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File: 523 KB, 1282x906, Bildschirmfoto-2019-01-15-um-07.05.17-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12469739 No.12469739[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Orange man good?
How is it without Public Services?
Are you Burger mongoloids so much addicted to consumption that most of you dont have securities? Living from paycheck to paycheck? Enjoying the food banks already?? Lmao
USA = Rome 2 literally confirmed

>> No.12469752

>Rome 2
Fourth Reich?

>> No.12469756

Literally nothing has changed and my life hasn’t been effected in the slightest because I’m a self suffiecient white man, are the welfare offices shut down or something nigger?

>> No.12469760
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>> No.12469761

Turns out the government has very little effect on my life. Keep it shut down.

>> No.12469765

zero impact on my life so far. i'm hoping it continues for a long time so that a) we get to see the foodstamp chimpout and b) people might realize that such an enormous government isn't necessary and is actually a big waste

>> No.12469769

My daily life has not changed at all. Irrefutable evidence that a large portion of our tax dollars go down the toilet.

>> No.12469770

I personally don't notice a difference in mt life. Nigs, spics, and single mothers are pissed though.

>> No.12469771

I actually work for the Government and still haven't been affected. Keep it shut down.

>> No.12469776

Mostly this

>> No.12469849


Do you faggots have to pay less taxes cuz of shutdown?

>> No.12469857


>> No.12469869

The longer the government is shut down the more people will see how life without it is possible and will vote for less taxation, so yes in a long run.

>> No.12469872

it's not a waste because capitalism actually can't create enough jobs so the government has to create busywork for alot of the population to keep them from setting things on fire.

>> No.12469887

Currently, no, which is bullshit. IRS backlog will ensure we can get away with quite a bit of crypto shenanigans though.

>> No.12469889

If it stay shut down yes actually. People will understand how much bloat is in the government and how unneeded most of it is.

>> No.12469906

EU has 10% unemployment rate.
USA has 5% unemployment rate.

Guess which one has more rules, government and taxes.

>> No.12469921

I don't disagree with this opinion because it's fairly accurate and admits that most government jobs are useless and parasitic. We need to stop flooding this country with immigrants and let the population naturally deflate until it reaches homeostasis.

>> No.12469942

Ironically liberals are implicitly starting to realize this.

>> No.12469956

Do muricans only eat hamburgers for dinner? I don't get it

>> No.12470007

I agree. My southern European shithole has been between 15-20% unemployment for a decade. It has an insane amount of regulations and filing an LLC is a living hell of paperwork, very expensive and will take over a month.

People who criticize capitalism or economic freedom are completely clueless.

>> No.12470026

>I'm a pleb without any business before the government that requires permitting

>> No.12470028

and shitskins, the universal metric for a bad country

>> No.12470056

>no impact - keep it shut down
dems are getting nervous because their welfare pets are becoming indignant.

>> No.12470060

>sexico will pahy 4 da wall
>*at congress*
>can u lend a nigga 7bill plox

>> No.12470076

Fuck the government I hope it stays closed forever and all gov employees starve they are all leaches. Stay cucked OP you nigger faggot

>> No.12470108

itd be so much easier to shoot people who were rioting on site than to have to keep up such a complicated charade for their benefit

>> No.12470123

No you're wrong making your country unfriendly to business with loads of taxes and regulations is actually good for the economy. The harder it is to create jobs the higher your gdp goes. Ask op he has the numbers.

>> No.12470288

The large majority of the American diet is either red meat, usually in the form of ground beef or heavily processed food products, where 75% of the ingredients are composed of high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated vegetable (onions) oil, and "preservatives."

>> No.12470347

states should have more rights and the federal government should do very little to our personal lives.

>> No.12470350
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If you want to renegotiate trade with bordering country you better build that wall first.
If he fucks with Mexico economy now there would be x10 people crossing that border.
7billion is nothing when it comes to national security.

