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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12478634 No.12478634 [Reply] [Original]

>buying houses
>having people rent the houses
>having the houses pay for themselves

>> No.12478665

You forgot about the part when you lose all your profits because you have to pay to have the house remodeled after you find out your tenant has been smearing their shit everywhere instead of using the toilet since they don't give a fuck about the house because they're just renting anyway.

>> No.12478690

Let the house work for you

>> No.12478716

Enjoy the cockroaches your tenants bring in

>> No.12478730

That's what everybody is doing now. Short the housing market. People don't want to be slaves of the Jews, but in actuality, they only push themselves deeper into slavery by taking loans to buy houses which nobody will rent, because renting is not ownership, and fuck that, so instead those who would rent would rather take a loan, buy a house, and rent it out, but nobody will rent that house, because renting is not ownership, and fuck that.

>> No.12478758

Nice blog post

>In the meanwhile the renting rate is only going up

>> No.12478795

Both Adam Smith and Karl Marx knew that Capitalism would dissolve into degenerate rent seeking.

>> No.12478855

Le smoking crack rebel post.
I own 4 condos and rent it to a Co that brings in trainees for 8-10 mo/year approx.

>> No.12479020

5% a year while you invest your life work vs anyotherinvestmentontheplanet.

>> No.12479069

Renting is becoming less cost effective than ownership. have you not noticed how your friends/family who have NO FUCKING BUSINESS OWNING A HOUSE are suddenly all able to OWN a fucking HOUSE?

red flags all over the place nibba.

>> No.12479077

That is why deposits are a thing in many places

In those places it's also usually quite easy to screw a tenant out of getting his deposit back.

That has happened to me twice. First apartment screwed me out of my deposit because of wall paint. I had repainted the bedroom, and had to restore it to the original colour when I moved out. Ofc. I asked the office and consulted the contract for the correct wall paint, yet I was still charged for having the room painted when I moved out.

They took the complete $3000 deposit for the paint job. As they failed to properly justify why it was so expensive. In that case I sued and won

In my last apartment, $500 of the deposit was taken for "hiring a cleaning company". The apartment was cleaned by my m8s and me, from top to bottom, to a degree that you would be hard-pressed to find anything even under a microscope.
When the inspector came by and inspected one of the kitchen cupboards, he found A. SINGLE. FUCKING. TINY. DUSTBUNNY!

"yeah, gotta write you up for a cleaning"... that cleaning turned out to be for the whole house

couldn't sue them because they did shit right on the bills

it's that easy

>> No.12479154
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Also: Wait 15 years to make the money back and start turning a profit.

>> No.12479444


this. my friend moved into a house previously inhabited by just 3 niggers. It had to be chemically cleaned. There were literally chicken bones lying behind heater system tubing and rotten watermelon couches seeping into the floor.

>> No.12479471
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trips checked

>> No.12479477

profiting of basic human needs (shelter) is despicable.

all property of landlords should be nationalized and redistributed.

>> No.12480208

>take all your cash
>leverage it 5 to 1
>buy a single asset
>put a scumbag renter in and just hope he pays

its like free money bro

>> No.12480479
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I do this. It takes a long time to make any money, but if you are patient it has a very high likelihood of success. I see people boast about their rental deals where they bought a house for 200k and make $700 a month cash flow with zero down and shit like that which seems really unrealistic to me.
All of my houses were at best cash flow even when I bought them, and that's assuming no vacancy or repairs. Over time, the rent goes up and the mortgage stays the same. After about 5 years the house should be solidly cash flow positive, couple hundred a month. After 10, you have this income producing asset that's worth a lot more than you paid, that some renter has been paying down all this time. While you still might only be pulling a few hundred bucks a month out of it, your net worth has gone up tremendously.

>> No.12480853


That's why you don't rent out to niggers.

>> No.12480878

the tenants are the roaches. at least you are legally permitted to muder cockroaches...