374



Possibly not for long. I may be getting recruited into a private-equity backed startup.

>> No.1268378

first year analyst jp morgan
62k+10k bonus


>> No.1268577


what business unit?

>> No.1268915

>I started becoming too expensive

>> No.1270139

first year associate at a big law firm
€110.000 plus performance based bonus (is usually between 5 and 15k)
took me 7.5 years to get there, shit better pays off.