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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 844 KB, 711x952, Capture+_2019-01-17-13-24-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12472937 No.12472937 [Reply] [Original]

Who were you 10 years ago /biz/ what mistakes did you do?

>> No.12473004

Those fucking TITS BRO

>> No.12473013

yea Belarusian curves are the best

>> No.12473018

Left is hotter

>> No.12473030


Look at this guy. Holy fuck this is who we have walking amongst us. He could be your neighbor.

>> No.12473059

How much silicone was injected into those lips? Why would I believe those are natural tits.

>> No.12473077

Nice milkers.
10 years ago I was an autist going to a top 5 university for biochemistry. None of my worthless family told me I was autistic or that biochemistry is a complete dead end shitjob on top of that. Today I am an autist with a chronic autoimmune disease who works deadend shitjobs (not biochem) and lives with his mother. Top mistakes I made would be: playing video games, smoking weed, and trusting my family who constantly put me down and disregard anything I have to say in spite of the fact that I'm not a dumbass.

>> No.12473080

Is her father proud?
10 years ago
>ah my sweet good behaved innocent angel
>who is this giga slut

>> No.12473083


>> No.12473084

>50% silicon tits

No thanks

>> No.12473103
File: 12 KB, 321x321, 1547054042165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to r*ddit and / or pol newfag

>> No.12473168

>r*eddit or pol

>> No.12473183

Sounds like your biggest regret was being born an autist. Have your parents apologized to you?

>> No.12473212

One day you're bringing your little girl to dance lessons, the next you look over and all you want to do is slide your dick between her huge fucking titties.

>> No.12473247

>brown ID
what did sir mean by this?

>> No.12473252

Imagine being her father, what the fuck does he tell himself? Raising his sweet little girl her whole youth so she can become a giga stacy getting deflowered by Chad. I'd probably Murder-Suicide my family if she was my daughter

>> No.12473306

brown shorts

>> No.12473314


>> No.12473318

Here, have a Gillette razor and shave away your masculine lust...

>> No.12473348

lip injections

>> No.12473375

>peak performance

>> No.12473381

Smoking a lot of weed and listening to my parents. I should have gone to another city at 18 and studied software engineering and PUA, also smoked lots of weed.

>> No.12473384

Raping his sweet little girl her whole youth so she can become a giga stacy?

>> No.12473612

Turned 21, drank a lot. Didn't pick up weed yey,. Abused stimulants without knowing better. Had roommates who weren't in college and worked night jobs while I went to college and also worked during days. Ate tons of McDonald's.

I wished I had better understood the negative effects of not getting enough sleep (by hanging out with roommates at night), learned to ask for help when I needed it (hey Dad, can you spare $10 so I can drive to class this week and not mess up my career path to a $60k/year starting job in an area with low cost of living that could easily have me at $120k/year ten years later), ate healthier and respected myself more.

Lessons learned I suppose. I understand the world outside of college a lot better, so it has increased my empathy for the poor and low wage workers.

>> No.12473635

Yeah 10 year olds dont think about getting lip injections and boob jobs

>> No.12473636

10 years I was 19 and spending my college time hiding in my dorm playing video games, or going to internet cafes and doing the same thing

>> No.12473638

10 years ago? deciding not to all in on bitcoin.. then go into altcoins... then go into ico's. i'd be a billionaire. i almost did that btw. oh well

>> No.12473643

I used to have a gf with big white tits. There's something about big white tits that is hotter than big brown or big black tits.

I even prefer latinas to white girls, but let's be honest, nothing trumps Big White Titties.

>> No.12473672

t. 21 and feel old as fuck

>> No.12473681
File: 92 KB, 900x900, crying bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12473683

you're a respectful human being at most

>> No.12473699

>botched lip botox and nose job

instant boner kill, left unironically looks cuter

>> No.12473755

Fake tits and lips

>> No.12473766

this resonates a lot with me.
22 years old. Gotta make the best of it and only you can hold yourself accountable. Good luck bros

>> No.12473768

I didn't know fake tits came that big but now I do

>> No.12473911

not buy bitcoin...
worst mistake before not buy bitcoin in 2013 and buy bitcoin in 2018

>> No.12474005
File: 94 KB, 750x728, 1546611157848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ten years ago I was thirteen, and thirteen is when it's ok to drop being a kid anymore. It was like this weird "I don't have to be an adult yet, so I'll just be a worthless little shit instead" stage. I wish I had dropped my balls and cozied up to the idea of being a cog in the machine at that age, rather than using willful ignorance to delay what I thought was the oncoming onslaught of my impending adult "career", or lack thereof.

I'm not saying I wish I didn't have fun. But at 13, precisely, if I could go back, I'd casually program and hit the math books like I do now, and I'd work on developing hustles. There's no sense in running from it, I just didn't know it was so easy to get out the traditional job path, and that you could get by on creativity + discipline + hustling. I would've been a pimpin' 13 year old hustler.

