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12480216 No.12480216 [Reply] [Original]

Economics runs the world. But it's a completely retarded ideology.
We're fucking the planet, causing mass extinction, and the environment is breaking down. None of that is considered in economics because it's an 'externality' (LOL).
Enjoy your money, everything and everyone will be dead by 2100.

>> No.12480221

that pic is you

>> No.12480231
File: 45 KB, 800x705, 1546864000883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're fucking the planet, causing mass extinction, and the environment is breaking down.

>> No.12480232

I'm right. If you don't agree you're part of the mass derangement/delusion, as is almost everyone.

>> No.12480241

t.edgy retard

economics isnt an "ideology". Economics explains the study of production, consumption, and trade of goods and services. Thinking that "economics" being bad to the environment is equally retarded. The economic system that most countries use is called Capitalism. Under capitalism, when problems are presented, like climate change, pollution, and squalor, solutions are presented. There is a monetary reward for coming up with these solutions. Therefore, the problem of the environment will be solved in a timely matter by capitalists who will ensure the earth is not destroyed. now get out

>> No.12480242

>Enjoy your money

I don’t have any money, though. Also, how do you change the world without money? Did you think about that at all.

>> No.12480243

Great argument. I suppose you think it's all a marxist plot even though you can fucking see it happening with your own eyes. Your delusion doesn't change physical reality. It's happening. Wake the fuck up.

>> No.12480259

A lot of “environmentalists" just want to die. They think human beings are to blame for everything because they’re so horrible. OP is a faggot but can be saved if he is white and starts a white family.

>> No.12480260

doesn't matter if it's an ideology or not. business and economics win out every time over preserving the only planet we can live on.

>> No.12480268

Human beings aren't good or bad but they are causing this problem, that's not even a debate.

>> No.12480272

this is simply not true. The US and europe have drastically reduced their carbon footprint and are barely polluting now. Modern solutions have been invented to combat pollution and climate change. Look up "plastic eating microbes" and you will be blown away at what startup companies are doing. Now we only need Africa and Asia to play catch up on that front

>> No.12480275

What are you doing to help the planet?

>> No.12480289

The US carbon emissions rose 2.5% last year, the EUs are flat. So no we haven't made a reduction. Worldwide emissions (the only figure that really matter) are still rirsing. AND we still haven't even seen the cumulative effect of all emissions so far.

>> No.12480290

Ever heard a scientist give a percentage of what climate change would be like without humans or how much humans are contributing? (Tip: they don't have a fucking clue)

>> No.12480298

Al Gore has convinced you to not have children. What I was, you are.

>> No.12480303

>OP completely ignored both my posts

That’s okay. This is how SJWs argue - with themselves. When I see two digit IQ shits like OP protesting in person, I ignore them too so I guess we’re even.

>> No.12480304

US C02 emissions rose 2.5% last year. The EUs were flat. Worldwide emissions are still rising and at an all time high - that's the only figure that really matters. AND we still haven't seen the cumulative effect of emissions so far.

>> No.12480310

Both posts are retarded.

>> No.12480324

Asking you what you’re doing for the planet is a retarded question? I guess you’re the biggest retard of all.


>> No.12480347

Emissions are not a problem for a sufficiently advanced AI.
You are being lied to and manipulated. AI is here, research alphago anon...

>> No.12480354

Money exists mostly to manage the population of the planet, and of course transfer of value.

>> No.12480361

It's absolutely certain the warming would be less. The warming started with the industrial revolution.

>> No.12480372

What are you even talking about? What does that have to do with this? Nothing.

>> No.12480383

trump and jordan peterson say climate change isn't real, and I believe (((them)))

>> No.12480398

That fucking sums it up doesn't it?
Turns out the human race is too stupid to survive.

>> No.12480412

I'm talking about the fifth industrial revolution that will fundamentally change the course of humanity.
Sorry you are so blinded by your ideology you can't see it...

>> No.12480427

Explain. It would require 100% clean energy, mass rewilding, a huge change in our diets, lower population etc etc. Your post was about AI. Explain how?

>> No.12480462

AI is a generic problem solver and those are problems.

>> No.12480503

No chance whatsoever unfortunately. I wish you were right.

>> No.12480521

If they can't tell you by how much it's faith. That's not science.

>> No.12480538

Human C02 emissions are warming the planet, that's certain. You're building a pointless, irrelevant strawman.

