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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12496378 No.12496378 [Reply] [Original]

How do i profit from the climate change hoax?

>> No.12496383

your maga hat is on too tight you fucking retard.

>> No.12496396 [DELETED] 

E-commerce. There are a lot of garbage products designed to "fight climate change". Target women.

>> No.12496397

isn't it sad how you can basically know exactly where a person stands ideologically just by looking at their hat these days?

>> No.12496400

it's really not that clear cut, don't be too hasty to judge

>> No.12496431

Are you with her?

>> No.12496440

Buy low-lying beachfront property.
Put your money where your mouth is my low iq friend.

>> No.12496460

It's a hoax you moron lol... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jNpFW3TbEc

>> No.12496483



>> No.12496510

trade europoor emission allowances.


>> No.12496511


It won’t last but while it’s carrying on it throws a bit of chaos and disruption into the markets, particularly mining in the west. Start by looking there because the demand for coal is only increasing.

>> No.12496525

this is so insanely stupid i cant believe i still come to this site. fuck off back to pol

>> No.12496528
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invest in a bunch of beachfront property in florida. buy the climate change dip

>> No.12496529

Any other right wing libertarians here who are anti-feminism, anti-immigration but recognize climate change as a real problem and are not religious?

>> No.12496553

/pol/ was a mistake.

Years ago is was underage faggots from /b/ we had to deal with; but every since 2016 underage stormtroopers have been the biggest plague here. Please go thank your orange monkey for taxing all crypto to crypto transactions. He’s really doing wonders for us.

>> No.12496567

the best deal maker tho... right? angry stupid racists will always make my fries. feels great.

>> No.12496576

This, /pol/ appeals to incels and underage neckbeards in training because they think anything edgy is automatically funny

>> No.12496586

You are the definition of brain washed. IQ of a donkey.

>> No.12496595

If this is bait, well done I guess you got me.
If not, neck yourself immediately you literal retard.

>> No.12496606

I fit that description, yes.

>> No.12496611

>anyone I dont like must not be having sex
Avoid bars or you'll have a terrible day

>> No.12496622

>back to pol
>newfag doesn't know that /biz/ is /pol/

>> No.12496624

its super weird being a donkey that owns a few a properties in a major US city. it's crazy how critical thinking allows you to make your own decisions and not get duped by a fat fucking retard that wants a wall he said he wouldn't have to pay for. good luck with your life, sounds like you need all the help you can get.

t. link 1keoy

>> No.12496627

i got your global warming panies in a bunch? lol

>> No.12496630

Lol you’re triggered. What does going to bars have to do with /pol/ being a shithole

>> No.12496639

deep down they know they're pathetic. the self doubt is paralyzing unless they're yelling about some manufactured emergency that was spooned into their brain by equally weak men who are just scared of the world.

>> No.12496646

They can't predict what the temperature will be next week. But they can predict what it will be hundreds of years in the future?

>> No.12496647

subhumans with inferiority complex

>> No.12496655

he's insinuating you're a faggot that if you don't like /pol/ you're probably a socially awkward perma virgin cuck who's likely a subhuman with inferiority complex so you should stay away from bars. he didn't need to tell you that though since you can't even look women in the eye without pissing your pants.

don't cope so hard

>> No.12496663
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>> No.12496670

How come all of the right-leaners I know of are really chill, but all of the left-leaners get offended over the slightest things and explode in fits of rage?

>> No.12496677

I've noticed this before also.

>> No.12496679

now who's triggered? calm down. have a tendie. mom's upstairs.

>> No.12496680

Absolutely based

>> No.12496698

I know what you mean; it's really strange. That guy with the ID lIsUC1oO is just another example lol

>> No.12496699

Who said i follow Trump. I couldn't give two fucks about any of them. All politicians are scum bags.

>> No.12496702

oh so you're edgy anarchy guy? that must be awesome at parties. Let me know how your first one goes.

>> No.12496703

Literally this

>> No.12496711

Normies don’t like /pol/ either so who are you socializing with? Don’t tell me you count the interactions you have online lol.

>> No.12496713

What's with you brainlets and labels?

>> No.12496718

How is this a bad thing?

I fit the description, but I don't think that climate change is too man-made. We are contributing a bit though.