>> No.12470370
File: 99 KB, 543x500, STIFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The only people affected are gov goons and gov parasites.
If the shutdown continues there will be effectively no penalty for not filing/paying.
>In b4 IRS nigger lurking the board comes out of the woodwork to talk about how "they will catch you eventually"
Yeah, yeah, less than 2% of cases of "illegal activity" are actually caught and less than 1% are referred for criminal prosecution, and most of those cases involve identity fraud thanks to the retarded use of social security numbers for everything. The IRS and government in general is a joke and now that they are no longer funded they are even more of a joke. They are praying that people don't realize that if just 5% of regular filers stopped filing the system would be brought to its knees.

>> No.12470415

The only difference it makes is the fact that some public service people doesn't get paid (until the shutdown ends).

>> No.12470446
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this shutdown should be permanent
>tfw people think I should pay for nonessential niggers

>> No.12470503
File: 65 KB, 960x769, 1545710368690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, I just got my newest LLC accepted, 5 minute online filing + $125.

>> No.12470536

Oh, and I have noticed absolutely no difference from the fed being shut. A few more days and they can start firing all these furloughed parasites.

>> No.12470612

No because they always give back pay to the workers. Everytime this happens they always get paid later for hours worked.

>> No.12470718

youre just jealous that us parasites have it so easy

>> No.12470782

>They will always have it easy, their won’t be a correction ;^)

>> No.12470797

in yurope government often means just executive branch of government

>> No.12470799

Barely even noticed m8

>> No.12470809

100% unaffected. It's just proving to me that government and taxes are a fucking waste. Except military everything else is non-essential.

>> No.12471007

Lol I'm a real American. I don't pay taxes. Literally haven't even noticed a shutdown. I own land, PM's and guns. I don't give a fuck if this country burns down, I am my own country. I'd you're not worthy you're gonna get fucked in the worst possible way.

>> No.12471029
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The funniest thing is there is no difference, which shows how little value government actually provides.

>> No.12471035


Yup, this is pretty much been my experience as well. I honestly didn't even know that the federal government shutdown was going on until like a week or so in because I had just finished finals and didn't pay attention to the news. Anyways, I've still received federal grants/funding for university, law enforcement is still keeping things in check, so it's had pretty much zero effect on my life. I live in Texas though, so even if shit was hitting the fan elsewhere things would be kosher here as everyone is pretty much armed to the teeth, so people think twice before looting/being disorderly.

>> No.12471054

>I'm a retard who doesn't understand when permitting is necessary it's usually at a local level

>> No.12471063

>How is it without Public Services?
What fucking public services do I need? As long as the roads are clear and there's a police presence and mail is delivered, I'm good. This shutdown is unironically based. Based Trump is just proving how worthless government has become.

>> No.12471081

>I am a retard that thinks permits need to be issued for something that is already LAWFUL

>> No.12471216
File: 137 KB, 1576x364, gov't shutdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, while there are a few departments which are very important, even then all of the work could most likely be done with around a 50% reduction in staff. However that just means that more people would go on welfare.

I looked into this, and whether you are for or against it, the economy would be better off if we just let Trump build that fucking wall, pic related. At least people would have jobs if they wanted, I mean a wall that big is going to require a good amount of labor and at least something tangible is being constructed. I don't see anyone bitching about the FDR's New Deal which resulted in the construction of dams and other improvements to our infrastructure through government funded public works programs.

>> No.12472012

Europeans always talk shit about Americans but Americans totally dominate the Olympics every year, with Norway being a rare exception this last winter.

As a Canadian living here for 15 years, I can assure you that while there are fat dump Americans, there are extremely hard working, strong and fit Americans everywhere I've lived. The highways are jammed at 5:30am every weekday where I live which is not true in Europe where work is optional to life. My neighbors are marathon runners, and their daughter just got an athletic scholarship to Stanford for soccer.

You're living in the past Eurotrash.

>> No.12472419

Lol imagine being such a insurmountably retarded statecuck that you think this is a bad thing

>> No.12472468

>USA has 5% unemployment rate.
Check up on how unemployment rate is actually calculated. If you don't manage to score a job within a certain time, they automatically count you as not being unemployed because clearly you don't actually want a job if you didn't get one within X time.

