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File: 37 KB, 399x677, 6832452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12470374 No.12470374 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>making 180, 000 after tax
>still can't get QT waifu
>still can't date any women whatsoever
>0 matches on tinder
why. i thought women were money whores.

>> No.12470377

andy is pounding that

>> No.12470379

just be yourself mate

>> No.12470381

How ugly are you? Are you fat?

>> No.12470384

because 200k isn't rich

its going to take you over 10 years to get 2 million. a decade.

>> No.12470395

In shape but not bulked. 5'11
Face isn't the best but I do what I can with it.

>> No.12470422

5'11 there's the problem. 6' is min make it for gf

>> No.12470431

>I do what I can with it
so nothing? hehehehe fucking virginboy back in the day (70s) if you didnt lose it at 13 and getting regular pussy after that you'd get bullied to suicide

>> No.12470440

it's not fair. 5'11 is tall enough, i feel like such a fucking manlet i fucking hate my jeans

>> No.12470444

it's called natural selection OP, you are simply too ugly and short to continue in our gene pool

>> No.12470453 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 524x374, 1541649377539.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quads don't lie, might as well kys senpai, not gonna make it, in this life or the next so kys twice to get a chance

>> No.12470462
File: 111 KB, 524x374, 1541649377539.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trips don't lie, might as well kys senpai, not gonna make it, in this life or the next so kys twice to get a chance

>> No.12470477

the good news is there are millions of men willing to fuck your asshole til it bleeds. the human race would like to thank you for sacrificing your shitty genes for the good of the colony

>> No.12470510
File: 72 KB, 529x525, 43564567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys make me feel bad :/

>> No.12470513

Post pic so we can call you ugly

>> No.12470525

Well fuck you I don't make that kind of money so solve your own fucking problem unless you want to hand me a year of your salary

>> No.12470527
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>> No.12470541

I retract my statement. You are plenty attractive to find a mate you are just simply going about it wrong. If you want help with your tinder profile then post it

>> No.12470545

I'm uglier and shorter than you and I can get pussy. Try being funny and not a sperg.

>> No.12470550

Money is a fucking meme dude. Especially since companies favor hiring women now in the metoo era. Women have more disposable income now and less likely to date a guy for only monetary reasons therefore she is free to choose who she actually is attracted to. And let me tell you, a woman's attraction to a man isn't based on money, it's based on L O O K S. Why do you think Chad pulls so many women? Because he has so many pleasing facial features and body building aspects to him that he has sculpted through long days at the gym. I don't think Chads are a bad thing though. When you look at a Chad you should say you want to be just like him and he should motivate you to hit the gym. But you betas turn around and criticize Chad saying he is the reason for all your problems when your own shity body is the reason. Hit the gym you fuckers and you WILL get a woman.

>> No.12470566

you need to start dressing like you're making $180,000. Also go start lifting so that you can get some self confidence, I can tell by the fucked up smile in this pic that, like me, you've been through some shit and need more self-esteem.

>> No.12470592

which job anon?

>> No.12470662
File: 32 KB, 525x524, 1545872219648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant have a jane like waifu even if i made it :(

>> No.12470711

If this isn't a fake picture then you must not be able to hold a conversation at all. Women like it when you listen. You don't even have to say that much back. Just listen and answer her questions. Easy. Oh, and don't offer advice on anything she complains about. She just wants you to listen.

>> No.12470719

Are you me?

>5'9 Incel
>Friends try to give me ugs and fattos

What's the point...

>> No.12470731


None of the above deals with why i would actually want to have a shitty modern woman who doesn't put have to put any effort on herself and her self-improvement and will only function as an emotional and financial black vampire/black hole.

t. 27year old doomer

>> No.12470737

How the fuck do you guys make that kind of money? Did you go to college?

>> No.12470752


that black vampire* was obviously a typo but now im contemplating terrible horror flicks with a black guy as a vampire so kek i guess

>> No.12470762
File: 7 KB, 220x229, dltthos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a $40m ICO and I kept $3m. Where waifu?
no LARP - some of u cuqs definitely own my coins

>> No.12470780

Best response. Especially about the not giving advice. Women hate advice. They just want to complain about how much the world sucks and never fix anything.

>> No.12470790

>0 matches on tinder
tinder is mainly for "hookups", you want a gf, make a dating account on a proper dating site. Take some good pictures of yourself, and start trawling through the strong independent single-moms..

>> No.12470805

what kind of jeans do you wear

>> No.12470816


Pay for Match and eHarmony. Go for an ugly girl because the only hot ones on there are mentally broken. Ugly and skinny is where it's at.

>> No.12470818

s... sergey?

