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File: 31 KB, 760x400, Bitcoin-price-fall-760x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12476022 No.12476022 [Reply] [Original]

This can be seen as a common trajectory of innovation. As seen in the first music streaming services such as Napster, the ideas and fundamentals were there, however competition then arised, such as spotify/apple music, which trumped the flaws of Napster and ultimately now dominate the music streaming market.

Why is this not going to be the same for bitcoin? The fundamentals and innovation is there, however now competitors such as ripple for e.g. as well as a fuck tonne of other coins are entering the market to trump what bitcoin failed to achieve. I think bitcoin will go to 0. A common trend is that the first innovators are seen to fail, and competitors use the fundamentals of the initial innovative product (blockchain & currency) in a manner that is far more usable. (also a lot of other shitcoins are going to 0, just using it as an example)

I just see bitcoin as a way to make money and no other use case. Look for shit with an actual utilisation of blockchain, doesn't have to be currency either...

thoughts biz?

>> No.12476123

I don't think any crypto will ever be anything more than a pump and dump scam

>> No.12476156

simple: turkey fallacy

>> No.12476174
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>> No.12476175

Because Crypto, thus far, seem to harden over time. The longer the chain, the more you can trust it. The more failed attacks, the more you can trust it.

That can’t be said insofar as Ethereum or any of the BCH chains. They’re not as Lindy as BTC.

>> No.12476182

>competitors such as ripple
stopped reading right there

>> No.12476205

OP is a Ripplet

>> No.12476215

I don't hold any of that shit, just CHX lol

>> No.12476216
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>> No.12476220

history repeats itself. 1999 there was an high-tech boom, the dotcom bubble. alot of shit companies listed with high hopes but only bunch of them survived. crypto is the same now, 20 years later. always dyor and dont fomo into every one shitcoin there is.

>> No.12476315

I said "for example", I dont hold any lol

>> No.12476329

the fuck does that even mean you weird cunt

>> No.12476331

>I just see bitcoin as a way to make money and no other use case
how can you not see another bull run coming then?

>> No.12476338

This was my thought process too, at least. Survival of the fittest over the next couple of years, we shall see mate..

>> No.12476348

I see it as initially people thinking its the next big thing.. it booms, then people realise its fucken useless because of new comers too.. price falls, people trading and making money until it hits 0?

>> No.12476397
File: 250 KB, 879x2048, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is why you have to be either really new to crypto or really dumb for not going all in on STO issuance platforms. Been here for 5 years I can tell you that myself and 12 other members (all old guys from 2012-2014) have zero doubt that the only possible adoption of blockchain will be via tokenization of bonds, real estate, and debt. TPS, sharding, scalability, all those are bullshit when no one uses the blockchain.

Put all your money on an STO issuance platform (CHX being by FAR the best one, by FAR) and stop falling for neo, icx, interoperability bullshit, sharding bullshit, DAG shit, etc.

Security token offerings and digital tokenization of financial assets and debts = the ONLY path moving forward. But this time it's going to be 10X bigger than what we saw last time.

Go all in on CHX. Come back in 2 years. Look at the photo, it's helpful.

>> No.12476425

I am all in on CHX, as I said, I only look for things that have a great use case for blockchain technology. Im just trying to wrap my head around why people think there will be another bullrun with BTC.

But fully agree with you about STO issuance platforms, a big BIG opportunity lays ahead of us man..

>> No.12476487
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Lost all credibility at the word "masternode" in your pic.

>> No.12476567

I want to get in so badly but I can’t figure out where to buy it or store it.

>> No.12476586 [DELETED] 

holy ahit its another CHinX shill ahahah

>> No.12476593

holy shit its another CHinX shill ahahah

>> No.12476598

my post or the picture should not determine any project's credibility, it's your brain and your research that should guide you. you will look back in 2-3 years and have to answer to yourself not me ;)

hey man, IDEX is the only place right now. As of now, it is still an ERC20 token, so you can store it on any Ether Wallet. I use MEW or MyEtherWallet linked to my Ledger Nano

>> No.12476638

Oh okay, thanks! Can it be stored on exodus?

>> No.12476663

This is exactly what happened in 2013 during the first major bubble, with your logic the 2017 bubble shouldn't have happened

>> No.12476749

My reasoning is the influx of alt coins that have come in post 2017, now the market can decide for itself

>> No.12476797

Why would you disregard bitcoin when it has the most in every blockchain fundamental like security, developers, users, etc.
You think this will all go away?

You 1-2 year users don't understand
Bitcoin isn't going to pile on shit and break its fundamentals

>> No.12476980

Do you really think bitcoin is going to stay on top. The tech is already pretty old and hasn’t been significantly updated for a while.

>> No.12477009
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Read more.

>> No.12477049

Yes the common error is people think bitcoin's "tech" is old and outdated
The whole point of bitcoin is to have a simple easily verifiable hardy chain
It survived several attacks already and was the most fairly distributed and launched project with satoshi leaving

These new chains are overly complicated and on a crash course for disaster through centralization, governance issues, and technical issues like required bandwidth and staying in sync

Bitcoin is the first coin to hit it's self imposed block limit and require users to write data efficiently
While ETH just handed the block/gas limit power over to the miners and maybe in the future stakers which centralized the chain forever

Bitcoin has the best launch, best fundamentals, and it's playing the long game of not sacrificing any of those and is requiring smart development to interact

>> No.12477595
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Crypto Ponzi scam won't work again.