>> No.12472483
File: 62 KB, 754x859, 1544918399639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shutdown fedcuck here, AMA

House/Senate/Pres all agree to backpay me once we unshutdown so this is basically a long paid vacation for me.

My job is pointless and only benefits big businesses and data analytics firms, so it's a wonder to me why taxpayers are footing the bill.

>> No.12472498

Coast Guard here. We're about to stop saving mother fuckers if we don't get paid.

>> No.12472525

In USA, the Federal Reserve is the holder of all keys. It's not a part of the country. How can that be that a private being controls the money. USA is backed by its production of goods and how many workers there are. People work for the government instead of the government working for the betterment of the people.

Crypto will not change a damn thing.

>> No.12472601

Watch how journos will suddenly rediscover the true unemployment figures after 8 years

>> No.12473131

Here an LLC will take minimum three thousand euros. Two thousand are for the company's bank account.

If you decide to go through the self employment route you're forced to pay about 300€ every month from the beginning, regardless of how much do you make, for the 'privilege' of being allowed to work for yourself.

There is no freedom in socialist shitholes.

>> No.12473408

Excuse me but it's pronounced, "Berders," thank you.

>> No.12473417

If a democrat was in office and they proposed the wall, it would be praised. Hillary wanted a wall. Obama deported immigrants that would just come back. Catch and Release failed.

Let Trump build the wall. Reason they won't is it fulfills a promise he made. It would help him get reelected.

Democrats and the left = the media = Trump is the bad guy when he's just the president. He's not their bitch.

>> No.12473432

>are the welfare offices shut down or something nigger
Section 8 housing vouchers are, the farm relief funding is held up, but everything else you could call welfare is still available.

>> No.12473722

Actually it's just fine and I wish we could ditch half the Federal employees we have permanently in exchange for slightly lower taxes.
Most "public services" are not really necessary and those that are a bit more urgent are generally state or local, not Federal. People on Federal welfare/public assistance type programs are probably having more trouble.
My biggest gripe is that they always authorize later to pay the people for that time, even though they weren't working. It's like a fucking paid vacation if you can survive the few weeks (and if you can't, you're a financial idiot anyway.)
Congress should have funded border security. The House of Representatives are being stupid about this and if I were out of a job for a while I'd blame them. Trump asked for like $5B, the shutdown is going to cost a lot more than that. Like it or not, he was elected to build a wall, and a wall is actually a good idea unless you're just morally opposed to keeping people out, in which case you (Congress) should try to repeal immigration laws, not fail to fund border security for the law we have.

>> No.12473839

This, Trump is soft red pilling everyone on the government

>> No.12473849

It's great. The longer it is shut down the more money I will donate to the Trump 2020 campaign. I hope it stays shut down.

>> No.12473894

Interstate commerce act >>>>> U.S. Federal government

>> No.12473905

I only care about forest service workers

>> No.12473921

Just because you haven't noticed it doesn't mean other people (besides welfare babies) havent

>> No.12473927

Literally nothing has changed.

>> No.12473951

The great firing will be a triumph for our republic. The wall was such a good bid to keep the shutdown going long enough for firings to happen.

>> No.12473973

I gotta work for fuckin FrEE all cuzza lame ass TRUMP? Are u fuckin fuh REAL dawg? I knows obama shutdown the gubba but that was for motherfuckin HEALTHCARE bitch not a motherfuckin WALL so now wut

>> No.12473976

today i worked 10 hours, yesterday 13, the day before 14. no breaks just a flask of coffee and hand fulls of nuts intermittently. but yeah tbf i work way harder and put way more hours in than anyone else at my job

I live in the UK and im a carpenter, ive made about £850 this week which to me is kinda of shitty for the hours ive worked

>> No.12473993
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I have noticed ZERO difference in my life

the only thing that MIGHT be a problem is if tax returns don't come on time, but I heard they're taking care of that? not sure if it's true or not

if I don't get my tax return that will suck since it's about $2500 I'll get back. as for the rest of it, I don't notice any difference whatsoever

>> No.12474115

>being a lolbertardian
>calling others retarded

Oh my.