>> No.12470852
File: 14 KB, 182x268, MV5BMTQ4MzkzNjcxNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzk4NTU0Mg@@._V1_UY268_CR8,0,182,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original patricians choice

>> No.12470872

Get better pictures there's videos explaining how important those are for tinder

>> No.12470897

unfortunately I am not money belly

>> No.12470906

Lmao at these guys not recognizing Andy Farrant from outsidexbox and former host of Sentuamessage. It's a meme because he hosts outsidexbox together with Jane (the chick in the OP pic).

>*Tips fedora and flies away*

>> No.12470909

Yea tell that to Brat Pitt you loser

>> No.12470977
File: 140 KB, 300x450, black vampires.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say black vampire?

>> No.12470994

I make 35,000 a year and I have no problem getting laid.

>> No.12471144
File: 81 KB, 744x710, 1547049150602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12471169

>falling for pic like that
Does it drive a rascal

>> No.12471203

checked and keked

>> No.12471281


Fucking kill yourself if you're unable to get a womyn.

>> No.12471288

It's angel versetti

>> No.12471290

>be me
>making less than $20k a year
>fuck hot tinder girls every weekend because I'm attractive

>> No.12471314

Lmao, Im 5’7 and still got qt gf. You only need to be confident and funny. Go outside more.

>> No.12471409

5’11 is 6’0 or 6’1 in shoes. I’m 5’11 and I say I’m 6’0 and nobody questions it. As for the face part, get a nice haircut and grow a beard. None of this will work if you don’t have confidence.

>> No.12471589
File: 57 KB, 610x458, pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's obviously holding out for a turtlecoin whale.

>> No.12471688

>be me
>Hover around average looking
>Never seen a vagina
>25 years old
>average 70k income
>Get a few matches on Tinder every now and then
>no conversations of meaning, maybe like 2 in 6 months which consisted of messages like 2 hours inbetween each one
>Pretty sure dating apps don't show your profile after a certain amount of time

If only I could afford a place of my own with out going into debt for 20 years...

>> No.12471919

your probably ugly as fuck

>> No.12472007

Lmao gtfo teenager

>> No.12472068

why not just get sugar babies? For 200$/night you can find a hot 20/yo that will fuck and date you. Only 3k a month to get laid every 2 days. And it's not dirty or expensive like pro prostitutes.

>> No.12472074

To get tons of success on Tinder you first have to know what women are attracted to. The two main things are social status and looks. Women will only be interested in the pictures of your profile, it really doesn’t matter what your profile says. So in order to get tons of matches on Tinder you have to show off your looks and social status as much as possible. A shirtless pic surfing, a muscle shirt hiking pic with a scenic back drop, a pic that shows you partying with friends, or a pic doing something prestigious like heli-skiing or in an exotic location like Dubai are a few examples to show off your looks and social status. If you’re good looking and appear to have a prestigous social status the pussy will be unlimited.

Remember Tinder is an extremely hypergamous dating app. So in order to score you got to be the absolute best. Just take a look at this study.


To paraphrase the study pretty much only the 10/10 chads are getting the sex and no woman will fuck a dude that’s less then what she can get and since chads are niggers who fuck anything like monkeys with very low standards even 5/10 girls won’t settle for their equals. You can’t blame the women though they are biologically programmed to want to breed with chad so it’s not really their fault for being a chad fucking slut as they really do hope to be in a relationship with him and start a family. The problem is however that chad only settles with one girl eventually leaving a bunch of 30 year old roasties that are now extremely bitter they have to settle for a beta. My advice do not be this beta ever, it’s better to be alone then this beta and do what ever you can to be a respectable chad and secure a young virgin girl that you can raise a family with, do not strive to be a promiscuous nigger chad. Nigger chads are the reason we have roasties.

>> No.12472086
File: 688 KB, 1440x2560, ATT00001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I'd rather not be a huge faggot

>> No.12472121

I'm 5'8, have around $700 in my bank account +1.5k linkies, and still have over 300 matches on Tinder, including 5 from one night of swiping this week. Get rekt pussy

>> No.12472149

they just cant tell youre 5"8 from ur pics. As soon as you tell em they'll stop replying

>> No.12472154

That's better than me.
>no friends

>> No.12472227

Just acquire currency. Disregard females.

Sex is overrated, get some quickie in a massage spa or something and have some sadisfaction doing things you like to do. The right one will show up eventually, or not..

>> No.12472307

This is 100% fact. As someone who gets regular pussy from tinder, going to an asian massage place provides just as much satisfaction, if not a bit more because it's so much easier and they are usually a lot better. Once you bust a nut, you forget about ever being horny in the first place.

>> No.12472423
File: 455 KB, 865x736, meme3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet you're the bcash bcash bcash guy

>> No.12472459

Leave USA women to niggers and date some foreigner

>> No.12472474

How? Are you some superchad?

>> No.12472564

I have an attractive face, and my charisma skill is 100. I rarely ever work out or do anything besides go to college and play vidya. I don't even have a job, just get paid from GI bill.

>> No.12472606

Stop looking for validation on 4chan you fucking cuck