>> No.12474044

back to the playground retard 12 year old.
if you think those tits are sexy you need to reevaluate your entire life

>> No.12474289

Thank you Anons. We're 30+ year old boomers who have learned a lot. Hopefully our lessons will help make the next ten years better.

Trying to help my younger soon to be 21 year old brother avoid some of my pitfalls. We're heading to the gym and then to class.

>> No.12474363

>complains about fb doing creepy shit
>voluntarily submits a curated dataset for their meme learning algo

>> No.12474389


>> No.12474434

At least you know your mistakes. Most learn nothing from the past.

That autoimmune disease is tough though

>> No.12474723
File: 20 KB, 474x355, kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a drug that halts breast development?

>> No.12474743

Gross boobs

>> No.12474780

Good for you bro
Hope you and your brother make it

>> No.12474798
File: 413 KB, 800x800, shrekscrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry anon, it seems as if you are gay and won't make it

>> No.12474958

It's not necessarily the breasts, Anon. It's just that this woman is hideous and cannot pull them off. I have seen 14 year old 2d waifus with relatively big (but not as oversized as these) breasts and they look great. Maybe because 2d waifus, who sometimes are drawn with cute neoteny features even until age 18-20, give you the impression that breasts are a sign of youth. Because unlike the abomination in the OP, they can actually pull breasts off. Holy shit that thing is hideous.

>> No.12474962

My mistakes were thinking adults had my interests in mind, knew what they were doing, and that companies were competently managed.

When people tell you to follow your dreams, they're full of shit, but you should do it in the most literal sense possible. If you dreamed of making music videos when you were 13, you should have saved up to buy a camera and done it for free until you're any good.

Also college is solely about networking and going on vacation abroad during the school year as part of some foreign language class. That's the only thing it's good for. No one told me any of that shit because all adults are losers and liars. If they weren't, they wouldn't be anywhere near your middle class ass.

>> No.12474998

Her kawaii levels must be 0%... Western children really do age like shit.

>> No.12475067

10 years ago I started high school. Walked in those doors under 5 feet tall and 98 lbs. Got mistaken for an AWOL chiId on bring you child to work day. All of my classes were with juniors & seniors bc sorta smart. You could see the fear in my eyes. I'd like to say it made me stronger but idk.

>> No.12475137


Agreed that she's not attractive, but I'll tell you why you find her repulsive.

She's not a woman.

A good woman, or should I say femininity, represents a soft goodness of character , purity of heart, love and much more.

These modern thots have none of that. They're abominations. Their singular focus is materialistic desires, attention from others, and social status. They simply want to stoke their ego. Their outwards appearance is all they have to offer to the world, and is what they use to fulfill their base desires.

The funny thing is that all too often you see how a lot of them are constantly screeching and complaining about their mental health and shit, but that's BECAUSE of what they chose to become. They fought against or destroyed their femininity. Fighting against or denying the nature of your being will only lead to hurting yourself.

>> No.12475165
File: 472 KB, 1000x750, 30dc4d0ca2327ac5b5ae8641e6fdc04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting actual cute girls worth your linkies.

>> No.12475182


>> No.12475228

he probably just tries to laugh it off when everyone who passes by his daughter wants to fuck her then he goes home and jerks off to the thought of her tits

>> No.12475355

I was a heroin addict, today I’m more successful than everyone I went to HS with besides the kids who are professional athletes. Feels good, if I play my cards right I’ll be out of the rat race in 2-5.

>> No.12475448
File: 276 KB, 600x900, hit girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never trust an asian photo to be real

>> No.12475484
File: 10 KB, 231x218, download (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'm a 23yo eating like shit, I'm not fat but gained a few pounds. Why do you regret eating like shit? and what about the sleep thing?

>> No.12475497

This is fucking sickening tbqh senpaitachi. How can somebody live with being so artificial?

>> No.12475505
File: 114 KB, 1080x1350, 46451609_733705637022753_1840800683595399168_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nips don't even bother whitening their teeth unless it's for commercials. It's the Koreans who get plastic surgery as birthday gifts in high school.

>> No.12475524

they are natural


>> No.12475525

Bad food makes you feel like shit, but its something you don't realize until you start eating healthy. Same deal with exercise. When you start eating healthy and doing cardio everything starts to clarify and you're left wondering why you let your bad habits keep you in such a fog. And that's when you get the regret that you didn't start sooner. But luckily its not too late. I'm 23 as well and I just started. We're gonna make it breh

>> No.12475529


>> No.12475547

10 years ago I was nearly 17 and had just lost my virginity to my sociopathic ex who made the next few years hell. I was also trying just about any drug I could get my hands on. Fucked up times.

>> No.12475552

good luck bruv, desu I have eaten like shit for so long that I'm not even sure what healthy taste like or is supposed to be. is that the no carbs thing? a friend of mine is shilling the carnivore diet extremely hard

>> No.12475553

I was in high school. No mistakes made yet at that time...