>> No.12474164

hypothetically in a few days massive layoffs will be triggered and the IRS is already struggling as it is.

>> No.12474199

It’s a partial shutdown, meaning they keep on all the actually useful people that keep shit from going south.
If you work for the gov and aren’t still going to work, you are the chaff.

>> No.12474412

driving is lawful too, yet you need a permit as it is a privilege and not a right. get fucked moron.

>> No.12474460

The only parts of the govt shut down is all the useless bureaucracy shit.

Everything currently working at the moment is all the govt actually needs to function

>> No.12474493

dubs of truth

>> No.12474599

>Loaning the government this much money

>> No.12474694

And here I am wondering why we don’t just stay like this forever. Honestly, if they’re nonessential, then why do we need to pay them in the first place? Unironically, this would leave more money for the Democrats to fund some of the parts of their agenda where cost was the only real Republican concern.

>> No.12474699

It feels great. I owe the IRS money but since they're furloughed, there's no one to collect it! Hahahaha fuck'em.

>> No.12474857
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>everybody ITT talking about "all those government parasites"
>not a single person can name what these allegedly parasitic jobs actually ARE

>> No.12475004
File: 1.30 MB, 3553x1275, THE ONLY WINNING MOVE IS NOT TO PLAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the us govt has ever actually functioned in its existence
military is still functioning; for now, thats all thats ever been neccessary.

>> No.12475045

Shhh. It'll be funnier as a surprise. Three days to go!

>> No.12475124

If you hate it I love it

>> No.12475480


>> No.12475558

it's fine, except you really see how many useless regulations and three letters exist, like the TSA. I was stunned to see "800,000 go without pay check". The government has 800,000 worker bees, on the clear text budget. Like WTF?

The size of government is way too big. The only issue for average people is when their dumb regulations can't be followed because the three letter isn't open.

>> No.12475582

Based Trump

>> No.12475637


>> No.12475644


I hope the "shutdown" is permanent so we can finally have more responsible and smaller government.

>> No.12475654 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 725x483, Dcq34XLW4AA1yFU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /biz/

Come on over and Mine Monero V (XMV), a FINITE alternative to Monero (XMR).

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>> No.12475699

Suck on this dick of mine, shillbot.

>> No.12475785

fine, im not a welfare nigger so the government doesn't do anything for me

>> No.12475808

Israel needs our help

>> No.12475887

most of these posts are talking about government workers, not welfare queens
even I can agree they belong in camps

>> No.12475898

how long will these worker going to set the US on fire?

>> No.12475904

>implying the government ever actually functioned in the first place.

>> No.12476134

wouldn't that just prove their point? if you don't use those services then of course you won't have much knowledge of them. the government is apparently sending hundreds of thousands of workers home and my life hasn't been affected at all so maybe we should just get rid of all those positions that are apparently worthless. less than worthless, really, because we have to pay taxes to employ them.

>> No.12476148
File: 697 KB, 600x600, 1776_prev_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we don't need fucking government you tyrant cuck loving fagget

>> No.12476362

Which kinds of workers though? What agencies do they work for? That needs to be answerable and I've seen nothing.

>> No.12476385

If nobody had told me there was a shutdown, I wouldn't have known. It affects government employees and pretty much nobody else. Imagine ctually believing what you wrote.

>> No.12476420

>except military

>> No.12476450

You can damn well bet Congress is getting their paychecks.

>> No.12476462

I know the ATF is working for free right now

>> No.12476463

Until we get a President who declares literal war on the Federal Reserve, nothing will change. Name them enemies of the state.

>> No.12476483
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Thank baby Jesus they didn't sent the candle guys home.