>> No.12496732

Oh my bad... i didnt realize i was speaking with a gender neutral snowflake.

>> No.12496739

I assure you most likely you lack the ability for critical thinking. at least in regards to climate change. it's a huge topic and most people defending the mainstream narrative have never looked into it at all. most only have the illusion of knowledge and rely on others to pick up the slack whenever they are confronted with any argument outside the real of redneck logic and 4chan troll-foolery.

without looking it up, can you tell us whether we are in a glacial period or not? or how long a glacial period usually is? or what milankovitch cycles are?

I mean, can you explain to us how we can predict climate but not markets, or even a double pendulum?

>> No.12496742

I prefer Sheman. Don't make me report you.

>> No.12496755

did you actually write "can you explain how we can predict climate but not markets?" holy shit.

>> No.12496763

Exactly brother. No one can predict the future.

>> No.12496767

explain. what's so "holy shit" about it? both classify as chaotic systems, and one is objectively way more complicated. and that's not markets.
on the other hand if you believe we can predict markets: why aren't you a fucking billionaire?

>> No.12496815

lol, lIsUC1oO eternally BTFO'ed

>> No.12497024

You die.

>> No.12497073
File: 35 KB, 386x600, images (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't it sad how you can basically know exactly where a person stands ideologically just by looking at their hat these days?

>> No.12497181
File: 240 KB, 1050x1200, swimsuit3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy coastal land that hasn't been sold in many years, negotiate for a better price because "it will be under water soon"

>> No.12497191

Scrooge McFuck.

>> No.12497211


no one that owns coastal property is dumb enough to sell their goldmine over a hoax like global warming though. coastal real estate is only increasing.

>> No.12497219

>They can't predict what the temperature will be next week. But they can predict what it will be hundreds of years in the future?
Are you fucking serious? Brilliant if bait. Absolutely would forcibly sterilize you if I could if not.

>> No.12497231


On the internet thats the case but IRL magatards get offended pretty easily. Say anything bad about Trump and you'll be called a leftist, even if you are rather conservative. They are in their own category.

>> No.12497238


progressivism is their religion

>> No.12497492

>On the internet thats the case but IRL
I was talking about IRL. Normally I tend to avoid political discussions online since I vastly prefer to do so in real life.

>> No.12497702


please don't procreate.


>> No.12497714


just bitter, resentful, wound up people.

>> No.12497724

Nice argument. You sound very intelligent.

>> No.12498719

Why are Climate Cucks so emotionally invested? If they were honest they'd relish challenge.
Challenging their hypothesis would only make it stronger if they were correct.

>> No.12498735
File: 25 KB, 480x300, morocco-slide-1_3407659a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Buy cheap desert land
2. Wait for an Ice Age
3. It gets nice and green
4. Hundreds of millions Europeans move to your land
5. Charg them rent

>> No.12498782

sell "carbon credits"

>> No.12499450
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If a word that basically means loneliness is, in your mind, the most horrible thing you can come up with it tells us that social acceptence and the need to belong to a group subconsciously prevails in all of your thinking. By using the word incel, you actually exposed yourself as the conformist NPC that you really are.

>> No.12499468

This ain't /pol/ you christcuck

>> No.12499470
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>> No.12499517

This thread sucks

>> No.12499599

Checking in, honestly the right refusal to look at climate change rationally is just as disgusting to me as the left saying there are 6 million different genders.

Time to take the we are so fucked pill and realize that humans are a species accelerating to the garbage can really fucking quick.

>> No.12499645
File: 187 KB, 1280x1109, 17ne88qv51v01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honestly the right refusal to look at climate change rationally is just as disgusting to me as the left saying there are 6 million different genders.

>> No.12499651
File: 42 KB, 220x220, 1546356449753.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy beachfront property faggot
You mean like Al Gore did after milking the rubes for $1billion with his climate change movie?

>> No.12499728


>> No.12499735

because they want it to be true. it's a doomsday cult.

>> No.12499751

Buy gasoline in bulk while the price is low.

>> No.12499786

actually a nice trading idea: buy $UGAS & $USO and hodl

>> No.12500308

we can predict both to different degrees
but it's only probabilities after all

>> No.12500339


Climate change is the least of our problems. It's used by retards to sweep real problems under the rug.

>> No.12500766

Invest in ChainLink... fence