>> No.12475580

Also borderline suicidal and close to getting booted from my nerdy school to a shitty alternative high school that was even more degenerate than the circles I was already rolling with. At least I turned that around and got my shit together in college. Fuck high school.

>> No.12475594
File: 28 KB, 517x326, atdj6muj9rn01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No carb is good for quick weight loss but it can be really difficult if you're not an experienced dieter, high likelyhood that you'll crack and eat a donut or something. Its tough to go without carbs.

The best and most simple advice I've heard in regard to healthy eating is this: If it tastes good, you should probably spit it out.


Here's some good places to start. None of this stuff tastes amazing but its fast and easy. Lots of good general advice in this guy's videos as well.

>> No.12475614

Scooby's 'black bean and salsa' 2 minute meal is what started me on the path to better eating. It tastes bretty gud

>> No.12475638

No/low carb provides 0 metabolic benefit and is incredibly unhealthy and goes against the guidelines of virtually every nutrition authority.

>> No.12475661 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 689x455, DUsApDlX4AEfcS2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /biz/

Come on over and Mine Monero V (XMV), a FINITE alternative to Monero (XMR)!

(XMV) is a new coin, so you can still mine a decent amount of coins using just your computer gfx card, and without needing an expensive mining setup. And it only takes 20 minutes to get going with the instructions below.

1) download XMR Stak mining software, here:


2) generate your Monero V wallet address below (note down your address & seed that is generated here)


3) read the instructions below on how to direct XMR Stak miner software to the mining pool


4) use this mining pool below (all the pool address and port details are here):

5) start accumulating XMV, easy

>> No.12475971

>guidelines of virtually every nutrition authority.
in a world rife with nutrition derived disease

>> No.12475996


10 years ago I was an insecure idiot.
in those 10 years I smoked away about 50k on weed and spend 30k on prostitutes and injured my back. Now I am schizophrenic, 80k in studentloan debt and a weak lower back.

>> No.12476027

That's a lot of surgery

>> No.12476096

pink nipples?

>> No.12476195
File: 250 KB, 597x850, Natalia Poklonskaya1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are all the same, sorry anon

>> No.12476518

Hi, Mr Goldberg.

>> No.12476519

>and injured my back
let me guess, you fell for the squats meme

also obvious trustfund kid

>> No.12476526

perhaps try injecting test so you stop being a faggot

>> No.12476614

someone post the having a daughter is the ultimate cuck copypasta

>> No.12476647

Carnivore here. Feel like a giga chad. The weight loss and boost in mood/confidence from going full carny and avoiding the (((recommended dietary guidelines))) has been the best move I've done in a while.

>> No.12476673



no way surgery got this good

>> No.12476751

The only asset she has going for her

>> No.12476981
File: 2.67 MB, 2420x2398, bob's burgers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PS: Follow my patreon for more photos of me in swimsuits
she's literally a dime a dozen and sad part is she probably make more than me per month thanks to very sad men

>> No.12477539
File: 22 KB, 680x440, chrishansen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12477544

Guess why you have an autoimmune disorder. Because you smoke weed.
Research it, lipids in weed can cause cholinergic urticaria, amongst other autoimmune related disorders.

>> No.12477548

so the girls are worthless?

>> No.12477557

>all I got going for me are my huge ass tittis

poor girl
would titi fuck her tho but only with a bag on her face

>> No.12477561

This. Fuck that fake shit.

>> No.12477571
File: 154 KB, 1059x583, i wiIl only post this once.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only once will I post this. Only once.

Those of you who have been blindly following the chainlink shills are absolute fucking retards. If you had an IQ above 90 and spent 30 minutes researching, you'd actually understand why you are making the worst investment of your lives.

The problem with this board is literally most of the Chainlink shills could not explain to you why Chainlink is actually an amazing shitcoin. The few anons that do get it's a scam and post legitimately useful information get ignored because most of this board is dense and dumb as fuck and when they can't understand something is a scam they act like it wasn't even posted.

Chainlink is next gen ponzi. It will make all current holders with 10k+ bankrupt. You may have to wait 2-3 years, which most of you will be too dumb to do. You'll see a decrease a year from now and because you've been checking the price every fucking day for over 1500 days you'll think "fuck it, I'm selling, this isn't going anywhere!". When the token actually goes to zero you'll be holding the keys to your piece of shit Pontiac and those of us who weren't total brainlets and didnt buy will be having you park our Bentley's because you work as a fucking valet now.

This is not pasta. Do not repost this. This is simply the truth. Fucking screencap and check back in 2021. You know I'm right, I always am

>> No.12477574


>> No.12477618

now that's a slampig if I ever saw one. imagine the test boost you would get from slaying that hideous beast

>> No.12478067

>muh github
yeah nice job retard