>> No.12476523

once again, i don't use those services and their loss has not affected me so why the fuck would i know which ones? i would imagine a good starting place for firing government workers would be to just tell anyone sent home that they no longer have a job as clearly they're not actually needed.

>> No.12476530

Havent noticed a difference

>> No.12476544

probably not, it would be political suicide, but they are probably wealthy enough on average to easily go a few months without a paycheck

>> No.12476568

Oh man I wish I lived in Europe where I get cucked out of 70% of my money by the government and drive a 50hp fiat and live in a shack.

>> No.12476607

I’m voting Democrat, cannot BELIEVE our neetbux are being cut because of this stupid orange man!! We deserve those tendies

>> No.12476609
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>the world revolves around me, durrr
Youre like those people who war shit all their lives, get a heart attack, then furiously research it and sperg on facebook about how its McDonald's fault or something.

>> No.12476618

They are getting paid, retard.

>> No.12476622

The only difference I've noticed is furloughed federal employees asking me for free shit. The government needs us, not the other way around

>> No.12476625
File: 70 KB, 957x634, belgiumgovernment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw if there was one gov official who would've dindu nuffin for 9 years, you would save 50 billion USD
Belgium is artificial non-sovereign country anyway

>> No.12476629

found the government worker about to get laid off

>> No.12476643

t. retard

>> No.12476651
File: 49 KB, 1080x720, 1054945-12-20160126105933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your furlough buddy I think you're gonna be waiting on that paycheck a looooooooooonnng time

>> No.12476657
File: 66 KB, 988x704, 1545695400746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don know how da govment wohks so that mean it don need ta be dere! durrrrrrrrrrr!

>> No.12476660

firstly, was the hostility necessary?

secondly, you're right they are getting paid but apparantly it's only because they legally don't have the power to stop it and some of them are not accepting the money



>> No.12476664

ahh, and a newfag to boot

>> No.12476686
File: 320 KB, 1966x1365, 11816302_530384750447410_5788029307377961674_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at that point why govern it when the country can practically run itself

>> No.12476689

I literally cannot tell the difference.

>> No.12476710

Police, roads, firefighters, utilities, court systems, and not living in a mad max movie. Fucking moron.

>> No.12476714

Spain went without a Federal government for 2 years.

>> No.12476716

Who cares? They deserve to die.

>> No.12476745

You are now aware that all of that could be paid for with a fraction of our current government's budget. The government is more than bloated.

>> No.12476767

not in the same sense, everything was fully funded, they just didn't have a party with a majority that could to make policy. kind of the reverse of the american situation.

>> No.12476772

Belgium isn’t real, it doesn’t actually exist, the CIA made it up to fight terrorists. They also created Finland to hide aliens and elves. All of this is connected to flat earth

>> No.12476810

are the nigs not getting gibs because of this?

>> No.12476919
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>> No.12476936

Chaff here, can confirm my job is completely pointless

>> No.12476962

ATF, FBI, CIA, DHS, NSA, ICE all useless organizations doing jobs that the local police and military used to do

>> No.12477158
File: 322 KB, 448x443, 1534851562157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't believe it till I binged it. I myself was pro-Trump, but now I see it's all controlled opposition. What a joke.

>> No.12477627

Nothing has changed whatsoever from what i can tell, and i am working with a govt agency atm, NO im not a glow in the dark nigger either.

But i do have a general question for anons here.

>If i sell a property, and have a trailer on it, yet i cannot romove the trailer in the alotted days due to the weather. Is there a legal mechanism to go onto my "buyers" property to retrieve the trailer at a later date? Perhaps when the weather permits and the ground is dry?

And b4 any says fuck you muh crypto!

I already own crypto , made alot of money off of crypto, and i invested early on so i have literally never lost a cent.

I rarely visit this place bc of the lack of legal and business knowledge but id love to have a answer to my above question.