>> No.12480581

Yeah thats scientific. I especially like how research groups get rewarded funding depending on how well they support hypotheses that Human CO2 emissions are warming the planet. You literally b& from science if you threaten this doctrine.

>> No.12480596

The science behind co2 warming the planet is very very solid. Yes, you may be right that it may warm less due to the errors. But, there is no question that co2 is causing some warming lol. It's literally empirical. You can repeat these experiments yourself and get similar results.

>> No.12480597

Economics runs the world, finance is the drug

>> No.12480598 [DELETED] 

Humanity is a cancer leeching the planet and leaving only themselves to survice. Eco-facism is the only solution for now. AI will hopefully go full Skynet at some point and wipe most of humanity.

>> No.12480610

Absolute rubbish. Oh yeah 'HURR DURR environmentalist research group funding' is the real problem when fossil fuel companies have spending BILLIONS on denialist propaganda and lies. You've clearly fallen for it.

>> No.12480632

It's true and you are perpetuating myths about a reality that doesn't exist. You are basically worried about the plague after vaccinations were found but not widely distributed.
Stop being used and stop being a mouthpiece for propoganda.

>> No.12480634

I have studied and worried about this issue alot, OP; in fact, my main interest in economics, human nature and our current system of globalisation, is driven through this concern. I am sad to say that nothing will change: it is human nature to progress; technology fuels climate change and pollution, technology that was created to aid human life and comfort has been hijacked by capitalism. Sorry world. Sorry OP

>> No.12480649

What myths? It's proven. You're choosing to ignore the most widely studied subject in scientific history. You're ignoring the evidence, the most well informed experts. Fuck, you can even see the effects with your owns eyes. Melting glaciers, insect die off, sea level rise, desertification. WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP. Your political beliefs have no bearing on the physical reality of what's happening.

>> No.12480659

who is "we"?
humanity is way too diverse to group them all together undere one banner of "we". and the truth is that if you care about the planet, the environment and the future of humanity you are probably white because brown people dont have the mental faculties to care about these things. irnoically white people are the only people who care about the environment, its india and china that are polluting the entire planet. if "we" (white people) really cared we would enslave all lower races or at least manage their dysfunctional countries to ensure they wont destroy the planet with their endless greed and short term thinking

>> No.12480660

Yes you're probably right, there's probably nothing that can be done. Still we should have the courage to stare this shit in the face not numb around with our heads in the sand.

>> No.12480676

Who is 'we'? Humanity. And you're talking shit. Western consumption is by far the highest.

>> No.12480686

I agree climate change is happening. I also think it's a race condition with technological progress, specifically AI.
People are going to use this issue to grab for power. Meanwhile the race condition will be passed without problem.
Watch your representatives as they discuss climate change. I bet they start salivating and look excited when they begin talking.
They are getting ready to feast

>> No.12480704


>> No.12480707

I don't see how AI comes into this. It's the decisions humanity makes as a whole. What if AI said 'stop burning all fossil fuel immediately'? Lots of people might die initially but long term humanity might survive. If we do nothing and just carry on pretty much the entire human race will go extinct.

>> No.12480713

It's not about preserving the fossil fuel industry. Those paradigms change over time, and it is already undergoing change for various reasons. For instance, shale crude from fracking is very expensive to extract. The groundwork has been laid to use the pretext of anthropogenic climate change to support political agendas that increase the centralization of power and give authoritarians power over every aspect of human life. The evidence of this is everywhere.

>> No.12480728

Imagine a solar powered robot that collects CO2 and repurposes it. Now imagine a machine that spends lifetimes considering the problem and comes up with a much better solution.

>> No.12480736

>The groundwork has been laid to use the pretext of anthropogenic climate change to support political agendas

Why is the survival of life on earth a political agenda? It's simply a matter of physical reality and our reaction to it. It's happening. The right have chosen to disbelieve it for a variety of reasons. The narrative that it's a conspiracy for whoever to gain power is ludicrous. It's happening.

>> No.12480747

That would be great, but we really don't have much time for that to become reality. I hope it does.

>> No.12480756

Any politician that wants to stop climate change but isn't talking first and foremost about AI and robotics is lieing to grasp at power.
Just keep an eye out for it, you will see it now that I've pointed it out.

>> No.12480777

Maybe AI can help. Maybe. But it needs to be soon. As in now.

