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12468581 No.12468581 [Reply] [Original]

We are grinding away in the cryptomarket to gain those sweet shekels, and free ourself from slavery. But don't forget yourself in all this. If you are not grinding in the categories listed under, you better start today.

-Read (Preferably lit to develop as a man)
-socialize (family, friends, co-workers)
-Diet (Stay away from sugar. Stay mostly carnivore)

>> No.12468829
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you should also smoke big fat cigars

>> No.12469149

>Stay mostly carnivore
I eat a ton of meat and dairy, but have recently been thinking about how feminized our livestock are. Chickens are pumped with steroids and bred for their large breasts. Milk and egg production requires specifically breeding hens and hormonally treating cows and hens. Also most cows are milked while pregnant. And we are ingesting all of this. Not sure on research exploring if this has an effect on our testosterone. Not advocating sõy by the way, just wondering if protein from fish, wild game, beans, quinoa etc is healthier for our hormone levels.

>> No.12469204

Yeah, ofc it is. I eat mostly fish, pasta and vegetables such as beans with rice. I eat some meat now and then but very rarely since it's not as healthy (not to say it's also very barbaric and subhuman)

>> No.12469250


enjoy your bruised, curved dick for no results faggot.

>> No.12469290

Eat farm raised animals then. Don't eat eggs and milk-derived foodstuffs. You can thrive on pure beef. The younger the animal, the better.
All the vegan youtubers that just now document their shift towards carnivore proves this.

>> No.12469302

stop lifting

>> No.12469412

>eat raw meat
>nose clears up for a day
carni is magic

>> No.12469447

Same here never felt better. I eat mostly fresh vegetables and lentils etc

>> No.12469457


based. practice nofap and noporn too.

>> No.12469462

What's your jelqing routine brah? How much did you gain?

>> No.12469470

and thoughts on pumping/stretching?
asking for a friend

>> No.12469509

>it's also very barbaric and subhuman
meat is ok but if it's too much and low quality cheap meat from stressed out ill animals, it's more harmful
vegetarian food is good as long as it's no veggie meat shit and healthy nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruit, eggs, some "crops" like buckwheat, millet, are good, non homogenized milk

>> No.12469692

Is it fine to eat 4 eggs in a day?

>> No.12469712

Fucking dicklets

>> No.12469716

>nofap and noporn too
This! It should most definitely be on the list

>how feminized our livestock are
Buy the best and most natrual meat you can afford. That said, even a diet consisting of the worst raised meat are more nutrient dense than a plant based diet. Don't forget organ meat like liver! It's like an atomic bomb when it comes to vitamins and minerals.

>eating meat is very barbaric and subhuman
Guys, if you really think this you have some mental problems you need to fix. Your thinking and world view has been feminised. The mental state you must be in to believe this, is very toxic and damaging to your psyche. You will never develop as a real man with this mindset. Eating what we are meant to eat are neither barbaric or wrong. Don't go against your nature!

>> No.12469726

The most importants are made in social and romantic life. Let's face it, most of you are making crypto bux to be rich and attract women/men. Happiness comes first.

>> No.12469744

>develop as real (american) man

>> No.12469755

How many hours a day is it acceptable to be on 4chan?
biz, pol, fit, b

>> No.12469786


biz, pol, fit, x for me. few hours every night

>> No.12469841

>American man

I don't know why you added american, since manly traits are universal. I'm not going to spoonfeed you with what those traits are, because you know very well already. Just stop lying to yourself.

>> No.12469951

Rather than giving 4chan its own timeslot, call it what it really is, a mix between relaxing entertainment and education/debate.
If you think you need 4 hours of entertainment a day then its 4 hours.

>> No.12469964

The think about mass meat produktion is that the farm animals get tons of soya which has Female rich hormons. Which turns you into fat Big boob blob.

>> No.12470071
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the children of delphi shall become men

>> No.12470090

Eat farm raised

>> No.12470130

Depends what country youre in, in the USA youre being fed poison, eu not as bad.

>> No.12470160

Enjoy small cock lol

>> No.12470182
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This. All the greats do it.

>> No.12470247
File: 62 KB, 608x607, patrik_2D00_instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely vegan world champion weight lifter in pic. Modern medicine says saturated fat and trans fats sticks to the arterial wall and cause plaque buildup. This buildup over time leads to heart attacks and strokes. I stay away from fatty beef cuts. Ill eat grilled chicken because the fat content is lower. All meat has higher concentrations of saturated fat vs unsaturated fat though.

A hunter gatherer caveman was dug up at a snowy mountain top and researchers found that his arteries were completely covered in plaque. Hunter gatherers diets consisted of wild animals and berries. They had fire back then so im sure they cooked their food.

>> No.12470274

>-Read (Preferably lit to develop as a man)
>-socialize (family, friends, co-workers)
>-Diet (Stay away from sugar. Stay mostly carnivore)

mostly memes that no one outside of autism forums care about. Lifting is retarded, there are 1000 other sporting endeavours which will give you 10x the health benefits, with fewer "side effects" and also not turn you into a reclusive fucktard.

Reading is ok, I guess, but I don't bother much.

Socialising is EVERYTHING.

Diet - I used to be a typical BB-then-paleo faggot ten years ago. I found that eating pretty fucking normally, instead, with limited meat and almost no dairy, actually gives me the best health, energy, sex drive, etc. I think it's very easy to eat too much meat/dairy and do funny stuff to your brain.

PE is legit

>> No.12470301

Plaque means nothing, it's the calcification of arteries that matters. Also, thanks for confirming that meat eating is how one ate when technology didn't destroy the nutritional landscape.

>> No.12470572

read Tolstoy, Montaigne, Spinoza, Gaddis' JR, and Ovid for brain gains frens
dont be one-dimensional

>> No.12470954

I don't do any of these.
Are they important?

>> No.12471159


2 hours at most.

>> No.12471323

all you niggas, are virgins in life, when u die youll understand