>> No.12477650


>USA = Rome 2 literally confirmed
>he doesn't realize rome never went down and they adopted christianity because they knew they would spawn the antichrist in rome in the future but people will should never notice it by what catholicism itself entails

>> No.12477684
File: 45 KB, 470x470, 1531883472311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally none of these things are funded by the federal government

>> No.12477703

I like the candle lighting style of the guy on the right. Frickin intense.

>> No.12477708

Not a single person on this board is financially literate. I'm dead ass serious. The difference in knowledge between an expert in each 4chan board's topic (e.g. a world class powerlifter) and the average browser (e.g. the average /fit/izen) is orders of magnitude greater on /biz/ than anywhere else.

>> No.12477714

You have to go back.

>> No.12477715

I work for the feds and nothing has changed for me. Still getting paid too.

>> No.12477729

I see, well, atleast /pol/ knows what its talking about. Down with central banks, down with international Socialism.

>> No.12477745
File: 1.39 MB, 300x205, ohyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12477758

Thanks, buddy. I spend my time on /biz/ while taking hour long poos on the clock.

>> No.12477897

So where did the people in this thread claiming people will be fired get that from?

>> No.12478088

>Americans totally dominate the Olympics every year
You also have the ability to send more athletes, quantity over quality...

>Europe where work is optional to life
Not true, on welfare, you have to jump a lot of hoops if you want to keep the money flowing... In my country (Denmark), when you are on welfare (specifically "kontanthjælp" or "cash help"), you have to:

Actively search for a job and post at least one application every week.
Attend shitty workshops every 3-4 months that either "help" you into getting a job or explain over and over what your so-called rights are
Attend meetings every month at the local job center (and listen to the same shit over and over again)
Attend meetings at the county office (and listen to the same shit over and over again
You're also required to accept any kind of internship that comes your way, so as to fill a quota of work hours, which, if not filled means no welfare for you. And yes, that means you might get to wash the govt pricks' cars or some other menial labor

Then there's always the risk of some govt. parasite that fucks something up and you have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN!

And no, you're not allowed training or education while on welfare... for that you have to sign up for work insurance (aka. dagpenge or "day money"), which gets you a few more $$$ to work with... and, yes anything yo do on your own that can be defined as work (such as doing a simple youtube video) can deny you of your welfare.

Some of it moght be slightly incorrect, but the entire collection of laws concerning Danish welfare takes up some 30.000 pages of actual, physical A4 size paper.

That is, unless you're a shitskin! then you can simply immigrate and then refuse to speak the local language, while sucking the welfare teat the rest of your days.... This is pretty much guaranteed to work if you say that you are a refugee from whatever banana republic you call home

>> No.12478097

jesus that sound heaven compare to aus

>> No.12478226

I'm from waffleland and my country didn't have any government for 589 days.
Governments are scam.

>> No.12478260


>> No.12478296

This is classic... US Americans do things differently than literally 99% of the world... it's literally the iPhone of countries... such a polished exterior, yet so shit and archaic on the inside.

>get cucked out of 70% of my money
that's only if you're in a very high-paying job... as in C-level
>drive a 50hp fiat
It's still better for the planet than refusing to drive anything with less that six cylinders, also my car is a 100hp Peugeot
>live in a shack
As a single, I'm pretty much forced to rent my home... however it's still a nice, 100 sq. m. apartment
Also I don't have to worry about going to the doctor or the hospital when i'm sick... medical bills are non-existant here unless you go to private heatlhcare clinics. I also don't have to worry that I have to live on the street because I lost my job. Oh, and btw. I even RECIEVED money for going to college. Wanna go to Uni? the only thing i'd have to pay for would be the books.

those are the gifts that high taxes may bring, but the best gift, is that I am, and have always been free of any monetary debt. No getting welcomed to adulthood with a five- or six-figure student loan to pay back.

>> No.12478535

its good to know that the shutdown mostly involves nigger women on govt bucks , especially in DC, who do shit jobs or would ask for gibs anyway.

>> No.12478662

I kind of want him to leave it shut down. Does the shut down also include the NSA? God just fucking leave it shut down.

>> No.12479400

When can we expect the food stamp effect start to kick in?