>> No.12480779

>quiet Goy were here to help you

>> No.12480786


>> No.12480797

Unlike the chess games of the 90s, this algorithm is repeatable across any game.
Climate change can be formulated as a game - balance the environment.
The research is somewhat public, although the implementations are private because Google is controlled by c ucks.

>> No.12480855

>Enjoy your money, everything and everyone will be dead by 2100.

lmao, thats long more like a few years, thats if things stay the same, trees get cut down at such a massive rate its disgusting. the amazon rain forest was fucking big now its a desert, like why do you guys have 1 dollar bills. truly its retarded.
the thing is, people are to busy making money to think of the consequences that come with this money shit. Nothing is free in life, it has one cost and thats life.
I could sit here and write down why the fiat capitlisitc model is fucking retarded but it feels like no one gives a shit and most of you are jews anyway so just google climate change, how the monetary supply works,etc just research yourself.

>> No.12480916


China and India gained the power to impact our planets environment from the white man. History is matrix which impacts the present and future. Please read more before being an ignorant racist.

>> No.12480930

Watch and learn: Adam Curtis hyper normalisation. The rich elite have AI to control and manage risk superior to any other process known to man = unprecedented power and control

>> No.12480950

I've seen it. They used AI mainly to predict markets. I'm yet to see any evidence AI can help with this problem. It's probably a pipedream at this point.

>> No.12481042

I'm showing you the evidence. If you want you can look at openai https://blog.openai.com/learning-dexterity/
I don't know how to tell you this nicely, you have some research to do. I'm telling you there is a way to solve the problems with the environment, with aging and with any imaginable problem.
Please study this before telling others what is important. These are generic algorithms.

>> No.12481100

>It's simply a matter of physical reality and our reaction to it.
It's actually very obvious why the survival of life on earth is a political agenda. As wealth concentrates into the hands of the few, so does privilege. This climate change dogma is a variation on the old malthusian catastrophe. The solution is always to cull the excess population, and it is a distinct privilege to be chosen as one of the few who is not genocided.

>> No.12481140

right. whitey should never have given this technology to savages in the first place. but since they have it now, the only way is to take control over their countries and guarantee that the tech is used in a sustainable manner. OTOH dipshits like OP are proably in favour of a co2 tax for western countries, which will cripple these nations even more, give more power to brownskins and ultimately speed up the destruction of our planet. the only solution is complete white supremacy world wide either through enslavement of brown nations or through them paying us sort of a management fee to clean up their mess.

>> No.12481209

Yes, but eating meat and Pajeets dumping their waste in the ocean are the major preventable causes of pollution.

Besides that all we can do is wait for electric cars to replace ICE, and nuclear fusion.

>> No.12481214


Modern economics is an ideology, funded in the dogma that debt can sustain progress

it does fucking not, debt is accelerationism, i can't believe the jews have fucked up an entire generation of mouthbreathing boomers into thinking debt fueled progress was a good thing

it even goes to the ironic level that debt should be paid by more debt

>muh climate change

that's just a symptom of a much larger problem, mass manufacturing can't be accelerated through debt otherwise it becomes unsustainable, in an alternate world where debt didn't accelerated manufacturing we would have a good progress of science in accord to how much we use manufacturing and produce, we wouldn't have demographic problems at all


>muh AI

the AI will literally change all our beliefs about economics, it's insanely stupid to think the AI will be capitalist in nature, maybe capitalists will try to shut it down since the solution to economics may be something completely otherworldly like eugenics, demographic control through nanotechnology, minimum manufacturing with zero monetary gain in cost effectiveness

>> No.12481429

>I'm telling you there is a way to solve the problems with the environment

I currently don't see a reason to believe AI will save us. All it currently amounts to is a hope it will, somehow. We've no idea how.

>> No.12481455

>that's just a symptom of a much larger problem

No, it is THE fucking problem. What could possibly be a bigger problem?

>> No.12481458

Just become a millionaire and use a wall of money to protect your mansion, wagies can work in the wastelands

>> No.12481729

>Enjoy your money, everything and everyone will be dead by 2100.
That doesn't matter because I would be dead by then regardless of if climate change is solved or not.

>> No.12481750
File: 241 KB, 1080x1067, 1547828877756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get yours before its too late

>> No.12482358

On tonights episode of OP is a faggot

>> No.12482372


the ideology that created the problem obvs, you could fix climate change but if you keep that dogma about debt society would still collapse eventually, the stakes just become bigger