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File: 742 KB, 1194x602, hyperwave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12471316 No.12471316 [Reply] [Original]

According to this old fart and his hyperwaves theory, BTC is going to below 1000$ before it moves up.

>> No.12471329

LOL the absolute state

>> No.12471339

He's not wrong though, and you know it

>> No.12471467

BTC is going to die. Binance is planning on creating USDC/USDT pairs for literally EVERY coin. The market needs to decouple from BTC as a whole in order to get real movement.

Can you imagine if the only stocks you could actually buy were Google and General Electric? Then you have to go around to various other exchanges to trade those for other stocks? Yeah, its pretty fucking retarded.

BTC should die.

>> No.12471494

who in the hell is this crazy boomer?

>> No.12471513

why are all these cryptos still being compared against fiat if the whole point of them was to get away for fiat?
why are people buying these cryptos up in fiat and then selling them for fiat?
doesn't that defeat the purpose?

>> No.12471521
File: 50 KB, 423x613, 1547695951144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't take this anymore
not selling tho. nice try shlomo

>> No.12471527

>Binance is planning on creating USDC/USDT pair
I love this idea! when tether moons i can cash out!
>BTC should die.
KYS newfag

>> No.12471556

And what should I trade instead? You shitcoin autists are completely retarded. Bitcoin doesn't have an owner, every other shitcoin does and is centralized. A human cannot overcome greed past a certain point so you will always have the incentive of being fucked by the owner of whatever shitcoin you suck the digits of. Nothing apart from monero has a real world use. Some shitty apps and tokens can be build with ethereum and some other coin protocols, but that's it. Everything including shitlink is garbage and has no real use whatsoever.

>> No.12471611

...you mean there are people out there who still don't know BTC is dropping to 1K before the 2021 bullrun?

>> No.12471627

Boomers be crazy

>> No.12471649

Hyperwave is just his spin on what a tulip or dotcom bubble looks like.

This sort of market phenomena isn’t new. His analysis in that regard is definitely worth consideration imo

>> No.12471691

Have fun accumulating satoshi's. Once they add more and more USD pairs and more coins on coinbase, king shitcoin is going to $1k and staying there while many other coins moon.

>> No.12471826
File: 819 KB, 346x495, 1C60CD57-6FBF-48B0-9D5F-3B4E9821424C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately that process is being prolonged by hodlers who actually believe an asset can effectively act as a stable store of value and a fast, fungible liquid currency at the same time. I’m convinced it doesn’t work like that he we want to have nice things like an Industrial Revolution that raises standards of living and brings millions out of poverty.

Currency’s value is not in its tangibility but in its utility as being the antithesis of gold. There’s a reason currency is, by utilitarian nessesity, designed to be shit at storing value with any long term certainty: it’s meant to be spent, not hodled. But in order for it to be spent, it not only needs to be fast and liquid, it needs to be manipulable/price volatile so that, when coupled with tax burden, interest rate and inflative manipulations, penny pinching rich people adverse to risk are incentivized to spend their money by the feel that their cash is burning a hole in their pocket, leading them to invest in businesses, or assets that can appreciate or at least remain stable as a store of value.

If BTC has any future at all, it’s solely as a digitial store of value, not as a currency. But there could be something out there that eventually does such more effectively.

Right now the market sentiment is jest a reflection of brand loyalists clinging to their bags.

>> No.12471903

Volume is stagnant, we're at a critical level of support at 3k. Once it drops past that the bottom will go on a price discovery, and it doesn't look good. Sub 1k is very possible at this moment. BTC dominance is about to eat shit as well. BTC is fucked for quite a while folks. In fact, I don't see it ever recovering. BTC will be replaced by a better coin with better fundamentals, that's the way tech works. But keep hodling retail investors.

>> No.12471921
File: 117 KB, 1280x1275, boomerbtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw all in alts

>> No.12471980
File: 57 KB, 1076x792, capture_20190117114021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alts are going to get ass blasted along with the entire market. Smart money pulled out and it won't be back for about 2 - 3 years. Once we dip past that blue line, the grey is where we will discover price, good luck hodlers.